❏3. Install the parts in this order :
A. Cockpit floor
B. Front instrument panel
C. Left side wall
D. Right side wall
E. Rear wall
F. Rear wall top
G. Rear instrument panel
H. Rear former of front cockpit
I. Rear glare shield
J. Front glare shield
K. Front and rear seats
❏4.After you have finished dry fitting and trimming the parts, it is
to paint and detail your cockpit kit. Before painting,
thoroughly clean
the parts with rubbing alcohol, and then allow them to dry completely.
Paint all the parts with the base color of your choice.The prototype of
ours was painted all gray. The throttle quadrants,
sidewall accessories
and the glare shields were painted black.
Paint the lightest colors first,
and then, detail the cockpit to your liking.
❏5.Now that all your cockpit parts are painted and detailed, let’s start
the installation.Measure from the top edge of the fuselage down 5-5/8"
[142.9mm] at former 6 and former 3. Make marks on the formers on
both sides of the fuselage at that distance.Glue the balsa sticks across
the bottom of former 6 and former 3, even with the two marks. This
provides a gluing surface and allows the floor to be level inside the
Note: The black paint in the previous photos was applied before the
cockpit kit was installed.This was used to dress up the cockpit area for
prototype pictures.
❏ 6. Apply a bead of medium CA along the balsa sticks that were
installed earlier in step 4.Install the cockpit floor, lining up the front with
the front edge of former 3.
7. Before you install the front and rear instrument panels, you
decide on how you want to install the gauges from the decal sheet.
A. You can apply the decal sheet to the front of the
panels without cutting out the individual
B. You can cut out the individual gauge locations on the
instrument panel, attach the clear sheet of plastic to the back of the
instrument panel, and then cut out each gauge from the decal sheet.
After the gauges have been cut out of the decal sheet, you apply them
to the backside of the clear plastic with regular Scotch
tape. This
process will be time consuming; however, when finished, your
panel will look more realistic.
❏8.Install the completed front instrument panel against former 3.You
can either glue the instrument panel to the former, or use
pushpins to
hold the lower sides and then glue the top to former
Note: The pushpins will be hidden after the cockpit walls are installed.
❏9.Apply a bead of medium CA to the topside of the fuselage. Install
the left sidewall against the topside. Do not
glue the bottom of the