Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IonPac™ Anion Hydroxide Columns
Column Part Number - Format
(Capacity µeq/col)
Dionex IonPac
Dionex IonPac AS31
Dionex IonPac AS30
Dionex IonPac
Dionex IonPac AS27
Dionex IonPac AS26
Dionex IonPac AS25
Dionex IonPac AS24A
Dionex IonPac AS24
Dionex IonPac AS21
303151 - 4 x 150 mm (126 µeq)
303153 - 2 x 150 mm (31.5 µeq)
303152 - 4 x 30 mm (25 µeq)
303154 - 2 x 30 mm (8 µeq)
303147 - 2 x 250 mm (116 μeq)
303148 - 2 x 50 mm (1.5 μeq)
303159 - 4 x 250 mm (477 µeq)
303161 - 2 x 250 mm (119 µeq)
303160 - 4 x 50 mm (6 µeq)
303162 - 2 x 50 mm (1.5 µeq)
088747 - 4 × 150 mm (230 μeq)
088749 - 2 × 150 mm (57.5 μeq)
088751 - 0.4 × 150 mm (2.3 μeq)
088748 - 4 x 30 mm (20 μeq)
088750 - 2 x 30 mm (5 μeq)
088752 - 0.4 x 35 mm (0.2 μeq)
088437 - 4 × 250 mm (220 μeq)
088439 - 2 × 250 mm (55 μeq)
088441 - 0.4 × 250 mm (2.2 μeq)
088438 - 4 × 50 mm (5 μeq)
088440 - 2 × 50 mm (1.25 μeq)
088442 - 0.4 × 50 mm (0.05 μeq)
076020 - 4 × 250 mm (250 μeq)
076022 - 2 × 250 mm (62.5 μeq)
076018 - 0.4 × 250 mm (2.5 μeq)
076021 - 4 × 50 mm (6 μeq)
076023 - 2 × 50 mm (1.5 μeq)
076019 - 0.4 × 50 mm (0.06 μeq)
076014 - 4 × 250 mm (350 μeq)
076016 - 2 × 250 mm (87.5 μeq)
076012 - 0.4 × 250 mm (3.5 μeq)
076015 - 4 × 50 mm (3.5 μeq)
076017 - 2 × 50 mm (0.875 μeq)
076013 - 0.4 × 50 mm (0.04 μeq)
076010 - 4 × 250 mm (560 μeq)
078112 - 2 × 250 mm (140 μeq)
082536 - 0.4 × 250 mm (5.6 μeq)
076011 - 4 × 50 mm (6 μeq)
082535 - 2 × 50 mm (1.5 μeq)
078115 - 0.4 × 50 mm (0.06 μeq)
064153 - 2 × 250 mm (140 μeq)
064151 - 2 x 50 mm (1.5 μeq)
063009 - 2 × 250 mm (45 μeq)
063071 - 2 x 50 mm (1.5 μeq)
Recommendations Target Applications Application Notes
Fast analysis of polarizable anions
with a simple, isocratic eluent. HPIC
system required.
Fast analysis (~35 min) of haloacetic
acids, bromate, and dalapon prior to
MS or MS/MS detection. HPIC system
Analysis of oxyhalides and
inorganic anions in the presence of
ethylenediamine (EDA). HPIC system
Trace analysis of inorganic anions
and low molecular weight organic
acids in high purity water matrices.
Recommended replacement for
Dionex IonPac AS15 column. HPIC
system required.
Analysis of trace bromate in drinking
water preserved with ethylenediamine
(EDA). Use the Dionex IonPac AS30
column in HPIC systems for better
resolution of carbonate and sulfate.
Haloacetic acids in drinking water.
Capillary column in second dimension
of 2D-IC method for haloacetic acids
in drinking water.
Multivalent anions and polarizable
anions in complex sample matrices.
Highest capacity anion column for
inorganic anions in complex sample
matrices. Standard bore (4 mm)
column for first dimension of 2D-IC
method for haloacetic acids in
drinking water.
Haloacetic acids and bromate prior to
MS or MS/MS detection.
Trace perchlorate prior to MS or
MS/MS detection.
Polythionates (dithionate, trithionate, and
tetrathionate), persulfate, polysulfonated
aromatics, aromatic dyes, and pigments
in complex matrices. Resolves
perchlorate in high sulfate matrices.
Haloacetic acids in drinking water at low
μg/L levels.
Trace bromate in drinking water
preserved with ethylenediamine (EDA).
Analysis of drinking water without
pretreatment or concentration. Resolves
carbonate and sulfate.
