Thrane and Thrane A S 6282 User Manual

SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System
Installation manual
SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System
Installation manual
Document number: 98-137573-A
Release date: June 28, 2013
Any responsibility or liability for loss or damage in connection with the use of this product and the accompanying documentation is disclaimed by Thrane & Thrane. The information in this manual is provided for information purposes only, is subject to change without notice and may contain errors or inaccuracies. Manuals issued by Thrane & Thrane are periodically revised and updated. Anyone relying on this information should acquire the most current version e.g. from or from the distributor. Thrane & Thrane is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any translations or reproductions, in whole or in part, of this manual from any other source.
Thrane & Thrane A/S trading as Cobham SATCOM.
© 2013 Thrane & Thrane A/S. All rights reserved.
Trademark acknowledgements
SAILOR is a registered trademark of Thrane & Thrane A/S in the European Union, the United States of
America and other countries.
• Other product and company names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.
• This product contains Android™ software (a Google Inc. trademark).
GPL notification
The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GPL/LGPL. The verbatim licenses can be found online at:
You may obtain the complete corresponding source code from us for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product, which will be no earlier than 2021, by sending a money order or check for DKK 50 to:
SW Technology/GPL Compliance, Thrane & Thrane A/S, Lundtoftegaardsvej 93D 2800 Lyngby DENMARK
Please write "source for product SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder" in the memo line of your payment. This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information.
ii 98-137573-A

Safety summary

Observe the following general safety precautions during all phases of operation, service and repair of this equipment. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture and intended use of the equipment. Cobham SATCOM assumes no liability for the customer's failure to comply with these requirements.
Ground the equipment
To minimise shock hazard, connect the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder to an electrical ground and follow the cable instructions.
RF exposure hazards and instructions
The SAILOR unit generates electromagnetic RF energy when transmitting. To ensure that you and those around you are not exposed to excessive amounts of energy and to avoid health hazards from excessive exposure to RF energy, all persons must be at least 1 ft (0.25 m) away from the antenna when the unit is transmitting.
Warranty limitation
IMPORTANT - The SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna – Active is a sealed waterproof unit (classified IPx6 & IPx8). To create and maintain its waterproof integrity it was assembled in a controlled environment using special equipment. The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder is not a user maintainable unit, and under no circumstances should the unit be opened except by authorized personnel. Unauthorized opening of the unit will invalidate the warranty.
Installation and service
Installation and general service must be done by skilled service personnel.
Compass safe distance
Compass safe distance: 55 cm (standard magnetic compass), 45 cm (Emergency magnetic compass) from the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder.
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The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder fulfills the requirements of the Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC with 8th amend 2012/32/EU and is intended for use in maritime environment.
The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder is approved to MED 2011/75/EU and fulfills the requirements in the standards: IEC 61993-2 (2012), IEC 60945 ed.4 (2002), ITU-R M.1371-4, IEC 61162-1 (2010), IEC61162-2 (1999), IEC61162-450 (2011).
The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder is approved to FCC CFR47 part 80 with USCG approval no.
The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder is approved to IC and fulfills the requirements in RSS-182.
The approvals of the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder are constantly monitored. New national approvals will be applied for and granted and new test standards may come into force. Therefore the above list may not be complete. Contact your authorized dealer for more information.
iv 98-137573-A

