Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 1000 V3.7, ND-1000 User Manual

NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer
V3.7 User’s Manual
The information in this publication is provided for reference only. All information contained in this publication is believed to be correct and complete. Thermo Fisher Scientific shall not be liable for errors contained herein nor for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material. All product specifications, as well as the information contained in this publication, are subject to change without notice.
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NanoDrop is a trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific. Revised 7/08
Table of Contents
1. Overview....................................................................................... 1-1
Instrument Description .................................................................. 1-1
Patents .......................................................................................... 1-2
2. Initial Set Up.................................................................................2-1
Computer Requirements...............................................................2-1
Software Installation......................................................................2-1
Software Upgrades........................................................................ 2-2
Registering Your Instrument..........................................................2-3
3. General Operation....................................................................... 3-1
The Sample Retention System...................................................... 3-1
Cleaning the Sample Retention System........................................3-2
Software Architecture and Features.............................................. 3-4
User Preferences...........................................................................3-6
Utilities and Diagnostics................................................................ 3-7
Account Management ................................................................... 3-8
Dye/Chromophore Editor............................................................. 3-10
4. Common Module Functions....................................................... 4-1
Module Startup.............................................................................. 4-1
Common Functions....................................................................... 4-1
Measure (F1)................................................................................. 4-1
Blank (F3)...................................................................................... 4-1
Re-blank (F2).................................................................................4-2
Print Screen (F4)........................................................................... 4-3
Start Report / Recording................................................................ 4-3
Print Report (F5)............................................................................ 4-4
Show Report (F7).......................................................................... 4-4
Sample ID...................................................................................... 4-4
Sample # ....................................................................................... 4-5
Exit................................................................................................. 4-5
Escape Key (ESC)......................................................................... 4-5
Show Context Help (Ctrl+H).......................................................... 4-5
User’s Manual................................................................................ 4-5
5. Nucleic Acids............................................................................... 5-1
Sample Volume Requirements...................................................... 5-1
Measurement Concentration Range ............................................. 5-1
Spectrum Normalization................................................................ 5-3
Spectrum Overlay Control............................................................. 5-3
6. MicroArray.................................................................................... 6-1
Fluorescent Dye Selection ............................................................ 6-1
Sample Volume Requirements...................................................... 6-1
Measurement Concentration Range ............................................. 6-2
Baseline Calculation & Normalization........................................... 6-2
7. UV-VIS........................................................................................... 7-1
Sample Volume Requirements...................................................... 7-1
Measurement Concentration Range ............................................. 7-1
Unique Screen Features ............................................................... 7-1
8. Protein A280................................................................................. 8-1
Sample Volume Requirements...................................................... 8-1
Pedestal Reconditioning................................................................ 8-1
Measurement Concentration Range ............................................. 8-1
Unique Screen Features ............................................................... 8-2
Spectrum Normalization................................................................ 8-3
Spectrum Overlay Control............................................................. 8-4
9. Proteins & Labels........................................................................ 9-1
Fluorescent Dye Selection ............................................................ 9-1
Sample Volume Requirements...................................................... 9-1
Pedestal Reconditioning................................................................ 9-2
Measurement Concentration Range ............................................. 9-2
Unique Screen Features ............................................................... 9-2
Baseline Type................................................................................9-4
10. Protein BCA ............................................................................... 10-1
Sample Volume Requirements.................................................... 10-1
Pedestal Reconditioning.............................................................. 10-1
Measurement Concentration Range ........................................... 10-1
BCA Kits, Protocols, and Sample Preparation............................ 10-2
Unique Screen Features ............................................................. 10-2
Making BCA Measurements........................................................ 10-3
Standard Curve Features............................................................ 10-5
Delete Standard Points ............................................................... 10-5
Exiting the BCA Module .............................................................. 10-6
11. Protein Lowry............................................................................. 11-1
Sample Volume Requirements.................................................... 11-1
