Operating, servicing and maintaining a passenger vehicle or offroad vehicle can expose you to chemicals including engine exhaust,
carbon monoxide, phthalates, and lead, which are known to the State
of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive
harm. To minimize exposure, avoid breathing exhaust, do not idle the
engine except as necessary, service your vehicle in a well-ventilated
area and wear gloves or wash your hands frequently when servicing
your vehicle.
For more information go to: www.P65Warnings.ca.gov/passengervehicle
Congratulations on purchasing your new or Motor Coach Recreational Vehicle!
We sincerely thank you for choosing and putting your faith in us. Our goal is to provide you with a quality motorized recreational vehicle at a
reasonable price.
Your motorhome was built following the high standards set by or Motor Coach (TMC), the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association
(RVIA), and (if applicable) the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) as well as complying with the requirements of all applicable state and
federal agencies.
Your motorhome is designed to provide you with carefree, comfortable travel and vacationing. Our hope is to provide you with many years of
enjoyment and great memories.
Our customers are extremely important to us, and we want to assure you that we will always strive to do everything possible to continue to earn
your trust and goodwill.
Welcome to the wonderful world of RVing and to the or Motor Coach family.
or Motor Coach (TMC) reserves the right to make changes in vehicles built and/or sold at any time without incurring any obligations to
make the same or similar changes on vehicles previously built and/or sold by TMC. Information in this owner's manual is subject to change
without notice and represents information relevant at the time this version was printed. Nothing in this owner's manual creates any warranty,
either expressed or implied. e only warranties oered are those set forth in the or Motor Coach Limited Warranty and in the or Motor
Coach Structural Limited Warranty, as applicable to the motorhome.
ank you for choosing or Motor Coach (TMC). is Owner's Manual is intended to help
you better understand the features and general operation of your new motorhome. Please read
and keep it, your TMC Warranty Guide, your Owner’s Packet, and your Chassis Packet in your
recreation vehicle (RV) for future reference.
is Owner's Manual is not intended for use as a service manual, but rather as a guide to help
you become familiar with your motorhome. It is not model specic and is of a general nature
so the illustrations and descriptions provided may dier from the components installed in
your motorhome.
TMC Warranty Guide
e or Motor Coach Limited Warranty and the or Motor Coach Structural Limited
Warranty are printed separately in your TMC Warranty Guide. e TMC Warranty Guide also
contains your TMC Product Warranty Registration Form (this form must be completed by
you and your selling dealer, and returned to us within een (15) days of delivery of your new
motorhome to you).
Owner’s Packet
For more complete instructions regarding warranty, safety, operation, and maintenance
of the component supplier parts installed in your motorhome, please read and follow the
information provided by the various component manufacturers located in your Owner’s
Packet. If you feel you are missing component supplier information, please contact the
component manufacturer using the supplier contact list provided in your TMC Warranty
Guide, your selling dealer, or TMC Customer Care at (877) 855-2867.
TMC Owner's Packet
Chassis Packet
e Chassis Packet contains important warranty, safety, operation, and maintenance
information from the manufacturer of your motorhome chassis regarding the transmission,
tires, etc. Instructions for registering your applicable warranty using the chassis manufacturer’s
Delayed Warranty Start Form are printed separately in the TMC Warranty Guide.
Online Customer Support
A good working knowledge of your motorhome and how to care for it will help you enjoy
many miles and years of RVing. As an added bonus, we have provided informational 'how-to'
videos on our or Motor Coach YouTube channel:
and more information available in the Owner’s Resources section of our website:
If you are unclear or unfamiliar with any procedure described in this Owner's Manual,
your TMC Warranty Guide, Owner’s Packet, Chassis Packet, or online Customer Support
information, please contact your selling dealer or TMC Customer Care at (877) 855-2867 for
2CUSTOMER CARE | 877.855.2867
Customer Information
Dealer’s Responsibilities
Your selling dealer is responsible for inspecting both factory and dealer installed components
for proper operation. is is referred to as a PDI (pre-delivery inspection).
1. Your selling dealer is required to provide a thorough and complete walk through
demonstration and perform a test drive with you. e demonstration should provide you
with a good understanding regarding your new motorhome warranty, safety information,
operation, and maintenance.
