THUNDER TIGER Tiger Bipe 40, 4557 Assembly Instructions Manual

Thunder Tiger Model Company guarantees this model kit to be free from defects in both material and workmanship at date of manufacture.This warranty does not cov er any components damaged by use or modification and in no case shall Thunder Tiger’s liability exceed the original purchase price of the kit. Thunder Tiger also reserves the right to change or modify this warranty without notice.
Since Thunder Tiger Model Co. has no control over possible shipping damages or construction tech­niques and materials used for construction by the modeler, no liability can be assumed nor accepted for damage resulting from the use by the user of the final user-assembled product.By the act of using this user-assembled product, the user accepts all resulting liability.If the buyer is not prepared to accept this liability, he should return this kit in new and unused condition to the place of purchase for a full refund.
Assembly Instructions
Bipe 40
Item No. 4557
All of us at Thunder Tiger want to thank you for choosing the best looking, easiest building and best flying ARF biplane available, the Tiger Bipe 40. This kit features state-of-the-art engineering that pro­vides quick and easy assembly of a strong, yet lightweight air plane that will give you an enjoyable and thrilling experience.The Tiger Bipe will allow you to enjoy model airplanes the way they were meant to be: with two wings!
To gain the most from this airplane kit, it is important that you read the instructions thoroughly and then follow them exactly.We strongly suggest that you read through the instructions completely before begin­ning construction.This will give you a good idea of the construction sequence and eliminate many ques­tions you might have if you did not read the manual prior to starting the actual constr uction. Due to the nature of this design, this airplane is not intended for a beginner’s first model and the instructions are written with this in mind. We assume you have a working knowledge of airplane and radio terminology.
The first thing you should do before beginning assembly is to check the contents of your kit against the parts list on pages 4 and 5. If any parts are missing, contact your dealer immediately for replacement. Customers in the United States and Canada may contact Ace Hobby Distributors at 116 W. 19th
Street, Higginsville, MO 64037 (660) 584-6704 for replacement parts. Under no circumstances can a kit be returned if assembly has already been started.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Other Items Required . . . . . . . . . 2
Items Need Check List . . . . . . . . . 3
Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Pre-Assembly Notes
. . . . . . . . . . 6
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Landing Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Tail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
Engine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Install the Radio. . . . . . . . . . 13-14
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
A checklist is also provided on the next page which willmake shopping for these items easier.
Radio - A 4-channel radio with four standard
servos is required.
Adhesives - You will need two types of adhe-
sives for the Tiger Bipe - Epoxy and Instant (cyanoacrylate) adhesives.We recommend that you purchase both 5-minute and 30-minute epoxy to cut down on assembly time, but you can get by with only 30-minute epoxy if time is not important. You will also need a small bottle of both “Thick” and “Thin” instant adhesive.
Tools - Model assembly can be much easier if the proper tools are used. Therefore, we have included in our checklist to the right, a complete listing of all the tools we used to assemble our prototype models. As you will notice, many household tools can be utilized during construction.
Engine - The Thunder Tiger PRO-36 is the ideal engine for this airplane. It is a quiet running engine that is easy to start and require no spe­cial break- in period, is very easy to maintain, and will last for years.
Flight Equipment - There are several “support” items that you will need to purchase in order to get your engine running and your plane in the air.These are listed at the bottom of the page.
Comprehensive Items Needed
Check List
4-Channel Radio with 4 Standard Servos5-Minute Epoxy (4 ounces or so)30-Minute Epoxy (4 ounces or so)“Thin” Instant Adhesive (1/2 ounce)
Thick” Instant Adhesive (1/2 ounce)
Hobby Knife and BladesEpoxy Mixing Sticks and/or BrushesSandpaper (150 grit)Masking TapeRubbing AlcoholPaper TowelsRuler90 Degree TriangleWaxed PaperFine-Point, Felt-Tip Pen Misc. Household ToolsDrill and Bits (1/16", 5/64", 3/32", 5/32", 3/16")
Flight Equipment
Foam Rubber Padding for the radioStick on Lead Strip for balancing the plane3 or 4 Props (see engine instructions)10%-15% Glow FuelFuel Pump or BulbElectric Starter or “Chicken Stick”Glow Plug Clip and BatteryExtra Glow Plug(s)
Please check the contents of your kit box with these part sketches before beginning construction.This will not only familiarize you with the parts and their names, but it will also give you a head start in the unlikely event that you are missing a part.