Pedestal Reconditioning.............................................................. 11-1
Measurement Concentration Range ........................................... 11-1
Modified Lowry Kits, Protocols, and Sample Preparation...........11-2
Unique Screen Features ............................................................. 11-2
Making Lowry Measurements ..................................................... 11-3
Standard Curve Features............................................................ 11-5
Delete Standard Points ............................................................... 11-5
Exiting the Lowry Module............................................................ 11-6
12. Protein Bradford........................................................................ 12-1
Sample Volume Requirement ..................................................... 12-1
Pedestal Reconditioning.............................................................. 12-1
Measurement Concentration Range ........................................... 12-2
Bradford Kits, Protocols, and Sample Preparation......................12-2
Unique Screen Features ............................................................. 12-3
Making Bradford Protein Measurements..................................... 12-3
Standard Curve Features............................................................ 12-5
Delete Standard Points ............................................................... 12-6
Exiting the Bradford Module........................................................ 12-7
13. Protein Pierce 660 nm............................................................... 13-1
Unique Screen Features ............................................................. 13-1
Making Pierce 660 nm Protein Measurements........................... 13-2
Standard Curve Features............................................................ 13-4
Delete Standard Points ............................................................... 13-5
14. Cell Cultures .............................................................................. 14-1
Sample Size Requirements.........................................................14-2
Cell Suspension Concentrations.................................................14-2
Sample Homogeneity..................................................................14-2
Decontamination of Measurement Pedestals ............................. 14-2
15. Archived Data and Data Viewer ............................................... 15-1
Archive File Creation...................................................................15-1
Data Storage Hierarchy...............................................................15-2
Data Viewer................................................................................. 15-2
Archive File Converter................................................................. 15-9
Opening Archived Data with Spreadsheet Programs................15-10
16. Calibration Check...................................................................... 16-1
Procedure.................................................................................... 16-1
17. Troubleshooting ........................................................................ 17-1
Error USB2000............................................................................17-1
Connection Error ......................................................................... 17-2
Signal Error.................................................................................. 17-4
Saturated Detector ...................................................................... 17-5
Liquid Column Breakage............................................................. 17-6
Other Software Error Messages.................................................. 17-8
Sample Accuracy and Reproducibility....................................... 17-10
260/280 Ratio............................................................................ 17-11
Unusual Spectrum.....................................................................17-13
Technical Support......................................................................17-13
18. Maintenance and Warranty.......................................................18-1
Cleaning ...................................................................................... 18-1
Calibration ................................................................................... 18-1
Warranty...................................................................................... 18-2
19. Appendices ................................................................................ 19-1
Instrument Specifications............................................................ 19-1
Blanking and Absorbance Calculations....................................... 19-1
Concentration Calculation (Beer’s Law)......................................19-2
Solvent Compatibility................................................................... 19-3
Decontamination of Measurement & Optical Surfaces............... 19-3
Setting Up a Dymo 400 Label Writer Printer............................... 19-3
Section 1- Overview
1. Overview
Instrument Description
The Thermo Scientific NanoDrop™ 1000 Spectrophotometer measures 1 ul samples with high accuracy and reproducibility. The full spectrum (220nm-750nm) spectrophotometer utilizes a patented sample retention technology that employs surface tension alone to hold the sample in place. This eliminates the need for cumbersome cuvettes and other sample containment devices and allows for clean up in seconds. In addition, the NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer has the capability to measure highly concentrated samples without dilution (50X higher concentration than the samples measured by a standard cuvette spectrophotometer).
A 1 ul sample is pipetted onto the end of a fiber optic cable (the receiving fiber). A second fiber optic cable (the source fiber) is then brought into contact with the liquid sample causing the liquid to bridge the gap between the fiber optic ends. The gap is controlled to both 1mm and 0.2 mm paths. A pulsed xenon flash lamp provides the light source and a spectrometer utilizing a linear CCD array is used to analyze the light after passing through the sample. The instrument is controlled by PC based software, and the data is logged in an archive file on the PC.
UV/VIS spectrophotometry is simple for samples as small as 1 ul using the NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer. The small sample requirement and ease of use make the NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer ideally suited for measuring:
Nucleic acid concentration and purity of nucleic acid samples up to 3700 ng/ul (dsDNA) without dilution
Fluorescent dye labeling density of nucleic acid microarray samples
Purified protein analysis (A280) up to 100 mg/ml (BSA)
Expanded spectrum measurement and quantitation of fluorescent
dye labeled proteins, conjugates, and metalloproteins
Bradford Assay analysis of protein
BCA Assay analysis of protein
Lowry Assay analysis of protein
Pierce Protein 660 nm Protein Assay
Cell density measurements
Section 1- Overview
General UV-Vis spectrophotometry
The sample retention technology used in the NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer is covered under US patents 6,628,382 and 6,809,826. Other patents are pending.