2. Your selling dealer should discuss this Owner’s Manual, the Owner's Packet, the Chassis
Packet, and the various individual component supplier documents with you at the time of
sale. eir presentation should include assisting you with completing all warranty cards
and registrations, and reviewing all individual component supplier information, including
warranty, safety, operation, and maintenance information relating to your new motorhome.
3. Your selling dealer is required to complete and return the TMC Product Warranty
Registration Form (located in the TMC Warranty Guide) to or Motor Coach within
een (15) days of delivery of your motorhome to you to activate your or Motor Coach
Limited Warranty, and your or Motor Coach Structural Limited Warranty coverage.
Customer’s Responsibilities
You, as the owner/operator of the motorhome, are responsible for providing proper
maintenance as outlined in this Owner's Manual, the TMC Warranty Guide, the Owner’s
Packet, our On-line Customer Support, the Chassis Packet, and all individual component
suppliers' information. Periodic maintenance is not covered by the or Motor Coach Limited
Warranty and/or the or Motor Coach Structural Limited Warranty.
NOTE: Your applicable Thor Motor Coach
Limited Warranty and Thor Motor Coach
Structural Limited Warranty are activated
after we receive your fully completed TMC
Product Warranty Registration Form from
your selling dealer.
1. Read the or Motor Coach Limited Warranty and the or Motor Coach Limited
Structural Warranty before you purchase your motorhome. If you have questions
regarding coverage, contact TMC Customer Care at (877) 855-2867.
2. Inspect the entire motorhome during your PDI and test drive, and note any issues in
writing on the TMC Product Warranty Registration Form. Ask any questions you may
have before leaving the selling dealership.
NOTE: Failure to properly maintain your
motorhome could result in loss of warranty
3. Complete and return all applicable warranty cards and registrations at the time of sale.
4. Regular and proper maintenance. Be sure to have service performed in a timely manner to
help avoid situations arising from neglect or abuse that are not covered under warranty.
5. Familiarize yourself with your new motorhome.
Follow all TMC, chassis manufacturer, and all individual component suppliers' instructions
regarding the safety, operation, and maintenance of their respective products.
Change of Address or Ownership
e 'National Trac and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966' in the United States, and Transport
Canada require manufacturers to be able to contact vehicle owners when a correction of a
safety-related defect or noncompliance issue becomes necessary.
To enable TMC to contact you (the current purchaser) with important vehicle product and
safety updates, including vehicles with expired warranty coverage, please update your vehiclerelated or ownership information by contacting TMC in writing by faxing (574) 294-3816
(attention: Registrations), or by emailing registrations@tmcrv.com.
• Your legal name
• Your current mailing address (include your prior mailing address for change of address
• Your telephone number
• Your email address
• Your vehicle’s 17-digit chassis vehicle identication number (VIN)
• Your vehicle’s TMC serial number
• Legal proof of purchase (e.g., a legible copy of your bill of sale or insurance card)
• Current motorhome odometer reading
CUSTOMER CARE | 877.855.2867
How to Obtain Assistance
Should a question or concern arise regarding your motorhome, your rst step is to contact
your selling dealer. eir sales, service, and parts professionals will be glad to assist you.
Customer service is of the utmost importance to your selling dealer, and is just as important
to us.
You can also contact a TMC Customer Care representative, by calling (877) 855-2867.
Questions can also be directed to TMC Customer Care through the or Motor Coach
website. To access this service, you must have a valid email address. is resoruce is available
to you 24/7. You will receive a reply by email, or if you choose, a TMC Customer Care
representative will return a phone call as soon as possible.
We sincerely believe your selling dealer and your TMC Customer Care representative will
be able to solve any concern which may arise. However, if their combined eorts are not
satisfactory please send a letter describing the circumstances to:
Thor Motor Coach
Attn: Customer Care
PO Box 1486
Elkhart IN 46515-1486
• Your selling dealer’s name, address, and phone number
• Your dealer contact’s name
• Your legal name, current mailing address, phone number, and email address
• Your vehicle’s 17-digit chassis vehicle identication number (VIN)
• Your vehicle’s TMC serial number
• Current motorhome odometer reading
• If applicable, include the individual component supplier's name, part description, model
number, and serial number
Suggestions for Obtaining Service
To help ensure your selling dealer provides the level of service you expect, here are some
suggestions we would like to make:
Do not wait until you are ready to use your motorhome. Service appointments are made
based on each dealer's schedule, so contact your dealer as soon as possible to have repairs
If you are having warranty work performed, be sure to have the right papers with you. Take
your warranty folder and have your vehicle information available. All work to be performed
may not be covered by warranty. Discuss additional charges with the dealer’s service
Provide your dealer with a written list of specic repairs needed. It is important that you
provide any vehicle repair history to the dealer’s service professionals. Keep a maintenance log
of your vehicle’s service history. is can oen provide a clue to the current issue.
