THOMSON 300 Series, SpeedTouch USB/330 Setup And User Manual

USB/330 ADSL USB Modems
Setup and User’s Guide Release R3.0.1
Setup and User’s Guide
Release R3.0.1
Status v4.0
Change Note PeckelbeenS
Short Title STUSB/330 Setup and User’s Guide R3.0.1 (en)
© 2004 THOMSON. All rights reserved. Passing on, and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents is not permitted without written authorization from THOMSON. The content of this document is furnished for informational use only, may be subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by THOMSON. THOMSON assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.
E-SIT-CTC-20030702-0003 v4.0
1 SpeedTouch™ Introduction.......................................... 5
1.1 Getting Acquainted with the SpeedTouch™ .................................................... 6
1.2 SpeedTouch™ Support ....................................................................................... 7
2 SpeedTouch™ Installation ............................................ 9
2.1 Installation for MS Windows Operating Systems .......................................... 10
2.1.1 SpeedTouch™ Installation............................................................................................................ 11
2.1.2 Dr SpeedTouch™ ..........................................................................................................................15
2.2 Installation for Mac Operating Systems .......................................................... 18
2.2.1 Installation for Mac OS 8.6/9.x ....................................................................................................19
2.2.2 Installation for Mac OS X .............................................................................................................22
3 SpeedTouch™ Internet Connectivity ........................ 27
3.1 Internet Sessions via a PPP Connection.......................................................... 28
3.1.1 PPP Sessions for MS Windows....................................................................................................29
3.1.2 PPPoA Sessions for Mac OS 8.6/9.x...........................................................................................32
3.1.3 PPP Sessions for Mac OS X..........................................................................................................34
3.2 Internet Sessions via an RFC1483 Bridged Connection ................................ 36
3.2.1 Using an MS Windows XP BroadBand Connection. .............................................................. 37
3.2.2 Using the Mac OS X PPPoE Dial-in Client ...............................................................................41
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4 SpeedTouch™ Diagnostics.......................................... 43
4.1 The SpeedTouch™ Status Icon ........................................................................ 44
4.2 The Diagnostics Application ............................................................................. 45
4.2.1 The Diagnostics Application for MS Windows........................................................................ 46
4.2.2 The Diagnostics Application for Mac OS 8.6/9.x .................................................................... 49
4.2.3 The Diagnostics Application for Mac OS X ............................................................................. 51
5 Troubleshooting ........................................................... 53
5.1 General................................................................................................................ 54
5.2 SpeedTouch™ System Software Updates ...................................................... 56
5.3 Removing a SpeedTouch™ Driver Installation .............................................. 57
5.3.1 Removing a SpeedTouch™ Driver Installation on MS Windows.......................................58
5.3.2 Removing a SpeedTouch™ Driver Installation on Mac OS 8.6/9.x.................................... 59
5.3.3 Removing a SpeedTouch™ Driver Installation on Mac OS X............................................. 60
1 SpeedTouch™ Introduction
E-SIT-CTC-20030702-0003 v4.0
1 SpeedTouch™ Introduction
Introduction Thank you for purchasing the SpeedTouch™USB/330 ADSL USB modem!
With the award-winning SpeedTouch™ Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) modem surfing the Internet will become a whole new experience.
In this Setup and User’s
This Setup and User’s Guide will assist you in getting acquainted with the Speed­Touch™USB/330 ADSL USB modem and in getting connected quickly to the Internet.
Terminology Generally, the SpeedTouch™USB and SpeedTouch™330 will be referred to as Speed-
Touch™ in this User's Guide.
Safety instructions Before connecting the SpeedTouch™, read the SpeedTouch™ Quick Installation Guide
and Safety Instructions.
Documentation and
software updates
The SpeedTouch™ products continue to evolve as extra and new functionalities are made available.
For more information on the latest technological innovations, software upgrades, and documents, please visit the SpeedTouch™ web site at:
1 SpeedTouch™ Introduction
E-SIT-CTC-20030702-0003 v4.0
1.1 Getting Acquainted with the SpeedTouch™
Delivery check Check your SpeedTouch™ package for the following items:
One SpeedTouch™USB or SpeedTouch™330
2m DSL cable (RJ11/RJ11, RJ14/RJ14)
The SpeedTouch™ Setup CD-ROM
In the event of damaged or missing items, contact your product dealer for further instructions.
Other materials Your SpeedTouch™ shipping carton may also include release notes, safety and confor-
mity declarations and other materials.
The SpeedTouch™ Unlike most traditional modems, the electronic circuitry of the SpeedTouch™ has been
shaped into a stylish body.
