Counter Scales
Improve speed and accuracy
Enhanced marketing
Industry standard connectivity
Space saving design
Advanced Solutions
For Your Service Counter Applications
The Smart Solution
for Service Counter Applications
Easy to use touchscreen ... save on training time and costs
Standard Ethernet ... including wireless to save on installation costs
Comply with government regulations ... Nutrition, COOL, Trans Fats
Remote operation and configuration ... save on service costs
Clean by Design
The UC-ST was designed with a
modern low profile to insure that
the emphasis is on service, allowing visual contact with customers.
Use the UC-ST on high countertops
or production worktables; the four-
position operator display adjusts
UC-ST SmartTouch® Counter Scales
for placement anywhere in your
operation, making it adaptable to
most workplaces.
Free Publicity
The UC-ST can display scrolling
messages to advertise your products and services. Attractive label
graphics can be designed on your
PC to communicate your marketing message to your customers.
The customer display also shows
important data during a transaction
while your customer is purchasing
Make Fewer Mistakes
The monochrome touchscreen
makes operation easy to learn and
reduces training time. Up to 350
preset keys are available for quick
PLU access. The large display
shows operators important information during a transaction. Fast
training and easy operation means
increased profits – your employees
will learn quicker and make fewer
mistakes with the UC-ST.
Just Plug It In (or not)
Connect the UC-ST scales to new
or existing standard Ethernet network infrastructures — either wired
or wireless. The UC-ST can operate
as a client accessing a master
database or as a standalone with
a local database.
Work From Anywhere
Download remote updates and
configurations to all of your scales
(no matter where you are), resulting in a lower Total Cost of Ownership for your scale investment.
Remote Plus© provides expanded
connectivity across your Local Area
or Wide Area Network and enhances functionality by supporting
Remote Services not only for item
management, but also for device
management and diagnostic abilities. Remote Plus Tools offer the
ability to download configuration
settings of the scales (including
presets, label formats, label styles)
and also upgrade the software on
the unit. Save money by using the
Remote Operation Tool. Your help
desk can quickly solve operation
or configuration problems remotely
— saving on service call charges.
Stay in Compliance
The UC-ST provides compliance
with current and future government mandates and regulations.
Enhanced capabilities include
Country of Origin Labeling (COOL),
Trans Fat labeling, Nutritional information, and more.