Training information

The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder is designed for occupational use only and is also classified as such. It must only be used in the course of employment by individuals aware of the hazards as well as the way to minimize those hazards.
The unit is thus NOT intended for use in an uncontrolled environment by general public. The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder has been tested and complies with the FCC RF exposure limits for Occupational Use Only. The unit also complies with the following guidelines and standards regarding RF energy and electromagnetic energy levels including the recommended levels for human exposure:
• FCC OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C, evaluating compliance with FCC guidelines for human exposure to
radio frequency electromagnetic fields.
• American National Standards Institute (C95.1) IEEE standard for safety levels with respect to human
exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
• American National Standards Institute (C95.3) IEEE recommended practice for the measurement of
potentially hazardous electromagnetic fields - RF and microwaves.
Below is a description of the RF exposure hazards and instructions in safe operation of the unit within the FCC RF exposure limits established for it.
Your SAILOR unit generates electromagnetic RF (radio frequency) energy when it is transmitting. To ensure that you and those around you are not exposed to excessive amounts of that energy (beyond FCC allowable limits for occupational use) and thus to avoid health hazards from excessive exposure to RF energy, FCC OET bulletin 65 establishes a Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) radius of 1 ft. (0.25 m) for the maximum power of your unit (12.5 W selected) with a half wave omni-directional antenna having a maximum gain of 3 dB (5.2 dBi). This means all persons must be at least 1 ft. (0.25 m) away from the antenna when the unit is transmitting.
Alerte de Sécurité
Dangers liés á l'exposition aux fréquences radio et instructions. Conformément á la réglementation d'industrie Canada, le present radio emetteur ne peut fonctionner qu'avec une antenne de type omnidirectionelle, demi-onde ou d'un gain maximale de 3 dB, approuvée par Industrie Canada. Pour éviter les risques pour la santé dûs á une exposition excessive aux champs de fréquences radio, une distance minimale de 25 cm est nécessaire entre l'utilisateur et le radio-émetteur.
The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder is designed for installation by a skilled service person.
1. An omni-directional antenna with a maximum power gain of 5.2 dBi must be mounted at least 7.6 ft.
(2.25 m) above the highest deck where people may be staying during radio transmissions. The distance is to be measured vertically from the lowest point of the antenna. This provides the minimum separation distance which is in compliance with RF exposure requirements and is based on the MPE radius of 1 ft. (0.25 m) plus the 6.6 ft. (2 m) height of an adult.
2. On vessels that cannot fulfill requirements in item 1, the antenna must be mounted so that its lowest
point is at least 1 ft. (0.25 m) vertically above the heads of people on deck and all persons must be outside the 1 ft. (0.25 m) MPE radius during radio transmission.
• Always mount the antenna at least 1ft (0.25 m) from possible human access.
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• Never touch the antenna when transmitting
• Use only authorized SAILOR accessories.
3. If the antenna has to be placed in public areas or near people with no awareness of the radio transmission, the antenna must be placed at a distance not less than 6 ft. (1.8 m) from possible human access.
Failure to observe any of these warnings may cause you or other people to exceed FCC RF exposure limits or create other dangerous conditions.
Record of Revisions
Rev. Description Release Date Initials
A Original document 28 June 2013 UFO
vi 98-137573-A
Table of contents
Chapter 1 About this manual
1.1 Intended readers ..............................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Manual overview ...............................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Related documentation ...............................................................................................1-1
1.4 Precautions ............................................................................................................................1-2
Chapter 2 Introduction
2.1 Introduction to AIS ........................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1.2 AIS applications and purpose ........................................................................................2-2
2.1.3 AIS classes ..............................................................................................................................2-3
2.2 SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System ............................................................................2-3
2.2.1 Overview of a SAILOR 6281 AIS Basic System ....................................................2-3
2.2.2 Features ...................................................................................................................................2-4
2.3 System components .......................................................................................................2-5
2.3.1 SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder ....................................................................................2-5
2.3.2 SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active ..........................................................................2-5
2.3.3 SAILOR 6004 Control panel ...........................................................................................2-6
2.3.4 SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray (optional) ........................2-6
2.4 Part numbers and options .........................................................................................2-7
2.4.1 Applicable part numbers ..................................................................................................2-7
2.4.2 Accessories .............................................................................................................................2-7
Chapter 3 Installation
3.1 Unpacking and initial inspection ..........................................................................3-1
3.1.1 Unpacking ...............................................................................................................................3-1
3.1.2 Initial inspection ..................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 VHF and GPS antenna installation ......................................................................3-2
