Toa M-864D User Manual Ver.2.2.0

(Version 2.2.0)
Thank you for purchasing TOA’s Digital Stereo Mixer. Please carefully follow the instructions in this manual to ensure long, trouble-free use of your equipment.
2. SOFTWARE SETUP ........................................................................................ 5
2.1. Installing the M-864D PC Software ....................................................................... 5
2.2. Uninstalling the M-864D PC Software .................................................................. 7
3. STARTING THE SOFTWARE .................................................................... 7
3.1. Starting from the “Start” Menu .............................................................................. 7
3.2. Starting from the Shortcut Icon ............................................................................. 7
4. INITIAL OPERATION SELECTION SCREEN ................................. 8
5. MAIN SCREEN AND INDIVIDUAL VIEWS ..................................... 11
5.1. Menu View ........................................................................................................... 12
5.2. Status View ......................................................................................................... 14
5.3. Main View ........................................................................................................... 15
5.4. Detail Setting View .............................................................................................. 20
6. MAIN VIEW ......................................................................................................... 21
6.1. Flow View ............................................................................................................ 21
6.2. Operation View ................................................................................................... 29
6.3. Level Monitor View ............................................................................................. 44
6.4. Contact Monitor View .......................................................................................... 45
6.5. Remote Monitor View .......................................................................................... 46
7. FUNCTION BOX ............................................................................................... 47
7.1. G a i n ..................................................................................................................... 47
7.2. Trim ..................................................................................................................... 48
7.3. Fader .................................................................................................................. 49
7.4. To n e ..................................................................................................................... 52
7.5. FBS (Feedback Suppressor Function) ................................................................ 54
7.6. Auto-Mute ............................................................................................................ 57
7.7. M a t r i x ................................................................................................................... 59
7.8. Assign .................................................................................................................. 61
7.9. PEQ ..................................................................................................................... 63
7.10. A RC ................................................................................................................... 65
7.11. Attenuator ........................................................................................................... 70
8. STATUS VIEW ................................................................................................... 71
8.1. Memory View ....................................................................................................... 71
8.2. Unit View ............................................................................................................. 74
8.3. Connection View ................................................................................................. 74
9. COMMUNICATION SETTINGS .............................................................. 75
9.1. Connections between a PC and the Unit ............................................................ 75
9.2. Method to Enable Communications between the PC and the Unit ..................... 75
9.3. Connection Settings ............................................................................................ 76
9.4. Communications ................................................................................................. 79
10. REMOTE SETTINGS .................................................................................. 81
10.1. Remote Function Overview ............................................................................... 81
10.2. Contact Input Settings ....................................................................................... 82
10.3. Contact Output Settings .................................................................................... 84
10.4. ZM Remote Controller Settings ......................................................................... 87
10.5. External Control Port Setting ............................................................................ 91
10.6. External Control Command Send Setting ......................................................... 92
11. CONFIGURATION SETTINGS ............................................................. 97
11.1. Unit Name Settings ............................................................................................ 98
11.2. Fader Settings ................................................................................................... 99
11.3. Unit Lock (System Lock) Setting ..................................................................... 100
11.4. Preset Memory Settings .................................................................................. 102
12. OPTION SETTINGS .................................................................................. 104
12.1. Change Safe Setting ....................................................................................... 105
12.2. Example of Change Safe Function Use .......................................................... 108
12.3. Cautions at the time of grouping ..................................................................... 109
12.4. Maintenance Window ...................................................................................... 110
12.5. User Level and Prohibition Settings ................................................................ 113
13. GLOSSARY .................................................................................................... 116
13.1. Associated Equipment ..................................................................................... 116
13.2. System Basic Terms ....................................................................................... 116
13.3. PC Software Screen ....................................................................................... 117
13.4. Signal Processing Function ............................................................................ 117
13.5. System Function ............................................................................................. 119
13.6. Communication Related Terms ....................................................................... 121
13.7. Contact Control, ZM Remote Controller Control, and
External Control Functions .............................................................................. 121
13.8. Maintenance Function ..................................................................................... 12 2
14. SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................... 123
14.1. Software Specification ..................................................................................... 123
14.2. Setting Items, Setting Ranges, and Default Settings ...................................... 123


