For: Mercury API v1.23.0 and later
Supported Hardware: M6 and Astra-EX (firmware v4.19.1 and later)
M6e (firmware v1.13.1 and later)
Micro (firmware v1.3.0 and later)
M5e, M5e-C, USB and Vega (firmware v1.7.1 and later)
Government Limited Rights Notice: All documentation and manuals
were developed at private expense and no part of it was developed using
Government funds.
The U.S. Government’s rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform,
display, or disclose the technical data contained herein are restricted by
paragraph (b)(3) of the Rights in Technical Data — Noncommercial Items
clause (DFARS 252.227-7013(b)(3)), as amended from time-to-time. Any
reproduction of technical data or portions thereof marked with this legend
must also reproduce the markings. Any person, other than the U.S.
Government, who has been provided access to such data must promptly
notify Trimble.
ThingMagic, Mercury, Reads Any Tag, and the ThingMagic logo are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Trimble.
Other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of Trimble or other companies.
• /reader/gen2/writeReplyTimeout & writeEarlyExit info added
• new ISO6b configuration parameters: delimiter, modulationDepth
• Gen2.IDS.SL900A command info
2/201207 RevAfixed ISO6b Delimiter information
8/201208 RevA• Added details on C porting
• Added details about transportTimeout to Connect info
• Removed Select/Filter limitation when Continuous Reading
• Added details on locking tags
• Improved Performance Tuning section with details on more
• added software license info
• added .NET specific section with project build requirements
• add new IDS CoolLog command support
9/201309 RevA• added read duration details
• updated antenna usage info
• Updated exception details
• android support details
6/201410 RevA• added info on StopTriggerReadPlan - return on N tags functionality.
• added info on iOS support to C Language chapter
• created Advanced Customization chapter to provide information
about creating new transport layers for all 3 API languages,
including example of serial-over-tcp tranport layer.
• info on support for standard WinCE USB drivers and example
WinCE reader application added to .NET Language chapter
• added information about new independent LLRP jar file containing
only ThingMagic custom custom commands for Java Language
• added info on new reboot() method in Level 2 chapter
• Updated Android section in Java Language chapter and mentioned
new example reader app.
The MercuryAPI is intended to provide a common programming interface to all
ThingMagic products. This MercuryAPI Programmer’s Guide provides detailed
information about the programming interface and how to use it to connect, configure and
control ThingMagic products.
This version of the MercuryAPI Guide is intended for use with the following hardware
firmware versions:
M6 and Astra-EX (firmware v4.19.1 and later)
M6e (firmware v1.13.1 and later)
M5e, M5e-C, USB and Vega (firmware v1.7.1 and later)
Micro (firmware v1.3.1 and later)
Language Specific Reference Guides
For language specific command reference see the corresponding language (Java, C#, C)
reference Guides included in the API source and libraries package under their respective
All code examples in this document will be written in Java, unless otherwise
12Introduction to the MercuryAPI
Supported Languages and Environments
Supported Languages and Environments
The MercuryAPI is currently written in Java, C# and C and is supported in the following
Managed code in the .NET Compact Framework v2.0 SP2, callable from .NET
applications written in any language on any Windows platform supporting the
Compact Framework v2.0.
Note: .NET interface does not support LLRPReaders on WinCE and Windows Mobile platforms.
Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7 applications in the Java Framework
Linux (Intel) and MacOSX applications in the Java Framework
POSIX compliant systems in the C Framework
Windows in the C Framework for SerialReader connections only.
On Reader Applications for LLRPReaders in the C Framework (requires the cross-
compiler toolchain from ThingMagic)
The platform limitations for Java are primarily due to support for low level
serial and USB communication support. For non-serial based products, such
as the Astra-EX and M6, the Java API should be usable on any platform.
It is also expected that the API will work on WinCE devices that use Intel
x86, ARM, MIPS and Hitachi SH processors.
Language Specific Build and Runtime Details
The document also contains information on unique characteristics, build and runtime
requirements relevant to specific languages and platforms in the following sections:
.NET Language Interface - Provides requirements for the development environment
and instructions for creating WinCE USB drivers and installing the WinCE sample
C Language Interface - Describes some of the unique characteristics of the C interface
in addition to help with building for embedded platforms. and the iOS environment.
