Thermo Wellwash 4 Mk 2 User manual

Thermo Scientific Wellwash 4 Mk 2
User Manual
Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340
Thermo Scientific Wellwash 4 Mk 2, Cat. no. 5160772 (115 V), 5160770 (230 V) or 5160771 (100 V)
User Manual Rev. 2.4; November 2008, Cat. no. 1507340
Copyright 2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific. All rights reserved. Printed in Finland. Reproduction of the accompanying user documentation in whole or in part is prohibited.
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Wellwash is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
Thermo Fisher Scientific reserves the right to change its products and services at any time to incorporate technological developments. This manual is subject to change without prior notice as part of a continuous product development. Although this manual has been prepared with every precaution to ensure accuracy, Thermo Fisher Scientific assumes no liability for any errors or omissions, or for any damages resulting from the application or use of this information. This manual supersedes all previous editions.
No liability for consequential damages
Thermo Fisher Scientific shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use or inability to use this product.
Contact information
Thermo Fisher Scientific Oy P.O. Box 100, FI-01621 Vantaa, Finland Tel. +358-9-329 100, Fax +358-9-3291 0415
Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Safety Symbols and Markings .................................................................... 7
2 About the User Manual............................................................................ 8
3 Introduction to the Wellwash 4 Mk 2 .......................................................... 9
4 Functional Description ...........................................................................11
5 Installation..........................................................................................13
6 Operation ...........................................................................................26
7 Maintenance........................................................................................36
8 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................49
9 Technical Specifications .........................................................................55
10 Ordering Information.............................................................................57
11 Warranty Certificate .............................................................................58
12 Index .................................................................................................59
13 Glossary and Abbreviations .....................................................................63
Appendix A: Wellwash 4 Mk 2 Quick Reference Guide ....................................................64
Appendix B: Certificate of Decontamination ................................................................65
Appendix C: Wellwash 4 Mk 2 Feedback Form ..............................................................66
Appendix D: Addresses ...........................................................................................67
Notes .................................................................................................68
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 3
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Safety Symbols and Markings .................................................................... 7
2 About the User Manual............................................................................ 8
3 Introduction to the Wellwash 4 Mk 2 .......................................................... 9
3.1 Intended use ..........................................................................................9
3.2 Principle of operation ...............................................................................9
3.3 Advantages of using Wellwash 4 Mk 2 ............................................................9
4 Functional Description ...........................................................................11
4.1 Controls and indicators ........................................................................... 12
5 Installation..........................................................................................13
5.1 Installation check list ............................................................................. 13
5.2 What to do upon delivery......................................................................... 13
5.2.1 How to unpack.................................................................................... 13
5.2.2 Checking delivery for completeness .......................................................... 14
5.2.3 Checking for damage during transport ....................................................... 15
5.2.4 Environmental requirements ................................................................... 16
5.2.5 Things to avoid ................................................................................... 16
5.2.6 Technical prerequisites ......................................................................... 16
5.3 Installation procedure............................................................................. 17
5.3.1 How to install the pump unit and washer unit connections .............................. 19
5.3.2 Wash head height ................................................................................ 23
5.3.3 Mains supply cable ............................................................................... 24
5.3.4 Changing wash heads ............................................................................ 24
5.4 Operational check ................................................................................. 24
6 Operation ...........................................................................................26
6.1 Operational checklist.............................................................................. 26
6.2 Washing a microplate ............................................................................. 27
6.3 Priming procedure ................................................................................. 29
6.4 Adding wash reagent .............................................................................. 30
6.5 Program selection.................................................................................. 31
6.5.1 Two-way switch functions ...................................................................... 32