If you leave a list with several items, and you need your motorhome returned back by a
specic time, discuss the situation with the dealer’s service professionals and list your items in
order of priority. is may include making a second appointment for work not completed or
parts that the dealer may need to order.
Please don’t be oended if you are told you cannot watch the work being done. Some
insurance requirements forbid admission of customers to the service area.
Finally, check out the service or repair job when you pick up your motorhome. Notify the
dealer’s service professionals immediately of any dissatisfaction. If you cannot return the
vehicle immediately for repair, make an appointment as soon as possible.
Please be aware that all service shops require notication of any issues with their repairs
within a specied time limit. Make sure you are familiar with their repair policies.
CUSTOMER CARE | 877.855.2867
Emergency Weekend or After Business Hours Warranty Repair
In an emergency, if an authorized TMC dealer is not located nearby please contact your
selling dealer for assistance. If your selling dealer is closed, contact TMC Customer Care at
(877) 855-2867 (available 24/7) for warranty pre-repair authorization for emergency weekend
and/or aer business hours repair assistance.
Obtaining Service Repair at Thor Motor Coach
If your motorhome is in need of service repair, and your dealer recommends that the repairs
be made at the TMC Factory Service Center, your motorhome may be returned to us with the
following guidelines:
• You (the current motorhome owner) or your referring dealer must make a conrmed
appointment prior to dropping o your motorhome.
• You are responsible for all transportation costs and hotel accommodations; please be
prepared accordingly.
• Unless prior approval has been obtained from the TMC Factory Service Center, all
personal items must be removed from the area where you are requesting service repair
and the refrigerator emptied. TMC is not responsible for any lost or stolen property,
valuables, or loss of food items.
• Your motorhome holding tanks must be emptied and rinsed. We have a dumping station
available for customer use.
• e propane system and all electrical systems must be shut down and turned OFF. We are
not responsible for discharged batteries or propane tanks.
• During the appropriate season, please ensure your motorhome is winterized.
• You must retake possession of your motorhome within seven (7) days of TMC notifying
you that the repairs have been completed; otherwise, unless a longer storage time has been
agreed to in writing by TMC, you agree to pay daily storage fees to TMC.
NOTE: Please refer to your TMC Factory
Service Appointment Form for additional
important information.
Replacement Parts
NOTE: Damage caused by use of your
motorhome in freezing temperatures is
not covered by the Thor Motor Coach
Limited Warranty or the Thor Motor Coach
Structural Limited Warranty.
TMC does not sell parts retail direct. Please contact your selling dealer for assistance in
obtaining replacement parts or accessories. If the original part is no longer available, we will
make every eort to provide an appropriate substitute.
Cold Weather Usage
When RVing in freezing or below freezing temperatures, these precautions should be taken:
• Make proper preparations to avoid freeze-ups of the fresh water and drainage systems.
• Propane gas and sucient power is needed for protection from possible freeze-ups of the
propane gas regulator.
• During cool weather usage, ventilation or addition of a dehumidier (customer supplied)
may be required to reduce condensation.
• To avoid damage, check the outside extrusions for frozen moisture before operating or
using the motorhome compartment doors, locks, slideouts, windows, vents, etc.
Extended Stay Usage
Your motorhome was designed primarily for recreational use and short-term occupancy.
If you expect to occupy the motorhome for an extended period, be prepared to deal with
condensation and the humid conditions that may be encountered.
e relatively small volume and tight compact construction of modern RVs mean that the
normal living activities of even a few occupants will lead to rapid moisture saturation of the
air contained in the motorhome and the appearance of visible moisture, especially in cold
Just as moisture collects on the outside of a glass of cold water during humid weather,
moisture can condense on the inside surfaces of the motorhome during cold weather when
relative humidity of the interior air is high. is condition is increased because the insulated
CUSTOMER CARE | 877.855.2867
walls of a recreation vehicle are much thinner than house walls. Estimates indicate that a
family of four can vaporize up to three gallons of water daily through breathing, cooking,
bathing, and washing.