Java Language Interface - Provides details on support for the low level JNI Serial
Interface library required to communicate with SerialReaders along with details
on how to build the library for other platforms, including Android devices.
Advanced Customization - Provides instructions for creating a custom serial transport
layer and for using the tcp serial transport layer included in the MercuryAPI SDK.
Introduction to the MercuryAPI13
Supported Languages and Environments
On Reader Applications - Describes how to build and install C language applications on
Performance Tuning - Describe how to tailor the reader’s settings to fit your unique
RFID environment.
14Introduction to the MercuryAPI
Example Code
In addition to using this guide, there are several example application and code samples
that should be helpful in getting started writing applications with the MercuryAPI.
Please see the following directories in the MercuryAPI zip package for example code:
/cs/samples - Contains C# code samples in the ./Codelets directory and several
example applications with source code. All samples include Visual Studio project
/java/samples_nb - Contains Java code samples and associated NetBeans project
/java/samples - Contains Java code samples for Android Operating System
/c/src/samples - Contains C code samples, including a Makefile (in ../api) for building
the samples.
/c/ios/Samples - Contains C code samples for the IOS Operating System
Example Code
Introduction to the MercuryAPI15
Hardware Specific Guides
The MercuryAPI is intended to allow cross-product development. However, due to
differences in product features and functionality, 100% compatibility is not possible and
specific feature differences are not all clearly described in this Guide. It is important to
read the product specific hardware guide to fully understand the features and functionality
available for each product. Product hardware guides are available on the ThingMagic
Hardware Specific Guides
16Introduction to the MercuryAPI
Hardware Abstraction
The MercuryAPI is intended to allow cross-product development. The same application
can be used to connect, configure and control any ThingMagic product. However, due to
differences in product features and functionality, 100% compatibility would not be
possible without limiting the capabilities of the API. To allow for application requiring
maximum compatibility and provide full access to all products functionality the
MercuryAPI is conceptually divided into four layers:
Level 1 API - contains basic reader operations and is hardware and implementation
Level 2 API - contains a more complete set of reader operations, including more
complex variations of items in Level 1.
Level 3 API - contains the set of all operations specific to the different hardware
platforms. Levels 1 and 2 are built using these interfaces. Level 3 is hardware
Hardware Abstraction
Level 4 API - provides raw access to the underlying reader protocol for each specific
hardware platform. Level 3 is built on these interfaces. This level is not public and not
supported for user applications.
This is not a technical division, all four layers are available at all times. For
maximum cross-product compatibility the user must be aware of specific
reader capabilities if using classes/interfaces below Level 2.
Every level implicitly provides support for multiple tag protocols,
including Gen2/ISO18000-6c and ISO18000-6b, even though not all products support them. For maximum cross-product compatibility the user
must be careful when “switching” from high level, protocol independent
tag operations (basic reads and writes) to protocol specific operations,
as defined by the protocol specific subclasses of the TagData class.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software.
18Introduction to the MercuryAPI
Level 1 API
The objects and methods described in this section provide basic reader operations and
are hardware and implementation independent.
Level 1 API 19
Connecting to Readers
Reader Object
The operations of the MercuryAPI are centered around a single object that represents the
state of the reader. This object is called “Reader”. Except when otherwise specified, all
functions described in this document are of the Reader class.
The user obtains a Reader object by calling a static factory method:
Reader create(String uriString);
The create() method return an instance of a Reader class that is associated with a
RFID reader on the communication channel specified by the
uriString parameter. There are currently two subclasses of Reader:
Connecting to Readers
URI Syntax of the
The SerialReader class provides access to commands and configuration specific
to devices which communicate over and use the embedded modules serial
command protocol. These devices include:
– Mercury5e Series (including the M5e, M5e-Compact, M5e-EU, and M5e-PRC)
– USB Reader (M5e-based)
– Vega Reader (M5e-Based)
– Mercury6e Series (including the M6e, M6e-A, and M6e-PRC)
– Micro Series (including the Micro and Micro-LTE)
The RQLReader class provides access to commands and configuration specific to
devices which can use the RQL command protocol. These devices include:
– Astra (Not Astra-EX) (v4.1.24 firmware)
The LLRPReader class provides access to commands and configuration specific to
devices which can use the LLRP communication protocol. These devices include:
– Mercury 6 (v4.9.2 firmware and later)
20Level 1 API
Connecting to Readers
– Astra-EX
The communication channel is not established until the connect() method is called.
void connect()
will establish a connection and initialize the device with any pre-configured settings.