Section 2-Initial Set-up
2. Initial Set Up
Computer Requirements
The operating software will only run on an IBM compatible PC meeting the below criteria. No Mac versions of the software are currently available.
Microsoft Windows XP or 2000 operating system.
Windows Vista has also been tested successfully with the
The operating software is not compatible with Windows NT,
95, 98 or ME.
233 MHz or higher processor
CD ROM drive
32 MB or more of RAM
40 MB of free hard disk space
Open USB port (the instrument can only be connected via the
USB port)
Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet program to manipulate archived data (optional)
Software Installation
WARNING: The system software must be loaded onto the PC before the USB cable is connected. Administrator access on the PC is required to install the software.
To properly install the operating software:
Close all programs and make sure that the USB cable is unplugged.
2. Insert the ope rating softwa r e CD in the CD drive of the PC. The software installation menu should appear automatically. If the software menu does not appear, choose ‘My Computer‘ to view the contents of the CD. Double click on the file named ‘nd­1000…install.exe’.
3. After softwar e installation, connect the USB cable and the Found New Hardware Wizard should start as shown below. (Windo ws XP SP2 operating system will ask to allow it to search the internet for the proper software as shown- Select ‘No, not this time’). Follow the prompts for automatic installation of the software.
Section 2-Initial Set-up
Intro Page: Windows XP- SP2 All Windows Operating
Your NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer should now be ready for operation. If the software does not start properly, refer to the Troubleshooting Section for possible solutions.
Configuring the System Font
The software is designed to look best with the MS Sans Serif font, 8 point. To check that the system font is set to the proper selection:
1. Open the ‘Displays Pro perties’ by right clicking on the desktop and select Properties
Appearance. (Additional step for
Windows XP: click on the ‘Advanced’ button).
2. From ‘item’ list select ‘icon’.
3. Select the ‘MS Sans Serif (western)’ font and select ‘8 point’ size.
4. Click OK.
Choosing an alternative font may result in some text being truncated in the operating software window.
Software Upgrades
Periodic upgrades are made to the operating software and are available for download. See our
website for the latest available
software version.
Cable Connections
To make measurements with the instrument, connect the USB cable to instrument and the PC, plug in the 12V power supply and connect to the power input at the back of the instrument.
Note: The power supply can remain plugged into the NanoDrop 1 000 Spectrophotometer while the instrument is not in use. When the unit is in this “standby” mode, power consumption is ~1.5 W and the flash lamp is not energized. Also, the instrument does not utilize a power
Section 2-Initial Set-up
switch or give a visual indication of the operability of the 12V power supply.
Registering Your Instrument
Please register your product! We periodically update our software and add new features free of charge. We would like to keep our user list updated so that we may alert you to these updates and all information supplied is completely confidential. You can register your instrument on our
Section 3-General Operation
3. General Operation
The Sample Retention System Basic Use
The main steps for using the sample retention system are listed below:
1. With the sampling arm open, pipette the sample onto the lower measurement pedestal.
2. Close the sampling arm and initiate a spectral measurement using the operating software on the PC. The sample column is automatically drawn between the upper and lower measurement pedestals and the spectral measurement made.
Section 3-General Operation
3. When the measurement is complete, open the sampling arm and wipe the sample from both the upper and lower pedestals using a soft laboratory wipe. Simple wiping prevents sample carryover in successive measurements for samples varying by more than 1000 fold in concentration. See our
website for performance
data on sample carryover.
Cleaning the Sample Retention System
Wiping the sample from both the upper and lower pedestal s (as shown above) upon completion of each sample measurem ent is usually sufficient to prevent sample carryover and avoid residue buildup. Although generally not necessary, 2 ul water aliquots can be used to clean the measurement surfaces after particularly high concentration samples to ensure no residual sample is retained on either pedestal. After measuring a large number of samples, however, it is recommended that the areas around the upper and lower pedestals be cleaned thoroughly. This will prevent the wiping after each measurement from carrying previous samples onto the measurement pedestals and affecting low-level measurements. A final cleaning of all surfaces with de-ionized water is also recommended after the user’s last measurement. Note: Please do not use a squirt bottle to apply de-ionized water.