The M-864D performs settings of the following acoustic signal processing functions and those necessary for the control input and output I/F using dedicated setting software.
• Matrix function
• Trim gain function
• Fader function
• Filter function
• Feedback Suppressor (FBS) Function
• Automatic Resonance Control (ARC) Function
Settings can be performed regardless of whether the M-864D (referred to as “unit” hereinafter) is concurrently
in communication with a PC (online mode) or not (ofine mode).
However, note that there are some operations and displays, such as prior parameter settings for feedback suppression and various monitor view displays, which cannot be performed when not online. The PC and unit communicate via a network. When both are online, Preset Memory can be recalled from the PC to the unit, and acoustic signal processing settings can be changed in real time. Only one unit at a time can be used with the setting software. Set data can be stored in the PC.
Install the software in a PC that meets the following specications:
[Recommended PC requirements]
Hardware Requirements CPU 2 GHz, Intel Pentium 4 or higher Memory Over 1.5 GB (2 GB or more recommended) Display 1024 x 768 resolution or higher Free Hard Disk Space Over 16 MB
however, over 600 MB is required for the 32 bit version or over 1.5 GB for the 64
bit version when “.NET Framework” is not yet installed Optical Drive CD-ROM drive LAN 10BASE-T or faster connection Software Requirements OS Following are the veried operating systems:
Windows XP Service Pack 3 (Professional)
64-bit Windows Vista Service Pack 2 (Business)
32-bit Windows 7 (Professional)
64-bit Windows 7 (Professional) Required Component .NET Framework 4 Client Prole (Internet access is required when “.NET
Framework” needs to be installed)
• Pentium is the trademark of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries.
• Windows and Windows Vista are the registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and
other countries.
• Regarding other company names and products, they are also trademarks of individual companies.


2.1. Installing the M-864D PC Software

Terminate all other application programs in operation before installation. Follow the procedures below to install.
Step 1. Insert the supplied CD into the PC’s CD drive.
Step 2. Open the CD drive from the “Explorer” or “My Computer.”
The “English” folder, “Japanese” folder, and other contents are displayed.
Step 3. Open the “English” folder.
Step 4. Open the “M864D_PC_Software” folder.
Step 5. Double-click the “setup.exe.”
The following window is displayed.
Step 6. Click the [Next] button.
The following window is displayed. Check the contents of the License Agreement, then choose the “I Agree” or “I Do Not Agree” radio button. Choosing “I Agree” allows to click the [Next] button.
Step 7. Check the contents of the window, then click the [Next] button.
The following window is displayed.
Step 8. If necessary, change the folder into which the software will be installed, then click the [Next] button.
The following window is displayed.
Step 9. Start installation according to the instructions on the screen.
If the .NET Framework is not installed in the PC, follow the on-screen instructions to install it. Connection to the internet is required.
Step 10. Click the [Close] button after installation completion.
The shortcut icon for the M-864D GUI executable program is stored in the PC’s start menu.

2.2. Uninstalling the M-864D PC Software

Step 1. Click the Start button on the PC’s desktop, and select [Setting Control Panel].
The “Control Panel” window is displayed.
Step 2. Double-click the following icon.
• Windows Vista and Windows 7: “Programs and Features”
• Windows XP: “Add or Remove Programs”
The currently installed program will then be displayed.
Step 3. Select “M864D PC Software.”
Step 4. Click the following button to uninstall the software.
• Windows Vista and Windows 7: “Uninstall”
• Windows XP: “Delete”


The following two different methods are available for starting the installed M-864D PC Software:

3.1. Starting from the “Start” Menu

You can start the M-864D PC Software from the start menu.
Click the Start button on the PC’s desktop, and select [Programs TOA Digital Audio Control M-864D PC Software] to start.

3.2. Starting from the Shortcut Icon

You can start the M-864D PC Software by double-clicking the shortcut icon created on the desktop after installation completion.


