ThingMagic Astra User Manual

875-0025-03 RevA
Astra Reader User Guide
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ThingMagic, A Division of Trimble One Cambridge Center, 11th floor Cambridge, MA 02142 866-833-4069
03 Revision A January 2012
Astra User Guide 6
Introduction 6
Regional Information 8
Astra North America 8 Astra Australia 8 Astra Korea 8 Astra India 9 Astra Europe 9
Programming Interfaces 11
MercuryAPI 11 Demo Applications 11
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation 12
Equipment Required 12 Setup Procedure 13
Connecting the Optional Antenna to the Reader 13 Powering Up the Reader 15 Interpreting the Reader Indicator LED 16 Connecting Your PC to the Reader 17 Setting Up Your PC's TCP/IP Connection 17 Logging On to the Reader 21
Networking the Reader 24
Setting Up the Network Hardware 24 Wireless Setup 25
Using the Wireless Network 25 Using Power Over Ethernet (PoE) 27
Using DHCP 28
Automatic Hostname: Astra-xxxxxx 30 MAC Address 30
Reader Discovery 31
Using mDNS 31
Reader Listing 31
Connecting to the Astra Serial Port 34
Using GPIO 35
Inputs 35 Outputs 35
Controlling the Reader 37
Using the Browser-Based Interface 37
Status Page 38 Query Page 39 Write Page 42 Settings Page 45 Restart Page 51 Diagnostics Page 52 Statistics Page 53 Firmware Upgrade Utility 54
Using Safe Mode 56
Forcing Astra to boot in safe mode 57
Reader RF Power 58
Reader RF Power Example 58 Setting the Reader RF Power 59
Mounting the Reader 60
Variables Affecting Performance 61 Environmental 61 Tag Considerations 62 Multiple Readers 62
Astra Specifications 63
Electrical 63 Environmental 63 Mechanical 64 Supported UHF Tag Protocols 64 User Memory 64
Compliance, Warranty, and IP Notices 65
Regulatory Compliance 65
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement 65 Industry Canada 65
Appendix A: Astra Antenna Information 68
Authorized Antennas 68
Appendix B: Astra Dimensions 69
Appendix C: Advanced Administration 70
Changing the Web Interface uid/passwd 70 Changing console/root password: 71
Appendix D: Troubleshooting 72
Troubleshooting Table 72 Reset to the Default Configuration 72 Collecting Diagnostic Data for ThingMagic Support 73 Analyzing the Boot Logs 74


This document assumes usage of an Astra with firmware version 4.1.21 or later.
Astra User Guide
This document explains how to set up the Astra Reader, how to configure it for network
operation, and how to use the browser-based interface. See the corresponding Astra Firmware Release Notes for operational differences that what is in this User Guide
specific to a firmware version.
Separate appendices contain specifications and antenna information that are specific to the Astra Reader.
Applications to control the Astra can be written using the high level MercuryAPI. The
MercuryAPI supports Java and.NET programming environments for Astra. The MercuryAPI Software Development Kit (SDK) contains sample applications and source code to help developers get started demoing and developing functionality. For more
information on the MercuryAPI see the MercuryAPI Programmers Guide and the MercuryAPI SDK, available on the ThingMagic website.
This document is broken down into the following sections:
Regional Information - Provides regulatory information for each specific Astra model.
Programming Interfaces - Describes the programming interfaces, including on-reader
applications and where to find code samples.
Astra User Guide 6
Connecting to the Astra - Describes the methods available for connecting to the Astra
over the ethernet, WiFi and Serial Console interfaces.
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation
connection from a Host PC to the Astra.
Networking the Reader
static IP settings.
Connecting to the Astra Serial Port
command-line interface access and troubleshooting.
- Connect over ethernet LAN or WiFi using DHCP or
- Connect using a direct ethernet
- Connect to the Astra console for
Using GPIO - Details the GPIO physical interface specs and how to control it via the
Controlling the Reader - Describes the browser-based interface and the configuration
and testing options available through it.
Reader RF Power - Provideds guidelines and limitations for setting the RF Power of
the Astra.
Mounting the Reader and Appendix B: Astra Dimensions - Provides details of the
physical dimensions of the Astra.
Astra Specifications
Compliance, Warranty, and IP Notices
Appendix A: Astra Antenna Information - Lists the authorized Antennas and cables
which can be used with the Astra-NA in FCC regions.
Appendix C: Advanced Administration - Provides the steps for some advanced
administration settings, such as changing reader passwords.
Appendix D: Troubleshooting - Provides recommended debugging steps for common
problems along with data to gather when submitting a problem case to ThingMagic support.
Astra User Guide 7