Calling connect() on an already connected device has no effect.
SerialReaders require the
Level 2
paramSet(), after the connect(), in order for any RF operations to
When attempting to open a connection the API will wait for /reader/transportTimeout for
the reader to respond. If a response isn’t received in that period of time an exception will
be thrown. Certain transport layers, such as Bluetooth, may require a longer
transportTimeout, especially during initial connect.
Region of Operation, /reader/region/id, to be set using
For RQLReader connections this opens a TCP connection to port 8080 (or another port if
specified in the URI). For the SerialReaders when the specified serial device is opened
the baud rate is “auto-detected”. Once connected the serial device is set to the preferred
baud rate (115200 by default, for maximum compatibility with host serial devices). The
baud rate can also be manually set, prior to calling Connect(), using the
Configuration Parameters /reader/baudRate, this can avoid attempts using the wrong baud
rate during “auto-detect” for certain types of serial readers.
The connected reader is then queried for information that affects further communication,
such as the device model. After the connect() succeeds the
be set (unless the hardware only supports one) and is checked for validity, and the default
protocol is set to Gen2.
Existing configuration on the device is not otherwise altered.
Region of Operation should
It is the user’s responsibility to handle device restarts. If a device is restarted
it is recommended that the previously existing Reader object be destroyed,
and a new Reader object created.
Level 1 API21
Connecting to Readers
When the user is done with the Reader, Reader.destroy() should be called to
release resources that the API has acquired, particularly the serial device or network
void destroy()
In languages that support finalization, this routine should be called automatically;
however, since languages that support finalization do not generally guarantee when or
whether they will be invoked, explicitly calling the destroy() method to guarantee
release is highly recommended.
Multiple Reader objects may be obtained for different readers. The behavior of
create() called repeatedly with the same URI without an intervening destroy() is not
URI Syntax
The URI argument follows a subset of the standard RFC 3986 syntax:
The scheme defines the protocol that will be used to communicate with the reader. the
supported “schemes” for ThingMagic devices are:
tmr - (ThingMagic Reader) indicates the API should attempt to detemine the protocol
and connect accordingly. The API will select among eapi, rql, and llrp, but any
custom serial protocols, such as tcp will have to be explicitly specified.
eapi - indicates a connection to a SerialReader type device via a COM port (or a USB
interface acting as a virtual COM port).
rql - indicates a connection to an RqlReader type device.
llrp - indicates a connection to an LLRPReader type device.
The authority specifies an Internet address and optional port number for protocols
with network transport (currently only rql), or is left blank to specify the local system.
The path is currently unused for rql and is used to specify the serial communications
device to which the reader is attached for eapi. The tmr scheme assumes that the
protocol is rql if there is a non-blank authority and a blank path, and the serial protocol if
the authority is blank and the path is non-blank. tmr is the preferred scheme.
The C#.NET API allows users to add custom transport interfaces for readers. The
samples include the URI “tcp”, which indicates a connection to an
device via a TCP bridge.
SerialReader type
22Level 1 API
Connecting to Readers
URI Examples
Please note the specific format of the URI path will depend on the OS and drivers being
used. The following are some common examples but it is not an exhaustive list.
tmr:///com2 - typical format to connect to a serial based module on Windows COM2.
tmr:///dev/cu.usbserial - common format for the USB interface on MacOSX.
tmr:///dev/ACM0 or tmr:///dev/USB0 - common format for Linux depending on the
USB driver being used.
tmr:// - typical format to connect to a fixed reader connected on a
network at address “”. This will try first to connect to an
port 5084, if no response then it will try to connect to an
RqlReader on port 8080.