Starting the M-864 PC Software displays the Initial Operation Selection screen.
Depending on the job to be done, select the [File New], [File Open], or [Connect] button.
1. File New
The display switches to the Main screen (see p. 11).
2. File Open
The Open dialog is displayed.
Select the le to be opened and click the [Open] button. The le opens and the display switches to the Main screen (see p. 11).
Note: The following logon screen may appear when the le opens:
When this screen appears, the User Level has been set. Please read the section “Logging on with user level enabled” on p. 114.
3. Connect
Units are automatically detected and the Unit’s IP Setting dialog is displayed.
Units that are available and not available for communications are displayed in the “Connectable units” and “Unconnectable units” lists. If no units from which to receive data are shown, click the [Add] button to display more units. Selecting this button causes the “Add target unit” dialog to be displayed (see the Add target unit dialog below). Select the unit from which to receive data from the “Connectable units,” then click the [Next] button to display the Firmware version check screen. If the displayed rmware version is old, update the rmware. (See, p. 78, Step 6 in the “Connection Settings.”
After selecting the unit from which to receive data, click the [Finish] button, and data reception begins, displaying the communication dialog. After data reception is completed, clicking the [Completed] button of the Communication Dialog switches the display to the Main screen (see p. 11).
Note: The following logon screen may appear when the le opens:
When this screen appears, the User Level has been set. Please read the section “Logging on with user level enabled” on p. 114.
• AddtargetunitDialog
Used to add target units.
Enter the IP address of the unit to be connected.
• CommunicationDialog
Reception status is indicated. (See p. 120 "Preset" and p. 120 "Static.") Select [Cancel] button to return the display to the Initial Operation Selection screen.


After initial operation selection settings, the Main screen is displayed.
Menu view
Status view
Main view selector Main view

5.1. Menu View

The Menu view is located in the upper left section of the Main screen. Clicking on the individual tabs in the Menu view displays the menu icons related to each corresponding function. Click on a menu icon to execute its function.
Note: Clicking the ALT key displays the shortcut keys of the ribbon menu.
5.1.1. Menu Term Description
New: Creates (sets) a new data le.
Open... : Calls up the existing data le.
When a le is opened, the following logon screen may be displayed.
This screen appears when a user level is set. (See p. 114, “Logging on with user level enabled.)
Save: Overwrites the le being edited.
Save As... : Saves the le being edited to the disk under a different name.
Close: Closes the le being edited.
About... : Displays the M-864D PC Software version number.
Exit: Exits the M-864D PC Software.
Save: Updates the le being edited.
Copy: Copies the value set for the function box selected on the ow view (see p. 16) to the clipboard.
Paste: Pastes the data in clipboard to the function box selected on the ow view.
Clear: Initializes the value set for the function box selected on the ow view.
Box Protect Off: Sets no restriction on write to box.
Low: Restricts the operator from changing the parameters set in the box.
Mid: Restricts the operator from changing all settings in the box.
High: Restricts the administrator from changing the parameters set in the box, and the operator from
changing all settings in the box.
Connect: Connects the unit to a PC for online processing. (See p. 75.)
Disconnect: Disconnects the unit from a PC for ofine processing. (See p. 80.)
The unit’s setting does not change while in the ofine state even if it is changed with
a PC.
Connection Setting: Allows you to perform network settings and to designate the unit’s IP address to
which this software can access.
Auto Connect: Makes an automatic connection when the le is opened next time.
Input: Displays the contact input setting dialog. (See p. 82.)
Output: Displays the contact output setting dialog. (See p. 84.)
Setting: Displays the ZM Remote controller setting dialog. (See p. 87.)
Port Setting: Displays the Port Setting screen. (See p. 91.)
Remote Command: Displays the External Control Command Setting screen. (See p. 92.)
Name: Displays the unit name setting dialog. (See p. 98.)
Fader: Displays the fader setting dialog. (See p. 99.)
Lock: Displays the lock setting dialog. (See p. 100.)
Preset Memory Setting: Displays the preset memory setting dialog. (See p. 102.)
Change Safe: Displays the Change Safe Setting dialog. (See p. 105.)
Security Setting: Sets the user level and the restriction of operations. (See p. 113.)
Maintenance: Displays the Maintenance window. (See p. 110.)

