Timberk SWH FSL1 30 V, SWH FSL2 50 H, SWH FSL2 100 H, SWH FSP2 30 H, SWH FSP2 50 H User Manual [ru]

Instruction manual
Руководство по эксплуатации
FSL1 серия/series
FSL2 серия/series
FSP1 серия/series
Электрический накопительный водонагреватель
Outlook of devices, aslo colour scores can be revised without any special advance notices.
Производитель вправе менять внешний вид прибора и цветовую гамму при­бора без специального уведомления.
Electrical storage water heater
SWH FSL1 30 V SWH FSL1 50 V SWH FSL1 80 V SWH FSL1 100 V
SWH FSL2 30 H SWH FSL2 50 H SWH FSL2 80 H SWH FSL2 100 H
SWH FSP1 30 V SWH FSP1 50 V SWH FSP1 80 V SWH FSP1 100 V
SWH FSP2 30 H SWH FSP2 50 H SWH FSP2 80 H SWH FSP2 100 H
1. Important information
2. Precautions
3. Application of water heater
4. Performanceparameters Technical characteristics Dimensional features
5. Water heater description
6. Delivery set
7. Water heater installation Location Water heater mounting methods Water heater mounting Connection to water main Connection to electric mains Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter(GFCI)
8. Water heater control Control panel Water heater operation
9. Maintenance
10. Troubleshooting
11. Transportation and storage conditions
12. Wiring diagram
13. Disposal
14. Serial number and production date
Dear customer!
Thank you for your good choice. You purchased TIMBERK
electric storage water heater with an enameled internal tank. It will serve you for a long time!
3 3
TIMBERK electric storage water heaters will provide a lot of hot water and will automatically maintain the specified
temperature. They are perfect to provide hot water for country
houses, cottages, baths and other standalone amenity rooms.
5 5 6 7 7
Please, read this operation manual carefully prior to use of the water heater.
This operation manual contains important information regarding your
safety, as well as recommendations on the proper operation of the unit and
its maintenance.
Save this operation manual together with the guarantee card, cash register receipt, if possible, cardboard box and packing material.
Different types of this device are described in this manual.
The purchased water heater can slightly differ from the one, described in
the manual, but that doesn’t affect methods of its use and operation.
11 12 13 13 14 14 14
Important precautions and instructions, contained in this manual, do not account for all possible modes and situations to be encountered. It is vital to understand that common sense, caution and thoroughness are the factors that are impossible to be built-in in any product. These factors must be taken into consideration by a person, interested in proper operation of the unit. The manufacturer does not bear any responsibility in case when the unit or its parts are damaged during transportation, as a result of improper installation, voltage fluctuations, as well as if some part of the unit was altered or modified.
A number of precautions is to be observed upon operation of the fan heat­er. Improper operation as a result of ignoring precautions may harm health of the user and other people, as well as damage their property.
1. Any electrical appliance must be supervised when in operation, espe­cially if there are children nearby. Make sure children do not touch the ap­pliance.
2. Prior to installing the water heater, not connecting it to electrical main, check and make sure the outlet for the water heater has a ground pin and if it is properly earthed. If there is no earth circuit in your electrical main then operation of the water heater is dangerous for your life.
3. Connect the water heater only to 220-230V, 50Hz main. If necessary, find out parameters of your mains at power suppliers.
4. To prevent overheating and risk of fire, as well as damage of internal electrical main, do no modify the power cord’s length and do no connect the water heater through electrical extenders.
5. It is forbidden to switch on the water heater if it is not filled with water or if water cannot go through a pressure safety valve.
6. Never use the water heater if it is broken.
7. Do not remove the water heater cover when it is in operation.
8. Immediately unplug the water heater from electrical main if strange sounds, odor or smoke are coming from it.
9. Always unplug the water heater from electrical main during a thunder­storm.
10. Prior to cleaning and maintenance of the water heater unplug it from electrical main. Cleaning and maintenance must be performed in compli­ance with instructions of this operation manual.