Regional Information

The Astra reader is currently available in four different regional hardware configurations:

Astra North America

Astra Korea

Astra India
Astra Europe
The only difference between the different hardware versions is the frequency range they
support and, in some cases, confguration for specific subsets of regulatory compliance in that region. The regulatory support and configuration details, if any, for each is defined below. Each regional reader can be identified both through the Web Inteface Status Page and by the Model Number on the reader’s lableling.
Regional Information
Astra North America
Model Number = Astra-NA
Astra-NA readers support
regulatory configuration is required.

Astra Australia

Model Number = Astra-AU
Astra-AU readers support FCC 47 CFG Ch. 1 Part 15 regulations. No special regulatory
configuration is required.
Astra Korea
Model Number = Astra-KR
Astra-KR readers support KCC regulations. No special regulatory configuration is
ACMA LIPD Class Licence Variation 2011 (No. 1). No special
The first frequency channel (917,300kHz) of the KR2 region will be derated to +27dBm to meet the new Korea regulatory requirements. All other channels operate up to +30dBm. In the worst case scenario, each time the derated channel is used it will stay on that
Astra User Guide 8
channel for 400ms. The fastest it will move to the next channel, in the case where no tags are found using that frequency, it will move to the next channel after 10 empty query rounds, approximately 120ms.

Astra India

Model Number = Astra-IN
Astra-IN readers support the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India ( TRAI), 2005
regulations. No special regulatory configuration is required.

Astra Europe

Model Number = Astra-EU
Astra-EU readers support ETSI EN 302 208-1 V1.1.1 (10-Channel with LBT Option) and
Revised ETSI EN 302 208-1 V1.2.1 regulations (4-Channel options).
Regional Information
The Settings Page
Channel plans are the current plans which should be used for most applications. The 10­Channel is being made available for legacy installations.
Switching between the 4-Channel plans and the 10-Channel plan requires a reboot. Switching between the two 4-Channels plans does not.
allows you to configure the regulatory plan the Astra will use. The 4-
Revised ETSI EN 302 208-1 V1.2.1
When using the 4-Channel Mode with a custom channel list the Astra will operate
differently, according to the regulatory specification, based on the number of channels used:
Single Channel Mode
If only a single channel is moved to the RF Channels in Use field, the Astra will occupy
the set channel for up to four seconds, after which it will be quiet for 100ms before transmitting on the same channel again.?
Multi Channel Mode
If more than one channel is moved to the RF Channels in Use field,.the Astra will occupy
one of the configured channels for up to four seconds, after which it may switch to the
Astra User Guide 9
Regional Information
next channel and immediately occupy that channel for up to four seconds. This mode allows for continuous operation, with no quiet periods.
ETSI EN 302 208-1 V1.1.1
When using the 10 Channel Mode the integrated antenna will always be used for LBT.
This means that when configured for bistatic operation the external antenna will be the Transmit antenna and the integrated antenna will be the Receive and LBT antenna. This is the reverse of the Astra-NA and Astra-KR which use the integrated antenna for transmit.
Astra User Guide 10

Programming Interfaces


Applications to control the Astra reader, and all ThingMagic Reader products, can be written using the high level MercuryAPI. The MercuryAPI supports Java, .NET and C (for on-reader applications) programming environments. The MercuryAPI Software Development Kit (SDK) contains sample applications and source code to help developers get started demoing and developing functionality. For more information on the
MercuryAPI see the MercuryAPI Programmers Guide and the MercuryAPI SDK, available
on the ThingMagic website.