5.2. Status View

The Status view is located in the upper right section of the Main screen. The Status view consists of Memory, Unit and Connection views.
Memory View Unit View Connection View
The Status view displays information related to the unit to be set.
5.2.1. Memory view
Displays the name and number of the currently selected Preset Memory (see p. 102). Click “Store” to write to Preset Memory. Clicking the Preset Memory name and number displays the Memory List panel (see p. 71).
5.2.2. Unit view
Displays the unit’s name and IP address.
5.2.3. Connection view
Displays the unit’s statuses.
• Unit communication connection status
• Unit cooling fan status
• ZM Remote controller status
• Unit’s system lock status
• Remote control status
• Local status

5.3. Main View

The Main view can be changed with the selection of one of the following 5 different views: Flow view, Operation
view, Level Monitor view, Contact Monitor view, and Remote Monitor view.
5.3.1. Main view selector
Tabs for selecting individual view displays are provided on the left-hand side of the Main view. Clicking on these tabs switches the Main view display to the selected view.
Remote Monitor view tab
Contact Monitor view tab
Level Monitor view tab
Operation view tab
Flow view tab
• Depending on the PC’s display size, tabs may be arranged in multiple rows.
• The following tabs cannot be selected while in ofine mode:
· Level Monitor view tab
· Contact Monitor view tab
· Remote Monitor view tab
5.3.2. Flow view
Displays the unit’s signal processing image by means of a signal ow consisting of Function and Level Meter
boxes, which indicate the unit’s signal processing operation, and a straight line connecting the input and output.
Signal input is at the left of the centrally located signal ow matrix box, and signal output at the right.
To change signal processing settings, click each of the signal processing function boxes. A pop-up sub-view is displayed, permitting changes to be entered. The selected function box is highlighted with an orange frame (except for the Level Meter box, which is shown with a blue frame).
The following operations can be performed for each function box using the menu displayed by right-clicking the box. Data can be copied and pasted by dragging and dropping the box.
Copy: Copies the parameters set for the function box selected on the ow view to the clipboard. Paste: Pastes the data in clipboard to the function box selected on the ow view. Clear: Initializes the parameters set for the function box selected on the ow view. Box Write Protect... : Off: Sets no restriction on write to box. Low: Restricts the operator from changing the parameters set in the box. Mid: Restricts the operator from changing all settings in the box. High: Restricts the administrator from changing the parameters set in the box, and the operator from
changing all settings in the box.
Note: The above operation cannot be performed on the Level Meter box.
5.3.3. Operation view
Looking like a mixer console, this view is used to operate the unit’s signal processing functions.
To change signal processing settings, click each of the signal processing function boxes. A pop-up sub-view is displayed, permitting changes to be entered.
The following operations can be performed for each function box using the menu displayed by right-clicking the box. Data can be copied and pasted by dragging and dropping the box.
Copy: Copies the parameters set for the function box selected on the operation view to the clipboard. Paste: Pastes the data in clipboard to the function box selected on the operation view. Clear: Initializes the parameters set for the function box selected on the operation view. Box Write Protect... : Off: Sets no restriction on write to box. Low: Restricts the operator from changing the parameters set in the box. Mid: Restricts the operator from changing all settings in the box. High: Restricts the administrator from changing the parameters set in the box, and the operator from
changing all settings in the box.
Note: The above operation cannot be performed on the Level Meter box.
5.3.4. Level monitor view
Monitors the unit’s input and output signal levels. Can only be displayed while in online mode.
Clicking on the Mono In, Stereo In, Mono Out, or Rec Out level meter boxes displayed in the Flow view highlights the selected box in a blue frame. In the Level Monitor view, the module corresponding to the selected box is also highlighted in a blue frame.
5.3.5. Contact monitor view
Monitors the unit’s contact input and output statuses. Can only be displayed while in online mode.
5.3.6. Remote monitor view
Monitors the operation statuses of the connected ZM Remote controllers connected to the unit. Can only be displayed while in online mode.