6.5.2 Rotary switch functions ......................................................................... 33
6.6 Resetting ............................................................................................ 35
6.7 Shutdown procedure............................................................................... 35
6.7.1 Daily shutdown procedure ...................................................................... 35
6.7.2 Long-period shutdown........................................................................... 35
6.8 Emergency situations .............................................................................. 35
7 Maintenance........................................................................................36
7.1 Regular and preventive maintenance .......................................................... 36
7.1.1 Service contracts ................................................................................. 36
7.1.2 Maintenance check list .......................................................................... 36
7.1.3 General ............................................................................................ 36
7.1.4 Immediate ......................................................................................... 37
7.1.5 Tubing.............................................................................................. 37
7.1.6 Reagent / waste bottles ........................................................................ 37
7.1.7 Liquid trap bottle ................................................................................ 38
7.1.8 Pinch valve ........................................................................................ 42
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 4
Table of Contents
7.1.9 Unclogging tips ................................................................................... 42
7.1.10 Fuse replacement ................................................................................ 44
7.2 Disposal of materials .............................................................................. 46
7.3 Decontamination procedure...................................................................... 46
7.3.1 How to decontaminate the instrument ...................................................... 46
7.4 How to pack for service........................................................................... 47
7.4.1 Packing............................................................................................. 48
7.5 Disposal of the instrument ....................................................................... 48
8 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................49
8.1 Troubleshooting guide............................................................................. 49
8.2 Service request protocol .......................................................................... 52
8.3 Limitations, warnings and cautions ............................................................. 52
8.3.1 Liquid reservoir – IMPORTANT.................................................................. 52
8.3.2 Electrical .......................................................................................... 52
8.3.3 Mechanical and environmental ................................................................ 53
8.4 Defects and abnormal stresses .................................................................. 54
8.5 Before operation ................................................................................... 54
8.5.1 Installation ........................................................................................ 54
8.5.2 In operation ....................................................................................... 54
8.6 Cleanliness .......................................................................................... 54
9 Technical Specifications .........................................................................55
9.1 General specifications ............................................................................ 55
9.2 Safety specifications .............................................................................. 56
9.3 In conformity with the requirements ........................................................... 56
10 Ordering Information.............................................................................57
10.1 List of accessories.................................................................................. 57
10.2 List of recommended spare parts ............................................................... 57
11 Warranty Certificate .............................................................................58
11.1 Warranty limitations............................................................................... 58
12 Index .................................................................................................59
13 Glossary and Abbreviations .....................................................................63
13.1 Keywords for web pages .......................................................................... 63
13.2 Literature............................................................................................ 63
Appendix A: Wellwash 4 Mk 2 Quick Reference Guide ....................................................64
Appendix B: Certificate of Decontamination ................................................................65
Appendix C: Wellwash 4 Mk 2 Feedback Form ..............................................................66
Appendix D: Addresses ...........................................................................................67
Notes .................................................................................................68
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 5
List of Figures
Fig. 4.1 Wellwash 4 Mk 2 microplate washer .................................................. 11
Fig. 4.2 Keypad..................................................................................... 12
Fig. 5.1 Accessories included with the instrument. .......................................... 14
Fig. 5.2 Spare tubing .............................................................................. 15
Fig. 5.3 Wash arm assembly tubing ............................................................. 15
Fig. 5.4 Location of the frequency selector switch and the transit screws ............... 17
