Thinklogical Router Interfaces User Manual

Router Interfaces
Thinklogical, LLC
100 Washington Street
Milford, Connecticut 06460 U.S.A.
Telephone : 1-203-647-8700
Fax : 1-203-783-0049
Revision: H
Table of Contents
Byte Order.......................................................................................................................................4
Linux Command Console (Console)..........................................................................................5
ASCII API (RS232).....................................................................................................................5
Multicast vs. Broadcast...............................................................................................................7
VX40 / VX80 / HX80.......................................................................................................................8
17564 – Switch Connection Status Broadcast...........................................................................8
17565 – Port Settings (localhost only)........................................................................................8
17566 – Hardware Status...........................................................................................................8
17600 – System Data.................................................................................................................9
17601:17616 – Card Data..........................................................................................................9
17564 – Switch Connection Status Broadcast.........................................................................10
17565 – Port Settings (localhost only)......................................................................................10
17566 – Hardware Status.........................................................................................................10
17600 – System Data...............................................................................................................11
17601:17616 – Card Data........................................................................................................11
17564 – Switch Connection Status Broadcast.........................................................................12
17565 – Port Settings (localhost only)......................................................................................12
17566 – Hardware Status.........................................................................................................12
17600 – System Data...............................................................................................................13
17601:17640 – Card Data........................................................................................................13
17564 – Switch Connection Status Broadcast.........................................................................14
17565 – Port Settings (localhost only)......................................................................................14
17566 – Hardware Status.........................................................................................................14
17600 – System Data...............................................................................................................15
17601:17620 – Card Data........................................................................................................15
17564 – Switch Connection Status Broadcast.........................................................................16
17565 – Port Settings (localhost only)......................................................................................16
17566 – Hardware Status.........................................................................................................16
17600 – System Data...............................................................................................................17
17601:17636 – Card Data........................................................................................................17
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17564 – Switch Connection Status Broadcast.........................................................................18
17565 – Port Settings (localhost only)......................................................................................18
17566 – Hardware Status.........................................................................................................18
17600 – System Data...............................................................................................................19
17601:17603 – Card Data........................................................................................................19
17564 – Switch Connection Status Broadcast.........................................................................20
17565 – Port Settings (localhost only)......................................................................................20
17566 – Hardware Status.........................................................................................................20
17600 – System Data...............................................................................................................21
17601:17620 – Card Data........................................................................................................21
Service Request (LOS) Signaling.................................................................................................22
17560 – Attention Request (UDP)............................................................................................22
System Log Files..........................................................................................................................23
SD Firmware Version....................................................................................................................23
Quick Reference...........................................................................................................................24
Index of Tables
Table 1: VX40/VX80/HX80 System Data........................................................................................9
Table 2: VX160 System Data........................................................................................................11
Table 3: Vx320 System Data........................................................................................................13
Table 4: Vx320Video System Data...............................................................................................15
Table 5: Hx576 System Data........................................................................................................17
Table 6: MX48 System Data.........................................................................................................19
Table 7: Vx640Video System Data...............................................................................................21
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This document describes the serial and network interfaces for Thinklogical's® VX/MX/HDX family of routers. There is more extensive documentation available concerning the ASCII interface API, SNMP MIB definitions, and additional information at the Thinklogical® ftp site: Other manuals and QuickStart Guides may be
downloaded from our web site: http:/
These manuals are available for downloading:
Manual_How To Change A Router's IP Address.pdf
Router SNMP MIB definition files that are available for downloading:

Byte Order

The 16-bit values documented here store the most significant byte first. This is called Big Endian format. For example, a hexadecimal value of 1235H is stored with 12H in byte 0 and 23H in byte 1.
If your receiving system is not a Big Endian CPU (Intel processors are not), then you will have to swap the byte order before you can use the value. If you don't swap the bytes, then a value of 1 from the router will be interpreted as 256, 2 as 512, and 640 as 32770.
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The router CPU card has two RS-232 serial ports. One is for the Linux command line interface (labeled CONSOLE), and the other is for the router's ASCII command interface (labeled RS232). If a back-up CPU is installed, then its Linux console port is active. However, only the 'RS232' port on the active CPU will function. The active CPU is the one with the FAULT LED turned off.

