Instruction Manual
EC620130 Series Combination pH Electrodes
Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved.
Eutech Instruments Pte Ltd
Version 1.1ML 68X068045 Rev 3 Jan 07
Blk 55, Ayer Rajah
Crescent, #04-16/24
Singapore 139949
+65 6778 6876
+65 67730836 fax

EC620130 Series Combination pH Electrodes
Catalog No. Description Length/Diameter (mm) Connector
EC- 620-130
EC- 620-131
EC- 620-132
EC- 620-133
Glass body, refillable 160/12 BNC EC-636-430
Glass body, gel-filled 130/12 BNC N/A
Plastic body, gel-filled 120/12 BNC N/A
Glass body, gel-filled,
spear tip
70 mm overall length,
25/6 mm insertion
Specification / Model EC-620-130 EC-620-131 EC-620-132 EC-620-133
Body Material Glass Plastic Glass
pH Range 0 to 14 pH 2 to 14 pH
Temperature range 0 to 80 °C 0 to 60 °C 0 to 50 °C
Slope (out of Box) 59 +/- 3 mV/pH at 25°C (95 to 105% slope)
Zero point pH 7
Offset (asymmetry potential) 0 mV +/- 25 mV
Reference Junction Double Junction
Junction Type Open pore Double Pore
Membrane Shape Cylindrical Spear Tip
Improved junction and reference design for precise, reliable, FAST readings
Better junction. EC620130 series electrodes use a single-pore capillary reference junction—about 200
times larger than typical ceramic junctions—that makes the electrodes almost impossible to clog, even
in difficult samples. The unique junction design provides increased electrolyte flow, resulting in greater
contact between sample and reference, and ensuring fast, stable readings.
Better reference design. Along with the capillary junction, our electrodes feature double junction
design for enhanced performance. A diffusion barrier separates the silver chloride reservoir from the
reference electrolyte, permitting use of silver-free electrolytes and preventing silver chloride loss from
temperature induced variations. End result: an extremely stable reference potential, providing long
electrode life.
EC-620-130 Unique fluid-gel electrolyte and innovative junction design produces a high flowrate and
improved contact between reference electrolyte and sample. The result is faster response time and very
accurate readings. The double-liquid-junction system further extends the diffusion barrier, greatly
increasing electrode life in aggressive samples. It also performs well in liquids with low ion concentration
and in partly aqueous samples.
EC-620-131, -132, -133 Solid polymer-gel electrolyte offers the advantages of the EC620130 series
system in a maintenance-free version. Polymer gel provides a more stable matrix than other gelled
electrode reference systems, providing reliable results in very dirty, ion-weak or protein samples—even