Trace analysis in semiconductor and
power industries.
Trace bromate in drinking water
preserved with ethylenediamine (EDA).
Analysis of drinking water without
pretreatment or concentration. Meets or
exceeds EPA Methods 300.0 and 300.1
Haloacetic acids in drinking water
at low µg/L levels using suppressed
conductivity detection.
Iodide, perchlorate, sulfur species
(sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate, and
thiocyanate) in wastewater effluent,
scrubber solutions, and food and
beverage samples.
Haloacetic acids in drinking water at low
µg/L levels using 2D-IC with suppressed
conductivity detection.
Specific for HAAs in drinking water as
specified in EPA Method 557.
Specific for trace perchlorate in drinking
water as specified in EPA Method 331.0.
WP 72958: Fast Determination of HAAs in Drinking
AN 73342: Low-level Haloacetic Acids, Bromate,
and Dalapon in Drinking Water Using
AN 73343: Trace level Haloacetic Acids, Bromate,
and Dalapon in Drinking Water Using
AN 73390: Haloacetic acids, Bromate, and Dalapon
in Drinking Water Using IC-HRAM
AN 73051: Bromate in Flour and Bread by IC-MS
AN 72481: Trace Anions in Basic Solutions by
Single Pass AutoNeutralization
PN 71981: A New Hydroxide Selective Anion
Exchange Phase for IC
AU 198: Oxyhalides and Bromide in Drinking
AN 72479: Haloacetic Acids in Water Using 2D-IC
by Thermo Fisher Method 557.1
PN 2995: Development of Dionex IonPac AS26 for
HAA Analysis
PN 72191: Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water
Using Matrix Elimination
AN 72622: Fast Separation of Heat Stable Salts
AN 630: Haloacetic Acids, Dalapon, and Bromate
in Water by IC-MS/MS
AN 72479: Haloacetic Acids in Water Using 2D-IC
by Thermo Fisher Method 557.1
PN 72191: Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water
Using Matrix Elimination
AN 187: Sub-ppb Bromate in Water Using
Preconcentration with 2D-IC
AN 201: Chloride and Sulfate in Methanol
AN 276: Fluoroacetate in Water by IC-MS
AN 661: Polar Pesticides in Food by IC-MS/MS
AN 666: Trace Polar Pesticides in Water by
AN 1000: Small Organic Acids in Sea Water by
PN 70428:
HAAs in Drinking Water Using IC-MS/MS
PN 70429: Development of a New Column for
PN 70726: Glyphosate and AMPA by IC-MS/MS
AN 491: Glyphosate and AMPA by IC-ESI-MS/MS
Dionex IonPac Anion Hydroxide Columns (continued)
Column Part Number - Format
(Capacity µeq/col)
Dionex IonPac AS20
Dionex IonPac
Dionex IonPac AS19
Dionex IonPac
063148 - 4 × 250 mm (310 μeq)
063065 - 2 × 250 mm (77.5 μeq)
075399 - 0.4 × 250 mm (3.1 μeq)
063154 - 4 × 50 mm (6 μeq)
063066 - 2 × 50 mm (1.5 μeq)
075400 - 0.4 × 50 mm (0.06 μeq)
083217 - 4 × 250 mm (240 μeq)
083223 - 2 × 250 mm (60 μeq)
083230 - 0.4 × 250 mm (2.4 μeq)
083221 - 4 × 50 mm (6 μeq)
083225 - 2 × 50 mm (1.5 μeq)
083233 - 0.4 × 50 mm (0.06 μeq)
062885 - 4 × 250 mm (240 μeq)
062886 - 2 × 250 mm (60 μeq)
072064 - 0.4 × 250 mm (2.4 μeq)
062887 - 4 × 50 mm (6 μeq)
062888 - 2 × 50 mm (1.5 μeq)
072065 - 0.4 × 50 mm (0.06 μeq)
076034 - 4 × 150 mm (174 μeq)
076036 - 2 × 150 mm (43.5 μeq)
082314 - 0.4 × 150 mm (1.74 μeq)
076035 - 4 × 30 mm (4.2 μeq)
076037 - 2 × 30 mm (1.05 μeq)
076033 - 0.4 × 35 mm (0.042 μeq)
Recommendations Target Applications Application Notes
Trace perchlorate prior to suppressed
conductivity detection. Capillary
format offers reduced eluent
consumption and operating costs.
Standard bore 4 mm column is used
in the first dimension of 2D-IC method
for trace perchlorate in drinking water.
High resolution separations for routine
analysis of inorganic anions and
oxyhalides. Capillary format offers
reduced eluent consumption and
operating costs.
