Timberk TEF T12 TN1 User Manual [ru]

Instruction manual
Руководство по эксплуатации
Electric dehumidifier
осушитель для изме­нения
влажности воздуха
Руководство по эксплуатации включает в себя гарантийный талон
Outlook of devices, aslo colour scores can be revised without any special advance notices.
Производитель вправе менять внешний вид прибора и цвето­вую гамму прибора без специального уведомления.
1. Important information .......................................................................2
2. Safeguards .......................................................................................3
3. Specifications ................................................................................... 3
4. Appliance description .......................................................................4
5. Delivery set ....................................................................................... 4
6. Appliance control ..............................................................................4
7. Maintenance ..................................................................................... 6
8. Troubleshooting ................................................................................ 6
9. Transportatiom and storage .............................................................. 7
10. Service life ...................................................................................... 7
11. Utilization rules................................................................................7
Dear customer!
We thank you for your happy choice and buying of a domestic electric dehumidifier TIMBERK. It will serve you for a long time.
Is intended for dehydration of air in domestic premises
The appliance is designed for air cooling in domestic premises. The manufacturer reserves the right to introduce changes in design, configuration and processing of the article with a view to improve its properties without any prior notification of customers. There may be some misprints in text and digital notations of the present manual.
If after reading of this manual you have any questions concerning work and operation of the appliance, please, refer to a shop assistant or to a specialized service center for further explanations.
The article has a label with all the needed technical data and other useful information about the appliance. Use the appliance only for its intended purpose indicated in this manual.
www.timberk.com • Electric drier for changing of air humidity
1. DON’T CLOSE VENTS! Make sure that vent inlet and outlet are free.
2. Don’t insert foreign objects in air-outlet grille of the drier. It is very dangerous, since the fan revolves at high speed.
3. Install the appliance only on a horizontal surface to avoid water leakage.
4. Don’t install the appliance in the following locations:
- where it is exposed to direct sunlight;
- near sources of open flame;
- near other working heating appliances;
- where the appliance may be exposed to water splashes or steam.
5. Don’t use the appliance in explosive or corrosive environment. Don’t keep petrol and other volatile flammable liquids near the drier – it’s very dangerous!
6. Don’t use the appliance only for drying (reducing of humidity level) of air in domestic premises.
7. Clean the filter occasionally to ensure efficient work of the appliance.
8. To ensure reliable work of the compressor, don’t incline the appliance.
9. To avoid electric shock, a damaged power cord should be replaced only in authorized service centers by qualified specialists.
10. Connect the appliance only to 220-230V 50Hz network. If needed, find out characteristics of your network from power suppliers
Specifications are shown in table below.
Model DH TIM 20 E2W
Capacity of draining (L/d) 20,0
Water tank volume (L) 2,5
Rated power consumption (W) 480
Power supply, V/Hz 220~/50
Rated power current (А) 2,2
Air circulation m3/h 135
Noise level dB(A) 43
Refrigerant R134A
Degree of protection against moisture IPXO
Filling of Freon, g 135
Operating temperature range: ° C 5-32
Net weight (kg) 13,5
Gross weight (kg) 14,5
Net dimensions (mm) 340x220x495
Packing dimensions (mm) 385x265x530
www.timberk.com • Electric drier for changing of air humidity
The appliance setup is described in the scheme below.
Fig. 1. Fig. 2.
1. Control panel
2. Air-outlet grille
3. Handle for transportation
4. Appliance body
5. Air-inlet grille
6. Aperture for permanent condensate removal
7. Condensate tank
Completed set of the appliance: Appliance (air drier) - 1 piece
Appliance packing - 1 piece User manual -1 piece Guarantee slip -1 piece
Fig. 3.
4 3
1.Power button. Use this button to turn the appliance on or off.
2.Fan speed button. Use this button to switch the fan rotation speed: LOW, HIGH. The higher the fan speed, the higher is the drying capacity.
3.Timer button. Use the timer button to set the time for shutdown of the appliance. For that press the TIMER button to select a needed time period (from 1 to 24 hours) for automatic shutdown of the appliance.
4.Button for switching of modes (Set). Using this button (pressing in successive order), you may set the following operating modes:
CO - maximum mode (the compressor is running without stopping) 30% - maintaining humidity of 30% 40% - maintaining humidity of 40%
2 1
www.timberk.com • Electric drier for changing of air humidity
50% - maintaining humidity of 50% 60% - maintaining humidity of 60% 70% - maintaining humidity of 70% 80% - maintaining humidity of 80% 90% - maintaining humidity of 90% (AU) - Comfortable mode (СО) - continuous operation, the maximum performance When first switched on automatically selected (CO) - a mode of continuous
- Automatic (AU), or comfortable mode, - in this mode the appliance works in according to the following algorithm:
a)if air temperature indoors is lower than 5°С, compressor will stop working; b)if air temperature indoors is from 5°С to 20°С, the appliance will maintain
the moisture level not higher than 60%; c)if air temperature indoors is from 20°С to 27°С, the appliance will maintain
the moisture level not higher than 55%; d)if air temperature indoors is higher than 27°С, the appliance will maintain
the moisture level not higher than 50%;
5. Power supply indicator – Power.
6. Indicator of high speed of fan rotation – HIGH.
7. ndicator of low speed of fan rotation LOW.
8. LED display. It reflects the level of relative air humidity. If the humidity above 95%, it displays «HI». If the humidity is below 30%, it displays «LO».