3.2.1 Combined VHF and GPS antenna ................................................................................3-2
3.2.2 Cable requirements ............................................................................................................3-3
3.2.3 VHF RX/TX antenna ............................................................................................................3-4
3.2.4 SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active ..........................................................................3-5
3.3 Physical installation of the SAILOR 6280 AIS System .......................3-6
3.3.1 SAILOR 6280 AIS System - wiring ...........................................................................3-10
3.3.2 Cable specifications ........................................................................................................3-11
3.4 Physical installation of the SAILOR 6281 AIS System ....................3-12
3.4.1 SAILOR 6181 AIS Basic System - wiring ...............................................................3-16
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Table of contents
3.5 Physical installation of the SAILOR 6004 Control panel ................3-17
Chapter 4 Interface description
4.1 Power .........................................................................................................................................4-1
4.1.1 Connecting DC power .......................................................................................................4-2
4.2 Sensor input .........................................................................................................................4-3
4.2.1 Electrical characteristics ...................................................................................................4-3
4.2.2 Sensor configuration .........................................................................................................4-4
4.2.3 Position (GNS, RMC, DTM, GGA) .................................................................................4-4
4.2.4 Heading (HDT) ......................................................................................................................4-5
4.2.5 Rate of Turn (ROT) ..............................................................................................................4-5
4.2.6 Log (VBW) ...............................................................................................................................4-5
4.3 Presentation Interfaces ..............................................................................................4-6
4.3.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................4-6
4.3.2 Electrical Characteristics ..................................................................................................4-7
4.3.3 Configuration of the Presentation Interfaces .......................................................4-7
4.3.4 Pilot plug connection ........................................................................................................4-8
4.4 Alarm relay ............................................................................................................................4-9
4.5 Low power forced control (gas alarm) 1 W ..................................................4-9
4.6 Blue sign input .................................................................................................................4-10
4.6.1 Electrical interface ...........................................................................................................4-10
4.6.2 Configuration of Blue sign input ...............................................................................4-11
4.7 Ethernet interfaces ......................................................................................................4-11
4.7.1 Ethernet configuration ..................................................................................................4-11
Chapter 5 Configuration
5.1 Start up .....................................................................................................................................5-1
5.1.1 To Power on and off ..........................................................................................................5-1
5.1.2 Dim and night mode ..........................................................................................................5-1
5.2 AIS app installation and system settings ......................................................5-2
5.2.1 System app .............................................................................................................................5-2
5.2.2 AIS app – daily use .............................................................................................................5-4
5.3 Service Interface ..............................................................................................................5-4
5.3.1 Accessing the Service Interface ...................................................................................5-4
5.3.2 General settings ...................................................................................................................5-8
5.3.3 Long Range ..........................................................................................................................5-10
5.3.4 Password settings .............................................................................................................5-11
5.3.5 Interface settings .............................................................................................................5-12
5.3.6 Read logs ..............................................................................................................................5-17
5.3.7 System control ..................................................................................................................5-18
5.3.8 Reboot device ....................................................................................................................5-18
viii 98-137573-A
5.3.9 Connecting a chart plotter ..........................................................................................5-19
5.4 Verification .........................................................................................................................5-20
5.4.1 NMEA Trace tool ..............................................................................................................5-20
Chapter 6 Service & maintenance
6.1 Contact for support ........................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Maintenance .........................................................................................................................6-1
6.2.1 Preventive maintenance ..................................................................................................6-1
6.2.2 Error messages ......................................................................................................................6-1
