Thync 1000 User Manual

Welcome to Thync
Shift Your State of Mind
Overview 8 Power & Pairing 16 Strips 18 Placement & Fit 22 Select a Vibe 28 Tuning a Vibe 30 Important Info 32
Before You Get Started, Please Read the Following Warnings
For more information and assistance with the contents of
this document o r the use of your Thy nc mod ule, pl ease contact: Additional precautions and warnings are
listed on page 38.
Do not us e this device if yo u have a card iac pa cemake r, implanted defibrillator, or other implanted metallic or electronic device. Doing s o could cause elec tric sh ock, b urns, elec trical interference or death.
Do not use during pregnancy or if you are breast feeding. If yo u are in the care of a phys ician, consul t your physician before using this devi ce.
Do not us e this device if you have e pilep sy or a histor y of seizures.
Do not us e this device if yo u have a Temporomandibular Joint Di sorde r, Bell’s Palsy, impaired cranial nerve function, or facial pain.
Do not pl ace Thy nc Strips on body in locations oth er than those directed.
Do not us e this device while driving, operating machinery, or during any activity in which electrical stimulation can put you at ris k for inju ry.
Do not us e the dev ice whi le in a shower, bat h, poo l, or oth er body of water.
Do not place Thync Strips over ope n wound s, sores or rashes , or over s wollen, red, infect ed, or inflame d areas or skin e ruptions. If you expe ­rience an adverse reaction, discontinue use.
Do not us e device if the ho using has been damaged.
Do not us e device in the presence of strong electro­magnetic fields.
Do not us e this device on children unde r the age of 18.
Do not pl ace thi s device across your chest. Th e introduct ion of an elec trical current to the chest may ca use rhy thm disturbances to your h eart, which could be lethal.
Do not place device over the carot id sinus nerves, th e front of th e neck, or aroun d the mouth.
What to Expect from your First Vibe
How lon g will th is take?
Your first Vibe will las t 5 – 10 minu tes wit h an opti on to extend
your vibe.
What do es it feel like?
You may feel s ome tingling, itchiness, or vibrations in the beginning
of your Vibe, but m any of the se sensatio ns will subsid e after 1-2
minute s. It is ve ry important to use t hese sensat ions to tune your
Vibes to achiev e the best experien ce.
When wi ll I feel a shift in my state of mind ?
You should b egin to fe el a shi ft wit hin a few mi nutes of s tarting
the Vib e that will grad ually build. The fir st tim e you run a V ibe,
you shou ld focus on find ing the best tu ner settings for your V ibe.
Then, e xten d the Vibe or run t he Vib e again to feel a si gnifi cant
effec t. As you discover the b est tuner set ting s for your V ibes , you
will fee l the ef fect s much more quic kly.
For more i nforma tion an d assistance with th e content s of this
document or the use of your Thync M odule, plea se conta ct: or visit
Your Thync System
Thync Module
The Module at taches to conducti ve Thyn c Strips a nd is cont rolle d
by the Thy nc App to s ignal speci fic nerves o n your face u sing low
levels of elec trical energy; enabling yo u to shif t your s tate of mind.
Energy Strips
Energy St rips at tach to the
Module and are uniquely de-
signed and shaped to comfort-
ably de liver t he Energy Vibe.
USB Cable
A micro USB cable is includ ed for ch arging your Thy nc Module.
Conne ct to you r computer or a US B chargi ng blo ck.
Calm Strips
Calm Strips attach to the
Module and are uniquely de-
signed and shaped to comfort-
ably de liver t he Calm V ibe.
Quick Overview — It’s Easy to Start your Vibe
Power & Pair
Charge and power up your Thync Module. Pair with your iOS 8
device via Bluetooth.
1 / Snap
Choose the Thync Strip for the Vibe effect you desire – Energy
or Calm. Snap the Strip to your Thync Module.
2 / Stick
Remove adhesive backing – stick the Thync Module on your right
temple – stick the Thync Strip as indicated either behind your ear or
on the back of your neck depending on the Vibe you selected.
3 / Shift
Open the Thync app on your iOS 8 device, select and start the Vibe
you want, tune the Vibe to a comfortable level. Enjoy the shift in
your state of mind to the Vibe effect you have chosen!
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