Introducing the new Stereo amp, Spirit IA75B
Introducing the new Stereo amp, Spirit IA75B
Introducing the new Stereo amp, Spirit IA75BIntroducing the new Stereo amp, Spirit IA75B
New name
New name
New nameNew name
We are very pleased to announce the replacement of the IA60B SE, which
will be called Spirit IA75B. The new amplifier is available now – ask your
local dealer/distributor for more information. The name now reflects the
output of the amplifier and corresponds to the naming structure of all
our other products. It also reflects that this is a unique amplifier, not a
balanced version of the Spirit IA60 – a misconception we believe many
customers have had with the old IA60B SE.
What has changed
What has changed
What has changedWhat has changed
Basically we have taken the IA60B SE amplifier and let our R/D guys give
it a thorough overhaul in the electronics department, but left the
exterior design unchanged, except from the name of course. This has
resulted in an even better performance than the well liked predecessor:
we have managed to create an even more precise perspective and even
more details are found in music picture, without adding any form of
harshness. The true balanced signal path, which is usually only found in
much more expensive products, gives an outstanding balance and
stability to the sound picture. Without any noise from the power supply
it possesses a musicality that is unsurpassed by any single-ended
amplifier in its category.
New features
New features
New featuresNew features
Also to be found in the IA75B are some new interesting features. First of
all our engineers have optimised the pre-out, so that it perfectly
matches the Spirit PA150B power amplifier for bi-amping.
Herlev, 13. September, 2005
Use your IA75B as
Use your IA75B as a high class power amp
Use your IA75B as Use your IA75B as
A second and perhaps more interesting improvement is the new special
Thule Audio PA-input. To make it short: we have taken one of the
regular phono inputs, and changed it so that the IA75B automatically
turns into a power amp, when you select this input. And what are the
advantages of this? You can use the IA75B as a power amp for the front
speakers, if you have a surround receiver. You only need to change to
the PA input when you want to play surround (remote controlled of
course), and the amp runs the front speakers. When you want to listen
to two channel music you can change the input from the remote and
listen to superb stereo, using the volume control in the IA75B.
Our recommendations
Our recommendations
Our recommendationsOur recommendations
The IA75B is perfect for the musical enthusiast, who wants to enjoy
genres like classical, jazz and the softer types of pop and rock – perhaps
on a pair of high class shelf speakers, in a listening room not bigger
than 20-25sqm. The IA75B is a perfect companion to the DVA150B /
150B DIGIT II disc players. It is also highly suitable for combination with
mass market surround receivers and a Thule DVA150B, for an improved
surround performance at a very affordable price.
Upcoming reviews
Upcoming reviews
Upcoming reviewsUpcoming reviews
The IA75B will be tested in the renowned German magazine Analogue’s
November issue, and it will be possible to download this test from our
website as soon as it becomes available.
a high class power amp
a high class power ampa high class power amp
Thule Audio ApS
Thule Audio ApS Telephone: Internet: Bank: Den Danske Bank A/S Account no.: 3140 255793
Thule Audio ApSThule Audio ApS
Hørkær 14 +45 44 94 6000 www.thule-audio.com
2730 Herlev Telefax: E-mail:
Denmark +45 4494 6880 info@thule-audio.com S.W.I.F.T. address: D ABADKKK CVR/VAT no.: DK 13 48 45 97