6.2.3 Software update using the TMA (ThraneLINK Management Application) 6-2
6.3 Disassembling ......................................................................................................................6-3
6.3.1 Removing the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder from the wall tray ..............6-3
6.4 Alarms and notifications ............................................................................................6-4
6.4.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................6-4
6.4.2 List of alarms ..........................................................................................................................6-5
Table of contents
6.5 Troubleshooting guide ...............................................................................................6-11
6.5.1 Recovering communication with the SAILOR 6004 Control Panel ..........6-12
6.6 Warranty and returning units for repair ......................................................6-13
6.6.1 Repacking for shipment ................................................................................................6-13
Appendix A Technical specifications
A.1 SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder ............................................................................ A-1
A.1.1 Reporting Intervals ............................................................................................................ A-2
A.2 SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active ................................................................. A-3
A.3 SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray ................................. A-4
A.4 SAILOR 6004 Control Panel .................................................................................... A-5
Appendix B NMEA sentences
B.1 NMEA sentences used ..................................................................................................B-1
B.1.1 Light weight Ethernet - LWE ..........................................................................................B-1
B.1.2 Sentence characteristics and their linkage with port configuration ...........B-1
B.2 Sentence use reference ...............................................................................................B-3
B.2.1 ABK - AIS addressed and binary broadcast acknowledgement (output) .B-3
B.2.2 ABM - AIS addressed binary and safety related message (input) ................B-3
B.2.3 ACA - AIS channel assignment message (input / output) ...............................B-4
B.2.4 ACK - Acknowledge alarm (input) ...............................................................................B-4
B.2.5 AIR - AIS interrogation request (input) ....................................................................B-5
B.2.6 ALR - Set alarm state (output) .......................................................................................B-5
B.2.7 BBM - AIS broadcast binary message (input) ........................................................B-5
B.2.8 DTM - Datum reference (input) ...................................................................................B-6
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Table of contents
B.2.9 EPV - Command or report equipment property value (input / response output) B-6
B.2.10 GBS - GNSS satellite fault detection (input) ...........................................................B-6
B.2.11 GGA - Global positioning system (GPS) fix data (input) ...................................B-7
B.2.12 GNS - Fix data (input) ........................................................................................................B-7
B.2.13 HBT - Heartbeat supervision sentence (input) ......................................................B-8
B.2.14 HDT - Heading true (input) .............................................................................................B-8
B.2.15 LR1 - AIS long-range reply sentence 1 (output) ...................................................B-8
B.2.16 LR2 - AIS long-range reply sentence 2 (output) ...................................................B-8
B.2.17 LR3 - AIS long-range reply sentence 3 (output) ...................................................B-9
B.2.18 LRF - AIS long-range function (input / output) .....................................................B-9
B.2.19 LRI - AIS long-range interrogation (input / output) .........................................B-10
B.2.20 NAK - Negative acknowledgement (output) .......................................................B-10
B.2.21 PTHRAOC - AIS operational control (input / output) ......................................B-10
B.2.22 PTHRROS - Radio operational status (output) ....................................................B-11
B.2.23 RMC - Recommended minimum specific GNSS data (input) ......................B-12
B.2.24 ROT - Rate of turn (input) .............................................................................................B-12
B.2.25 SPW - Security password sentence (input) ..........................................................B-12
B.2.26 SSD - AIS ship static data (input / output) ...........................................................B-13
B.2.27 THS -True heading and status (input) ....................................................................B-13
B.2.28 TRL - AIS transmitter non functioning log (output) ........................................B-13
B.2.29 TXT - Text transmission (output) .............................................................................B-14
B.2.30 VBW - Dual ground/water speed (input) ...............................................................B-14
B.2.31 VDM - AIS VHF data-link message (output) ........................................................B-14
B.2.32 VDO - AIS VHF data-link own-vessel report (output) .....................................B-15
B.2.33 VER - Version (output) ...................................................................................................B-15
B.2.34 VSD - AIS voyage static data (input / output) ....................................................B-15
B.2.35 VTG - Course over ground and ground speed (input) ....................................B-16
B.2.36 ZDA - Time and Date (output) ...................................................................................B-16
Appendix C Supported keys
C.1 Keys supported by the SAILOR 6004 Control Panel ............................ C-1
Glossary ..............................................................................................................................................................Glossary-1
Index ................................................................................................................................................................... Index-1
x 98-137573-A
Chapter 1
About this manual 1