LLRPReader on
eapi:///com1 - typical format to connect to a serial based module on Windows COM1
eapi:///dev/ttyUSB0 - typical format to connect to a USB device named ttyUSB0 on a
Unix system.
rql:// - typical format to connect to a fixed reader connected on
a network at address “” on the default RQL port of 8080
rql:// - typical format to connect to a fixed reader
connected on a network at address “” on the non-default RQL
port of 2500
llrp:// - typical format to connect to a fixed reader connected on
a network at address “” on the default, standard LLRP port of
llrp:// - typical format to connect to a fixed reader
connected on a network at address “” on the non-default LLRP
port of 2500
Sample files within the MercuryAPI SDK may be used implement an additional URI
(which is not “discovered” by the “tmr” URI):
tcp:// - custom format to connect to a fixed reader connected
on a network at address “” on the default port of the tcp bridge.
tcp:// - custom format to connect to a fixed reader
connected on a network at address “” on the non-default tcp port
of 2500
Region of Operation
The Region enumeration represents the different regulatory regions that the device may operate in (see reader specific Hardware Guide for supported regions). Supported
Region enumeration values are:
Level 1 API23
Connecting to Readers
Reader.Region.NA (North America/FCC)
Reader.Region.EU3 (European Union/ETSI Revised EN 302 208)
Reader.Region.OPEN (No region restrictions enforced)
Reader.Region.NONE (No region Specified)
The available, supported regions are specific to each hardware platform.
The supported regions for the connected device are available as a
Configuration Parameters under /reader/region/supportedRegions. Please refer to
the specific device’s User Guide for more information on supported regions.
24Level 1 API
Reading Tags - The Basics
Read Methods
Reader Object provides multiple ways of reading/inventorying tags. The tag reading
issue one or more search commands to the device to satisfy the user’s request for
searches of a particular duration, duty cycle, antennas, and protocols.
Reading Tags - The Basics
The result of a read operation is a collection of
access to the information about the tag and the metadata associated with each tag read.
The default read behavior is to search for all tags on all detected antennas using all
supported protocols.
such as setting antennas (see
criteria used for the search. These are controlled by the
reader/read/plan parameter of the Reader Configuration Parameters.
Level 2 API can be used for advanced control over read behavior,
Antenna Usage for more details), protocols and filtering
TagReadData objects, which provides
ReadPlan object assigned to the /
Not all antennas are detectable by the readers. The antenna needs to have
some DC resistance if it is to be discovered by the antenna detection circuit.
If, when using the Level 1 read functionality, reads are not occurring it is
possible the antennas are not detectable and require explicit setting in the
The read() method takes a single parameter:
TagReadData[] duration)
Level 1 API25
Reading Tags - The Basics
duration - The number of milliseconds to read for. In general, especially with
readers of type
avoid filling up the tag buffer. Maximum value is 65535 (65 seconds).
SerialReader, the duration should be kept short (a few seconds) to
It performs the operation synchronously, and then returns an array of
objects resulting from the search. If no tags were found then the array will be empty; this
is not an error condition.
When performing a synchronous read() operation the tags being read are buffered on the
reader and stored in the reader’s Tag Buffer. During a single read() operation tag deduplication will occur on the reader so re-reads of the same tag will result in the tag’s
ReadCount metadata field to be incremented, a new
created for each. The reader specific hardware guide should be referenced for
information on the size of the Tag Buffer.
TagReadData instance will not be
The C-API read() implementation takes 3 arguments, reader pointer,
duration in milliseconds and the reference to the tag count. The third
parameter is an output parameter which gets filled by the read() method.
Upon successful completion of read() the method returns TMR_SUCCESS
status with the number of tags found. The
C Read Iterator methods need to be
used to retrieve the tags.
The startReading() method is an asynchronous reading method. It does not take a
void Reader.startReading()
It returns immediately to the calling thread and begins a sequence of reads or a
continuous read, depending on the reader, in a separate thread. The reading behavior is
controlled by the
Reader Configuration Parameters:
/reader/read/asyncOnTime - sets duration of those reads,
/reader/read/asyncOffTime - sets the delay between the reads.
The results of each read is passed to the application via the
listener registered with the addReadListener() method is called with a
object for each read that has occurred. In the event of an error during these reads, the
ReadExceptionListener interface is used, and each listener registered with the
addReadExceptionListener() method is called with a ReaderException
The reads are repeated until the stopReading() method is called.
