Warnings & Indications for use
Indications for use
TomTom Touch Fitness Tracker tracks Body Composition (body fat and muscle mass), monitors heart
rate, counts steps, calories burned, distance walked, active time and sleep time. These metrics will
assist you in maintaining an active lifestyle.
TomTom Touch Fitness Tracker is not a medical device and should not be used for diagnostics or
treatment. Do not use TomTom Touch Fitness Tracker if you are pregnant or have a pacemaker or
other internal medical device.
Bioelectrical impedance cannot be measured accurately when you are pregnant, if there are
metallic objects inside your body, right after exercise or a shower, bath or after swimming. Keep
the electrodes on the band away from electricity.
The data provided is a close estimate of your body composition; fluctuations may occur. Please take
your measurements at the same time of the day, in the same conditions and follow the instructions
provided in the box and in the FAQs.
Always consult a physician before starting an exercise program. This heart rate monitor is not a
medical device and it should not be used for diagnostics or treatment.
Interference with the signal from external sources, poor contact with your wrist and other factors
may prevent accurate heart rate data readings or transmission. TomTom accepts no liability arising
from any such inaccuracies.
The TomTom Touch Fitness Tracker is made in China.
This is not a toy. This product and its accessories contain small parts, which can be a choking
hazard. Please keep away from children. If ingestion of the battery occurs, immediately seek
medical assistance.
How TomTom uses your information
Information regarding the use of personal information can be found at tomtom.com/privacy.
Battery and Environmental information
This product uses a lithium polymer battery that is not user accessible or user replaceable. Do not
open the case or (attempt to) remove the battery. Substances in the product and/or battery may be
harmful to the environment or your health if disposed of improperly. The battery contained in the
product must be recycled or disposed of properly according to the local laws and regulations and
always kept separate from household waste.