1.1 Intended readers

This is an installation manual for the SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System. It is intended for installers of the system and service personnel. Personnel installing or servicing the system must be properly trained by Cobham SATCOM. It is important that you observe all safety requirements listed in the beginning of this manual, and install the system according to the guidelines in this manual. For daily use see the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder User manual.

1.2 Manual overview

This manual has the following chapters and appendices:
Interface description
Service & maintenance
Technical specifications
NMEA sentences

About this manual

1.3 Related documentation

The following table shows the documents related to this manual and to the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder.
Title and description
SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder & SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System, User manual 98-135323
SAILOR 6004 Control Panel, Installation manual 98-136644
SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder, Installation guide 98-136017
SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray, Installation guide 98-136018
SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active, Installation guide 98-136019
Table 1-1: Related documents
Document number
98-137573-A 1-1

1.4 Precautions

Warnings, Cautions and Notes
Text marked with “Warning”, “Caution”, “Note” or “Important” show the following type of data:
Warning: A Warning is an operation or maintenance procedure that, if not obeyed, can
cause injury or death, or jeopardize the safety on board.
Caution: A Caution is an operation or maintenance procedure that, if not obeyed, can
cause damage to the equipment.
Note: A Note gives information to help the reader.
Important: A text marked Important gives information that is important to the user, e.g. to make the system work properly. This text does not concern damage on equipment, travel safety nor personal safety.
General precautions
All personnel who operate equipment or do maintenance as specified in this manual must know and follow the safety precautions. The warnings and cautions that follow apply to all parts of this manual.
CAUTION! Do not use materials that are not equivalent to materials specified by Cobham SATCOM. Materials that are not equivalent can cause damage to the equipment.
CAUTION! The system contains items that are electrostatic discharge sensitive. Use approved industry precautions to keep the risk of damage to a minimum when you touch, remove or insert parts or assemblies.
1-2 Chapter 1: About this manual 98-137573-A
Chapter 2
Introduction 2
This chapter has the following sections:
Introduction to AIS
SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System
System components
Part numbers and options

2.1 Introduction to AIS



2.1.1 Overview

AIS (Automatic Identification System) is a communication system for the exchange of navigation data. An AIS station can be a ship station or a shore-side base station. AIS stations operate without interaction by ship or shore personnel (autonomous and continuous). AIS has evolved to include devices such as AIS as a navigation aid, AIS on search and rescue aircraft and AIS search and rescue transmitters (AIS SART).
Figure 2-1: AIS for exchange of data
AIS enables the automatic exchange of shipboard information from the vessel's sensors (dynamic data), as well as manually entered static and voyage related data, between one vessel and another and between a vessel and a shore station(s). AIS also provides the possibility to send short safety related text messaging for ship or shore personnel. AIS devices are required internationally on most commercial vessels as identified by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS), Chapter V. In addition, AIS is often required domestically on other vessels by some administrations.
98-137573-A 2-1
Introduction to AIS

2.1.2 AIS applications and purpose

The principal applications of AIS are:
• Information exchange between vessels within VHF range of each other, increasing situation awareness
• Information exchange between a vessel and a shore station, such as a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS), to improve traffic management in congested waterways
• Automatic reporting in areas of mandatory and voluntary reporting
• Exchange of safety related information between vessels and between vessels and shore station(s).
The purpose of AIS is to improve the safety of navigation and protection of the environment by assisting in the effective navigation of ships and the operation of VTS. This is achieved through the following:
• In a ship-to-ship mode for collision avoidance
• As a means for littoral states to obtain information about a ship and its cargo
• As a VTS tool, i.e. ship-to-shore, for traffic management
• Increased situational awareness which enables effective response to emergencies such
• Providing data to identify trends or improvements to enhance navigational safety.
If a vessel operating in a mandatory ship reporting system does switch off its AIS, this should be reported to the relevant authority. Note that some data is entered or updated manually, meaning that there is potential for false entry and for the entered data to become out of date. This includes data related to static information (e.g. ship identity, dimension) and voyage related data (e.g. navigational status).
AIS and radar
A difference between AIS and radar is that AIS uses an absolute referencing system to determine the position, whereas radar determines the position by relative measurements from the vessel or shore base to observed targets. AIS may be used together with radar information to provide:
as search and rescue (SAR) as well as environmental pollution
Not all ships are required to have AIS. Furthermore, AIS may be switched off if there is a potential risk that the operation of AIS might compromise the safety or security of the ship, or if security incidents are imminent.
• Vessel identification, heading, course over ground (COG) and speed over ground (SOG)
• Improved vessel tracking (no target swap)
• Wider geographical coverage
• Greater positional accuracy, dependent on the position input sensor
• Information in radar shadow area ('sees' around bends and behind islands)
• Maneuver data in nearly real time
• No loss of targets in sea, rain and snow clutter
2-2 Chapter 2: Introduction 98-137573-A