Unless the water vapor is carried outside by ventilation, or condensed by a dehumidier
(customer supplied), it will condense on the inside of the windows and walls as moisture, or
in cold weather as frost or ice. It may also condense out of sight within the walls or the ceiling
where it will manifest itself as warped or stained panels. Appearance of these conditions may
indicate a serious condensation problem.
When using your motorhome, you should at all times take necessary action to minimize the
eects of excessive moisture and condensation. For tips on controlling condensation see the
“Tips To Controlling Condensation” section.
Thor Diesel Club
Discover a whole new level of camaraderie and increase your knowledge of your motorhome
by joining the or Diesel Club. As the owner of a Class A diesel motorhome manufactured
by or Motor Coach you are eligible for membership.
e or Diesel Club is an independently owned and operated entity that uses the or name
under a license agreement. e or Diesel Club is not a principal or agent of or Motor
Coach, Inc.
NOTE: Your motorhome is not designed,
nor intended, for permanent housing.
Use of your motorhome for long term
or permanent occupancy may lead to
premature deterioration of its structure,
interior finishes, fabrics, carpeting, and/or
window treatments, etc. Damage and/or
deterioration due to long term occupancy
is not considered normal, and may under
the terms of the warranty constitute misuse,
abuse, or neglect, and therefore void
certain warranty protections.
NOTE: If you purchased a new qualifying
motorhome, you may be eligible for a free
one year of membership; please contact the
management at Thor Diesel Club for more
For more information regarding how you can become a club member, please contact:
Thor Diesel Club
5715 Hwy 85N #557
Crestview, Florida 32536
Email: thordieselclub@gmail.com
Website Usage Disclaimers
or Motor Coach (TMC) hereby disclaims and sets forth as follows:
Website Disclaimer of Warranty
e services, information and materials on websites listed in this manual are provided "AS
IS," and TMC shall have absolutely no liability whatsoever in connection with these website
services, information, external links or third party links on these websites. Your use of these
websites are at your own risk. TMC shall have no liability whatsoever for any errors, omissions
or inaccuracies in the information regardless of how caused or for delays or interruptions
in delivery of the information: or any decision made or action taken or not taken in reliance
upon the information furnished.
TMC accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to information on these
websites as the information is meant to be of a general nature only and is not intended to
address the specic circumstances of any particular individual or entity.
e information provided is not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date;
the information is sometimes linked to external sites over which TMC has no control and
for which TMC assumes no responsibility: TMC shall have no liability for any loss or injury
caused, in whole or in part, by its actions, omissions or negligence, or for any contingencies
beyond its control in procuring, compiling or delivering any information. e information
is not professional nor does it comprise legal advice (if you need specic advice, you should
always consult a suitably qualied professional).
Disclaimer of Endorsement
Any reference within external or third party links to any specic commercial products, process
or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise, does not constitute or imply
it's endorsement, recommendation or favoring by TMC. e appearance of external or third
party links does not constitute endorsement by TMC of the linked web sites or the information,
products or services contained therein. TMC does not exercise any editorial control over the
information you may nd at these locations. External or third party links may be provided
for the convenience of the users of that website. TMC is not responsible for the availability or
content of these external or third party sites and does not endorse, warrant or guarantee any
products, services, information, centers or schools described or oered at these links.
CUSTOMER CARE | 877.855.2867
Reporting Safety Defects
In the United States
If you believe that your recreation vehicle has an alleged defect that could cause a crash or
cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Trac Safety
Administration (NHTSA) and or Motor Coach.
If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it nds that a safety
defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign. However,
NHTSA cannot become involved in individual problems between you, your selling dealer, or
or Motor Coach.
For additional information, go to the NHTSA website at www.safercar.gov.
To contact NHTSA by phone
Call the Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1-888-327-4236 and a NHTSA representative will record
your complaint information (TTY: 1-800-424-9153 or 1-202-484-5238).
To contact NHTSA by mail
Oce of Defects Investigations/CRD
1200 New Jersey Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20590
To contact TMC by phone
Contact TMC Customer Care at 1-877-825-2867.
To contact TMC by mail
or Motor Coach
Attn: Customer Care
PO Box 1486
Elkhart, IN 46515-1486
In Canada
If you believe your recreation vehicle has an alleged safety defect, you should contact
Transport Canada and or Motor Coach. Transport Canada prefers to be called instead
of receiving posted mail or email, as it enables their investigators to conrm that your
information is correct and to answer your questions accurately.