11. Do not use hazardous chemical substances to clean the water heater and prevent their contact with the appliance.
12. To prevent electrical shock the damaged power cord must be replaced only in manufacturer’s authorized service centers by qualified specialists.
13. To prevent electrical shock do not place the power cord nearby heating devices and flammables or combustibles.
14. Do not press buttons on the control panel of the water heater and its remote controller (for some models) otherwise but by your fingers.
15. Since temperature of water in the water heater can reach +75°C, when it is in operation you should not place your body parts under hot water at
the first run. To prevent burns you should adjust the temperature of the discharging
16. Do not use the water heater for purposes not specified by this oper­ation manual.
17. Do not use the water heater in an explosive or corrosive environment. Do not store gas and other volatile flammable liquids next to the appliance – it is very dangerous!
18. It is forbidden to make alterations in the design of the water heater or modify it.
19. Any service operations must be performed by a specialized organisa­tion and qualified specialists. Improper installation may cause voiding of guarantee maintenance.
20. The water heater is not intended for use by children and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or a lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by an individual responsible for their safe­ty. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Electric water heater is used to heat cold water from water supply. Unit is for household use.
1. Completely automatic control: automatic water heating, continuous auto­matic water temperature control.
2. DROP Defense – leakage protection and protection against surplus pres- sure within a tank (pressure safety valve).
HOT Defense – two-stage overheating protection (thermostat and tempera­ture limiter).
3. Pipes of heating elements are designed taking into account high heat load: safe and reliable, with an increased service life.
4. NON CFC urethane foam insulation of increased thickness: excellent heat
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insulation that allows to efficiently retain accumulated heat and save energy.
5. Temperature controller: accurate and reliable water temperature control.
6. FSP models equipped wiht temperature display shows current water tem-
perature in water heater tanks.
7. Internal tanks and all internal components are made out of SUS 304 stain-
less steel with walls 1.2 mm thick.
8. The water heater is equipped with an anode bar to protect the internal
tank from corrosion and decrease scale generation on the heating element.
Technical characteristics
Technical characteristics of water heaters are given below in Table 1, 2. Table 1
Description Units
Rated voltage V/Hz 230~/50 230~/50 230~/50 230~/50
Rated current A 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7
Rated power W 2000 2000 2000 2000
Stage power W 800/1200/2000 800/1200/2000 800/1200/2000 800/1200/2000
Tank capacity L 30 50 80 100
Heating time,
at Δ 30 ºC
Weight kg
Factual year
Constant daily
heating loss
SWH FSL1 30 V/
Mpa 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7
min 21 43 64 79
550x435x238 855x435x238 991x493x270 1190x493x270
9,8 13,4 18,9 23,4
kW•h 335,8 452,6 481,8 518,3
kW•h /
0,98 1,23 1,33 1,45
SWH FSL1 50 V/
SWH FSL1 80 V/
SWH FSL1 100 V/
SWH FSL2 100 H
Table 2
Description Units
Rated voltage V/Hz 230~/50 230~/50 230~/50 230~/50
Rated current A 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7
Rated power W 2000 2000 2000 2000
Stage power W 800/1200/2000 800/1200/2000 800/1200/2000 800/1200/2000
Tank capacity L 30 50 80 100
Heating time,
at Δ 30 ºC
Weight kg 9,8 13,4 18,9 23,4
Factual year
Constant daily
heating loss
SWH FSP1 30 V/
Mpa 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7
min 21 43 64 79
mm 550x435x238 855x435x238 991x493x270 1190x493x270
kW•h 335,8 452,6 481,8 518,3
kW•h /
0,98 1,23 1,33 1,45
SWH FSP1 50 V/
SWH FSP1 80 V/
SWH FSP1 100 V/
SWH FSP2 100 H
Technical characteristics of the water heater you purchased as of the date of manufacture correspond to data, specified in the table. Technical characteristics and scope of delivery can be revised without any prior notice.
Series FSL2/FSP2
Series FSM2/FSQ2
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Dimensions of water heaters (mm) are made in accordance with fig. 1, fig. 2 and fig. 3.