2.1.3 AIS classes

GPS Antenna - Active
SAILOR 6004 Control Panel
VHF Antenna
12-24 VDC
Connector for interface connections
12-24V DC
SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder
or connection board
AIS is not only used on board ships. It can be grouped by 'class' (shipborne) and function. A Ship borne AIS device which contributes by most of the flow of AIS information, is classified as either Class A or B. The AIS Class A stations are ship borne units which meet IMO performance standards and are required on most commercial ships by the International Maritime organization (IMO). The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder is a Class A AIS.
SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System

2.2 SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System

The SAILOR 6280 AIS System consists of the following units:
1. SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder
2. SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active
3. SAILOR 6004 Control Panel
4. SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray
The SAILOR 6281 AIS Basic System consists of the following units:
1. SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder
2. SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active
3. SAILOR 6004 Control Panel

2.2.1 Overview of a SAILOR 6281 AIS Basic System

The following figure shows the system configuration.
Figure 2-2: System configuration for the SAILOR 6281 AIS Basic System
98-137573-A Chapter 2: Introduction 2-3
SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System
The SAILOR 6004 Control Panel is connected to the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder through a LAN connection (LWE/IEC 61162-450), here after called LWE. The SAILOR 6281 AIS Basic System is operated using the touch display of the SAILOR 6004 Control Panel.

2.2.2 Features

• AIS Class A compliant and approved
• Active GPS antenna included
• Interface for ThraneLINK applications and INS available
• Programmable interface for connection to sensors using the NMEA interface versions
2.0, ..., 4.1
• Touch screen on the SAILOR 6004 Control Panel
• Easy installation with the dedicated connection box available (SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray)
• Easy service - on the unit, through the ThraneLINK Management Application (TMA) or a web browser
• Built-in self-diagnostic system
• Built-in DC output on GPS antenna connector
• Possibility for a combined VHF and GPS antenna
• Works with both GPS and GLONASS
• Input for Low Power Forced Control, 1W output (gas alarm)
• Support of Class B carrier sense messages
• Function for discarding Class B messages
• Support for Long Range satellite tracking on channel 75 & channel 76
• Interface for pilot plug
2-4 Chapter 2: Introduction 98-137573-A

2.3 System components

2.3.1 SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder

The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder is a Class A AIS. It has connectors for GPS and VHF antenna, a ground stud, connector for DC power (12–24 VDC), multi connector for interfaces and 2 LAN connectors. The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder is always on, provided there is DC power.
The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder supports 3 sensor inputs for e.g. GPS and ROT and 4 presentation interfaces for e.g. ECDIS, Radar, Long Range and Pilot Plug. It also has inputs for Blue Sign functionality, Low Power Forced Control (gas alarm) and output for alarm. The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder has three LEDs showing the status of Power, Rx and Tx.
System components
Figure 2-3: SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder

2.3.2 SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active

The SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active is a robust, sealed and waterproof GPS antenna (classified IPx6 & IPx8).
Figure 2-4: SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active
98-137573-A Chapter 2: Introduction 2-5
System components

2.3.3 SAILOR 6004 Control panel

The SAILOR 6004 Control panel is the user interface for the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder. Through the touch panel you access all settings that can be changed by the user. Alarms and notifications are shown in the display. The SAILOR 6004 Control panel has a buzzer for alarm tones. The display supports night mode. The AIS application is loaded into the SAILOR 6004 Control Panel during installation.
Figure 2-5: SAILOR 6004 Control panel

2.3.4 SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray (optional)

The SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray has spring-loaded terminals for easy connection of all interfaces. See SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder on page 2-5 for more information on interfaces.
Figure 2-6: SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray
2-6 Chapter 2: Introduction 98-137573-A

