TaqCheck™ SARS-CoV
-2 Fast PCR Assay
Catalog Numbers A47693
Pub. No. MAN0019744 Rev. B.0
Note: For safety and biohazard guidelines, see the “Safety” appendix in the TaqCheck™ SARS-CoV-2 Fast PCR Assay User Guide
(Pub. No. MAN0019745). Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear,
clothing, and gloves.
Product description
The TaqCheck™ SARS-CoV-2 Fast PCR Assay is a multiplex real‑time RT‑PCR assay for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA in human
raw saliva samples. The assay has a multi-target design that compensates for emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants and mutations to provide
confidence in results. The assay contains primer and probe sets specific to the following targets:
Table 1 Assay targets, dyes, and quenchers
Target Dye Quencher
SARS-CoV-2 N gene
SARS-CoV-2 S gene
Human RNase P RPP30 gene
erves as an internal positive control to monitor sample quality.
The assay requires the following components:
• TaqCheck™ SARS‑CoV‑2 Control—RNA control that contains SARS-CoV-2 N protein and S protein target regions
• TaqCheck™ SARS‑CoV‑2 Control Dilution Buer—Dilution buer for the control
• TaqPath™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, CG
For catalog numbers and storage conditions, see “Contents and storage”.
VIC™ dye QSY™ quencher
FAM™ dye QSY™ quencher
IMPORTANT! It is the r
own experimental design and analysis parameters.
esponsibility of the laboratories using the TaqCheck™ SARS-CoV-2 Fast PCR Assay to design and validate their
Contents and storage
The it
ems listed in the following table are required for the TaqCheck™ SARS-CoV-2 Fast PCR Assay. The items listed are sucient for
1,200 reactions.
Kit or product Cat. No. Amount Storage
TaqCheck™ SARS-CoV
TaqCheck™ SARS‑CoV‑2 Control 956127 3 × 10 µL ≤ –70°C
TaqCheck™ SARS‑CoV‑2 Control Dilution Buer A50486 3 × 250 µL –30°C to –10°C
TaqPath™ 1-S
tep RT-qPCR Master Mix, CG
-2 Fast PCR Assay A47693 690 µL –30°C to –10°C
• A15299
• A15300
• 5 × 1 mL
1 × 10 mL
–30°C to –10°C
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Required materials not supplied
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials are available through thermofisher.com. "MLS" indicates that the material is available from
fisherscientific.com or another major laboratory supplier.
Catalog numbers that appear as links open the web pages for those products.
Item Source
Real-time PCR instrument and software
An Applied Biosystems™ real-time PCR instrument compatible with the dyes listed in
Table 1 on page 1.
The assay was tested with the following instruments:
• Applied Biosystems™ 7500 Fast Real‑Time PCR Instrument
• Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 5 Real‑Time PCR Instrument, 96‑well, 0.2-mL
• Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 5 Real‑Time PCR Instrument, 384‑well block
• Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 7 Flex Real-Time PCR Instrument, 384‑well
(Recommended) QuantS
tudio™ Design and Analysis Software v2.5 or later
Contact your local sales oce
Laboratory freezers
• –30°C to –10°C
• ≤ –70°C
BSL-2 biological safety cabinet, such as Herasafe™ 2030i Class 2 A2 Biological Safety
Centrifuge (capable of achieving 1,400 × g), such as Megafuge™ 8 Small Bencht
Centrifuge Series or Multifuge X4 Pro Centrifuge Series
• thermofisher.com/tsx
• thermofisher
• thermofisher
Microcentrifuge, such as Pico™ 17 Micr
• thermofisher
Laboratory mixer, vortex or equivalent, such as Digital Vortex Mixers
Single and multichannel adjustable pipettors (2.00 µL to 1,000.0 µL)
• thermofisher
• w
• thermofisher.com/finnpipette
Cold block (96‑well or 384‑well) or ice MLS
Heat block or water bath (capable of reaching 95°C), such as Touch Screen Dry
Bath/Block Heat
Liquid handler (if needed for automation)
er or Precision™ General Purpose Baths
• thermofisher
Kits and reagents
TBE Buer (T
ris-borate-EDTA) (10X) B52, or equivalent
Tween®-20 Surfact-Amps™ Detergent Solution 28320
• AM9938 (1 x 100 mL)
Nuclease-free Water (not DEPC-Treated)
• AM9932 (1 x 1,000 mL)
70% Isopropanol spray or wipes MLS
2 TaqCheck
SARS-CoV-2 Fast PCR Assay Quick Reference
Tubes, plates, and other consumables
Item Source
(Recommended) S
terile tube with leak‑proof, screw‑top lid for sample collection
IMPORTANT! Do not use tubes that contain preservative.