Table 3
Capacity, l A B C D E F G H
30 550 570 240 238 435 20
FSP1 series
50 855 875 500 238 435 20
80 991 1011 450 270 493 20
100 1190 1210 550 270 493 20
Series FSL1/FSP1
Series FSM1/FSQ1
73 -
73 -
91,5 -
91,5 -
Capacity, l A B C D E F G H
30 550 266 240 238 435 450
SWH FSL2/ SWH FSP2 series
50 855 266 500 238 435 450
80 991 298 450 270 493 510 20
100 1190 298 550 270 493 510 20
Fig.3 shows the design of the horizontal-type water heater. Example is FSL/FSP.
Fig. 3
20 73
20 73
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1 – left composite protective cover 2 – water containing tanks 3 – system of flows between tanks (3 overflows) 4 – the upper part of the hot water intake tube 5 – heating element 6 – right composite protective cover 7 – temperature sensor case** 8 – composite pressure safety valve (be sure to install onto the cold water
supply tube) Pos. A 9 – emergency discharge of surplus water pressure (a small water leakage
is possible from the emergency discharge hole when the water heater is operating. It is normal)
10 – inlet nozzle with a splitter 11 – hot water outlet nozzle 12 – emergency water discharge valve (can be used for water discharge
during cleaning of the internal tank surface upon its maintenance and anode replacement)
13 – protective magnesium anode 14 – urethane foam heat insulation layer 15 – external decorative case 16 – power cable with GFCI* 17 - control panel
* Depending on the product batch, GFCI can be located not within the power cable electric plug.
** FSP model eguiped with temperature sensor
FSL1/FSP1 series
1 – the upper composite protective cover 2 – external decorative case 3 – system of flows 4 – urethane foam heat insulation layer 5 – internal tank 6 – heating element 7 – power cable with GFCI* 8 – thermostat sensor pipe 9 – protective magnesium anode 10 – inlet nozzle with a splitter
11 – the lower composite protective cover
12 – composite pressure safety valve (make sure to install onto the cold water supply tube) Pos. A
13 – emergency discharge of surplus water pressure (a small water leakage is possible from the emergency discharge hole when the water heater is operating. It is normal)
14 – hot water outlet nozzle 15 – the upper part of the hot water intake tube
16 - control panel
* Depending on the product batch, GFCI can be located not within the power cable electric plug.
Fig. 4
1. Water heater – 1 pc.
2. Anchor bolt – 2 pcs.
3. Pressure safety valve – 1 pc.
4. Operation manual – 1 pc.
5. Guarantee card – 1 pc.
6. Packing – 1 pc.
1. Electric water heater should be mounted on a firm wall. If the wall is not robust enough to hold the weight equal to the doubled weight of the total water heater weight, fully filled with water, then it should be mounted on a special support.
2. The wall, where the electric water heater is to be mounted, must withstand at least the double weight of the water heater, fully filled with water; there must be no cracks and other damages on the wall. Otherwise it is necessary to take measures to strengthen the mounting or mount the water heater on a special support.
3. If a bathroom is too small, the water heater can be installed elsewhere, unexposed to direct sunlight and unavailable for moisture. However, to reduce heat losses in pipelines, the location, where a water heater is to be installed, must be as close to the place, where hot water is used, as possible.
The water heater must be mounted on a vertical wall only the position, specified in Fig.3-4 (FSL1/FSP1 line – vertically, FSL2/FSP2 – horizontally). Mounting of the appliance in any other position or vertical or horizontal tilting will inevitably result in failure of the water heater, emergency situation and is considered a non-guarantee case by the manufacturer.
Water heater mounting methods
Fig.5 shows the way to mount the water heater for one consumption point.
FSL1/FSP1 Vertical position
FSL2/FSP2 Horizontal position
Fig. 5
1. Power cord with GFCI**
2. Water outlet
3. Hot water supply adjustment cock*
4. Mixer*
5. Shower header*
6. Cold water supply adjustment cock*
7. Discharge pipe*
8. Composite pressure-relief valve
9. Water inlet
10. Magnesium anode – water discharge nozzle
11. Water main shut-off valve
12. Water main
13. Inlet piple
14. Outlet pipe
* not included in the delivery set ** Depending on the product batch, GFCI can be located not within the power cable electric plug.