For additional information, go to the Transport Canada website at www.tc.gc.ca.
To contact Transport Canada by phone
Call 1-800-333-0510 (or 1-613-993-9851 if you are calling from the Ottawa region) and ask to
speak to a defect investigator.
To contact Transport Canada by mail
Road Safety and Motor Vehicle
Regulation Directorate
Transport Canada
Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5
To contact TMC by phone
Contact TMC Customer Care at 1-877-825-2867.
To contact TMC by mail
or Motor Coach
Attn: Customer Care
PO Box 1486
Elkhart, IN 46515-1486
CUSTOMER CARE | 877.855.2867
Safety and Vehicle Identification
Safety Alerts
or Motor Coach uses the following signal words to warn you of possible safety concerns
and to provide information to help prevent personal injury and/or damage to the motorhome:
Provides helpful information.
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential
personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this
symbol to avoid possible injury or death. This symbol may be used
in conjunction with the following signal words and with a color that
corresponds with the associated safety label.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury. This alert information is limited to the most extreme situations.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
Indicates a potential situation that, if not avoided, may result in property damage or
damage to your motorhome.
Vehicle Identification Decals and Plates
NOTE: If any decal, label, or data plate has
been removed, damaged, or painted over,
please contact your selling dealer’s Parts
Department to order and replace it.
Before dispensing fuel, turn off all
engines, fuel-burning appliances,
and their igniters (see operating
Do not dispense fuel within 20ft
(6.1m) of an ignition source.
Can cause ignition of ammable
vapors, which can lead to a re or
explosion and result in death or
serious injury.
e TMC serial number is listed on a label axed to the inside wall of a Class A motorhome,
or on the inside of the passenger’s door of a Class C motorhome. Please refer to the chassis
manufacturer’s owner's manual for the location of your 17-digit chassis VIN.
ere are safety decals and vehicle information labels axed throughout your motorhome.
Read and follow the instructions listed on all decals, labels, or data plates before and during
operation and storage of your motorhome.
Fire Safety
Vehicles and equipment powered by internal combustion engines and placed in
recreation vehicles may cause carbon monoxide poisoning or asphyxiation, which
could result in death or serious injury.
The flammable liquids used to power these items can cause a fire or explosion,
which can result in death or serious injury.
1. Do not ride in the vehicle storage area when vehicles are present.
2. Do not sleep in the vehicle storage area when vehicles are present.
3. Close doors and windows in walls of separation (if installed) when any vehicle is
4. Run fuel out of engines or stored vehicles after shutting off fuel at the tank.
5. Do not store, transport, or dispense fuel inside this vehicle.
6. Open the windows, openings, or air ventilation systems provided for venting the
transportation area when vehicles are present.
7. Do not operate propane appliances, pilot lights, or electrical equipment when
motorized vehicles are present.
14CUSTOMER CARE | 877.855.2867
Fire safety is an important part of owning a motorhome. Make sure that everyone traveling
in the motorhome is familiar with the location of exits, including emergency exit egress
windows, should an emergency arise. e following basic rules of re prevention can help
eliminate the possibility of a re:
• Never store ammable liquids within the motorhome
• Keep cooking surfaces clean
• Never clean with a ammable liquid
• Never leave cooking food unattended
• Never smoke in bed, and always use an ashtray
• Never allow children to play with propane gas or electrical equipment
• Never use an open ame as a ashlight
• Always repair faulty or damaged wiring and electrical components
• Never overload electrical circuits
DO NOT attempt to use water to
put out an electrical re. Water
can spread some types of re, and
electrocution is possible with an
electrical re.
• Locate and repair propane gas leaks immediately
• Don’t allow rubbish to accumulate
• Spray fabrics annually with a ame retardant
If a re does start, make sure to follow these basic rules of safety
1. Evacuate everyone (including pets) from the motorhome immediately!
2. Aer everyone is clear, check the re to see if you can attempt to put it out. If it is too
large, or the re is fuel fed, get clear of the motorhome and have the re department
handle the emergency.
a. Switch the 120 volts AC main circuit breaker to the OFF position
b. Disconnect the negative battery cable(s) at the auxiliary battery and chassis battery
c. Disconnect the shore line power cord from the shore power receptacle
d. Turn OFF the generator (if so equipped)
3. DO NOT attempt to use water to put out the re. Water can spread some types of re, and
electrocution is possible with an electrical re.