Decontamination of Measurement Pedestals
If decontamination is necessary, a sanitizing solution, such as a 0.5% solution of sodium hypochlorite (1:10 dilution of common commercial bleach solutions – freshly prepared), can be used to ensure that no biologically active material is present on the measurement pedestals. The metal fiber optic fittings are made from 303 stainless steel and are resistant to most common laboratory solvents (see “Solvent Compatibility” appendix). Note: Please do not use a squirt bottle to apply diluted bleach.
Pedestal Reconditioning
The Bradford reagent as well as other buffers containing surfactants can “un-condition” the measurement pedestal surfaces so that the liquid column does not form well with 1ul samples. If this occurs,
Section 3-General Operation
“buff” the measurement pedestal surfaces by rubbing each measurement surface aggressively with a dry laboratory wipe 30-40 times. This will “re-condition” the surface allowing the liquid sample column to form. Alternatively, use the NanoDrop Pedestal Reconditioning Compound (PR-1) as a rapid means of reconditioning the pedestals when the surface properties have been compromised and liquid columns break during measurement. Additional information about the PR-1 kit may be found on our
Sample Size Requirements
Although sample size is not critical, it is essential that the liquid column be formed so that the gap between the upper and lower measurement pedestals is bridged with sample.
Field experience indicates that the following volumes are sufficient to ensure reproducibility:
Aqueous solutions of nucleic acids: 1 ul
Purified protein: 2 ul
Bradford, BCA or Lowry assay: 2 ul
Microbial cell suspensions: 1-2 ul
It is best to use a precision pipettor (0-2 ul) with precision tips to assure that sufficient sample (1-2 ul) is used. Lower precision pipettors (0-10 ul and larger) are not as good at delivering 1 ul volumes to the measurement pedestal. If you are unsure about your sample characteristics or pipettor accuracy, a 2 ul sample is recommended.
Sample Carryover
Prevention of sample being retained on the NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer’s measurement pedestals is easily addressed. Simple wiping of the upper and lower measurement pedestal with a dry laboratory wipe is highly effective in eliminating carryover for samples differing in concentration by as much as three orders of magnitude (see our
website for sample data). This is possible since each measurement pedestal is in actuality a highly polished end of a fiber optic cable. There are no cracks or crevices for residual sam ple to get trapped within.
Sample Homogeneity
Sampling from non-homogeneous solutions – particularly when u sing small volumes – can cause significant deviations in the data generated using all measurement technologies including
Section 3-General Operation
spectrophotometry. Genomic DNA, lambda DNA and viscous solutions of highly concentrated nucleic acids are common examples known to the molecular biologist. Proteins are subject to denaturation, precipitation, and aggregation and therefore may requi re special handling to ensure sample homogeneity.
Effect of Evaporation and Solvents
Evaporation of the sample during the measurement cycle usually has just a minimal effect on absorbance readings and may result in a 1­2% increase in sample concentration. This can be observed in the field by measuring the same sample successively over time. Highly volatile solvents, such as hexane, will likely evaporate before the measurement can be completed. Less volatile solvents such a s DMSO can be used successfully.
Sample Recovery
One of the advantages of the sample retention system is that samples can be recovered from the upper and lower measure m ent pedestals by extraction with a pipette.
Software Architecture and Features Main Menu
With the sampling arm in the down position, start the operating software by selecting the following path:
Programs Æ NanoDrop Æ ND-1000 (version)
Section 3-General Operation
Application Modules
The operating software has been tailored to meet the life scientist’s needs. It includes the following application modules:
Nucleic Acid – concentration and purity of nucleic acid
MicroArray – dye incorporation concentration and purity of
nucleic acid
UV-Vis – general UV-Vis measurements
Cell Cultures – “absorbance” (light scattering) measurement of
suspended microbial cells
Protein A280 – concentration and purity of purified protein
Proteins & Labels – concentration of dye-labeled proteins,
conjugates, and metalloproteins
Section 3-General Operation
Protein BCA – protein concentration using the BCA assay
Protein Bradford – protein concentration using the Bradford
Protein Lowry – protein concentration using the Modified Lowry assay
Pierce 660 nm Protein Assay – protein concentration using the new 660 nm assay
User Preferences
Each user has the option to configure a number of settings in the various application modules. Some key preference options availab l e for each of the User Preference tabs are as follows
In addition to the primary data storage of archive files at
c:\nanodrop data, users may elect to save their data to an additional location. This option can be chosen under the ‘Archiving’ tab by selecting the ‘Duplicate data storage?’ box and then choosing the file path by clicking on the file folder icon under ‘Duplicate Data Folder’. Save the alternative path by clicking on the ‘Save and Exit’ button before exiting the User Preferences module. The user may also elect to deselect an automatic prompt to close the Data Viewer whenever a module is closed. The Data Viewer must be closed if a different module is opened before data can be reviewed.