9. Timer indicator.
10. Indicator of tank fullness with condensate – Tank Full.
11. Defrost indicator.
1. If the moisture level in the room is 3% lower than the one set by the user, the compressor will stop working. As soon as air moisture level exceeds the set one by 3%, the compressor wick start working again.
2. If the Tank Full indicator is flashing on, it is necessary to pour water from the tank.
3. The drier will stop working, if the set moisture level is higher than the
current air moisture level in the room.
4. Range of operating temperatures for this appliance is 5-32°С
5. If the drier does not work (the Power indicator does not flash on) or if the appliance makes long pauses in its work, wait for 10 minutes and then try to turn it on again. If the appliance will not resume working, refer to a shop assistant or to a service center.
6. If the appliance is turned off, it can be turned on only in 3 minutes. The view is to protect the compressor from damaging.
7. If the Defrost indicator is flashing on, it means that the evaporator has supercooled and needs automatic defrosting. In this mode the compressor will stop working and the fan will continue its operation.
Condensate removal
In the course of air drying, the appliance shall accumulate the condensate (water recovered from air). As soon as the condensate tank is full, the TANK FULL indicator will flash on and the appliance will stop working. In order to resume working it is necessary to remove the tank and pour water (see Fig. 4).
The appliance may also work in constant mode without the necessity of occasional pouring of water from the tank. For that the user should insert a special drainage hose (not included in the delivery set) into a special aperture for constant condensate removal and direct water to a prepared tank or drainage system (see Fig. 5).
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5.
www.timberk.com • Electric drier for changing of air humidity
To avoid electric shock, unplug the appliance before cleaning. To avoid damaging of the appliance and electric shock, don’t pour water
on it.
Clean the appliance with soft cotton cloth moistened with warm soap solution. Don’t use other chemical solutions for cleaning.
Dust may accumulate on air-inlet and outlet grilles, therefore it is necessary to perform the appliance cleaning regularly.
If the air filter is contaminated with dust, the air consumption and the appliance capacity decrease. It is recommended to check and clean the air filter once per 2 weeks.
To clean the appliance, perform all the actions indicated in the scheme:
Fig. 6.
In case of emergency, please, use the troubleshooting methods shown in tables. If it is impossible to solve problems with these methods, apply to the service center.
Failures and their possible reasons:
Failure Reason Remedy
The appliance does not work
Insufficient capacity
Great noise
1. Power supply is off.
2. The appliance is uncorrectly or filled with water.
4. Protection against frosting has actuated.
1. The microweb filter is clogged.
2. Windows and doors are open.
3. The presence of foreign objects near air outled and inlet.
1. The appliance is installed inconsistently.
2. The filter is clogged.
Turn the power supply on. Plug the appliance. pour the water and install the tank correctly. Upon completion of defrosting cycle, the drying mode will turn on automatically.
Wash the microweb filter.
Close windows and doors.
Remove the foreign
objects from air outlet
and inlet.
Install the appliance
correctly on flat surface.
Clean the microweb filter.
www.timberk.com • Electric drier for changing of air humidity
Temperature requirements*
Humidity requirements*
We are exploring new technologies and we constantly improving the quality of our products. That’s why specifications, design and accessories are subject to change without any specific notice.
* This product must have storage in dry, well-ventilated space of warehouse at the temperature not lower than -30°.
Transportation and storage
From -30° to +50°
From 15% to 85%
(without a condensate)
Service life of the appliance is 10 years provided that the respective installation and operation rules are observed.
Date of the conditioner manufacture is shown in a serial number of the device. For more details, please, ask a shop assistant.
Upon expiration of the service life, the appliance should be utilized in accordance with norms, regulations and procedures effective in the place of utilization.
www.timberk.com • Electric drier for changing of air humidity
1. Важная информация ...................................................................... 8
2. Меры предосторожности ...............................................................9
3. Технические характеристики .........................................................9
4. Описание прибора .......................................................................... 10
5. Комплект поставки .........................................................................10
6. Управление прибором ....................................................................10
7. Обслуживание ................................................................................12
8. Гарантийный талон .........................................................................14
Уважаемый покупатель!
Благодарим Вас за удачный выбор и приобретение осуши­теля воздуха TIMBERK.
Он прослужит Вам долго. Электрический осушитель воздуха предназначен для осу-
шения воздуха в бытовых помещениях. Просим вас внимательно ознакомиться с руководством по
эксплуатации перед тем, как вы начнете эксплуатацию из­делия.
Прибор предназначен для охлаждения воздуха в бытовых поме­щениях.
Производитель оставляет за собой право без предварительно­го уведомления покупателя вносить изменения в конструкцию, комплектацию или технологию изготовления изделия с целью улуч­шения его свойств. В тексте и цифровых обозначениях данного руководства могут быть допущены опечатки.
Если после прочтения руководства у Вас останутся вопросы по ра­боте и эксплуатации прибора, обратитесь к продавцу или в специ­ализированный сервисный центр для получения разъяснений.
На изделии присутствует этикетка, на которой ука­заны все необходимые технические данные и дру­гая полезная информация о приборе. Используйте прибор только по назначению, указанному в дан­ном руководстве.
* Руководство по эксплуатации может быть дополнено приложением №1, которое является неотъемлемой частью Руководства по эксплуатации.
www.timberk.сom • электрический осушитель для изменения влажности воздуха
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