Fig. 5.5 Pinch valve holder ....................................................................... 18
Fig. 5.6 Installing the O rings to the wash head holders ..................................... 18
Fig. 5.7 Sliding the wash head between the holders ......................................... 19
Fig. 5.8 Pump unit with tubes installed ........................................................ 19
Fig. 5.9 Liquid level sensor system.............................................................. 20
Fig. 5.10 Removing the plastic caps .............................................................. 21
Fig. 5.11 Connection of pump and washer units................................................ 21
Fig. 5.12 Opening and closing the bottle ........................................................ 22
Fig. 5.13 Correct position of the plate carrier ................................................. 22
Fig. 5.14 Loosening the locknut with spanners ................................................. 23
Fig. 5.15 Changing the wash head ................................................................ 24
Fig. 5.16 Placing the microplate with 12-way and 8-way wash head ........................ 25
Fig. 6.1 Releasing the pressure from the wash bottle........................................ 30
Fig. 6.2 Preprogrammed card: three washes with a 12-way wash head ................... 31
Fig. 6.3 Programmable switch card ............................................................. 32
Fig. 7.1 Liquid level sensor and liquid trap bottle cover .................................... 38
Fig. 7.2 Opening the liquid trap bottle cover ................................................. 39
Fig. 7.3 Pulling the thick tube out of the liquid trap bottle ................................ 40
Fig. 7.4 Pulling the thin tube out of the liquid trap bottle ................................. 40
Fig. 7.5 Opening the liquid trap bottle......................................................... 41
Fig. 7.6 Unpinching the tube ..................................................................... 42
Fig. 7.7 De-clogging the wash head ............................................................. 43
Fig. 7.8 Opening the fuse holder of the washer unit ......................................... 44
Fig. 7.9 Washer unit fuse and fuse holder ..................................................... 44
Fig. 7.10 Opening the fuse holder of the pump unit........................................... 45
Fig. 7.11 Pump unit fuse holder opened ......................................................... 45
List of Figures and List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 5.1 Installation check list ................................................................... 13
Table 5.2 Silicon tubing color-codes .............................................................. 19
Table 6.1 Operational checklist ................................................................... 26
Table 6.2 Number of washes after a soak period ............................................... 33
Table 6.3 Aspiration after the final wash........................................................ 33
Table 6.4 Soak period (in minutes)................................................................ 33
Table 6.5 Pause (in seconds) between each washing cycle .................................... 34
Table 6.6 Number of washes before soaking..................................................... 34
Table 6.7 Washing volume (in µl).................................................................. 34
Table 7.1 Maintenance check list.................................................................. 36
Table 8.1 Troubleshooting list..................................................................... 50
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 6

1 Safety Symbols and Markings

These symbols are intended to draw your attention to particularly important information and alert you to the presence of hazards as indicated.
Safety symbols and markings used on the Wellwash 4 Mk 2
Power ON
Power OFF
REF Catalog number
Serial number
Date of manufacture
Chapter 1: Safety Symbols and Markings
Consult Instructions for Use
In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device
WEEE symbol This product is required to comply with the European Unions Waste
Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC.
Warning markings used in the documentation
Warning: Risk of electric shock.
Warning: Biohazard risk.
Warning: Risk of injury to the user(s).
Caution: Risk of damage to the instrument, other equipment or loss of
performance or function in a specific application.
Other markings used in the documentation
Note: Marks a tip, important information that is useful in the optimum
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 7
operation of the system, or an item of interest.
2 About the User Manual
This User Manual has been written for the actual user (e.g., laboratory technician) and provides information on the Thermo Scientific Wellwash 4 Mk 2 microplate strip washer, including installation and operating instructions.
Read the manual in its entirety prior to operating the instrument.
This User Manual has been designed to give you the information you need to:
Review safety precautions Install the Wellwash 4 Mk 2 Carry out washing procedures Perform basic maintenance procedures Troubleshoot the instrument performance Maintain the instrument
This User Manual also describes features and specifications of the Wellwash 4 Mk 2 hardware and on-board software.
Chapter 2: About the User Manual
Chapter 6 explains the operating procedures.
The user should be familiar with the contents of Chapter 7 on maintenance procedures that may be performed by the user.
For warranty and ordering information, refer to Chapters 10 Ordering Information and 11 Warranty .
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 8
3 Introduction to the Wellwash 4 Mk 2
The Wellwash 4 Mk 2 is a semiautomatic microplate washer, comprising pump and washer units. The instrument is supplied with both 8- and 12-way wash heads, four program cards and an accessory pack.
Your local Thermo Fisher Scientific representative can arrange instrument training at the commissioning of the instrument for extra charge, if required.
3.1 Intended use
The Wellwash 4 Mk 2 is a microplate washer for 96-well plates. It can be used in research or routine-test laboratories by trained personnel to wash Microtiter microplates and strips in 96-well plate format that meet the SBS standards.