Users may choose the Auto Reporting feature which allows data to automatically populate the report for all samples. To enable this feature, select the Reports tab of Users Preferences and select the box next to each application listed in the Auto Reporting area. Save these preferences by selecting Save & Exit to close the window.
Note: User preferences are stored in a ‘.log’ file. When upgrading to a newer version of the software, this file should be preserved. If after upgrading to a new software version the user preferences do not appear correctly, the .log file should be manually copied to the proper directory. See “Passwords. log’” for more detail.
Nucleic Acids
The default setting is DNA-50. Other options include RNA-40, ssDNA-33, and Other with a variable constant setting.
Section 3-General Operation
The default settings for the two cursors used to monitor specific wavelengths are 300 nm for λ1 and 700 nm for λ2. The user may elect to have the HiAbs on (automatic utilization of the 0.2 mm
path). An additional option is to elect to normalize the data and spectra using the absorbance value of the wavelength between 400 nm and 700 with the lowest andabsorbance value.
The default setting is ssDNA-33 for the nucleic acid. The default settings remain Dye 1 set to Cy3, Dye 2 set to Cy5, with absorbance normalized to the absorbance value at 750nm.
Other options include RNA-40, ssDNA-33 and Other. There are several hard-coded dye choices including common Alexa fluor dyes. See the explanation of the Dye/Chromophore Editor later in this section for information about adding custom dyes and chromophores.
There are six sample type options available for purified protein analysis and concentration measurement. The default setting is Other protein (E1%). See Section 8 for additional information about each sample type option. Note: Software versions 3.5.1 and higher include the option to select whether or not to have the data and spectrum normalized to the absorbance value at 340 nm.
Proteins and Labels
There are six sample type options available for purified protein analysis and concentration measurement. The default setting is Other protein (E1%).
The user may also elect whether or not to use a bichromatic normalization of the 280 nm absorbance value to the absorbance value at 340 nm.
The default dye setting remains Dye 1 set to Cy3 with absorbance normalized at 750nm.
Utilities and Diagnostics
This module is used to both confirm that the instrument is performing within the pathlength calibration specifications and help troublesh oot operational problems with the instrument. Note: The calibration check utility is available in software versions 3.5.1 and higher.
Section 3-General Operation
For more information on using this module, refer to both Section 15 (Calibration Check) and Section 16 (Troubleshooting) of this manual.
Account Management
The Account Management module provides options for directing where specific data files are archived by allowing users to segregate their data into personal folders. The Account Management module is accessible to the administrator only.
Account Types
There are three types of user accounts:
Level 10- this is the highest security setting and all level 10 users
can add new users, modify a user, delete a user and set passwo rd options. At the time of software installation, the only level 10 account is Administrator whose initial password is “nanodrop”. It is strongly recommended that the password be changed after initial account set up. Any user can be set to a level 10 access, although this is not recommended (see Level 5). Note: The administrator (or the last level 10 user) account may not be deleted.
Level 5- this is the security setting recommended for an ordinary
user account. An account with this access will be password protected and will be able to select specific user preferences. Also, all data generated will be automatically archived to the user’s account in C:\Nanodrop data (and the user specified location if that preference is selected).
Default (level 0 security) - this access level is reserv ed for the
Default account only. This account enables any user without an account to access all the active software measurement modules. Although it is not password protected, user preferences can be set
Section 3-General Operation
for this account. All data generated will be automatically archived to the Default folder within the c:\Nanodrop Data folder. Note: For laboratories requiring that every user have a unique user-account, the administrator may disable the default user account.
