Pierce™ High-Capacity Ni-IMAC Magnetic Beads, EDTA
Catalog Numbers A50588, A50589, A50590, and A50591
Pub. No. MAN0024861 Rev. A.0
WARNING! Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear,
clothing, and gloves. Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are available from thermofisher.com/support.
Product description
The Pierce™ High-Capacity Ni-IMAC Magnetic Beads, EDTA Compatible are ferrimagnetic agarose beads coupled to a novel, proprietary
ligand loaded with nickel ions. The beads enable ecient purification of recombinant polyhistidine-tagged proteins from a soluble protein
extract or mammalian cell culture supernatant and are compatible with native or denaturing conditions. They can be used in manual
applications with a magnetic stand or automated applications with an instrument such as the Thermo Fisher™ KingFisher™ Flex System.
They have high binding anity for His-tagged proteins and low-metal, ion-leaching characteristics, even in the presence of chemical
additives including chelators (EDTA), strong reducing agents (DTT), or components of cell culture supernatants that typically strip o Ni
ions and reduce the functionality of most IMAC magnetic beads.
Table 1 Characteristics of Pierce™ High-Capacity Ni-IMAC Magnetic Beads, EDTA Compatible.
Magnetization Ferrimagnetic with low remanence
Mean Diameter 30 µm
pH Tolerance 2–13
Reusability Up to 5 times
Binding Capacity ≥80 mg green fluorescent protein (GFP)/mL of settled beads
Chelator Stability Stable in buer containing 20 mM EDTA and 20 mM DTT
Magnetite-embedded agarose beads coupled to a novel, proprietary ligand loaded with nickel ions
Contents and storage
Pierce™ High-Capacity Ni-IMAC Magnetic
Beads, EDTA Compatible
Cat. No. Amount Storage
A50588 1 mL of 25% slurry
A50589 5 mL of 25% slurry
Store at 4°C.
A50590 25 mL of 25% slurry
A50591 100 mL of 25% slurry
Important product information
• Do not centrifuge, dry, or freeze the Pierce™ High-Capacity Ni-IMAC Magnetic Beads, EDTA Compatible. Handling the beads in this
way will cause the beads to aggregate and lose binding capacity.
• Protein yield and purity are dependent upon the expression-level, conformation, and solubility characteristics of the recombinant
fusion protein; therefore, it is important to optimize these parameters. For best results, perform a small-scale test to estimate the
expression level and determine the solubility of each His-tagged protein.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
• Optimization of the lysis procedure is critical for maximizing protein yield. Some methods for protein extraction include using
commercially available detergent-based reagents, such as Thermo Scientific™ B-PER™ with Enzymes Bacterial Protein Extraction Kit
(Cat. No. 90078) and mechanical methods including freeze/thaw cycles, sonication or, French press.
• These instructions are eective for many types of samples; however, optimization may be required to further reduce nonspecific
binding. To optimize conditions, adjust the recommended imidazole concentration in the Equilibration, Wash, and Elution Buers.
• Concentration of proteins in the eluted fractions can be determined by using the Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Detergent Compatible
Bradford Assay Kit (Cat. No. 23246).
• When scaling up, use 2–3 volumes of Equilibration, Wash, and Elution Buers per volume of settled beads.
Materials required but not provided
Note: The buers listed below are recommendations. To decrease nonspecific binding and increase yield, adjustments to the imidazole
concentration may be required for specific proteins.
• Vary the imidazole concentration in the Elution Buer from 250 mM to 500 mM.
• Vary the imidazole concentration in the Equilibration Buer from 5 mM to 50 mM and in the Wash Buers from 10 mM to 50 mM.
• Purification of GFP from bacterial cell lysate is optimal with 10 mM imidazole in the Equilibration Buer and 20 mM imidazole in the
Wash Buer.
For native conditions, prepare the following buers:
• Equilibration Buer: 50mM monosodium phosphate, 300 mM sodium chloride, 10 mM imidazole in water; pH 8.0
• Wash Buer: 50 mM monosodium phosphate, 300 mM sodium chloride, 20 mM imidazole in water; pH 8.0
• Elution Buer: 50 mM monosodium phosphate, 300 mM sodium chloride, 500 mM imidazole in water; pH 8.0
For denaturing conditions, prepare the following buers:
• Equilibration Buer: 50 mM monosodium phosphate, 10 mM Tris base, 8 M urea in water; pH 8.0
• Wash Buer: 50 mM monosodium phosphate, 10 mM Tris base, 8 M urea in water; pH 6.3
• Elution Buer: 50 mM monosodium phosphate, 10 mM Tris base, 8 M urea in water; pH 4.5
For magnetic bead regeneration, prepare the following buers:
• 0.1 M NaOH, pH 13
• Neutralization Buer: 150 mM sodium chloride, 200 mM Na2HPO4; pH 7.0
• Storage Buer: 20% ethanol, 10 mM sodium acetate; pH 4.5
Manual purification of His-tagged proteins
Materials required but not provided
• 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes
• Sample containing His-tagged proteins
• Magnetic stand (e.g., Thermo Scientific™ MagnaBind™ Magnet for 6 × 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes, Cat. No. 21359)
Perform manual purification
Refer to “Materials required but not provided” on page 2 for composition of the recommended buers when using Native or Denaturing
1. Place 40 µL (10 µL of settled beads) of Pierce™ High-Capacity Ni-IMAC Magnetic Beads, EDTA Compatible into a 1.5-mL
microcentrifuge tube.
2. Add 500 μL of Equilibration Buer and mix by vortexing. Place the tube on a magnetic microtube stand until the beads are separated
and discard the supernatant.
3. Pipet 500 μL of the clarified sample onto the equilibrated magnetic beads and incubate the sample/magnetic bead mixture at 4°C for
30 mins on an end-over-end shaker.
4. Place the tube on the magnetic stand until the beads separate and remove the supernatant. Optimize separation by briefly
centrifuging the sample to collect liquid from the lid before placing it on the magnetic separator.
2 Pierce
High-Capacity Ni-IMAC Magnetic Beads, EDTA Compatible User Guide