Note As you notice, there is no separate mains plug, cord, or power adapter. This
is because the SpeedTouch™ is powered via the USB connection.
ADSL service The appropriate DSL service must be available at your premises:
ADSL service must be enabled on your telephone line.
As both telephone and ADSL service are simultaneously available from the same
copper pair, you will need a central splitter or distributed filters for decoupling ADSL and telephone signals.
Public telephone lines carry voltages that can cause electric shock. Only install splitter/ filters yourself if these are qualified for that purpose.
Computer Your computer must be equipped with a USB port capable of powering attached USB
devices. You may also use a USB hub to connect the SpeedTouch™.
Note Make sure you are not using low-powered USB ports to connect the Speed-
Touch™. If you are not sure of the type of USB port, see the User's Guide of your computer or USB port hub.
1 SpeedTouch™ Introduction
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1.2 SpeedTouch™ Support
Supported Operating
This User’s Guide describes the installation and use of the SpeedTouch™ under the following Operating Systems (OSs):
Microsoft Windows OSs
MS Windows 98/98SE
MS Windows Millennium
MS Windows 2000
MS Windows XP
Mac OSs
Mac OS 8.6
Mac OS 9.x
Mac OS X v10.1, v10.2 and v10.3
Note Mac OS X v10.0 users must download the free upgrade to Mac OS X
v10.1 to be able to install and use the SpeedTouch™ device.
The SpeedTouch™ also supports Linux platforms. Refer to the SpeedTouch™ Support pages for more information.
1 SpeedTouch™ Introduction
E-SIT-CTC-20030702-0003 v4.0
2 SpeedTouch™ Installation
E-SIT-CTC-20030702-0003 v4.0
2 SpeedTouch™ Installation
Connection methods The SpeedTouch™ supports the following connection methods:
RFC1483 Bridged
Note PPPoE connectivity for Mac OS 8.6/9.x is only supported through an
external PPPoE client application. The PPPoE client application software must be provided by your Service Provider.
You must select the appropriate service profile and the corresponding local setting during the installation process. This information should be provided by your Service Provider.
What you need from
your ISP
You might need a user account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) for Internet access. For this user account, it will provide you:
A user name (logon ID)
A password
Other information may be required, depending on the ISP’s specific requirements.
Installation The installation procedure to follow depends on the Operating system you are running.
In case your computer runs:
An MS Windows Operating System
Proceed with “2.1 Installation for MS Windows Operating Systems” on page 10.
A Mac Operating System
Proceed with “2.2 Installation for Mac Operating Systems” on page 18.
2 SpeedTouch™ Installation
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2.1 Installation for MS Windows Operating Systems
Introduction This section will assist you in installing the SpeedTouch™ and preparing your PC for
your Internet connectivity.
Supported Operating
One of the following OSs must be readily installed on your PC:
Microsoft Windows 98/98SE or Microsoft Windows ME
Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows XP
You may need the MS Windows installation CD-ROM during installation.
Minimum System
For MS Windows 98/98SE/ME:
Pentium processor 166 MHz or compatible
32 megabytes (MB) of memory
For MS Window 2000/XP:
Pentium II processor or compatible
64 MB of memory
30 MB of free disk space
MS Windows OS
The installation procedures might be slightly different depending on the MS Windows OS you are using:
Some windows will look different
For MS Windows 98/98SE, at the end of the installation procedure, you may be
asked to enter an area code for Dial-up connections.
2 SpeedTouch™ Installation
E-SIT-CTC-20030702-0003 v4.0
2.1.1 SpeedTouch™ Installation
Previous SpeedTouch™
If a previous SpeedTouch™ installation resides on your computer, you are able to perform an upgrade of the existing SpeedTouch™ installation.
The SpeedTouch™
Setup wizard
The SpeedTouch™ Setup procedure consists of two major parts:
The driver installation procedure
The hardware installation procedure
In addition it is recommended to install the Dr SpeedTouch™ application. See “2.1.2 Dr
SpeedTouch™” on page 15 for more information.
The driver installation
Proceed as follows:
1 Insert the SpeedTouch™ Setup CD-ROM in your PC's CD-ROM drive. The
SpeedTouch™ CD Browser will start automatically.
Note If the SpeedTouch™ CD Browser window does not appear automati-
cally, open a Run window via Start > Run from the Start menu and enter following path: D:\menu.exe, where D is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive.
2 The Choose Language window prompts you to select a language:
Select the language of your choice and click OK.
3 The SpeedTouch™ CD Browser menu appears:
Click SpeedTouch™ USB/330 Software.
