Timberk TAP FL600 MF User manual

Instruction manual
Руководство по эксплуатации
Outlook of devices, aslo colour scores can be revised without any special advance notices.
Электрический воздухоочиститель
Electric air purifier
TAP FL600 MF (W)
(BL) - черный/blaсk
(W) - белый/white
Руководство по эксплуатации включает в себя гарантийный талон
1. Important information
2. Safeguards
3. Specification
4. Product description
5. Complete set
6. Operation of the instrument
7. Cleaning and maintenance instrument
8. Troubleshooting
9. Utilization
10. Transportation and storage
Dear customer!
2 2 3 4 4 4 5 7 7 7
We thank you for your happy choice! You’ve bought an air purifier TIMBERK. It will serve you for a long time. Please, read this manual carefully before operating the device!
The air purifier is designed for purification of air in living spaces to remove dust/dirt particles, bacteria, fungus spores, unpleasant odor, and tobacco smoke (depending on the model and availability of certain filter types in the appliance).
The manufacturer reserves the right, without prior notification the buyer to make changes in design, equipment or technology to manufacture products with the aim of improving its properties.
The text and figures are given instruction may be a misprint. If after reading the instructions you still have questions regarding the
operation of the unit and contact your dealer or authorized service facility for clarification.
The product label is present, which are all necessary technical data and other useful information about the instrument.
Use only for intended use as described in this manual. Air is designed to clean air in residential areas.
Before the commissioning of the air purifier carefully read these instructions for its use, and store it for later use.
When using the device, you must follow some precautions. Misuse of power of ignoring safety precautions could cause harm the user and others, as well as damage to their property.
The device is designed to work in a residential area in compliance with these conditions. Use an air cleaner for other purposes may create a situation dangerous to life and health.
www.timberk.com • electric air purifier
The appliance should be monitored during its operation, especially when close to him are the children. The device is not intended for use by persons (Including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, having insufficient experience and knowledge, unless they are supervised and do not receive instructions on how to use the device from the person responsible for their safety. Make sure that the children do not play with the device.
Do not use the device in order not provided for this manual. Not allowed to operate the appliance if the power cord or plug are
damaged, and if air cleaner is defective, damaged in the fall or in other circumstances.
The device should be used only in fully assembled form. To avoid electrical hazards, damaged power cord must be changed only at
authorized service centers by qualified personel. To avoid electric shock, do not place the power cord near a heat source
and flammable or combustible substances. To avoid personal injury and property damage, not try to repair the air
cleaner. For repair of the air purifier, please contact the authorized service center of
the manufacturer. Its address can be obtained at www.timberk.com. Remove the plug from the outlet device in the following cases: before
cleaning and maintenance, before moving to another place. Install the air cleaner on a flat dry surface. For damages received due to improper location of the humidifier, a
manufacturer and seller are not liable. When not in use, unplug the power supply. Do not route power cord under a carpet or other items. Avoid contact with air filter foreign objects. Do not block air intake with foreign objects and the air outlet. The minimum distance from any of the instrument to objects and surfaces,
30 cm. Do not sit, or stand or place heavy objects on the air purifier. For damage to the instrument, derived from the non-fulfillment of this
requirement, a manufacturer and seller are not liable. When you disconnect the unit from the mains, do not pull the power cable
and do not touch it with wet hands.
Table 1
Specifications UoM Value
Air flow m3/h
Power supply V/Hz
Nominal power consumption W
Nominal rated current A
Noice level dB
Water protection -
Electrical protection class -
Device dimension mm
Net weight kg
Area m
The manufacturer reserves the right to change the set-list of the device (including liquid and powder components) for different supplies without prior notice. The changes either in no way influence the basic technical parameters of the device or may improve them, and also not violate the legislation or quality standards of the countries of manufacture, transit and selling.
The changes in the set-list may result in changing of the weight and dimensions of the device, but not more than by +\- 5-20% (depending on the product category)
Класс ll
www.timberk.com • electric air purifier
Fig. 1
1. Motor fan
3. Ozone, catalyst filter
4. Cover
5. VOC/Formaldehyde filter (Optional)
6. Collector cell
7. Exhaust grille
8. Display
9. Cover Switch
10. Front grille
11. Pre-filter
12. Control panel
1. Air Purifier - 1 pc.
2. Manual and warranty card - 1 pc.
3. Packing - 1 pc.
4. Brush - 1 pc.
Fig. 2
А) ON/OFF Button
By pressing button «
» once, you can the unit on, display screen will illuminate. The appliance will start to operate under AUTO mode. By pressing it twice, the unit is switched off.
B) AUTO model/Fan Speed
By repeated pressing button « operate under AUTO mode. Symbol I show which of the four levels you
» you can adjust the air clean speed or
have selected:
www.timberk.com • electric air purifier
• Low for silence technology
• Medium
• High
• Once the AUTO adjust the air clean speed once it detects pollutants in the air. Additionally 4 stages of clean sing, clearly shows your current air condition accordingly:
- Green: Clean
- Light Orange: Low pollution
- Orange: Medium pollution
- Red: High pollution
C) Operation with catalyst
Button « lights up).
This appliance combines advanced catalytic technologies to reduce odors and chemical fumes from glues, solvents, and synthetic materials when air passes through the filter and is activated by the internal UV LED. (The catalyst system cannot be removed). If turned off, the appliance will continue to filter particles from the air that passes through the filter but its odor and VOC capability will be greatly reduced.
D) Timer
Using button « hours or continuous operation (circulated ), Sumbol J shows the operating period that has been set (1h/2h/3h/4h/5h/6h/7h/8h/9h/ circulated ). The display will automatically show the current value after a few seconds.
E) Night mode
By pressing the button « automatically dims the display brightness, appliance continue to operate under with silence technology. If button « » pressed again, the appliance will no longer be in night mode.
