Catalog Number 63320, 63326
Pub. No. MAN0019490 Rev. A.0
Registered by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food (MAPA) No. 0531-RD
gloves. Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are available from
Ten (10) Microplate Tes t Kit
(150 Maximum test samples)
Thirty (30) Microplate Test Kit
(450 Maximum test samples)
Contains 0.01% w/v thimerosal.
deionized or distilled water.
Contains 0.01% w/v thimerosal.
deionized or distilled water.
Contains 0.01% w/v thimerosal.
Contains 0.01% w/v thimerosal.
Contains 0.01% w/v thimerosal.
deionized or distilled water.
7A: Blue Diluent
(Conjugate diluent buffer – 5x Concentrate)
Contains 0.01% w/v thimerosal.
Dilute with deionized or distilled water.
Contains 0.01% w/v thimerosal.
8: Enzyme Substrate Buffer
Contains H2O2. Ready for use.
Contains TMB in DMSO.
Dilute in Enzyme Substrate Buffer.
10: Enzyme Stopping Solution (0.5M H2SO4)
• Lithium heparin Vacutainer
• Needle holders: 2–3 per blood collector
• Sterile, graduated 5–10 mL pipettes: 1 per animal
Cat. No. 7600065): 10X concentrate, 10 µL per animal
• Single-use tips to fit 100–1000 µL pipette: 3 per animal
plasma storage): 1 rack per 30 animals
• Tips to fit 12-channel pipette: 3 per animal
• 37°C humidified incubator (5% CO
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of bovine gamma interferon in plasma samples
appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves.
Contents and storage
Store the Applied Biosystems™ BOVIGAM™ TB Kit at 2–8°C. Bring all reagents (except the Conjugate – 100x Concentrate) to room temperature (22±3°C)
before use, then return to 2–8°C immediately after use.
Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and
Read the biological hazard safety information at this product’s page at thermofisher.com. Wear
1: Microplates coated with bovine IFN-γ antibodies 10 × 96 well plates with lids 30 × 96 well plates with lids Ready for use.
2: Positive Bovine IFN-γ Control 2 × 1 mL 3 × 2 mL
3: Negative Bovine IFN-γ Control 2 × 1 mL 3 × 2 mL
4: Green Diluent (Plasma diluent buffer) 1 × 60 mL 1 × 175 mL
5: Wash Buffer – 20x Concentrate 3 × 125 mL 2 × 500 mL
6: Conjugate – 100x Concentrate.
(Horseradish peroxidase-labele d anti-bovine IFN-γ)
7B: Blue Diluent (Conjugate diluent buffer) - 2 × 175 mL
9: Chromogen Solution – 100x Concentrate 1 × 1.5 mL 2 × 2 mL
Required materials not supplied
(Cat. No. 63320)
1 × 1.5 mL 2 × 2 mL
1 × 25 mL -
(Cat. No. 63326)
Procedural guidelines
• National Safety Regulations must be strictly followed.
• Equ ilibrate all plas ma test samp les and reagents, except the
Conjugate - 100x Concentrate, to room temperature (22±3°C) before
use. Do not warm above 37°C.
• 18G Vacutainer
needles — 1 inch: 1 per animal
Note: Some reagents can require several hours to equilibrate. If a
• Sterile, 24-well tissue culture plates: 1/8 per animal
• Tips for PPD dispenser (5 mL): 3 per herd
• Sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS): 100 µL per
animal (0.01M, pH 7.2)
• Bovine Tuberculin PPD 3000 (0.3 mg/mL;
(Cat. No. 7600060): 10X concentrate, 10 µL per animal
• Avian Tuberculin PPD 2500 (0.3 mg/mL;
shorter equilibration t ime is required, an ambient-temperature water
bath can be used.
• Store all kit components at 2-8°C, then return to 2-8°C immediate ly
after use. The working strength wash buffer can be stored at room
temperature (22±3°C) for up to 2 weeks.
• Keep the Conjugate - 100x Concentrate at 2-8°C always, even during
reconstitut ion.
• Complete reconstitution of the lyo philized components is essential to
ensure valid assay results.
• Use high quality deionize d or distilled water to reconstitute and dilute
• 1-mL microtubes and caps in 96-well storage rack (for
the reagents.
• Once the assay is started, complete the assay without interruption.