One of the following, or equivalent:
• AM12500
• 339650
• 14-959-49B (fisherscientific.com)
Reservoir for multichannel pipettes MLS
Sterile aerosol barrier (filt
ered) pipette tips thermofisher.com/pipettetips
96‑well plate (for preparing saliva samples, not for RT-PCR) AB0796, or equivalent
MicroAmp™ F
ast Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate, 0.1 mL
• 4346906 (with bar
• 4366932 (with barcode)
• 4346907 (without barcode)
• 4306737 (with bar
• 4326659 (with barcode)
MicroAmp™ Optical 96-W
ell Reaction Plate, 0.2 mL
• N8010560 (without barcode)
• 4316813 (without barcode)
• 4309849 (with bar
• 4326270 (with barcode)
MicroAmp™ Optical 384-W
ell Reaction Plate
• 4343814 (with barcode)
• 4343370 (without barcode)
MicroAmp™ Clear Adhesive Film 4306311
MicroAmp™ Optical Adhesive Film 4311971, 4360954
MicroAmp™ Adhesive Film Applicat
or 4333183
Nonstick, RNase-free microcentrifuge tubes (1.5 mL and 2.0 mL) thermofisher.com/microtubes
DNase and RNase‑free tubes for mixing reagents (capable of mixing 5 mL and 50 mL) thermofisher.com
Nunc™ 1.8‑mL Externally-Threaded Universal Tubes 374502
Nalgene™ General Long-Term Storage Cryogenic Tubes, 0.2 mL 5000-0020
Nunc™ Biobanking and Cell Culture Cryogenic Tubes, 4.5 mL 337516
Sterilin™ Certified Universal Containers – RNase, DNase, human DNA and Pyrogen Free,
30 mL
Use of QuantStudio™ Design and Analysis Software v2.5 is recommended, but not required. It is the responsibility of the laboratories using the assay to design and validate their
own experimental design and analysis parameters.
Follow the guidelines provided by the manufacturer.
The use of the tubes listed in the table is recommended, but not required. Laboratories are responsible for validating their sample collection and preparation procedures for use
with the assay.
• 30APPRN (Unlabelled)
• 30BPPRN (Graduated label)
General laboratory recommendations
• Implement standard operating procedures in your laboratory to prevent contamination, such as the following:
– Frequent glove changes
– Frequent decontamination of surfaces, equipment, and pipettes with 10% bleach or decontamination solution, followed by 70%
– Use of ultraviolet light during biosafety cabinet decontamination (when available)
• Saliva samples should always be treated as if infectious and/or biohazardous in accordance with safe laboratory procedures.
• To prevent degradation, keep master mixes, assays, and controls on ice or in cold blocks while in use. Limit freeze-thaw cycles.
• Aliquot reagents to prevent stock contamination and reduce the number of freeze-thaw cycles.
• To ensure reliable performance of the real‑time PCR instrument, perform preventive maintenance according to the instructions
provided by the manufacturer in the instrument documentation (see “Related documentation” on page 9).
TaqCheck™ SARS-CoV
-2 Fast PCR Assay Quick Reference 3