Always have faulty or damaged wiring and electrical components inspected by a certied RV
repair technician, and repaired immediately.
Fire Extinguisher
Fire extinguishers are classied and rated by re type, A, B, and C. ese classications
identify the kinds of res or burning materials they are designed to ght.
Class A - Solid materials such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, and some plastics.
Class B - Liquids such as grease, cooking oils, gasoline, kerosene or other ammable
Class C - Electrical such as electrical wires or other live electrical equipment.
A dry-chemical re extinguisher has been installed by the entrance door. It is suitable for
extinguishing small res of the Class B or C type only.
Typical Class B-C fire extinguisher
For information on how to use your re extinguisher, refer to the re extinguisher
manufacturer’s owner's manual or the label axed to the side of the re extinguisher.
NOTE: Know the location of the fire
extinguisher installed in your motorhome
and become familiar with its operation.
Inspect the extinguisher at least once a week (more frequently if it is exposed to weather
or possible tampering). is should also be done before beginning a vacation or during an
extended trip.
16CUSTOMER CARE | 877.855.2867
e re extinguisher must be replaced following the re extinguisher manufacturer’s owner's
manual instructions, and/or expiration date listed on the label axed to the side of the re
Smoke Alarm
This smoke alarm will not alert hearing impaired residents. Special alarms with
ashing strobe lights are recommended for the hearing impaired.
e smoke alarm in your vehicle is listed for use in recreation vehicles. ey only work
properly if they are operational and maintained. ey have a limited life and will wear out
over time. Immediately replace the smoke alarm if it is not working properly, if it displays
any type of problem, or as recommended by the smoke alarm manufacturer. Be sure to read,
understand, and follow the information provided by the smoke alarm manufacturer, including
information on the limited life of smoke alarms.
Be aware the smoke alarm is not fool proof and cannot detect res if smoke does not reach it.
Anything preventing smoke from reaching the alarm may delay or prevent an alarm.
ough the alarm horn in this detector meets or exceeds current UL standards, it may not
be heard for reasons that include (but not limited to): a closed or partially closed door, other
noise from electronics, appliances or trac.
e smoke alarm is operational once the battery is correctly installed. It will not function
if the battery is missing, disconnected, dead, the wrong type, or not installed correctly. It
requires one standard 9V battery. Refer to the smoke alarm manufacturer's owner's manual for
correct battery and installation information.
Typical RV smoke alarm
e LED light indicates if the battery is functioning properly. When the production of
combustion is sensed, the smoke alarm sounds a loud alarm that continues until the air is
cleared. e LED light also gives a visual indication of a sounding alarm.
When the battery becomes weak, the alarm will “beep” about once a minute indicating a low
battery. is warning should last for 30 days. To assure continued protection, you MUST
replace the battery once the smoke alarm’s low battery warning (beeping) starts.
Test smoke alarm operation after vehicle has been in storage, befoe each trip, and at
least once per week during use.
Failure to do so can result in death or serious injury.
To test, stand at arm’s length from the smoke alarm as the alarm horn is loud and may be
harmful to your hearing. e test button will accurately test all functions. Never use an open
ame to test the smoke alarm.
Vacuum o any dust on the cover of the smoke alarm using a so brush attachment. Test
the smoke alarm once you have vacuumed. Never use water, cleaners or solvents to clean
the smoke alarm as they may damage the alarm. Do not paint the smoke alarm. Refer to the
manufacturer’s owner's manual for detailed maintenance information.
Smoke alarms have a limited life and must be replaced following the smoke alarm
manufacturer’s owner's manual instructions, and/or the expiration date listed on the device.
18CUSTOMER CARE | 877.855.2867
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
The following symptoms are related to carbon monoxide poisoning and should be
discussed with all members of the household:
Mild exposure
Slight headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue (often described as “u-like” symptoms)
Medium exposure
Severe throbbing headaches, drowsiness, confusion, fast heart rate
Extreme exposure
Unconsciousness, convulsions, cardio-respiratory failure, death
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an insidious poison. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas.
Many cases of reported carbon monoxide poisoning indicate while victims are aware they
are not feeling well, they become so disoriented they are unable to save themselves by either
exiting the vehicle or calling for assistance. Young children and household pets may be the
rst aected.