5.4. Detail Setting View

Use the pop-up sub-view to set signal processing details (parameters, names, etc.).
5.4.1. Pop-up sub-view
Clicking on any signal processing function box in the Flow or Operation views displays a pop-up sub-view that allows signal processing settings to be changed.
To close the pop-up sub-view, click the [Close] button located in the upper right corner of the view, or click outside the view.
Pop-up sub-view


Details of each view within the Main view are explained below:

6.1. Flow View

Displays the unit’s signal processing image by means of a signal ow consisting of Function and Level Meter
boxes, which indicate the unit’s signal processing operation, and a straight line connecting the input and output.
Signal input section is at the left of the centrally located signal ow matrix box, and signal output section at the
6.1.1. Monaural input
The 8-channel monaural input has the following boxes:
[Channel information]
The monaural input’s channel numbers and channel names are displayed.
Channel No.
Channel name
Statuses of the phantom power ON/OFF, PAD, low-cut lter and gain are displayed.
(1) Phantom power (3) Low-cut lter
(2) PA D (4) Gain
1. Phantom Power
Displayed in orange when the phantom power is ON, and in black when the phantom power is OFF.
2. PAD
Displayed in orange when PAD is ON, and in black when PAD is OFF.
The following display shows the phantom power is OFF, PAD is ON, low-cut lter is OFF and gain is 0 dB:
(1) Phantom power (3) Low-cur lter
(2) PA D (4) Gain
For gain settings, see p. 47 “Function Box.”
[Level meter]
Displays the monaural input level. The post-processing gain level is displayed.
3. Low-Cut Filter
Displays a curve as shown in the gure above when the low-cut lter is ON, or a straight line as shown in the gure below when OFF.
4. Gain
Displays gain values.
The level meter box is only displayed while in online mode.
Displays individual gain values of the FRONT fader (fader on the unit’s front panel), PC VOL. (PC software fader) and EXT VOL. (external control of the ZM Remote controller, etc.), as well as their total gain value. When grouping has been set, the corresponding group number is displayed.
Group number
Each gain is also indicated by a bar extending from the left. Faders set to “Disable” in the fader settings (see p. 99) are not displayed. The FRONT fader gain is displayed only while in online mode.
When in ofine mode, the total gain is obtained as 0 dB of the FRONT fader gain.
Note: Faders set to “Disable” are xed at 0 dB gain.
For fader settings, see p. 49, “Function Box.”
Roughly displays the frequency characteristics curve set with the tone control.
Frequency characteristics are indicated by a at straight line when BASS, MID and TREBLE gains are all set
to 0 dB. For tone settings, see p. 52, “Function Box.”
Roughly displays the frequency characteristics curve of the Feedback Suppressor (FBS) lter.
For FBS settings, see p. 54, “Function Box.”
6.1.2. Stereo input
Two-channel stereo inputs have the following boxes:
[Channel information]
The stereo input’s channel numbers and channel names are displayed.
Channel No.
Channel name
Displays MIX ALL/SELECT mode, and ON/OFF status, name and gain of A, B and C inputs.
ON/OFF status (orange: ON, blue: OFF)
Name Gain
Each gain is also indicated by a gray bar extending from the left.
The gure below shows Input B is selected and its gain is set to –36 dB.
Note: ON/OFF status and gains for both L and R stereo channels are interlocked.
For trim settings, see p. 48, “Function Box.”
[Level meter]
Displays post-trim processing stereo input level.
The Level Meter box is only displayed while in online mode.
Displays individual gain values of the FRONT fader (fader on the unit’s front panel), PC VOL. (setting software fader) and EXT VOL. (external control of the ZM Remote controller, etc.), as well as their total gain value. When grouping has been set, the corresponding group number is displayed.
Group number
Each gain is also indicated by a bar extending from the left.
Note: Gains for both L and R stereo channels are interlocked.
Faders set to “Disable” in the fader settings (see p. 99) are not displayed. The FRONT fader gain is displayed only while in online mode.
When in ofine mode, the total gain is obtained as 0 dB of the FRONT fader gain.
Note: Faders set to “Disable” are xed at 0 dB gain.
For fader settings, see p. 49, “Function Box.”
Roughly displays the frequency characteristic curve set with the tone control.
Frequency characteristics are indicated by a at straight line when BASS, MID and TREBLE gains are all set