For verification of the entire system, it is recommended that Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) be followed to guarantee reliable analyses.
Use for self-testing is excluded.
If the assay performance is essential for the analysis, the test result has to be ensured with internal quality controls or with an alternative test.
Chapter 3: Introduction to the Wellwash 4 Mk 2
3.2 Principle of operation
The instrument provides the following wash functions initiated through the keypad and control switches or a preprogrammed wash card:
1. Liquid dispensing into wells (microplate or microstrip)
2. Liquid aspiration from wells (microplate or microstrip)
With their unique and proven design, the coaxial wash heads of the Wellwash 4 Mk 2 ensure excellent washing efficiency and low residual volumes of less than 5 µl. For clean delivery of washing buffer, the inner dispensing tubes are made of stainless steel. A continuous vacuum in the outer tube prevents cross contamination and ensures complete liquid removal.
For fast and accurate selection of routine protocols, the Wellwash 4 Mk 2 comes with four standard program cards (1 to 4 washing cycles) as well as a programmable card. This switch card permits a quick selection of all wash parameters, including soak times and final wash protocols.
The quick release bottle caps of the Wellwash 4 Mk 2 ensure easy buffer changes. An additional rinse bottle can be connected, making it easier to purge wash buffer from the wash head or change to a different wash buffer. Automatic pump shutdown reduces wear and noise levels. If unused for 30 seconds, the wash pump of the Wellwash 4 Mk 2 automatically switches off.
3.3 Advantages of using Wellwash 4 Mk 2
The Wellwash 4 Mk 2 provides several advantages relating mainly to the principle of operation in that it has:
Unique coaxial wash heads for trouble-free washing and low residual
8- and 12-way interchangeable wash heads Easy to program Excellent washing performance Quick release wash/waste bottle caps Automatic pump shutdown
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 9
Effective liquid management
Chapter 3: Introduction to the Wellwash 4 Mk 2
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4 Functional Description
The Wellwash 4 Mk 2 is designed to wash wells in an 8 x 12 microplate. It comprises a pump unit and a washer unit (Fig. 4.1), which are connected by power, air and liquid lines.
The pump unit consists of a double-headed vacuum pump with high-density polythene reagent and waste bottles and a liquid trap. The main power ON/OFF switch is at the rear of the pump unit. The frequency selector switch is located on the bottom side of the pump model Cat. no. 5190771 near the transport locking screws.
The keypad is located on the left-hand side of the washer unit and the microprocessor and associated control electronics are housed under the keypad. The wash head is located above the plate carrier slideway, which can be either 8- or 12-way. The plate carrier moves the microplate accurately beneath the wash head and incorporates a priming reservoir at its leading edge. The plate carrier is indexed forward by means of a magnetic coupling to the drive system housed inside the washer.
Chapter 4: Functional Description
5 6
1. Pump unit 8. Wash arm assembly
2. Washer unit 9. Wash head and wash head holders
3. Waste bottle 10. Priming reservoir
4. Wash bottle 11. Keypad
5. Bottle caps 12. Plate carrier
6. Liquid level sensor 13. Program card
7. Liquid trap bottle 14. Pinch valve
Fig. 4.1 Wellwash 4 Mk 2 microplate washer
The pump creates pressure to the wash bottle (Fig. 4.1, item 4) allowing the wash liquid to be dispensed through the pinch valve (Fig. 4.1, item 14) into the microplate wells and a vacuum to the waste bottle (Fig. 4.1, item 3) to aspirate the used wash liquid into the waste bottle.
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4.1 Controls and indicators
Here is a description of the controls and indicators on the Wellwash 4 Mk 2.
This two-position switch at the rear of the pump unit controls the electrical power to both the pump and washer units.
PRIME push button
A momentary action switch that starts the PRIME function. An audible tone will sound when pressed to confirm operation.