Account Log-in/Log-out and Time Out
The user’s account will remain active until 1) a user logs out of his/her account by using the pull down menu to select either Default or another user name or 2) the user closes the software.
A user account may also be logged out automatically if the software “System Idle Timeout” is exceeded. After 4 hours of inactivity the software account will automatically revert back to the Default user. A screen will appear indicating that the time is about to expire, with a 30-second countdown. If the user elects ‘CANCEL’, the clock with reset and the user account and application module will remain active for another 4 hours. If the time expires, the open application module will close, returning to the Main Menu and the Default user.
Account Lockout
User-specific accounts can become locked out in several ways as noted below:
Failure to change password within the allotted time
Incorrectly entering the password 99 consecutive times
The administrator locks a specific account
Only the administrator (level 10) can unlock a locked account. This is done by using the ‘Modify User’ entry in the Account Management module. Note: All accounts (even the administrator) can be locked if the incorrect password entry occurs as previously described.
Change Password
This module enables each user having an authorized account ID to change their respective password.
Note: The administrator, using the ‘Options’ or the ‘Modify User’ entries in the ‘Account Management’ module, establishes whether individual user passwords will expire and, if so, after how many days.
Section 3-General Operation
Passwords.log file
This file contains the User ID & password for all accounts and is readable only by the software. It can be found in the c:\nanodrop data\log files folder.
It is strongly recommended that the administrator make a copy of that file and store it in the same log files folder as above each time a new user account is added or a password is changed. If the administrator’s account becomes locked, the up-to­date copy can be renamed and used as the password.log file.
Note: If upgrading from a previous version, the “passwords.log” and “user preferences.log” files should be automatically copied to the c:\NanoDrop Data\Log Files directory. If for some reason these files are not copied automatically, they must be manually copied from the
C:\Program files\NanoDrop (version) to the C:\Program files\NanoDrop (version) directory.
Dye/Chromophore Editor
The Dye/Chromophore Editor gives the user the ability to add their own dyes or chromophores in addition to the predefined fluorescent dyes available for use with the MicroArray and Proteins and Labels modules. Note 1: Predefined dye methods are indicated by a diamond and can’t be modified. Note 2: Absorbance contribution at 260 nm and 280 nm from the respective dye can be corrected by entering the appropriate decimal correction % field. Refer to the dye manufacturer to find the 260 nm and 280 nm % factor for dyes not pre-defined in the Dye/Chromophore List.
Section 3-General Operation
Note: If upgrading from a version prior to 3.3, zero values (0) for 260 nm % and 280 nm % correction factors will be entered for all user defined dyes.
Section 4-Common Module Functions
4. Common Module Functions
Module Startup
When the software starts, you should see this message:
For best results, ensure measur ement pedestal surfaces are clean, load a water sample onto the lower measurement pedestal and then click ‘OK’. The message “Initializing Spectrometer- please wait” will appear. When this message disappears, the instrument will be ready for use. All data taken will automatically be logged in the appropriate archive file.
Common Functions
Measure (F1)
Each time a software module is opened (initiated), the Measure button is inactive as noted by its “grayed-out” appearance. A blank must first be measured before the Measure button will become active.
The Measure button is used to initiate the measurement sequence for all samples (non-blanks). It is actuated by depressing the F1 key or clicking the Measure button. The entire measurement cycle takes approximately 10 seconds.
Blank (F3)
Before making a sample measurement, a blank must be measured and stored (see “Blanking and Absorbance Calculations” in the appendix for more details on absorbance calculations). After making an initial blank measurement, a straight line will appear on the screen; subsequent blanks will clear any sample spectrum and display a straight line as shown in the following image:
Section 4-Common Module Functions
For the most consistent results, it is best to begin any measurement session with a blanking cycle. This will assure the user that the instrument is working properly and that the pedestal is clean. Follow the steps below to perform a blanking cycle:
1. Load a blank sample (the buffer, solvent, or carrier liquid used with your samples) onto the lower measurement pedestal and lower the sampling arm into the ‘down’ position.