2 SpeedTouch™ Installation
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4 The following window appears:
Click either Install PPP USB Software or Install RFC1483 USB Software depending on your Service Provider’s specifications.
5 The following window asks you to select your local setting. Select the appropriate
setting as specified by your Service Provider.
6 The Welcome to SpeedTouch™ Setup window appears:
Click Next to proceed.
7 The Software License Agreement window appears:
You must accept before continuing. Click Yes to accept.
2 SpeedTouch™ Installation
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8 The following windows ask you to select a destination and a program folder. In
most cases the proposed folders are best suited for the SpeedTouch™ driver soft­ware. Follow the instructions and click Next whenever requested.
9 The SpeedTouch™ USB Setup wizard copies SpeedTouch™ driver software to
your local disk:
10 At the end of the procedure the following window appears:
Click Finish to complete the installation.
2 SpeedTouch™ Installation
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The hardware
installation procedure
Proceed as follows:
1 Use the ADSL cable provided to wire the SpeedTouch™ ADSL port to your tele-
phone wall outlet or distributed filter.
2 Insert the SpeedTouch™’s USB connector into the computer’s USB port.
A USB port can be easily located, it is marked with the typical USB symbol: .
Note You can also connect your SpeedTouch™ to the computer via a USB
3 MS Windows will automatically recognize the SpeedTouch™:
4 The Found New Hardware Wizard finishes the installation by setting up the Speed-
Touch™’s ADSL Wide Area Network (WAN) connectivity.
The installation of the SpeedTouch™ is now finished. The SpeedTouch™ is now prepared to connect to the Internet (See “3 SpeedTouch™ Internet Connectivity” on
page 27).
2 SpeedTouch™ Installation
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2.1.2 Dr SpeedTouch™
Introduction The Dr SpeedTouch™ application allows you to diagnose and troubleshoot your Speed-
With the Dr SpeedTouch™ application you can do the following:
View the status and performance of the SpeedTouch™ device
Run a Diagnostics program to locate a connectivity problem
Run a Troubleshooter to help you solve a connectivity problem.
Supported Operating
Installing and using Dr SpeedTouch™ is only supported for following MS Windows Operating Systems:
MS Windows 98
MS Windows 98SE
MS Windows ME
MS Windows 2000
MS Windows XP
Note Dr SpeedTouch™ requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.
Installation procedure Proceed as follows:
1 Insert the SpeedTouch™ Setup CD-ROM in your PC's CD-ROM drive. The
SpeedTouch™ CD Browser will start automatically. Choose your language and click Install Dr SpeedTouch™.
Note If the SpeedTouch™ CD Browser window does not appear automati-
cally, open a Run window via Start > Run from the Start menu and enter the following path: D:\Menu.exe, where D is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive.
2 The Dr SpeedTouch™ Setup wizard appears:
Click Next to continue.
3 Subsequent screens will guide you through the installation. Follow the instructions
and click Next whenever requested.
4 After installation, Dr SpeedTouch™ is started automatically.
2 SpeedTouch™ Installation
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Using Dr SpeedTouch™ By default Dr SpeedTouch™ is started automatically at boot of your system and runs in
the background, i.e. minimized in the status area.
To s ho w Dr S p e e d To u c h ™ :
1 Double-click in the status area.
2 Dr SpeedTouch™ searches your network for SpeedTouch™ devices. If more than
one device is found, a list of available devices will be provided. If this is the case, select your SpeedTouch™ device (SpeedTouch™USB or SpeedTouch™330) and click OK.
3 The Dr SpeedTouch™ window appears:
Dr SpeedTouch™
The Dr SpeedTouch™ application consists of two sections:
Click the General tab to:
View SpeedTouch™ device information and status:
View activity between your computer, the SpeedTouch™ and the Internet:
Click Diagnostics to open the Diagnostics wizard:
To test and troubleshoot the connectivity of your computer and the Speed­Touch™ device to your ISP and the Internet, click Start Tests.
2 SpeedTouch™ Installation
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Select the Performance tab to monitor the downstream and upstream perfor-
mance. of your DSL connection:
For more information on Dr SpeedTouch™ click Help in the application or press F1 for context sensitive help.
2 SpeedTouch™ Installation
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2.2 Installation for Mac Operating Systems
Introduction This section will assist you in installing the SpeedTouch™ and preparing your computer
for your Internet connectivity.
Installation The installation procedure to follow depends on the Mac OS you are running.
In case your computer runs:
Mac OS 8.6/9.x
Proceed with “2.2.1 Installation for Mac OS 8.6/9.x” on page 19.
Mac OS X
Proceed with “2.2.2 Installation for Mac OS X” on page 22.
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