Demo Applications

The primary, “Quick Start”, demo for reading tags is the Query Page of the Web Interface.
For more advanced functionality, and also a starting place for building custom
applications, a demo application which supports reading and writing is provided in the MercuryAPI SDK package. The executable for this example is included in the MercuryAPI
SDK package (available on under /cs/samples/exe/Universal- Reader-Assistant.exe.
Programming Interfaces
See the Readme.txt in /cs/samples/Universal-Reader-Assistant/Universal-Reader-
Assistant for usage details.
Astra User Guide 11

Setting Up for Single Reader Operation

Setting Up for Single Reader Operation
This section describes how to set up the Reader for Single Reader Operation using AC

Equipment Required

To set up Single Reader Operation, you need the equipment that comes enclosed with
Astra Reader as well as some additional hardware
The following equipment comes with Astra Reader:
Astra Reader (540-0010-01 01)
WLAN antenna
Ferrite Bead for the Ethernet cable (Fair-Rite 0443164151)
The WLAN Antenna is optional and it comes with the WiFi SKU, if Wi-Fi option is purchased.
The additional hardware required includes:
Optional External DC Power Supply with extension power cable (3m (10ft)) - If
using DC Power
A computer with a Java-enabled web browser
An optional additional antenna
To install the Astra Reader, no software is required.
To set up the Reader as part of a larger scale deployment that uses Wireless Network
(WLAN) connection or Power Over Ethernet (PoE), refer to Networking the Reader
Astra User Guide 12

Setup Procedure

The steps required to set up and run the Astra Reader are:
1. Connecting the Optional Antenna to the Reader
2. Powering Up the Reader
3. Connecting Your PC to the Reader
4. Setting Up Your PC's TCP/IP Connection
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation
5. Logging On to the Reader

Connecting the Optional Antenna to the Reader

The Astra Reader supports monostatic performance with one (integrated) antenna or with
two (integrated and external) antennas. The power setting that you configure is applicable to both antennas. However, due to the additional RF loss in the cable, the performance is less on the external antenna.
Antenna Requirements
The performance of the Astra is affected by antenna quality. Antennas that provide good
50 ohm match at the operating frequency band perform best. Specified sensitivity performance is achieved with antennas providing 17 dB return loss or better across the operating band. Damage to the reader will not occur for any return loss of 1 dB or greater.
Damage may occur if antennas are disconnected during operation or if the Astra.
The Astra antenna ports may be susceptible to damage from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). Equipment failure can result if the antenna or communication ports are subjected to ESD. Standard ESD precautions should be taken during installation to avoid static discharge when handling or making connections to the Astra reader antenna or communication ports. Environmental analysis should also be performed to ensure static is not building up on and around the antennas, possibly causing discharges during operation.
Astra User Guide 13
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation
Antenna Detection
To minimize the chance of damage due to transmitting on open ports or antenna
disconnection, the Astra supports antenna detection. Detection is performed automatically at startup and before RF operations. In order to be detectable antennas must present a DC resistance of ~10k Ohms or less.
Before you apply power to the Reader, you must connect antenna to the RFID port. When
the Reader is powered on, the port that is not connected to the antenna is disabled. The
integrated antenna is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Antenna Connection to the Astra Reader
Bistatic Configuration
A checkbox on the Settings Page allows the Astra antennas to be used in Bistatic mode.
When checked the two antennas will operate as a single logical antenna with the integrated antenna used for transmit and the external antenna for receive. If the external
antenna is not connected and the Antenna Mode is set to Bistatic the Astra will not allow
RF operations.
Use only authorized antennas and cable. See Appendix A: Astra Antenna
Astra User Guide 14
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation

Powering Up the Reader

You can power up the Astra Reader using:
DC power supply - NOTE: Sold SeparatelyPower over Ethernet (PoE) - NOTE: Required cable sold separately
To power up the Astra Reader using a DC power supply:
1. Plug the power supply into the Reader's DC power input connector.
2. Connect the extension cord to the power supply and plug it into a 100-240VAC
power outlet. The Reader immediately begins to power up.
There is no on/off switch on the Reader. While the Reader is powering up, the power LED is solid amber. The Reader is ready for operation after approximately
60 seconds when the power LED changes to solid green, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Powering Up the Astra Reader
Power LED
To power-up the Reader using PoE, see Using Power Over Ethernet (PoE)
By default, if both DC power supply and PoE are provided to the Astra Reader, the
Reader will use only the DC power supply as the source of power. In this situation, if DC power is turned off, then the Reader requires a power cycle in order to function properly and use PoE (even if it is already plugged in).
Astra User Guide 15
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation
You can use the web interface to select whether to use DC power supply or PoE to power the Astra Reader.