to 0 dB.
Note: Tone control settings for both L and R stereo channels are interlocked.
For tone settings, see p. 52, “Function Box.”
Displays the Auto-Mute ON/OFF status for output channels 1 – 4.
Orange indicates ON and gray indicates OFF.
(In the gure below, outputs 1 and 2 are ON, and outputs 3 and 4 are OFF.)
Note: ON/OFF settings here have nothing to do with output assignment.
Use the matrix function boxes for output signal assignment (see p. 59).
Note: Auto-Mute ON/OFF settings for both L and R stereo channels are interlocked.
For Auto-Mute ON/OFF settings, see p. 57, “Function Box.”
6.1.3. Matrix
• Displays the monaural input (1 – 8) to monaural output (1 – 4) assignment.
• During the Auto-Mute operation, the
monaural input working as the mute
trigger is displayed with a ashing point(s).
(Only while in online mode)
• Displays the stereo input (1 – 2) to monaural output (1 – 4) assignment.
• The stereo input being muted by the Auto­Mute function is displayed with a ashing
point(s). (Only while in online mode)
• Displays the monaural output (1 – 4) to recording output (1 – 2) assignment.
, , and : Signal assignment set
For Matrix settings, see p. 59, “Function Box.”
6.1.4. Monaural output
Four-channel monaural outputs have the following boxes:
[PEQ (Parametric Equalizer)]
Roughly displays the frequency characteristics curve set with the PEQ.
Frequency characteristics are indicated by a at straight line when all gains are set to 0 dB.
For PEQ settings, see p. 63, “Function Box.”
[ARC (Automatic Resonance Control)]
Roughly displays the frequency characteristics curve of the ARC sound eld compensating lter.
Frequency characteristics are indicated by a at straight line when all sound eld compensating lter gains are
set to 0 dB.
For ARC operation settings, see p. 65, “Function Box.”
Displays individual gain values of the FRONT fader (fader on the unit’s front panel), PC VOL. (setting software fader) and EXT VOL. (external control of the ZM Remote controller, etc.), as well as their total gain value. When grouping has been set, the corresponding group number is displayed.
Each gain is also indicated by a bar extending from the left. Faders set to “Disable” in the fader settings (see p. 99) are not displayed. The FRONT fader gain is displayed only while in online mode.
When in ofine mode, the total gain is obtained as 0 dB of the FRONT fader gain.
Note: Faders set to “Disable” are xed at 0 dB gain.
For fader settings, see p. 49, “Function Box.”
[Level meter]
Displays the monaural output level. The pre-attenuator processing level is displayed.
The level meter box is only displayed while in online mode.
Displays attenuator gains (dB).
Gains are also indicated by a bar extending from the left. For attenuator settings, see p. 70, “Function Box.”
[Channel information]
The monaural output’s channel numbers and channel names are displayed.
Channel No.
Channel name
6.1.5. Recording output
Two-channel recording outputs have the following boxes:
Displays individual gain values of the REC OUT VOL. (volume control on the unit’s front panel), PC VOL. (PC software fader) and EXT VOL. (external control of the ZM Remote controller, etc.), as well as their total gain value. When grouping has been set, the corresponding group number is displayed.
Each gain is also indicated by a bar extending from the left. Faders set to “Disable” in the conguration settings (see p. 99) are not displayed.
Note: Faders set to “Disable” are xed at 0 dB gain.
For fader settings, see p. 49, “Function Box.”
[Level meter]
Displays the recording output level. The pre-attenuator processing level is displayed.
The level meter box is only displayed while in online mode.
Displays attenuator gains (dB).
Gains are also indicated by a bar extending from the left. For attenuator settings, see p. 70, “Function Box.”
[Channel information]
The recording output’s channel numbers and channel names are displayed.
Channel No. (L, R)
Channel name

6.2. Operation View

Looking like a mixer console, this view is used to operate the unit’s signal processing functions.
6.2.1. Monaural input
The 8-channel monaural input is comprised of the following elements shown in the gure below:
Level meter
Channel information
Fader box
[Level meter]
Displays the monaural input level. The post-processing gain level is displayed.
Channel No. Channel name
Channel ON/OFF button
Total gain
Grouping No. PC fader gain
PC fader
Fader button
The level meter is only displayed while in online mode.
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