2. Click on the ‘B lank’ (F3) button.
3. When the me asurement is complete, wipe the blanking buffer from both pedestals using a laboratory wipe.
4. Analyze an aliquot of the blanking solution as though it were a sample. This is done using the ‘Measure’ button (F1). The result should be a spectrum with a relatively flat baseline. Wipe the blank from both measurement pedestal surfaces and repeat the process until the spectrum is flat.
See “Blanking and Absorbance Calculations” in the appendix for more information on blanking and absorbance calculations.
Re-blank (F2)
The Re-blanking option (F2) establishes a new reference (blank) that is used for the absorbance calculations of subsequent samples. However, unlike the Blank (F3) function, the Re-blank feature recalculates the absorbance spectrum for the most recent sample and displays this on the screen. When the Re-blank function is used, the following message appears:
Section 4-Common Module Functions
Print Screen (F4)
The ‘Print Screen’ button will print a copy of the current operating screen to the default printer attached to the operating PC.
Note: The system is configured to work with the Dymo Label Writer 400 printing on #30256 [2-5/16” X 4”] shipping labels, but can print on any printer connected to the PC.
Print Window
A Print dialogue can be initiated from the ‘File’ pull-down menu or by typing ‘Ctrl+P’. The user can specify any connected printer from the Print dialogue.
Saving Current Screen as .JPG Image
The current screen can be saved as a .jpg image file by selecting ‘Save Window’ from the ‘File’ pull down menu.
Start Report / Recording
The user can log measurement results in a report table and print them to the desired printer. To initiate this feature, select the ‘Start Report’ button. The default setting has the Recording feature activated. Refer to Data Viewer in Section 14 for additional details. Note: To override this feature, click on the ‘Recording’ button. Once de-selected, the button will read Start Report.
When the specified maximum number of entries for that specific report has been reached, there are 4 options: ‘Ignore’, ‘Save’, ‘Print’, ‘Save and Print’.
Section 4-Common Module Functions
All data is stored in the archive file at C:\NanoDrop Data (and in a duplicate location if selected in User Preferences). Note: This feature can be set so that ‘Recording’ is the default mode. See User Preferences in Section 3 for more information.
Print Report (F5)
Selecting the ‘Print Report’ (F5) button will print the existing sample report to the default printer. It can be configured to clear the sample report contents. The user also has options as to how the buffer is handled. Refer to Data Viewer in Section 14 for additional information. All data is stored in the archive file at C:\NanoDrop Data and in a duplicate location if selected in User Preferences.
Note: The system is configured to work with the Dymo Label Writer 400 printing on #30256 [2-5/16” X 4”] shipping labels, but can print to any printer connected to the PC.
Show Report (F7)
The user can display the entries comprising the current Sample Report at any time by selecting the ‘Show Report’ button. This function will enable the Data Viewer software described in Section 14. Parameters specific for the individual application modules are populated for each individual Sample ID.
Sample ID
The ‘Sample ID’ is highlighted for overtyping or barcode scanning. The user may input a sample ID that will be used to identify the measurement in a report print out and in the archived data file. The sample ID entry is “key focused”, meaning it is the default selection on
Section 4-Common Module Functions
the screen and should have a flashing text cursor when the instrument is waiting to make a new measurement.
Sample #
The ‘Sample #’ indicator is activated when a sample report is being recorded. It indicates the sample number of the last sample processed in the current report and increments with each su ccessive measurement until the sample report is fully populated. The sample buffer limit can be modified on the report page.
This command closes all application modules and supporting options. After clicking the ‘Exit’ button, the user has 10 seconds to cancel the exit command. If no action is taken within 10 seconds, the exit command is carried out. Note: All measurement data is automatically saved to an archive file and requires no user action.
Escape Key (ESC)
The escape key is set to exit out of all screens. Hitting the escape key twice will log the user out of an application module.
Show Context Help (Ctrl+H)
Context Help is enabled in the Main Menu, all function modules, and the application modules. The help feature is enabled by choosing ‘Show Context Help’ from the ‘Help’ menu pull down or by selecting ‘Ctrl+H’. Once enabled, placing the cursor on elements of the screen will automatically generate an explanation of that element. Context Help remains active until deselected.
User’s Manual
A .PDF version of this User’s Manual is accessible from the Main Menu and from the Help menu in all of the application modules. It can also be accessed by selecting from the Help pull down menu in any application module or from Start Æ Programs Æ NanoDrop ÆND-
1000 (version).