2.4 Part numbers and options

2.4.1 Applicable part numbers

This installation manual is for the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder system and is applicable to the model- and part numbers below:
Part number Description
406282A SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder
406004A SAILOR 6004 Control Panel
406285A SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active
406283A SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray
Part numbers and options
Table 2-1: Part numbers for the SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System

2.4.2 Accessories

The following accessories are included in the delivery:
Part number Description accessories
37-130130 DC Power cable for SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder and
37-135955 SUB-D50 cable, 1 m
37-207073-000 RJ45 Cat5e STP LAN cable, 5 m
41-135855 GPS Antenna bracket
67-135974 Pilot plug
SAILOR 6004 Control Panel
Table 2-2: Part numbers for accessories
98-137573-A Chapter 2: Introduction 2-7
Part numbers and options
2-8 Chapter 2: Introduction 98-137573-A
Chapter 3
Installation 3
This chapter has the following sections:
Unpacking and initial inspection
VHF and GPS antenna installation
Physical installation of the SAILOR 6280 AIS System
Physical installation of the SAILOR 6281 AIS System
Physical installation of the SAILOR 6004 Control panel

3.1 Unpacking and initial inspection

3.1.1 Unpacking

The following items are included in the delivery of a SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder:
• SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder
• SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active
• GPS antenna bracket
• User manual SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder & SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System
• Installation guide SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder
• Installation guide SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active
• Power cable, 1 m
• Cable D-SUB, 50 pin, 1 m
• Cable RJ45 Cat5e STP, 5 m
• Fuse puller
• Fuse (7.5 AF)
• Screw M5-40 TORX, black (5 pieces)


• Screw ST4.8x50 TORX (5 pieces)
• Pilot plug

3.1.2 Initial inspection

Inspect the shipping carton immediately upon receipt for evidence of damage during transport. If the shipping carton is severely damaged or water stained, request that the carrier's agent be present when opening the carton. Save the carton packing material for future use.
98-137573-A 3-1
VHF and GPS antenna installation
WARNING! To avoid electric shock, do not apply power to the system if there is any sign of shipping damage to any part of the front or rear panel or the outer cover. Read the safety summary at the front of this manual before installing or operating the system.
After unpacking the system, inspect it thoroughly for hidden damage and loose components or fittings. If the contents are incomplete, if there is mechanical damage or defect, or if the system does not work properly, notify your dealer.

3.2 VHF and GPS antenna installation

The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder must be installed with one antenna for VHF RX/TX communication and one antenna for GPS communication. You can install all commonly available 50 Ohm antennas covering the appropriate frequency range and providing a VSWR less than 1.5 over this range.

3.2.1 Combined VHF and GPS antenna

Typically the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder is connected to a VHF antenna and a GPS with two cables. The SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder can also be connected to a combined VHF and GPS antenna with only one cable. The combined antenna must be approved to work with the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder. The approved combined VHF and GPS antennas are listed in Table 3-3 on page 3-11.
The combined VHF and GPS antenna is connected to the VHF plug of the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder. During installation the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder must be set up for the one-cable installation. You do this using a service PC with the TT6282 AIS Service Interface, setup menu.
3-2 Chapter 3: Installation 98-137573-A
VHF and GPS antenna installation
SAILOR 6004 Control Panel
12 – 24 VDC
Figure 3-1: Installation of a combined VHF and GPS antenna

3.2.2 Cable requirements

Connect the antennas using a low loss type 50 Ohm coaxial cable, e.g. good quality RG214 or better. IMO-COMSAR/Circ. 32 recommends the use of a double screened type cable (like e.g. RG214) with a maximum insertion loss of 3 dB across the antenna cable installation.
The maximum antenna cable length in the installation depends on the quality of the cable, i.e. the specified attenuation (dB/m) of the cable of choice at the high end of the VHF frequency band. As a rule of thumb the cable length using e.g. RG214 coaxial cable should not exceed 25 m.
SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder
Service PC
98-137573-A Chapter 3: Installation 3-3
VHF and GPS antenna installation
or combined