This is a storage area only and not intended for human or animal occupancy. Failure
to follow these instructions could lead to injury or death.
Do not allow children to enter or to play in or around this storage area.
This area is not heated or cooled. Do not store perishables or items in this cargo
area that ay be damaged by heat or by exposure to cold temperatures.
Do not use gas cooking appliances
for comfort heating.
Can lead to carbon monoxide
poisoning, which can lead to death
or serious injury.
e risk of carbon monoxide poisoning or suocation exists in any conned space. Do not
allow children or pets to play or become entrapped within the storage compartments of your
Safety Regulations and Propane Gas
1. Extinguish any open ames and all smoking materials.
2. Shut off the propane supply at the container valve(s) or propane supply
3. Do not touch electrical switches.
4. Open doors and other ventilating openings.
5. Leave the area until the odor clears
6. Have the propane system checked and leakage source corrected before using
Ignition of ammable vapors could lead to a re or explosion and result in death or
serious injury.
All pilot lignts, appliances, and their igniters (see operating instructions) shall be
turned off before refueling of motor fuel tanks and/or propane containers.
Can cause ignition of ammable vapors, which can lead to a re or explosion and
result in death or serious injury.
Warning labels are axed throughout your motorhome to provide required information on
propane safety. Read and follow the instructions listed, and exercise proper precautions when
using or around propane and propane appliances.
Warning labels are located in the cooking area to remind you to provide an adequate supply
of fresh air for combustion. Unlike a residential home, the oxygen supply in an RV is limited
20CUSTOMER CARE | 877.855.2867
due to the size of the RV, and proper ventilation must be utilized when using the cooking
appliances to help avoid the dangers of asphyxiation.
Do not use gas cooking appliances for comfort heating. Can lead to carbon
monoxide poisoning, which can lead to death or serious injury.
• Do not connect natural gas to this system.
• Securely cap inlet when not connected for use.
• After turning on propane, except after normal cylinder replacement, test propane
piping and connections to appliances for leakage with soapy water or bubble
• Do not use products that contain ammonia or chlorine to test for leaks. These
substances may weaken piping components and cause gas leaks, leading to re
or explosion, which could result in death or serious injury.
Gas cooking appliances need fresh air for safe operation. Before operating:
• Open vents or windows slightly or turn on exhaust fan prior to using cooking
• Gas ames consume oxygen, which should be replaced to ensure proper
• Improper use can result in death or serious injury.
Do not ll propane container(s) to
more than 80 percent of capacity.
A properly lled container contains
approximately 80 percent of its
volume as liquid propane.
Overlling the propane container(s)
can result in uncontrolled propane
ow, which could lead to a re or
explosion and result in death or
serious injury.
Combination Carbon Monoxide/Propane Alarm
Typical combination carbon monoxide/propane
The carbon monoxide (CO) alarm installed is intended for use in ordinary indoor
locations of recreation vehicles.
Do not disconnect the combination carbon monoxide/propane alarm, or its battery.
Individuals with medical problems may consider using warning devices that provide
audible and visual signals for carbon monoxide concentrations under 30 PPM.
This alarm will only indicate the presence of carbon monoxide gas at the sensor.
Carbon monoxide gas may be present in other areas.
Your motorhome is equipped with a combination carbon monoxide/propane alarm that is
listed for use in recreation vehicles. e combination carbon monoxide/propane alarm will
only work if it is operational and maintained.
e combination carbon monoxide/propane alarm is wired directly to the motorhome's 12
volt electrical system, with continuous power being supplied by the auxiliary battery. ere
is no 9-volt battery power supply in the combination carbon monoxide/propane alarm. If
the auxiliary battery cable is disconnected at the battery terminals, the combination carbon
monoxide/propane alarm will not be powered, and therefore, will not function.
is alarm is designed to detect the toxic carbon monoxide fumes that result from incomplete
combustion, such as those emitted from appliances, furnaces, replaces, and auto exhaust. A
carbon monoxide/propane alarm is NOT A SUBSTITUTE for other combustible gas, re or
smoke alarms. is carbon monoxide alarm is designed to detect carbon monoxide gas from
ANY source of combustion.
It is not designed to detect smoke, re or any other gas. Please note that there are hazards
against which carbon monoxide detection may not be eective, such as natural gas leaks or
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