Installation / Setup Guide
Please Note: This product is Legal in California
only for racing vehicles which may never be used
upon a highway. The user shall determine suitability of the
product for his or her use. Installation and use on a pollution-
controlled vehicle constitutes tampering under the U.S. EPA
guidelines and can lead to substantial fines. Review your
application and check your local laws before installing.
New! Video Instructions Now Available on You Tube – Smart Phone Users See Back Page
#309-362, 2010-13 TBW Touring Models
Thank you for purchasing a ThunderMax ECM!
Please read through the following instructions
before beginning the installation procedure.
Following these instructions will ensure that the ECM is
installed and setup properly for optimal results. If you
have any problems or questions, please refer to the
TMax Tuner .pdf Manual, included on the CD (Help
Menu) with this package. Record serial number NOW
on your warranty card, and below for your records!
Serial # TMWM___________________
Step 1: 1: Insert the TMax
Tuner CD into your
computer. TMax Tuner will
automatically open the
InstallShield Wizard when
the computer finds the CDRom. Follow the
instructions and install the
software on your computer.
After installing and opening the software the first time,
you will be prompted to install the driver for the USB
connection (see page 4). The TMax Tuner software
package is designed to run on personal computers using
Microsoft® Windows 2000™, Windows XP™, Windows
Vista™ and Windows 7 & 8 operating systems. The
computer system must have an adequate amount of free
space on the hard drive for proper operation. TMax
Tuner is approximately 140MB when installed. TMax
Tuner is not supported by any other operating systems.
Step 2 : Module Installation - Touring Models
FL-A: Install the ThunderMax ECM. Remove seat and
both side covers. Push up on the bottom of the fuse box
cover to remove the cover (located on the left side of the
bike), then remove the ECM fuse from the fuse box.
www.Thunder-Max.com 309-362 Installation / Setup Guide V2013.10.15 TmaxSupport@Thunder-Max.com
FL-B: Remove the stock narrow band sensors from the
exhaust pipe. Special Note – If you have previously
installed another tuning device such as a Power
Commander, be sure to remove the device and any
Sensor Eliminators” that may have been
installed at the sensor harness plugs at that time!
2008-2009 models: 18mm sensors are located at the
top of the head pipe; supplied 18mm wide-band sensors
will replace the stock narrow band sensors. Some stock
2008 model rear bung location may cause interference
with the transmission lid when using the longer
ThunderMax oxygen sensor. If this is the case, crease
the pipe next to the bung to change the angle of the
sensor for clearance, or relocate the bung for proper
clearance. DO NOT pull or pry on the sensor to gain
clearance—the sensor will be damaged if you do!
2010-13 models: If retaining factory catalyst-equipped
headpipes, 18mm bungs will need to be added to the
headpipes. Bungs should be located no more than 3-4”
from the head pipe connection (for ideal location, refer to
the factory location on 2009 models). Weld-in bungs are
available from many
sources in straight or
angled designs. See
Video on adding new
bungs on the web at
ThunderMaxAV) or
through your smart
phone by scanning
the QR code on page
Stock 2010-2013
12mm O2 sensors are located downstream on the
factory header pipes, between the engine and
transmission; unplug and remove them as they will
affect your ThunderMax system performance if left
plugged in. Stock sensor connectors are located under
the bike's right side cover (black and gray plugs). 12 mm
pipe bung O2 caps are available from many sources.
FL-C: Install supplied wide-band sensors into the pipes;
route the front sensor along the cross brace on the
frame in front of the engine and down the lower frame
rail on the right side of the motorcycle.

Rotate locking bar fully
towards rear of bike until
index pin reaches notch
FL-D:. Route the
rear sensor lead
between transmission
top cover and the
starter, then towards
the ABS caddy
located under the
right side cover.
Place the sensor
connector under the
ABS caddy.
FL-E: Remove factory ECM from the caddy by
spreading the plastic caddy latches at the sides of the
ECM. Lift the ECM up and to the right to release it from
the caddy.
FL-F: Disconnect the ECM from the connector as per
the following procedure:
Depress button on socket housing of the connector;
rotate locking bar until it reaches the full rearward
position (the index pin on locking bar will engage the
rear notch in the socket housing).
The connector internal latches are not fully disengaged
until the locking bar on the connector is seated to the full
rearward position to complete removal of the connector.
If you force the socket housing with latches partially
engaged, it will result in damaging the connector. Once
index pin is fully seated, with steady yet careful attention,
pull apart the connector from the factory ECM and
remove it from the motorcycle.
FL-G: With the factory ECM removed, route the
AutoTune harness thru the opening on right side of the
frame below the down tube for the seat, towards the
ECM caddy.
FL-H:. If equipped
with factory alarm,
detach alarm
antenna from ECM
caddy clip by lifting
slightly and sliding
to the right of bike
(do not disconnect).
FL-I: Locate the package of dielectric grease included
with communication cable. Spread a small amount of
grease on the AutoTune harness plug inboard of the
mounting flange to allow the plug to easily slide into the
ThunderMax ECM, with ThunderMax logo on harness
plug facing up. Attach with screws provided.
FL-J: Install main harness connector to ThunderMax
www.Thunder-Max.com 309-362 Installation / Setup Guide V2013.10.15 TmaxSupport@Thunder-Max.com

Fully closed position:
Index pin engaged
with forward notch
Sliding colored cam locks
in fully open position
towards rear of bike
Sliding colored cam locks
in fully closed position
towards front of bike
Fully open position:
Index pin engaged
with rearward notch
ECM. Before installing connector, lightly spread some
dielectric grease on harness connector terminals, and on
the inside lip of the connector port opening of the ECM
to allow the rubber weather seal in the connector plug to
slide into place without binding. Apply a dab of grease
to the (2) upper and lower locating pins on the
ThunderMax housing as well (arrows). See ‘Tips’ on
page 7 for additional dielectric grease instructions.
Before connecting, verify that the locking bar is in the
fully open, rearward position (locking bar index pin is
fully engaged with rear notch in the socket housing).
Important Note: Pin and socket housing of the
connector must be fully engaged before you rotate the
locking bar to the forward position. Forcing the locking
bar forward before the connector is fully engaged will
damage the connector and/or the ECM
FL-K: Place the ThunderMax ECM into the ECM caddy.
If equipped, position alarm antenna as shown.
FL-L: Connect the oxygen sensor harnesses to the
AutoTune harness. Carefully wire tie the leads to the
motorcycle. Take extra care to ensure harness and
sensor leads are safe from rubbing or chaffing on the
motorcycle. Use all supplied wire ties; add extra ties if
needed to properly secure wiring on your installation.
FL-M: Position the rear connector under the ABS caddy
and attach with wire ties provided as shown.
Important Note: If socket housing with grounding pin
are not properly aligned during connector installation
damage to the grounding pin will likely occur, which will
require you to return the ThunderMax ECM for repair to
the damaged pin.
Rotate the locking bar forward to engage the connector.
Observe that the colored cam locks are moving with the
locking bar; proper execution will show both colored cam
locks visible in equal amounts on the forward-facing side
of the connector when the locking bar is in its fully
seated position with the button lock engaged, as in the
image below (do not force the locking bar). Index pin
will engage front notch in socket housing.
FL-N: Position front connector above lower frame rail
between engine and transmission. Attach to existing
harness with provided wire ties. Inspect all wiring to
make sure it is clear of moving parts and excessive heat.
FL-O: Re-install the ECM fuse and replace the side
www.Thunder-Max.com 309-362 Installation / Setup Guide V2013.10.15 TmaxSupport@Thunder-Max.com