3.2.3 VHF RX/TX antenna

In installations with two or more units it is important to ensure the optimum performance of these by carefully selecting the antenna positions for both units. It is recommended to maximize the RF attenuation between the VHF RX/TX antennas in the installation. You can ensure this by not having the RX/TX antennas positioned at the same horizontal level, i.e. the RX/TX antennas for each radio must be installed at shifted elevations as shown in the following drawing.
If sufficient vertical distance between two or more such antennas cannot be achieved, the horizontal distance between them is increasingly important for optimum performance. If there is hardly any vertical separation ensure that there is a minimum of 5 m horizontal distance between any RX/TX antennas in the installation.
To minimize any increase in VSWR of the VHF RX/TX antenna, install the antenna at a vertical distance of at least 2 m to any other mast, pole or other RF antennas. Keep VHF antennas as far away as possible from the antenna main beam of any radar and satellite equipment.
3-4 Chapter 3: Installation 98-137573-A
Figure 3-2: Antenna positioning

3.2.4 SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active

To install the SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active do as follows:
1. Install the bracket on the pipe. Use silicone glue to lock the bracket to the pipe.
2. Pass the cable through the top of the bracket and connect the antenna cable to the antenna (screw lock). Seal the connection to prevent water ingress.
3. Click the antenna onto the bracket.
VHF and GPS antenna installation
Figure 3-3: Installing the SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active
98-137573-A Chapter 3: Installation 3-5
Physical installation of the SAILOR 6280 AIS System

3.3 Physical installation of the SAILOR 6280 AIS System

The SAILOR 6280 AIS System consists of the following units:
1. SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder
2. SAILOR 6004 Control Panel
3. SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active
4. SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray
You can mount the SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray on a desktop or on a wall. Provide space enough to access the connectors and the fuse. Allow space for the cables.
Application example
VHF antenna GPS antenna
Low power forced control
Blue sign
BIIT relay
Figure 3-4: Application example with SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray
3-6 Chapter 3: Installation 98-137573-A
PI1, e.g. ECDIS
Sensor 1
PI2, e.g. radar
PI3, e.g. pilot plug
PI4, e.g. long range
Sensor 3
Sensor 2
Compass safe distance
Make sure that the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder is far enough from any magnetic compass. See the following table for the safe distance after magnetization between the nearest point of the device and the centre of the compass at which it will produce a deviation of 0.3°.
Device Compass safe distance
Physical installation of the SAILOR 6280 AIS System
SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder
SAILOR 6004 Control Panel
Physical installation
See the following figure for installing the SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray.
55 cm (standard magnetic compass) 45 cm (Emergency magnetic compass)
60 cm
Table 3-1: Compass safe distance for SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder
40 mm
245 mm
344.5 mm
54 mm
9.5 mm
Figure 3-5: Installing the SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray
1. Put the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder on the SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray and fasten it with 4 screws (included in the delivery).
2. Leave the lid of the SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray off until all equipment is connected to the spring-loaded terminals.
3. Use the integrated cable relief to secure the cables.
4. Having connected and secured all cables fasten the lid on the SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray with 2 screws (included in the delivery).
98-137573-A Chapter 3: Installation 3-7
290 mm
309 mm
9.5 mm
Physical installation of the SAILOR 6280 AIS System
12-24V DC
Connector overview – SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder
The following figure shows the connectors of the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder.
Figure 3-6: Connectors of the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder
Connect the VHF antenna or the combined VHF/GPS antenna to this connector.
Connect the cable from the SAILOR 6285 GPS Antenna - Active to this connector.
To connect the SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder to ship ground, do as follows:
1. Connect a ground cable of shortest possible length and minimum
4 mm
cross section to the Ground stud and fasten it with the wing
2. Connect the other end of the cable to ship ground.
DC Power input 12–24 VDC
For more information on DC power input, pin allocation and instructions how to connect DC power see Connecting DC power on page 4-2.
Connector overview – spring loaded terminals
The following figure shows the spring loaded terminals of the SAILOR 6283 AIS Connection Box and Wall Tray.
Ground stud
3-8 Chapter 3: Installation 98-137573-A
+ 90 hidden pages