• Use a separate disposable tip for each sample to prevent
• Various polypropylene tubes, EIA reagent reservoirs,
and pipette tips
• Calibrated micropipettes (to deliver up to 1 mL)
• Graduated 1, 5, and 10 mL pipettes
• Measuring cylinders - 100 mL, 1 L, and 2 L
• Deionized or distilled water - 6 L
• 12-channel pipette (to deliver 50 µL and 100 µL)
• Plate stirrer (optional)
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials are available through thermofisher.com.
• Microplate washer (optional)
• Microplate reader with a 450 nm and 620-650 nm filter
• Plas ma test samples from individual animals should be adde d to the
EIA wells at the same time. We recommend using a 12-channel pipette.
• Elevate the EIA test plate on an inverted test-tube rack (or similar) to
minimize intraplate variations. Do not incubate the test plate directly
on the bench.
• Assay all plasma test sample s in duplicate in adjacent wells.
• Assay the Positive and Negat ive Bo vine IFN-γ Controls in triplicate in
serial wells of Columns 4, 5, and 6 (for example, row G for positive and
row C for negative controls).
Lyophilized. Reconstitute with
Lyophilized. Reconstitute with
Ready for use.
Dilute with deionized or distilled water.
Lyophilized. Reconstitute with
Ready for use.
For Veterinary Use Only. For In Vitro Use Only.
Test procedure
Stage one – Aliquot the blood samples, then incubate with the
stimulating antigens
1. Dispense the blood
Thoroughly mix each blood sample before aliquoting.
Note: It is important to keep cell damage to an absolute minimum as
the test requires viable lymphocytes.
Transfer three, 1.5-mL aliquots of each blood sample to separate wells
of a 24-well tissue-cu lture plate (see Table 1 for the recommended
layout). Perform this procedure under aseptic conditions, using either
sterile sing le-use pipettes, or sterile disposable pipettes with an
automatic pipette filler.
Recommended layout for dispensing blood and antigens into a
24-well tissue-culture plate
NIL = Nil antigen control (PBS); AvPPD = Avian PPD; BoPPD = Bovine PPD
2. Add the stimulating antigens
The antigens used must be free of bacterial endotoxins
(lipopo lysaccharides).
Before use, dilute the antigens 1:10 with sterile PBS (for example, add
10 µL PPD to 90 µL of PBS).
Using aseptic techniques, add 100 µL of either PBS (nil antigen control),
avian PPD, or bovine PPD to the appropriate 3 wells containing bloo d.
We recommend using a repeater pipette, such as the Eppendorf
Combitip system, fitted with sterile 5-mL tips.
Thoroughly mix the samples with the antigens. We recommend using a
plate stirrer that is optimized for mix ing blood. Alternatively, if a plate
stirrer is not available, manually swirl each plate ten times in a
clockw ise motion, then repeat in a counter-clockwise motion.
IMPORTANT! For optimal assay performance, ensure that the samples
are thoroughly mixed with the antigens. It is not possible to over mix.
3. Inc ubate the blood with the antigens
Incubate the plate, containing the blood and antigens, at 37°C in a
humidifie d atmo sphere for 16–24 hours. An environment with 5% CO
is optional.
4. Collect the plasma, then store the samples (optional)
(Optional) Centrifuge the 24-well tissue-culture plate at 500 × g at room
temperature (22±3°C) for 10 minutes.
After the incubation, carefully remove approximately 500 µL of plasma
from each well. We recommend transferring the collected plasma to
1-mL microtubes that can be stored in a 96-well storage rack. Use a new
pipette tip for each plasma sample. See Table 2 for the recommended
plasma storage layout.
Note: It is important to minimize harvesting any cell ular material along
with the plasma. However, contamination of the plasma with a small
amount of erythrocytes will not affect the EIA results. Similarly, slight
hemoly sis o f blood samples has little effect on the EIA.
The following storage layout allows for efficient transfer of samples
from the storage rack to the test plate, using a 12-channel pipette. After
the samples are transferred to the test plate, use the empty wells for the
controls that are supplied with the kit.
Assay all test samples in duplicate. One full storage rack requires two EIA
test plates.
Recommended plasma storage layout
N = Nil antigen control (PBS); A = Avian PPD; B = Bovine PPD; X = Empty
Stage two – Perform th e bovine IFN-γ EIA
Prepare the reagents
1. Plates
Equilibrate the plastic pouch containing the plate(s) to room
temperature before unsealing. Allow at least 30 minutes.