Section 5- Nucleic Acids
5. Nucleic Acids
Nucleic acid samples can be readily ch ecked for concentration and quality using the NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer. To measure nucleic acid samples select the ‘Nucleic Acid’ application module.
Sample Volume Requirements
Field experience has indicated that 1ul samples are sufficient to ensure accurate and reproducible results when measuring aqueous nucleic acid samples. However, if you are unsure about your sample or your pipettor accuracy, a 1.5-2ul sample is recommended to ensure that the liquid sample column is formed and the light path is completely covered by sample.
Measurement Concentration Range
The NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer will accurately measu re dsDNA samples up to 3700 ng/ul without dilution. To do this, the instrument automatically detects the high concentration and utilizes the 0.2mm pathlength to calculate the absorbance.
Upper Limit
Typical Reproducibility
(minimum 5 replicates)
(SD= ng/ul; CV= %)
3700 ng/ul
3000 (RNA)
2400 (ssDNA)
sample range 2-100 ng/ul: ± 2
sample range >100 ng/ul: ± 2%
Unique Screen Features
Section 5- Nucleic Acids
Sample Type: used to select the (color-keyed) type of nucleic acid being measured. The user can select ‘DNA-50’ for dsDNA, ‘RNA-40’ for RNA, ‘ssDNA-33’ for single-stranded DNA, or ‘Other’ for other nucleic acids. The default is DNA-50. If ‘Other’ is selected, the user can select an analysis constant between15-150. When navigating amongst the three general sample types within the Nucleic Acids module, the last constant value entered within the ‘Constant’ sample type will be retained. See the “Concentration Calculation (Beer’s Law)” Appendix for more details on this calculation.
λ and Abs: the user selected wavelength and corresp onding absorbance. The wavelength can be selected by moving the cursor or using the up/down arrows to the right of the wavelength box. Note: The user-selected wavelength and absorbance are not utilized in any calculations.
A260 10 mm path: absorbance of the sample at 260 nm represented as if measured with a conventional 10 mm path. Note: This is 10X the absorbance actually measured using the 1 mm path length and 50X the absorbance actually measured using the 0.2 mm path length.
A280 10 mm path: sample absorbance at 280 nm represented as if measured with a conventional 10 mm path. Note: This is 10X the absorbance actually measured using the 1 mm path length and 50X the absorbance actually measured using the 0.2 mm path length.
260/280: ratio of sample absorbance at 260 and 280 nm. The ratio of absorbance at 260 and 280 nm is used to assess the purity of DNA and RNA. A ratio of ~1.8 is generally accepted as “pure” for DNA; a ratio of ~2.0 is generally accepted as “pure” for RNA. If the ratio is
Section 5- Nucleic Acids
appreciably lower in either case, it may indicate the presence of protein, phenol or other contaminants that absorb strongly at or near 280 nm. See “260/280 Ratio” in the Troubleshooting section for m ore details on factors that can affect this ratio.
260/230: ratio of sample absorbance at 260 and 230 nm. This is a secondary measure of nucleic acid purity. The 260/230 values for “pure” nucleic acid are often higher than the respective 260/280 values. They are commonly in the range of 1.8-2.2. If the ratio is appreciably lower, this may indicate the presence of co-purified contaminants.
ng/ul: sample concentration in ng/ul based on absorbance at 260 nm and the selected analysis constant. See the “Concentration Calculation (Beer’s Law)” in the appendix for more details on this calculation.
Spectrum Normalization
The baseline is automatically set to the absorbance value of the sample at 340 nm, which should be very nearly zero absorbance. All spectra are referenced off of this zero.
Spectrum Overlay Control
The user can display more than one spectrum in the same display using this feature. The current sample plot will be displayed in bold and previous plots will be distinguished by different colors as seen in the following example:
Section 5- Nucleic Acids
The default option is set to clear the display for the next reading. The user may set the overlay control to clear after each sample plot, (default setting), after each new report, or accumulate plots until prompted to clear. The ‘Clear Now’ setting will clear all current and previous plots. When the overlay function is active, the software will auto scale the y-axis based on the sample with the highest absorbance at 260 nm. Note: When the overlay function is active, the ‘Blank’ function does not clear the existing overlaid sample spectra.
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