Linux Command Console (Console)

Baud Rate: 115200
Data Bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: none
DB9 DCE A straight (NOT a null-modem) cable is needed to connect to a PC.


Baud Rate: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: XON/XOFF (Software)
DB9 DCE A straight (NOT a null-modem) cable is needed to connect to a PC.
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The router will use up to three IP addresses. The primary CPU card will use address X and address X+100. The back-up CPU will use address X+1 and it will take over address X in the event of a failure in the primary CPU.
The factory default value for 'X' is Steps for changing the IP address are described in the router manual: VX40_160_320_320V_Manual_Rev_*.pdf.
The router has several network ports reserved for internal use. Port 17567 accepts commands to control the switch. The command API is described in the manual: VxRouter-ASCII-API.pdf.
There are several other ports that can be read to access system configuration and operating data. The actual data format varies by model and is described in the next sections. There are five blocks of data available for reading.
1. Switch connection status (broadcast over port 17564 every few seconds)
The primary CPU IP address
Upper or Lower chassis flag
First port number in this block
Last port number in this block
'N' port number values
2. Port settings (UDP port 17565, router localhost only)
Port output level value
Port input enable status
Input port number (big-endian format)
3. Hardware sensor status (TCP port 17566)
This is the text output from the lm_sensors 'sensors' command and is reserved for future use.
4. Alarm, Inventory and Power Supply Status (TCP port 17600)
State of the alarm contacts
Card Inventory
Reset Bits
Power Supply Status
5. I/O card data (TCP ports 17601 through 17640, 1 port per I/O card)
SFP TxDisable & TxFault bits
SFP installed flag
I/O card type
SFP serial ID data
SFP Diagnostic data
Switch connection status is broadcast over the network every 4 seconds. The information in the data block is not sufficient to identify the model of the router. You should use the IP address in the data to identify which router sent the message.
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In the future, newer models may have more I/O ports than can be contained in one data block. In that event, the blocks will be split up into several pieces, and the first and last port numbers will be used to reassemble that data.
The data in the status block is stored in big-endian format. This means the MSB of the data is stored first, and then the LSB. This is NOT the standard for x86 based data storage.
The other ports must be opened as a TCP connection and then have the data read. After reading the data, you MUST then close the connection.
There are several useful network applications running that may aid in monitoring the hardware. Three of these are: SNMP, NTP and syslog. These are described in subsequent sections.

Multicast vs. Broadcast

Version 4.5 of the API and version 2.05 of the LOS manager now offer the option of using multicast in place of broadcast for sending status messages. Multicast will use the same ports as broadcast; 17564 for the API and 17560 for the LOS manager. The default multicast IP address is
References in this document to broadcast will be valid for multicast.
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VX40 / VX80 / HX80

17564 – Switch Connection Status Broadcast

32-bits, router's primary IP address
16-bits, 0 for the Upper (only) router chassis
16-bits, first port number in the list (list starts from 1, not 0)
16-bits, last port number in the list
N * 16-bits, the input port that is connected to output port X, zero means the port is NOT
Example: c0 a8 0d 19 00 00 00 01 00 50 00 11 00 12…
IP address = Chassis = 0 First Port number = 1 Last Port number = 80 (0x0050) Output 1 is connected to input 17 (0x0011) Output 2 is connected to input 18 (0x0012)

17565 – Port Settings (localhost only)

80 sets of the following data:
(8 bits) output level 0 is off
(8 bits) input level
(8 bits) connected to input port number, starting from 0
A 'C' data structure for this would be:
struct s_block {
unsigned char output_level; unsigned char input_level; unsigned char connectedTo;
} data_block [80];

17566 – Hardware Status

Reserved for future use.
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