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Fig. 7 shows the way to mount the water heater for one consumption point.
FSL1/FSP1 Vertical position
FSL2/FSP2 Horizontal position
Fig. 6
1. Power cord with GFCI**
2. Mounted water heater
3. Composite pressure-relief valve
4. Cold water supply valve*
5. Mixer*
6. Shower header*
7. Water main shut-off valve
8. Discharge pipe*
9. Water main
10. Bath*
11. T-joint*
12. Magnesium anode – water discharge nozzle
* not included in the delivery set ** Depending on the product batch, GFCI can be located not within the power cable electric plug.
Please, use accessories, provided by the manu­facturer, to install the water heater. Electric water heater must not be mounted on a wall prior you make sure that the bracket is installed firmly and securely. Otherwise the electric water heater may fall down from the wall, which may cause its damage and even serious accidents involving bodily injury. When determining points for bolt holes, it is necessary to provision some spare space between the lower part of the water heater and the floor, and as to the FSL2/ FSP2 line there also must be some space between the right side of the water heater and the wall on the right, not less than 0.6 m to make it convenient to perform maintenance if necessary.
(side view) for FSL2/FSP2 series
(top view) for FSL1/FSP1 series
Fig. 7
1. Electric water heater should be mounted on a firm wall. If the wall is not robust enough to hold the weight equal to the doubled weight of the overall water heater weight, fully filled with water, then it should be mounted on a special support.
Fig. 8
2. After you chose the proper place to install the water heater, determine points for holes for expansion hook bolts (to be determined in accordance with the data sheet for the appliance you chose). Drill two holes of the corresponding depth in the wall using a drill, dimensionally fit for expansion bolts, enclosed with the water heater, insert bolts, turn the hook upwards, securely tighten nuts and then hang the electric water heater on these hooks (see Fig. 8).
3. Fix a power outlet to the wall. Requirements to the outlet are as follows: 230V/10A, single-phase, three-wired. It is recommended to place the outlet on the right side above the water heater.
4. If a bathroom is too small, the water heater can be installed elsewhere, unexposed to direct sunlight and unavailable for moisture. However, to reduce heat losses in pipelines, the location, where a water heater is to be installed, must be as close to the place, where hot water is used, as possible.
In places or on the wall, where water may get to, the power outlet installation height must be not less than
1.8 m.
Connection to water main
1. The heater must be connected to water main with at least 0.1 MPa pressure; maximum pressure is 0.7 MPa.
The water heater is the appliance, operating in such a manner that pressure of water in the water heater corresponds to the pressure of water in water main. If pressure in the main exceeds 0.7 MPa, then it is necessary to mount a pressure reducer before the water heater so that pressure doesn’t exceed 0.7MPa.
2. G1/2 diameter pipes are used to connect the water heater to the water pipeline.
3. To prevent a leakage when connecting pipes, use rubber sealing gaskets on the threaded pipe ends.
4. Screw a relief valve to the inlet nozzle, marked blue and embossed arrow of the water flow direction, so that the water flow direction coincides with direction of the arrow on the valve’s case.
Do not mount additional accessories, such as a shut­off valve, between the relief valve and the inlet nozzle.
5. Water heater with the mounted valve must be connected to the water main – install a shut-off valve at the water inlet point. You need to connect a drain pipe to the opening of the pressure relief of safety valve. Next you should put a drain pipe to the sewer.
6. Connect the desired number of consumption points to the outlet nozzle, marked red.
7. Check leak integrity of joints: open the shut-off cock and one of the cock assemblies. After the tank is filled with water, as evidenced by issue of water from the cock assembly, shut the cock assembly and check the leak integrity of all joints.
