FRS 35810 – User Instruction Guide (Buttons and Controls)
1) Power Button Press and hold button for 1 second to turn unit ON or OFF. The unit is
OFF when the entire display is blank.
2) PTT Button Press and hold button during transmission. Release button to receive
calls. The transmitter icon will be displayed for the duration of the
3) P age Button Pre s s to ini ti a te tr a ns mis s i on o f an ale r t to ne to ot he r FRS r ad i os t u ned
to the same channel. The transmit icon will be displayed for the
duration of the transmission.
4) Monitor Button Press and hold button to listen for any activity on channel before
initiating a transmission.
Normal Mode Operation:
5) Up Arrow Button Press button to increment to next FRS c hannel. Counting up from
cha nne l 14 wi ll wr ap a round to c ha nne l 1. The new cha nne l and i ts
corresponding CTCSS code will be shown on the display.
6) Down Arrow Button Press button to decrement to the previous FRS channel. Counting
down from channel 1 will wrap around to channel 14. The new
channel and its corresponding CTCSS code will be shown on the
7) Right Arrow Button Press button to increase audio volume one step as shown on the volume
level bar graph. Maximum volume is reached when a ll s egments of
the bar graph are displayed.
8) Left Arrow Button Press button to decrease audio volume one step as shown on the
volume level bar graph. Minimum volume is reached when all
segments of the bar graph are blank.
9) Lock Button Press and hold button for 1.5 seconds to “lock-out” all Feature
Programmi ng modes and channel changing operations. Press and hold
button again for 1.5 seconds to “un-lock” condition.
10) Mode Button Press button to enter feature program mode. Press button again to
re tur n to nor mal mo de .
TriSquare Communications Page 1
FRS 35810 – User Instruction Guide (Buttons and Controls)
Feature Programming Modes
CTCSS Code Prog ra mming
Temperature Display Programming
FRS Channel Programming
Feature Programming Operation:
1) Ri ght Arrow Butto n Pre ss butto n to sw itch to next Fea ture Progra mming subme nu at a ny
time during feature selection.
2) Left Arrow Button Press button to switch to previous Feature Programmi ng subme nu at
any ti me during feature selection.
CTCSS Co de Prog ra mmin g Mo de :
(“CTCSS” indicator blinking)
1) Up Arrow Button Press button to incre ment CTCSS code. If incrementing from code 38,
the unit will switch to code 0 (displayed as “--“). Code 0 indicates no
CTCSS code selected and unit will receive all calls transmitted on the
current channel.
2) Down Arrow Button Press button to decre ment CTCSS code. If decrementing from code 0,
the unit will switch to code 38.
Temperature Display Programming Mode:
(Degree F/Degree C indicator blinking)
1) Up/Down Arrow Buttons Press either button to toggle temperature display mode between
Centigrade and Fahrenheit scales. The current temperature will be
displayed with the appropriate F or C for the selected scale.
FRS Channel Programming:
(FRS Channel number blinking)
1) Up Arrow Button Press button to increment to next FRS c hannel. Counting up from
cha nne l 14 wi ll wr ap a round to c ha nne l 1. The new cha nne l and i ts
corresponding CTCSS code will be shown on the display.
2) Down Arrow Button Press button to decrement to the previous FRS channel. Counting
down from channel 1 will wrap around to channel 14. The new
channel and its corresponding CTCSS code will be shown on the
Feature Programming Mode
Power button, returning unit to Normal Operating Mode.
TriSquare Communications Page 2
can be exited by pressing any of the Mode, PTT, Monitor, Page, PTT or