Při provádní údržby motoru dbejte vždy na to, aby
přistroj nebyl pod naptím.
Přístroje značky Toledo jsou konstruovány pro dlouhodobé používání při minimální údržbě. Budou fungovat
bez problémů, pokud se jim bude věnovat náležitá péče a
pokud budou pravidelně čištěny.
Kryt přístroje pravidelně čistěte měkkým hadříkem
(nejlépe po každém použití). Odstraňujte prach a špínu z
otvorů ventilace.
Pokud se apínu nepodaří odstranit, použijte měkký
hadřík namočený v mýdlové vodě. Zásadně nepoužívejte
rozpouaštděla, jako jsou benzin, alkohol, čpavek apod.
Tato rozpouštědla by mohla poškodit umlěohmotné
součásti přístroje.
Přístroj nevyžaduje žádné dodatečné mazání.
Jestliže dojde k poruše, např. v důsledku opotřebování
některé součásti, obraťte se na zástupce firmy Toledo.
Na konci této příručky se nachází nákres přístroje
rozloženého na jednotlivé díly, které je možné objednat.
Přístroj je dodáván v odolném balení, které zabraňuje
jeho poškození během přepravy. Většinu z materiálů,
které jsou na balení použity, lze recyklovat. Zbavujte se
jich proto pouze na místech určených pro odpad
příslušných látek.
Přístroje, které nepotřebujete, odneste k nejbližšímu
zástupci firmy Toledo ve vašem okolí. Zde dojde k jejich
likvidaci v souladu se zásadami ochrany životního
Záruka je poskytována za podmínek, jež najdete na
samostatném záručním listu, který je přiložen k výrobku.
Prohlašujeme na vlastní odpovědnost,
že tento výrobek odpovídá následujícím
normám a standardizovaným dokumentům:
EN61029-1, prEN61029-2-9, EN55014-1,
EN55014-2, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3
v souladu se směrnicemi:
od 10-12-2002
W. Kamphof
Oddělení kvality
Toledo 25
- The flange screw must be tightened with a 13 mm
open-end wrench.
- Check whether all the tensioning devices and
interlocks are secure and that no single part
shows too great a clearance.
- Never use just your hands for sawing.
- Always secure the workpiece against the check,
so that it cannot topple or turn during sawing. No
impurities may be allowed to gather under the
- Make sure that the workpiece cannot move after
being sawn through, for example, because it is not
supported by the full surface.
- For sawing workpieces which are not being supported by the full surface, use fillings or another
- Check whether the sawn off pieces can be removed
laterally from the saw blade. Otherwise they can be
caught by the saw blade and flung away.
- Never saw several workpieces at the same time.
- Be especially careful when sawing large, very small or
awkwardly shaped workpieces.
- Use additional supports (tables, trestle or other)
for long workpieces, which will otherwise topple
from the machine table if they are not held.
- Do not use the machine to saw workpieces which
are so small that they can no longer be held safely.
- When sawing profile sections, work must be car-
ried out so that the workpiece cannot slide away
and the saw blade cannot become jammed. A profiled workpiece must lie flat or be held by an auxiliary tool, as a result of which toppling or sliding
during work is prevented.
- Round workpieces such as pipes must be secu-
red, otherwise they will turn and there is a danger
that the saw blade will become jammed. Always
secure the workpiece against the check and on
the table, using a suitable auxiliary tool.
- There may be no nails or foreign objects in the workpiece to be treated.
- In order to prevent damage to the ears, ear mufflers
must be used.
- In order to prevent accidents in case the machine is
switched on by mistake, the mains plug must be
removed from the power point before adjustments
are made to the check or saw head. The same applies
to changing the saw blad or accessories and during
maintenance of the machine.
- In order to prevent electric shocks, when connecting
the plug to the power point, the metal pins may not
be touched in any way whatsoever.
- Do not use the cable to remove the plug from the
power point. Protect the cable from oil, heat and
sharp edges.
- Never apply a detergent or lubricant to a saw
blade which is still rotating.
- In order to prevent fire, the machine may never
be used near inflammable liquids, vapours or
- Prevent injuries which can occur by not using the
original accessories. Only use the recommended
saw blades.
Do not allow routine, which occurs when using the
machine frequently, to lead to mistakes. Remember that a slight lack of concentration can result in serious injuries in a split second.
1. Before the first saw cut is made, allow the machine to
rotate for a while. Should unusual noises or strong
vibrations be observed, then switch off the machine
and remove the plug from the power point in order
to then determine the cause. Do not switch the
machine on before the cause has been established
and the fault has been remedied.
2. Make sure that the sawn off workpiece does not
become jammed, do not hold it, do not clamp it and
do not secure it against the check. It must be allowed
to move freely along the side of the saw blade. If these
conditions cannot be met, the sawn off workpiece
can be caught by the saw blade and flung away.
3. Avoid placing your hands in an unfavourable place,
whereby one or both hands may come into contact
with the saw blade as a result of a sudden displacement.
4. Before you begin sawing, allow the saw blade to reach
its full revolutions.
5. Press the saw head downwards in such a way that the
motor is not overloaded and the saw blade is not jammed.
6. If you are going to remove jammed material, first
allow the saw blade to come to a standstill. Switch off
the saw and remove the plug from the power point.
7. After finishing the sawing process, hold the saw head
downwards, release the switch and wait until all the
moving parts have come to a halt, before you move
your hands away from the machine.
8. Use only saw blades recommended by the manufac-
9. Connect the maschine to a dust-collecting device
when sawing.
10. Ensure that the saw blade protective cap is in the cor-
rect position before you start sawing.
In order to prevent damage to the motor, chips and
dust must regularly be removed from it, in order to
ensure an ideal cooling.
1. Connect the machine to a 230V~ circuit.
2. If the motor does not start, the switch must be rele-
ased immediately. Remove the plug from the power
point. Check whether the saw blade can move freely.
If the saw blade moves freely, start the machine again.
3. If the motor suddenly stops during sawing, the switch
must be released immediately. Release the saw blade
from the workpiece, after which sawing can be continued.
4. When using long cables with too small a diameter, a
loss of voltage occurs, which gives problems with the
4 Toledo