Almanac 1.7 Quick Start
Create a free Connect account
Xcalibur™ data
4.3 or later?
Download and install the Almanac Agent
Access your connected instrument on
Instrument Connect and
(Optional) Link additional users
system version
Register your instrument using the
Almanac Agent on the taskbar
the Almanac web-based application
Register your instrument using
the Almanac Agent within
the Xcalibur data system
This Quick Start walks you through the steps to get started with the Thermo Scientific™ Almanac™
web-based application and the Almanac Agent.
• Creating and Signing in to a Connect Account
• Installing the Almanac Agent
• Registering the Almanac Agent
• Accessing your Connected Instruments
• Linking Additional Users
•Contacting Us
Note To locate additional information, use the Almanac Help Guide.
Overview The Almanac application on Connect helps you remotely manage your configured instruments. The
Almanac Agent enables communication between the data system computer, the Almanac web application,
and Unity Lab Services™. Use the following steps for remote instrument monitoring, maintenance, and
receiving alerts:
© 2021 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
All rights reserved.
Creating and
Signing in to
a Connect
These topics describe how to create a Connect account and sign in to your account.
• Creating an Account
• Signing In to Your Account
Creating an
To create a Connect account
1. Go to thermofisher.com.
2. Select and click Create Account.
Figure 1. Digital Science web page
3. On the Registration page, complete the required fields, and then click Create Account.
4. On the Create a Full Account page, click Go to Home Page.
Signing In to
Your Account
Installing the
5. On the Connect Terms of Use page, click Accept.
The Connect Dashboard opens.
To sign in to your Connect account
1. Go to thermofisher.com and click Sign In.
2. On the Sign In Identifier page, type your Connect user name (email address) and click Next.
3. On the Sign In page, type your password and click Sign In.
The Connect Dashboard opens. You can navigate to the Instrument Connect page by clicking the
InstrumentConnect icon, , in the navigation bar.
If you do not have an Xcalibur data system version 4.3 or later, you must manually install the agent before
registering your instrument. The Almanac Agent must be installed on the data system computer.
Note For Xcalibur data system versions 4.3 or later, you can skip this procedure and go directly to the
next topic, Registering the Almanac Agent.
To download the Almanac Agent
1. Open the Almanac web page (www.thermofisher.com/almanac) in your browser.
2. Click Almanac Agent installer in the Resources section.
3. Sign in with your Thermo Fisher Connect user name (email address) and click Next.
Note If you do not have a Thermo Fisher Connect user name, then you must create a new account
(see Creating and Signing in to a Connect Account).
4. Type your password and click Sign In.
After you sign in, the ThermoAlmanacAgentInstaller.exe file begins downloading to the data system
5. In the Downloads folder on the data system computer, double-click
The Almanac Agent is installed on the data system computer.
the Almanac
Accessing the
Almanac Agent
You must register the Almanac Agent before accessing your connected instruments.
• Accessing the Almanac Agent
• Configuring and Registering your Almanac Agent
On a computer with an Xcalibur data system version earlier than 4.3, you can access the Almanac Agent
from the taskbar. On all other systems, you can access the agent from the Home page of the Xcalibur data
Note The Almanac Agent is accessible within a computer with an Xcalibur data system version 4.3 or
later, which uses the TraceFinder™ or Chromeleon™ applications as their acquisition software.
To access the Almanac Agent with an Xcalibur data system version earlier than 4.3
• Open the Almanac Agent in one of these two ways:
From the taskbar, click the Show Hidden Icons icon and then click the Almanac Agent icon, .
Choose Start > Thermo Almanac > Almanac Agent.
The Almanac Agent window opens.
To access the Almanac Agent with an Xcalibur data system version 4.3 or later
1. Open the Xcalibur data system in one of the following ways:
• Choose Start > All Programs > Thermo Scientific Xcalibur > Xcalibur.
• On the computer desktop, double-click the Xcalibur icon, .
2. Click the left double-arrow icon, , the upper-right corner of the Home page window.
The Almanac Agent window appears.