Interpreting the Reader Indicator LED

The Astra Reader has one main multi-color LED that indicates Reader activity as shown
in Figure 2. By observing the color and the state of the LED, you can determine the
current operational status of the Astra Reader.
The colors displayed by the LED include:
Solid Amber: Indicates that the Reader is starting up.
Solid Green: Indicates that the Reader has a valid IP address and is ready for
Blinking Green: Indicates that the RF field is ON and the unit is reading/writing
Blinking Amber: Indicates a failure in the Reader.
a. Continuous Blinking Amber: In this state, the LED continuously blinks amber
indicating that the Reader has failed to get a valid IP address.
b. Alternate Blinking Amber: In this state, the LED alternately displays blinking
amber and solid amber indicating that there is a failure in the RFID subsystem.
Additionally, when the Reader is connected to a PC or a network outlet, the two small
LEDs adjacent to the Ethernet port indicate Network Status (left) and Network Activity
(right), as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Network Status and Activity LEDs
Astra User Guide 16
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation

Connecting Your PC to the Reader

You can provide network connectivity to the Astra Reader using either the Ethernet or
WIFI. For instructions on connecting the Reader to a network using WLAN or PoE, see the section Networking the Reader
To connect your PC to the Reader:
1. Connect the provided Ethernet crossover cable to your PC.
2. Connect the other end of the Ethernet crossover cable to the Reader, as shown
in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Connecting the PC to the Astra Reader

Setting Up Your PC's TCP/IP Connection

If you are using an operating system other than Windows XP, consult your network
administrator regarding how to set up your PC’s TCP/IP connection.
If you are using Windows XP, perform the following steps to set up your PC's TCP/IP
1. Select Start from the Start bar, and then select Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Network Connections icon.
3. Disable your PC's wireless connection.
4. Double-click the Local Area Connection icon.
The Local Area Connection Status window appears, as shown in Figure 5.
Astra User Guide 17
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation
Figure 5: Local Area Connection Status Window
Astra User Guide 18
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation
5. Click the Properties button.
The Local Area Connections Properties window appears, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Local Area Connection Properties Window
6. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
Astra User Guide 19
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation
7. Click on the Properties button.
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window appears, as shown in
Figure 7.
Figure 7: Internet Protocol TCP/IP Properties Window
8. Select the Use the following IP address: button.
Enter these settings: IP address: Subnet mask: Default gateway:
9. Click OK to save and exit the window.
10. Click OK in the Local Area Connection Properties window.
Astra User Guide 20
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation

Logging On to the Reader

You may use any Java-enabled web browser to log on to the Reader.
To log on to the Reader:
1. Launch your web browser and log on to the Reader by entering the Reader's
default IP address
2. Press Enter.
The Login dialog box appears.
3. Enter the following:
Default user name: “web” Password: “radio” (all lower-case).
4. Click OK.
The Reader displays its browser-based interface. The initial page that appears is
the Status page, as shown in Figure 8.
in the address bar.
Astra User Guide 21
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation
Figure 8: Astra Status Page
Astra User Guide 22
Setting Up for Single Reader Operation
5. Check the Connected Antenna Ports fields. If the text is green, it indicates that
antenna is connected.
6. Do one of the following steps:
To connect the Reader to the network and log in remotely, see Networking the
To start reading tags and to control the Reader, see Controlling the Reader.
This section guides you through all the available Reader functions including how to read and write tags, change settings, load firmware, and reboot the Reader in Safe Mode.
Astra User Guide 23
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