Thermo Scientific Nunc Cell Factory CF1, Nunc Cell Factory CF10, Nunc Cell Factory CF40, Nunc Cell Factory CF4 Instructions For Use Manual

Thermo Scientific Nunc Cell Factory
Instructions for use: CF1, CF4, CF10 and CF40
Unpack the Nunc™ Cell Factory and place it in a laminar air flow cabinet in order to work in sterile conditions.
Remove seal from one of the white filter adaptor caps.
Prepare cell suspension in an aspirator bottle, mount with sterile connector, and clamp.
Accessories: Air filter, connector, white filter adaptor cap.
Immediately insert pre-sterilized air filter into the open white filter adaptor cap.
Remove second white filter adaptor cap from the Cell Factory.
Insert connector.
Turn Cell Factory on its side. Raise aspirator bottle above Cell Factory level.
Thermo Scientific Nunc Cell Factory
Instructions for use: CF1 CF4, CF10 and CF40
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Gently agitate aspirator bottle. Loosen clamp and cell suspension will flow into the Cell Factory. Chambers will initially fill unevenly due to a difference in pressure.
Turn the Cell Factory 90º, so that filling inlet is up. Medium will be separated with equal amounts in each chamber.
The surface of all the trays will be covered by medium. Remove the connector, replace the white filter adaptor cap, but leave the filter on and incubate.
When filling is complete, allow levels of liquid in all chambers to equalize through the connecting channel.
Place the Cell Factory in horizontal incubation position.
To empty the Cell Factory place it above aspirator bottle, in the position shown, and the liquid will run out.
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Tilt the Cell Factory to drain it completely.
© 2010 The rmo Fisher S cientific In c. All Rights R eserved . All trad emarks are t he proper ty of Ther mo Fisher Sci entific Inc. a nd its subsid iaries.
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To decontaminate the Cell Factory after use it is recommended to autoclave: 60 min, 132°C.
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