F) Cleaning indicator
If red «CLEAN CELL» indicator appears on the display, the appliance should be cleaned as recommended by the manufacturer. When the collector cell is re-installed after cleaning, switch on the appliance and keep pressing the button « » at least 3 seconds until buzzer beeps, red «CLEAN CELL» indicator goes out and «CLEAN CELL» timer is reset.
G) Catalyst indicator
for normal use
for maximum cleaning
is activated, appliance will automatically sense and
» is used for switching the catalyst on and off (Symbol «UV+TIO2»
» the operation time can be set-adjustable between 1~9
» once, the night mode is switched on which
H) Replace indicator
If red «REPLACE FILTER» indicator appears on the display, the VOC/ Formaldehyde filter should be replaced as recommended be the manufacturer. When the VOC/Formaldehyde filter is reins – talled after replacement, switch on the appliance and keep pressing the button « least 3 seconds until buzzer beeps, red «REPLACE FILTER» indicator goes out and «REPLACE FILTER» timer is reset.
I) Fan speed indicator
J) Timer indicator
» at
Cleaning the Collector Cell
1. Unplug the appliance.
2. Open the cover from the right side by pressing the switch.
3. Pull the collector cell straight out of the cabinet.
4. Place collector cell in sink, bathtub or other location where cleaner can cover every surface.
5. Spray specialized cleaner between each cell plate and covers each surface. Allow the cleaner to soak for a few minutes but do not let it dry. Thoroughly rinse the collector cell with clean water.
An alternative method to clean collector cell is to rinse or it in warm for loose debris. Mild liquid dish detergent in water may also be used to help break down tough dirt and residue. Thoroughly rinse the collector cell with clean water.
6. Snake excess water from the collector cell to speed up drying time. Do not use heated or compressed air to dry.
7. Place the collector cell back into the unit. The collector cell is specially designed so that it can be only inserted in one direction.
8. Close the cover securely.
www.timberk.com • electric air purifier
• The collector cell may not require if «arcing» occurs. Arcing is a snapping sound that occurs when large particles are collected in the collector cell or the appliance used in over-damp rooms.
• If prolonged or continuous arcing occurs, the collector cell should be cleaned.
• To prevent damage to the components of the collector cell, do not put in dishwasher or use a cotton swab.
• Tough residue such as tar from tobacco smoke may need additional cleaning or longer soaking.
• The collector cell must be completely dry after cleaning in order to operate properly. If the power supply detects the collector cell is wet, it shuts down power to the cell and cause the red «CLEAN CELL» indicator to blink rapidly. Please re-dry the collector cell until the power supply successfully restarts, the appliance will return to its original speed and run as normal.
Cleaning the Pre-Filter
1. Unplug the appliance.
2. Open the cover from the right side by pressing the switch.
3. Pul the pre-filter straight and let it air dry before placing it back in the cabinet. Do not use heated or compressed air as part of the drying process.
4. Insert the pre-filter back into the unit.
5. Close the cover securely.
Fig. 3
Cleaning the Exhaust Grille
1. Remove the cleaning brush from the storage slot located under the cover.
2. Brush away debris that has collected between the grille slots.
3. Return the cleaning brush to the storage slot.
Fig. 4
www.timberk.com • electric air purifier
In case of emergency contact information listed in the table 2 below. If you can not solve problems independently, to a service center.
Table 2
Problem Check Solution
Appliance does not turn ON
Red «CLEAN CELL» indicator has illuminated
Red «CLEAN CELL» indicator is blinking
Collector cell does not remove particles
Appliance sparks, crackles and pops
«AUTO» light is blinking
• Power
• Power
• Cover
Collector cell
Collector cell
Collector cell
Collector cell
Odor sensor
• Plug in power cord *Press the power button *Make sure the cover is securely closed
Red «CLEAN CELL» indicator is a 60 day cleaning reminder. Wash collector cell. Make sure it is thoroughly clean before reinstalling
• When a large particle is captured in the collector cell, please restart your appliance
• A fast blinking light indicates the power supply has shut down due to arcing or short circuit. The cell should be inspected and cleaned, repaired, or replaced
• Clean the collector cell
• Collector cell may be damaged. Contact authorized service center
• Sparking or poping noise (arcing)can occur when a large particle is captured in the collector cell or appliance is used in over damp rooms. If the appliance is arcing excessively, the cell may be dirty. Try cleaning the collector cell.
• If excessive arcing continues after proper cleaning, the collector cell may be damage. If damager, contact authorized service center.
Air qulity is very bad, please open the window to improve the ventilation
Odor sensor get malfunction, should be repaired or replaced
Term reliability is 5 years. At the end of the life of the puripier should be subjected to disposal in
accordance the rules, regulations and methods, at the place of disposal.
1. When transporting, any possible impacts and movements of the package inside a vehicle must be avoided.
2. Handling symbols on the unit’s package must be strictly observed when transporting and storing it.
Temperature requirements*
Humidity requirements*
Transportation and storage
We are researching new technologies and constantly improving the quality of our products. Specifications, design and scope of delivery may be changed without any prior notice.
* Products must be stored in dry, ventilated storages at the temperature not lower than -30°C.
-30°C to +50°C
15% to 85% (no condensate)
www.timberk.com • electric air purifier
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Благодарим Вас за удачный выбор и приобретение возду­хоочистителя воздуха ТIMBERK. Он прослужит Вам долго.
Воздухоочиститель предназначен для очистки воздуха в бытовых помещениях от частиц пыли, грязи и бактерий, спор грибков, неприятного запаха и табачного дыма (в зави­симости от модели и наличия в приборе тех или иных видов фильтров).
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В тексте и цифровых обозначениях данного руководства могут быть допущены опечатки.
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