ReadListener interface; each
26Level 1 API
Reading Tags - The Basics
The C# version of this API uses the native delegate/event mechanism with
delegates called TagReadHandler and ReadExceptionHandler and
events named TagRead and ReadException, rather than the Java-style
listener mechanism.
Pseudo-Asynchronous Reading
In pseudo-asynchronous reading a synchronous search is looped over and over again
running indefinitely in a separate thread. Tags are off-loaded once every synchronous
search is completed. i.e., read listeners will be called once for every “/reader/read/
asyncOnTime” milliseconds. On all readers except the M6, M6e and Micro pseudoasynchronous reading is the only implementation used for background reading
Continuous Reading
The M6, M6e and Micro also support true continuous reading which allows for 100% read
duty cycle - with the exception of brief pauses during RF frequency hops. Continuous
reading is enabled when
streamed to the host processor as they are read.
/reader/read/asyncOffTime is set to zero. In this mode tags are
In continuous mode there is currently no on-reader de-duplication, every tag
read will result in a tagread event being raised. This can result in a lot of
communication and tag handling overhead which the host processor must
be able to handle it. Consider the details on setting Gen2 Session and
Target values, as described in
How UHF RFID Works (Gen2), to decrease the
frequency of tag replies to inventory operations as a way to decrease traffic.
Return on N Tags Found
In addition to reading for the specified timeout or asyncOnTime period and returning all
the tags found during that period, it is also possible to return immediately (more
specifically, the time granularity is one Gen2 inventory round) upon reading a specified
number of tags.
The behavior is invoked by creating a
tags and setting it as the active
For optimum performance it is recommended to use a StaticQ setting for
appropriate for the specified value of N, where:
StopTriggerReadPlan with the desired number of
Level 1 API27
Reading Tags - The Basics
N <= 2
For example, if return on N tags is 3, then optimal Q is 2, but there is a chance that
module may find and report 4 tags.
See sample codelets in the SDK.
Not currently supported with
Continuous Reading.
Reading Tag Memory
Additional methods for reading individual tags are available in the Level 2 API.
Classes that implement the ReadListener interface may be used as listeners
(callbacks) for background reads. The interface has one method:
void tagRead(Reader r, TagReadData t)
This method is called for each tag read in the background after Reader.startReading() has
been invoked.
See the example applications, i.e., for typical implementations.
When performing asynchronous read operations the reader is operating
in a continuous or pseudo-continuous read mode. During this mode performing other tag or reader operations, including GPIO operations, are
not supported. As such, other tag and reader operations MUST NOT be
performed within the tagRead() ReadListener method. Doing so can
have unexpected results.
Embedded TagOp Invocation in order to perform an operation on every tag
found, or perform and iterate through the tags found, perform-
ing the desired tag operations on each.
Classes that implement the ReadExceptionListener interface may be used as
listeners (callbacks) for background reads. The interface has one method:
This method is called for any Exceptions that occurs during a background tag read after
Reader.startReading() has been invoked.
See the example applications for typical implementations.
Level 1 API29
An object of the TagReadData class contains the metadata (see the Hardware Specific
Guides for details on available tag read metadata for each product) about the tag read as
well as the
TagData object representing the particular tag.
TagReadData (or arrays of) objects are the primary results of
each tag found.
The actual EPC ID for a Tag can be found by calling the getTag() method which returns
TagData object.
See the methods available for getting TagData and metadata (including, RSSI,
Frequency, Phase, etc. - see Hardware specific user guide for available metadata) from
TagReadData in the language specific API Reference.
Read Methods, one for
An object of the TagData class contains information that represents a particular tag. The
methods and constructors of TagData allow access to and creation of TagData (tag’s
EPC IDs) using byte and hexidecimal string formats.
TagData objects are used to represent the information on a tag which has been read
(contained in the
the field using
Interface so TagData objects may be used as such to perform operations, which use
TagFilters, on a tag with a particular EPC.
Subclasses of TagData, such as Gen2.TagData, may contain additional information
specific to a particular protocol.
TagReadData object) and for representing data to be written to tag(s) in
Gen2.WriteTag. In addition, the TagData class implements the TagFilter
See the methods available for getting TagData and metadata from TagReadData in the
language specific API Reference.
30Level 1 API
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