THOMSON 300, SpeedTouch USB/330 Installation And User Manual

USB/330 ADSL USB Modem Installation and User’s Guide
Installation and User’s Guide
3EC 36714 BAAA TCZZA Ed. 02
Status Released
Change Note PeckelbeenS
Short Title CD-UG STUSB/330 R2.0 PPP en
© 2002 THOMSON multimedia. All rights reserved. Passing on, and copying of this docu­ment, use and communication of its contents is not permitted without written authorization from THOMSON multimedia. The content of this document is furnished for informational use only, may be subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commit­ment by THOMSON multimedia. THOMSON multimedia assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.
1 The SpeedTouch™USB and SpeedTouch™330 Intro-
2 Get Acquainted to the SpeedTouch™......................... 5
2.1. First Steps ............................................................................................................. 6
2.2. What You Need ................................................................................................... 7
2.3. SpeedTouch™ Support ....................................................................................... 8
3 SpeedTouch™ for Microsoft Windows ........................ 9
3.1. Installing the SpeedTouch™............................................................................. 10
3.2. Using the SpeedTouch™................................................................................... 16
4 SpeedTouch™ for Mac OS .......................................... 21
4.1. Installing the SpeedTouch™............................................................................. 22
4.1.1. Installation for Mac OS8.6 and Mac OS9.x...............................................................................23
4.1.2. Installation for Mac OS X (Mac OS10.1)................................................................................... 26
4.2. Using the SpeedTouch™................................................................................... 31
4.2.1. Using the SpeedTouch™ in Mac OS8.6 and Mac OS9.x.......................................................32
4.2.2. Using the SpeedTouch™ in Mac OS X (Mac OS10.x) .......................................................... 35
3EC 36714 BAAA TCZZA Ed. 02
5 Troubleshooting ........................................................... 39
1 The SpeedTouch™USB and SpeedTouch™330 Introduction
1 The SpeedTouch™USB and SpeedTouch™330
Welcome to the SpeedTouch™USB and SpeedTouch™330 ADSL USB modems !
With the Award-winning SpeedTouch™ Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) modem surfing the Internet will become a whole new experience.
With download speeds up to 8 Megabits per second (Mbps), your SpeedTouch™ is the ideal solution for exploring the Internet, high-speed interactive gaming and enjoying online audio and video streaming.
With the included installation CD-rom the installation of the SpeedTouch™ is really straightforward : surfing the Internet is only a few clicks away.
Terminology For readability, both the SpeedTouch™USB and SpeedTouch™330 will be referred to as
SpeedTouch™ further in this User's Guide.
Safety instructions Prior to connecting the SpeedTouch™, read the Safety Instructions.
Trademarks The following trademarks are used in this document:
SpeedTouch™ is a trademark of THOMSON multimedia.
Windows™ and Internet Explorer™ are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Apple® and Mac® OS are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc.
Netscape® and Netscape Navigator® are registered trademarks of Netscape
Communications Corporation.
Other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manu­facturers.
3EC 36714 BAAA TCZZA Ed. 02
1 The SpeedTouch™USB and SpeedTouch™330 Introduction
Service Provider For readability, the term Service Provider (SP) will be used to designate all organizations
which provide either DSL connectivity, Internet access or Corporate access, for example an Internet Service Provider (ISP).
documentation and
software updates
Due to the continuous evolution of ADSL technology, existing products are regularly upgraded.
For more information on the newest technological breakdowns, software upgrades, and documents, please consult:
2 Get Acquainted to the SpeedTouch™
2 Get Acquainted to the SpeedTouch™
Introduction This chapter will assist you in getting acquainted with the SpeedTouch™ and will guide
you through the first steps in preparing the SpeedTouch™ for Internet connectivity.
In this chapter This chapter contains the following topics:
Topic Page
2.1. First Steps 6
2.2. What You Need 7
2.3. SpeedTouch™ Support 8
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2 Get Acquainted to the SpeedTouch™
2.1. First Steps
Delivery check Check your SpeedTouch™ package for the following items:
One SpeedTouch™USB or SpeedTouch™330
2m DSL cable (RJ11/RJ11, RJ14/RJ14)
The SpeedTouch™ Installation CD-rom.
Damaged or missing
In the event of damaged or missing items, contact your local product dealer for further instructions.
Other materials Your SpeedTouch™ shipping carton may also include release notes, safety and confor-
mity declarations and other materials.
Your SpeedTouch™ Unlike most traditional modems, the electronic circuitry of the SpeedTouch™ has been
shaped into a stylish body. The input/output wiring is moulded in an ergonomically designed pigtail.
On the rear end of the pigtail you find the USB connector. That's the interface which connects the SpeedTouch™ to your Personal Computer (PC). The ADSL Line port is situated in the inline receptacle. This port connects the SpeedTouch™ to the ADSL highway.
