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Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Thinklogical, LLC®
100 Washington Street
Milford, Connecticut 06460 U.S.A.
Telephone: 1-203-647-8700
All trademarks and service marks are property of their respective owners.
Subject: Configuring the TLX ASCII Interface
Revision: A, July 2015
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Configuring the TLX ASCII Interface ii Rev. A - July, 2015

Table of Contents
PREFACE................................................................................................................................................ 1
About Thinklogical® ...................................................................................................................... 1
About This Manual ....................................................................................................................... 2
Note and Warning Symbols ...................................................................................................... 2
Font Conventions Used in this Manual ..................................................................................... 2
CONFIGURING THE TLX ASCII INTERFACE ........................................................................................ 3
Accessing the TLX ASCII Interface............................................................................................... 3
API Command Options ................................................................................................................. 4
Changing Command Line Options ................................................................................................ 5
DEBUGGING AIDS ................................................................................................................................. 6
USING 'PuTTY' TO COMMUNICATE TO THE API ................................................................................. 7
Log File Debugging Entries .......................................................................................................... 8
Note to Telnet Users ................................................................................................................ 8
DISABLING 'BROADCAST' ON SWITCH INPUT PORTS ...................................................................... 9
Using 'Multicast' to Send Switching Status Instead of 'Broadcast' ............................................... 10
REGULATORY & SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 11
Symbols Found on Our Products ................................................................................................ 11
Regulatory Compliance .............................................................................................................. 11
North America ........................................................................................................................ 11
Australia & New Zealand ........................................................................................................ 11
European Union ..................................................................................................................... 11
Declaration of Conformity ................................................................................................... 11
Standards with Which Our Products Comply .............................................................................. 11
Supplementary Information ........................................................................................................ 12
Product Serial Number ........................................................................................................... 12
Connection to the Product ...................................................................................................... 12
THINKLOGICAL® SUPPORT ................................................................................................................ 13
Customer Support ...................................................................................................................... 13
Website .................................................................................................................................. 13
Email ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Telephone .............................................................................................................................. 14
Fax ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Product Support ......................................................................................................................... 14
Warranty ................................................................................................................................. 14
Return Authorization ............................................................................................................... 15
Our Addresses ....................................................................................................................... 15
Configuring the TLX ASCII Interface iii Rev. A - July, 2015

Thinklogical, LLC®
100 Washington St.
Milford, CT 06460
We, the Thinklogical team, are committed to understanding and
exceeding our customers’ requirements, the first time and every time.
About Thinklogical
Thinklogical is the leading manufacturer and provider of fiber optic KVM, video, audio, and
peripheral extension and switching solutions used in video-rich, big-data computing
Thinklogical offers the only fiber-optic KVM matrix switches in the world that are accredited
to the Common Criteria EAL4, TEMPEST Level B, and NATO NIAPC Evaluation Scheme: GREEN
information assurance standards. And Thinklogical Velocity products are the first system with
both KVM and video matrix switching capabilities to be placed on the Unified Capabilities
Approved Product List (UC APL) under the Video Distribution System (VDS) category.
Governments, entertainment, scientific and industrial customers worldwide rely on
Thinklogical’s products and solutions for security, high performance, continuous operation
and ease of integration. Thinklogical products are designed and manufactured in the USA
and are certified to the ISO 9001-2008 standard.
Thinklogical is headquartered in Milford, Connecticut and is privately held by Riverside
Partners, LLC, Boston, MA (http://www.riversidepartners.com). For more information about
Thinklogical products and services, please visit www.thinklogical.com.
Follow Thinklogical on LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/company/thinklogical and on
Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ThinklogicalUSA
Configuring the TLX ASCII Interface 1 Rev. A - July, 2015

About this Manual
This manual lists the step-by-step instructions for configuring the ACII Interface on a
Thinklogical® TLX Series KVM Matrix Switch. The TLX KVM Matrix Switch is controlled via
an ASCII interface.
Note and Warning Symbols
Throughout this manual you will notice certain symbols that bring your attention to important
information. These are Notes and Warnings. Examples are shown below.
Note: Important Notes appear in blue text preceded by a yellow exclamation point
symbol, as shown here.
A note is meant to call the reader’s attention to helpful or important information at a point in
the text that is relevant to the subject being discussed.
Warning! All Warnings appear in red text, followed by blue text, and preceded by a
red stop sign, as shown here.
A warning is meant to call the reader’s attention to critical information at a point in the text that
is relevant to the subject being discussed.
Font Conventions Used in this Document
The following fonts and colors are used throughout this document to help differentiate between
file names, commands, outputs and document names (lower & upper case letter o and zero,
shown right):
Filenames Font: Courier New - 35-35-22 oO0
Linux Command Entered by the User Font: Consolas - 196-89-17 oO0
Output from a Command Font: Consolas – 0-128-128 oO0
Document_Name* Font: Georgia – 83-129-53 oO0
* These and other documents may be found on our ftp site:
or on our web site:
Configuring the TLX ASCII Interface 2 Rev. A - July, 2015

Configuring the TLX ASCII Interface
Accessing the ASCII Interface
The ASCII Interface is accessible via the serial RS-232 port located on the TLX Matrix
Switch’s Controller Card or over the network via a TCP connection. Both connections use
the same syntax. The command syntax is defined in the document: Switch_ASCII_API.
The serial port is configured for 9600 baud, 1 stop bit, no parity, and software flow
control. Each line contains only one command and must end with a carriage return (CR) and
line feed (LF), or just a line feed (LF). The characters are not echoed.
The network interface listens on TCP port 17567. It accepts the same commands as the serial
interface. You may use telnet to manually open a connection to control the Matrix Switch.
Configuring the TLX ASCII Interface 3 Rev. A - July, 2015