Thor Audio TA-2000 Mk2 Brochure

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Thor Audio News
New Preamp Chassis !
Inside view (upside down) of
the bored 1" (25.4 mm)
thick Top Plate
(used in our TA-1000, TA-
2000, & TA-3000 preamps)
Black Diamond Racing
“Pucks” & “Cones”.
A one -piece “spun” bare
metal of a TPA-150 main/
bottom chassis.
The new preamp chassis is basically bored from solid blocks of pristine aircraft-quality aluminum and now features a massive 1" thick top plate!
In addition, the sides of the chassis are now a full 1/2" thick. All RCA jacks in the back are re­cessed into oversized holes counterbored from the out­side showing the true thic k­ness of the outside wall.
We will continue to use the Black Diamond
New Power Amp Chassis !
“Metal Spinning” is a procedure that dates back well over 100 years. Surprisingly, most people in the metal fabrication busi­ness these days have never even heard of it!
While others may have heard of it, there are only a couple of dozen peo­ple in the entire US that can
"Pucks and Cones" combi­nation (see picture) for sta­bility and height underneath all of our power amplifiers.
However, as a re­sult of this re-design, the preamp chassis is so mas­sive and rigid that it will han­dle any sound-robbing (preamp level) vibrations with ease. Because it no longer needs as much me­chanical clamping/damping of the bottom, we have re­moved the "pucks". Note that we will continue to use the pyramid
actually do it, and this is be- cause it was handed down from father to son!
This procedure (soon to be seen in it’s en­tirety on our web site) makes a one-piece round chassis (see picture).
If you want a truly round chassis, AND have it be only one piece, this is the
cone feet as before. Another added
benefit is that removal of the pucks will also lower the overall height of the preamp from 5 1/2" to 4 3/4". This lower height also makes it useable with many more audio racks.
Readers Note : Some of the best news is that while these chassis are much more ex­pensive to produce, we will not be increasing our retail prices until next year!
only way to do it. The chassis are so
structurally strong and inert that they handle any sound­robbing vibrations with ease and gives the best look we have seen to our amp cha s­sis. Even the TPA-30 and the TPA-60 chassis will be back-engineered to accom­modate this new design!
Powder coated chassis
shown with the Electron-
Beam Laser -welded Top
Electron-Beam Laser -Welded Chassis !
A perfect mar­riage of “old and new” -
We start with a perfectly “spun” chassis. (see above picture)
Then, any welds that are necessary are done using the very latest in “Space-Age” technology— The Electron-Beam Laser Welder.
This makes the chassis itself (and especially the electrical earth ground) totally contiguous and gives an invisible seem to the out­side of the chassis.
Additionally, it is so strong that it becomes even harder than the metal itself. This is why it can be used for spacecrafts and the like.
The invisible laser-weld on the side of an amp chassis.
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