2. Positive and negative controls
Reconstitute the appropriate vials with 1 mL (10 -plate kit) or
2 mL (30-plate kit) of disti lled wa ter.
Ensure complete resolubilization. Store the reconstituted controls at
2-8°C for up to 3 months.
3. Green Dilue nt
Equilibrate the Green Diluent to room temperature, then mix
thoroughly before use.
4. Conjugate – 100x Concentrate
IMPORTANT! Keep the Conjugate - 100x Concentrate at 2–8°C always,
even during reconstitution.
Reconstitute the lyophilized Conjugate - 100x Concentrate with 1.5 mL
(10-plate kit) or 2 mL (30-plate kit) of distilled water.
Ensure complete resolubilization. Avoid frothing.
Store the reconstituted Conjuga te - 100x Concentrate at 2–8°C for up to
3 months.
5. Blue Diluent
- For the 10-plate kit (Cat. No. 63320): Equilibrate the Blue Diluent
(5x concentrate) to room temperature, then mix thoroughly. Prepare
workin g strength Blue Diluent by mixing one part Blue Diluent
(5x concentrate) with 4 parts of dist illed water.
Store the working strength Blue Diluent at 2–8°C for up to 3 months.
Before use, bring to room temperature, then mix thoroughly.
- For the 30-plate kit (Cat. No. 63326): The Blue Diluent is supplie d
pre-diluted and ready for use. Do not dilute.
6. Conjugate working solution
IMPORTANT! Prepare the conjugate working solution no longer than
5 minutes before use.
Prepare the conjugate working solution by diluting the reconstituted
Conjugate – 100x Concentrate 1:100 in Blue Diluent. Use the conjugate
workin g solution within 5 minutes of preparation, then immediately
discar d any unused reagent. We recommend only preparing the
quantity required for each assay: 110 µL of Conjugate - 100x
Concentrate in 11 mL of Blue Diluent is su fficient for one plate.
7. Wash buffer
Prepare working strength wash buffer by mixing one part Wash Buffer
20x Concentrate with 19 parts of distilled water. Mix thoroughly.
Store the working strength wash buffer at room temperature for up to
2 weeks.
Note: If th e Wash Buffer 20x Concentrate contains precipitated salts,
warm the bottle in a 37°C water bath until the precipitates dissolve.
8. Enzyme substrate solution
IMPORTANT! Prepare the enzyme substrate solution im mediately
before use.
Equilibrate the Enzyme Substrate Buffer and Chromogen Solution
100x Concentrate to room temperature, then mix each reagent
Prepare the enzyme substrate solut ion just before use by combining the
appropriate volumes of Chromogen Solution 100x Concentrate and
Enzyme Substrate Buffer. Ensure the solution is thoroughly mixed and
colorless. We recommend only preparing the quantity required for each
assay: 110 µL of Enzyme Substrate Buffer in 11 mL of Chromogen
Solution 100x Concentrate is sufficient for one plate. Use within
10 minutes of preparation.
Perform the bovine IFN-γ EIA
1. Equilibrate all kit components (except the Conjugate – 100x
Concentrate) to room temperature, then gently mix the reagents,
samples, and controls.
2. Add 50 µL of Green Diluent to each well of the test plate.
3. Transfer 50 µL of each test sample and control to the appropriate wells
containing Green Diluent. Add the controls to the plate after the test
samples. Carefully mix the contents of the wells using a microplate
shaker. Alternatively, if a microplate shaker is not available, mix by
pipetting up and down at least 5 times.
4. Cover the plate with a lid, then incubate for 60±5 minutes at room
temperature (22±5°C).
5. Empty the plate, then wash the wells at least 6 times at room
temperature. Carefully fill the wells with wash buffer to avoid
cross-contamination with adjacent wells. Empty the plate, then repeat
the process 5 more times. After the sixth wash, place the plate(s) face
down on clean filter paper, then shake the plate repeatedly to remove
all wash buffer from the wells.
Note: If available, an automatic microplate washer can be used.
6. Add 100 µL of the conjugate working solution to each well, then mix
thoroughly as described in step 2.
2 BOVIGAM™ TB Kit Instructions for Use