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If water in the installation location contains a large amount of calcium, manganese or iron salts, then IT IS NECESSARY to mount a respective filter in the delivery system to reduce the amount of scale generated in the tank and on the heating element.
Connection to electric main
Prior to connecting the tank water heater, make sure that the water heater is properly grounded. Proper grounding is important to minimize electric shocks and risk of fire. The power cord is equipped with a plug with a grounding pin. The appliance must be used with a properly grounded power outlet. If the outlet, you are intending to use, is not properly grounded or grounded by a time-delay fuse or a circuit breaker, contact a qualified electrician to install a proper outlet.
1. The water heater is designed to be connected to 230V single-phase
electric main. Prior to connecting make sure that parameters of the electric main in the place of connection correspond to parameters, specified on the identification plate with technical parameters of the appliance. You should follow the current electrical safety code when installing the water heater.
2. The power outlet must be properly grounded. The outlet must be
designed for rated current not less than 10A. The power outlet and plug must always be dry to prevent current leakage. Regularly check if the power plug is tightly connected to the outlet. Do it in the following order: insert the power plug into the outlet, switch off the water heater after half­hour operation and unplug the cord, check if the plug is heated by your hand. If the plug is heated over 50°C, then to prevent damages, accidents and fire as a result of bad electrical contact, replace the outlet with a new one. A specialist must do this.
3. Power cord of the appliance is a single unit with GFCI (Ground Fault
Circuit Interrupter).
Wall outlet should be rated on voltage not lower than 10А, electric main cabel with cooper section not lesser then 3х1,5 mm2 (for cooper).
Electric plug of the device corresponds one block with GFCI.
Electric socket should be no lower, than 10A, power card with copper inner part, cross-section of copper should be not less, than 3x1,5 mm Electric plug has combined with GFCI.
To provide reliable operation and safe use of the water heater, prior to the first run check if it is properly connected to the 230V AC mains. The water heater to be connected must be securely linked with the earth circuit of your electric mains. If the water heater is not grounded, then in case of a short circuit GFCI, supplied with the heater, may not operate. It is dangerous.
GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) (Fig. 9)
1. Connect the cable to the mains, indicator (1) will light up.
2. Press button (2) for testing, voltage will be cut off, indicator (1) will light down and restart button (3) will go upwards.
3. Press button (3) to restart the appliance, voltage will be restored and indicator (1) will light up.
Fig. 9
- if pressing test button (2) voltage is not cut off and/or indicator (1) continues to be lighted, it means that GFCI safety device is not operating properly.
- if pressing restart button (3) voltage is not restored and/or indicator (1) doesn’t light up, it means that the water heater is not operating properly. In both cases disconnect the water heater and call the service center.
- to reduce the risk of an electric shock, do not disassemble, remove or fill liquid in this appliance.
Control panel
1. Thermostat handle
Please, use this handle to set the desired temperature of water. Turning the knob in a clockwise direction you increase temperature of water.
2. Switcher of power modes
« » - means OFF position. Turning the knob in a clockwise direction you increase power from 800W up to 2000W
3. Indicators lighting
If light are blue it means the water heater works, but a water is not heating inside. If lights are pink/red it means the heating element heats a water inside tank.
Fig. 10
Water heater operation
1. Switching on
1.1 At first, open one of the hot water outlet valves, then open the cold water supply valve. The electric water heater will start filling with water. When water flows from the hot tap freely, it means the water heater is fully filled with water and you can close the hot water outlet valve.
During normal operation the cold water supply valve must be set “open”.
1.2 Plug the power cord into the outlet, at that an indicator light on GFCI and temperature controller handle lighting will light up and time will be shown on the display.
2. Water heating temperature setting
2.1. Temperature can be set within the range 35°С-75°С, in increments of 1°С.
When setting temperature, having reached the optimal heating position “ ” (+58°С (+/- 2°С), you will hear a sound signal (for some models).
2.2 The water heater automatically maintains water temperature. When water temperature in the water heater reaches the temperature, set by the user, the heating is automatically switched off. When water temperature in the water heater drops to a certain level, the heating is automatically switched off.
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