Parts are not necessarily drawn actual size!
AS6119 Fuselage Set
2x8mm Self-Tapping(4)
AS6120 Main Wing Set
Top Left Wing(1)
Bottom Left Wing(1)
Front Wing Dowel
Rear Wing Dowel
Top Right Wing(1)
Bottom Right Wing(1)
CA Hinge(6)
Servo Tray(1)
Wing Dowel(1)
Aileron Servo Tray(2)
Top Wing Joiner(2)
PE0009 Hardware Set
Allen Wrench(1)
Push Rod
3x3mmSet Screw(1)
Aileron Horn
Bottom Wing Joiner(2)
2mm Hex Nut(1)
Wing Bolt
6/32 x 24mm(2)
Trim Tape(2)
AS6121 Tail Feather
H. Stab./ Elevator(1)
AS6122 Pushrod Set
Stab Pushrod(1)
Rudder Pushrod(1)
0.05" Metal Pushrod(1)
Plastic Guide Tube(1)
V. Fin/ Rudder(1)
CA Hinge(8)
Aileron Pushrod(2)
3102 Adjustable Engine Mount
Screw 6/32 x 18mm(4)
3261 Fuel Tank Set
Silicone Tube(1)
Rubber Stopper(1)
90-degree Nipple(1)
Engine Mount Plate(1)
Beams(L/1 R/1)
Straight Nipple(1)
180cc (6oz)
180cc Fuel Tank(1)
Parts are not necessarily drawn actual size!
Replacement parts must be ordered by Set Number
AS6007 Tail Gear Set
Allex Wrench (1)
Tail gear (1)
Collar (1)
3x10mm Self­Tapping Screw(2)
3x3mm Set
AS6123 Main Landing Gear
3x12mm Self­Tapping Screw(4)
Landing Gear(2)
Steering Horn(2)
Mounting Strap(2)
2.6 x 8mm Self­Tapping Screw(4)
3x5mm Screw(4)
3x3mm Set Screw(2)
Wheel (2)
Tail Wheel (1)
4mm Collar(4)
AS6125 Cabane Strut
Mounting STRAP(4)
Cabane Strut(R/1) Cabane Strut(L/1)
2.6 x 8mm Self­Tapping Screw(8)
AS6126 Wheel Pant / Canopy
Wheel Pant(R/2)
Wheel Pant(L/2)
3282R Spinner
3x12mm Self-Tapping Screw
Back plate(1)
AS6124 Cowl
AS6127 Decals
Tiger Bipe
2" Spinner(1)
AS6049 Control Horn Set
2x12mm Screw(6)
Control Horn(3)
Nut Plate(3)
Note: the bottom wing is shorter than the top wing and has ailerons. Before gluing the two wing halves together, trial-fit the bottom wing joiner into both wing panels. If it is not easy to slide into the wing, sand it until it will. Note: this joiner is the shorter of the two and has more angle in it. To fit properly, note that the wing has an upward “bend”in it, called dihedral. While fit­ting, also have the front and rear wing dowel doublers temporarily in place.
Locate the following pairs of plywood parts: top and bottom wing joiners, front and rear wing dowel doublers, and aileron servo tray. Using epoxy or thick CyA, glue and clamp these pairs of pieces together to form 6mm thick parts. Keep the edges of the pieces lined up and wipe off any excess glue.
1. Please assemble your model according to these instructions. Do not attempt to modify or change in any way as doing so may adversely change its flying characteristics.
2. Before you begin, please check the entire contents of this kit against the parts list and photo to make sure that no parts are missing or damaged. This will also help you to become familiar with each component of your plane. If you find that any of the parts are either missing or damaged, please contact your dealer immedi­ately for replacement.
3. Each step of these instructions is preceded by a box which can be check ed off as you complete the step. This will allow you to follow your progress and quickly find your starting place after any interruptions or breaks.
Note: Your dealer cannot accept kits for return if construction has begun
With 30 minute epoxy, liberally coat all sides and edges of the wing joiner and slip it into one wing half. Now coat the inside edge of the center wing rib where it will join to the other wing half. This is called the “root” of the wing.
Put the front and rear wing dowel doublers in place WITH THE WING DOWEL PLACED IN ITS SLOT.
Now coat the root edge of the other wing panel with epoxy.
+ 12 hidden pages