Routine analysis of inorganic anions
and oxyhalides. Capillary format offers
reduced eluent consumption and
operating costs.
Super fast, high resolution separation
(<3 min) of inorganic anions. Requires
high-pressure IC for fastest runs.
Replacement for Dionex IonPac AS4A,
AS12A, AS14A, and AS17-C, and AS18Fast columns.
Trace perchlorate in drinking water when
high concentrations of chloride,
carbonate and sulfate are present.
Specified in EPA Method 314.1.
Trace bromate and inorganic anions
in drinking water, wastewater, ground
water and diverse sample matrices. High
resolution analysis of drinking water
without pretreatment or concentration.
Meets or exceeds EPA Methods 300.0
and 300.1 requirements.
USP Designation: L103 (Dionex IonPac
AS19) and L121 (Dionex IonPac AG19).
Trace bromate and inorganic anions
in drinking water, wastewater, ground
water, diverse sample matrices. Analysis
of drinking water without pretreatment
or concentration. Meets or exceeds EPA
Methods 300.0 and 300.1 requirements.
Super fast routine analysis of inorganic
anions in drinking water and wastewater.
AB 72480: Inorganic Anions Using IC-MS
AN 176: Sub-ppb Perchlorate in Drinking Water
with Preconcentration (EPA 314.1)
AN 239: Iodide in Seawater
AN 243: Anions and Organic Acids by IC-MS
AN 258: Tetrafluoroborate, Perchlorate and
Hexafluoro phosphate in Electrolyte
AN 276: Fluoroacetate in Water by IC-MS
AN 279: Nitrate and Nitrite in Milk
AN 1002: Tartaric Acid in Tolterodine Tartrate
Drug Products
AN 73345: Oxalate in Cromolyn Sodium
AN 1024: Improved Determination of Trace
Perchlorate using 2D-IC
AN 1047: Tartaric Acid and Tolterodine in
Tolterodine Tartrate
AN 72587: Perchlorate by EPA 332.0 Using IC-MS
AU 72507: Perchlorate in Environmental Waters by
AN 73053: Assay of Potassium Bitartrate
AN 73105: Total Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, and
Sulfur in LPG by Combustion IC
AN 1157: Organic Acids in Kombucha Using HPIC
AU 203: Trace Oxyhalides and Bromide in Water
AN 72886: Oxyhalides and Bromide in Drinking
Water Using IC-MS
AN 72911: Oxyhalides and Bromide in Drinking
Water Using IC-MS
AN 73339: Anionic Polar Pesticides by IC-MS
AN 72915: Polar Pesticides in Grapes by IC-MS
AB 133: Anions and Cations in Drinking Water
AB 136: Inorganic Counter-ions in
Pharmaceutical Drugs
AN 93: Trace Anions in Conc. Bases
AN 167: Trace Oxyhalides and Bromide in Water
AN 168: Trace Anions and Bromide in Drinking
AN 171: Disinfection By-Product Anions
in Water
AN 184: Trace Chlorite, Bromate and
Chlorate in Bottled Water
AN 187: Sub-ppb Bromate in Water Using
Preconcentration with 2D-IC
AN 1088: Thiosulfate and Pyrophosphate in
Crayfish Wash Powder
AN 2967: Fast Separation of Pharmaceutical Ions
Using High-Pressure Capillary IC
AU 154: Bromate in Drinking Water and Mineral
AU 159: Anions in Caustic Solutions
AU 169: Silicate and Anions in HPW
TN 112: Trace Anions in Ultrapure Water
TN 113: Guidance for Capillary Anion IC
AN 72693: Total Fluorine, Chlorine, and Sulfur
in Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using
Combustion IC
AB 72910: Fast Analysis of N-containing
Bisphosphonates Without Derivatization
using IC-MS
AN 72917: Brominated Compounds in Carbonated
Beverages Using Combustion IC
AN 73280: Fluorine and Chlorine in Iron Ore Using
Combustion IC
AN 1075: Chloride and Sulfate in Adenosine
AN 1113: Chloride and Sulfate in Water and Soil
AN 72268: Fluoride in Tea Using Combustion IC
AN 72333: Adsorbable Organic Halogens in
Wastewater Using Combustion IC
AN 72440: Inorganic Anions in Wastewater Using
Capillary IC
AN 72481: Trace Anions in Basic Solutions by
Single Pass AutoNeutralization
AU 200: Fast Anion Determinations in Water
TN 127: Fast Separations of Inorganic Anions
in Water
TN 130: Fast Analysis of Salton Sea Samples