Note: As you notice, there is no separate mains plug, cord, or power adapter. This is because the SpeedTouch™ is powered via the USB connection.
2 Get Acquainted to the SpeedTouch™
2.2. What You Need
ADSL and telephone
ADSL service must be enabled on your telephone line.
As both telephone and ADSL service are simultaneously available from the same copper pair, you need a central splitter or distributed filters for decoupling ADSL and telephone signals.
Contact your Service Provider for more information.
WARNIN G In all cases contact your ADSL Service Provider about splitter/filter installation !
Public telephone lines carry voltages that can cause electric shock. Only install splitter/ filters yourself if these are qualified for that purpose.
Other splitter/filters may only be installed by qualified service personnel.
Service Provider You must have a user account at an Internet Service Provider (ISP) for Internet access:
For this user account, it will provide you:
A user name (logon ID)
A password.
Note: The SpeedTouch™ supports two connection services: PPPoA and PPPoE. Depending on the preferences of your Service Provider, the connection service suitable for your connectivity to the Service Provider, hence the Internet will be installed by the Installation CD-Rom delivered with your SpeedTouch™.
PC or computer Your PC or computer must be equipped with an USB port capable of powering attached
USB devices. You may also use an USB hub to connect the SpeedTouch™.
Note: Make sure you are not using low-powered USB ports to connect the Speed­Touch™. In case you are not sure of the type of USB port, see the User's Guide of your PC or USB port hub.
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2 Get Acquainted to the SpeedTouch™
2.3. SpeedTouch™ Support
Supported Operating
This User's Guide describes the installation and use of the SpeedTouch™ under following Operating Systems (OSs):
Microsoft OSs (See chapter “3 SpeedTouch™ for Microsoft Windows” on page 9)
Microsoft Windows 98, 98SE and higher
Microsoft Windows Millennium
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP.
Mac OSs (See chapter “4 SpeedTouch™ for Mac OS” on page 21)
Mac OS8.6
Mac OS9.x
Mac OS X (Mac OS10.1)
Note: Mac OS10.0 user are strongly recommended to download the free upgrade to Mac OS10.1.
Note: The SpeedTouch™ also supports Linux platforms. Refer to the Speedtouch Support pages for more information.
SpeedTouch™ driver
software on the
The Speedtouch Support pages on the Internet provide SpeedTouch™ software upgrades for download.
These upgrades are regularly updated and can be found at:
Installation procedure When performing a web upgrade of the SpeedTouch™ software, the installation
process could slightly differ with the initial installation procedure.
Step Action
1 Download the newest web upgrade from the Internet to a location on your
local PC or computer.
2 Browse to the location where the web upgrade resides.
3 Double-click it.
4 Follow all instructions.
3 SpeedTouch™ for Microsoft Windows
3 SpeedTouch™ for Microsoft Windows
Introduction This chapter describes how to install and use the SpeedTouch™ for Microsoft
Windows OSs.
In this chapter This chapter contains the following topics:
Topic Page
3.1. Installing the SpeedTouch™ 10
3.2. Using the SpeedTouch™ 16
3EC 36714 BAAA TCZZA Ed. 02
3 SpeedTouch™ for Microsoft Windows
3.1. Installing the SpeedTouch™
Introduction This section will assist you in installing the SpeedTouch™ and preparing your PC for
your Internet connectivity.
Microsoft Windows One of the following OSs must be readily installed on your PC:
Microsoft Windows 98/98SE or Microsoft Windows ME
Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows XP
You may need the Windows installation CD-rom during installation.
For Windows98/98SE/ME:
Pentium processor 166 MHz, or higher (or compatible)
32 Mega Byte (MB) of memory, or more.
For Window2000/XP :
Pentium II processor, or higher (or compatible)
64 MB of memory, or more.
30 MB of free disk space
Microsoft Dial-Up Networking (default installed with the OS)
A Web browser, e.g. Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, ... for surfing the
Two installation
As your SpeedTouch™ is a true Plug-and-Play device you can use two different installa­tion procedures:
The SpeedTouch Setup wizard (application) Installation
By inserting the SpeedTouch™ Installation CD-rom, a wizard automatically guides you through all needed installation steps.
The Plug-and-Play Compliant Installation
The installation procedure is initiated by connecting the SpeedTouch™ to your PC's USB port.
It does not matter which method you use, both are equally valid.
In this section, the SpeedTouch Setup wizard (application) installation is fully described. In case you experience problems with this installation, you can try the Plug-and-Play compliant installation, shortly described at the end of this section.
Windows OS
The installation procedures might be slightly different depending on the Microsoft Windows OS you are using:
Some windows will look differently
On Windows 98/98SE no 'Digital Signature' window will pop up
For Windows 98/98SE, at the end of the installation procedure, you may be asked
to enter an area code for Dial-up connections.
+ 32 hidden pages