PRIME indicator
This yellow LED (light-emitting diode) located to the right of the PRIME button flashes to indicate that the PRIME function is required and, when continuously ON, indicates that the washer is primed and ready for use. The indicator will turn off after a while, but the instrument remains ready for use.
ROW SELECT (1 – 12) push buttons
These are momentary action switches that select the last row to be washed in any chosen program sequence. An audible tone will sound when pressed to confirm operation.
Chapter 4: Functional Description
Fig. 4.2 Keypad
ROW SELECT indicators
These yellow LEDs located to the right of the ROW SELECT push buttons, when illuminated, indicate the rows selected for washing.
START push button
This momentary action switch initiates the wash cycle. An audible tone will sound when pressed to confirm operation.
RESET push button
When pressed, the RESET button will reset the washer to its pre-programmed state. An audible tone will sound when pressed to confirm operation.
POWER indicator
This green LED is located at the bottom left of the keypad and, when illuminated, indicates that the POWER switch is ON.
VAC FAIL indicator
A yellow LED which, when flashing, indicates that the waste bottle is full or that there is a vacuum failure.
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5 Installation
5.1 Installation check list
The section on installation will contain an outline of the points mentioned in the check list below.
Table 5.1 Installation check list
Tick Item
 
  
  
      
Unpack the Wellwash 4 Mk 2 instrument carefully. Refer to 5.2.1. Keep the original packaging and packing material for future transportation.
Check the delivery for completeness. Refer to 5.2.2.
Check for damage during transport. Refer to 5.2.3.
Place the instrument on a normal laboratory bench taking into account both the environmental and technical prerequisites. Refer to 5.2.4 and 5.2.6. Leave sufficient clearance on both sides and at the rear of the unit.
Install the instrument:
Remove the transit screws. Refer to 5.3, step 1.
Check the voltage and frequency of the electrical supply. Refer to 5.3, step 2.
Remove the pinch valve holder. Refer to 5.3, step 4.
Install the wash head. Refer to 5.3, steps 5 and 6.
Connect the tubing and the liquid level sensor cord to the pump unit. Refer to 5.3.1, steps 1 to 5.
Connect the washer unit to the pump unit. Refer to 5.3.1, steps 6 and 7.
Fill the wash bottle and tighten both bottle caps. Refer to 5.3.1, steps 8 and 9.
Slide the plate carrier to its place. Refer to 5.3.1, step 10.
Connect the mains supply cable (cord) to the mains input socket. Refer to 5.3.2.
Carry out the operational check. Refer to 5.4.
Chapter 5: Installation
5.2 What to do upon delivery
5.2.1 How to unpack
Move the unpacked instrument to its site of operation. Unpack the Wellwash 4 Mk 2 instrument and accessories carefully with the arrows on the transport package pointing upwards. The following notes and instructions are sent with the instrument and are immediately available when you open the package:
the Warranty Certificate card the packing instructions/packing list the Transportation discrepancy report the User Manual
Caution: DO NOT touch or loosen any screws or parts other than those specially
designated in the instructions. Doing so might cause misalignment and
Fig. 4.1 shows the pump and washer units in their entirety.
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 13
will invalidate the instrument warranty.
Lift out the washer and pump units, removing the shaped packing pieces from around the washer, and place them on a flat level surface.
To lift the instrument, put your fingers under the bottom on both sides and lift it with your back straight. The net weight of the instrument is 10 kg (22 lbs.).
Caution: When unpacking the instrument, it is recommended that two people lift
the instrument together, taking proper precautions to avoid injury.
Retain the original packaging and packing material for future transportation. The packaging is designed to assure safe transport and minimize transit damage. Use of alternative packaging materials may invalidate the warranty. Also, retain all instrument-related documentation provided by the manufacturer for future use.
Note: Before use remember to remove the transit screws at the bottom of the
instrument and save them in the adjoining screw holes (marked with the text "Transit screw storage"). Remove and save the pinch valve holder until needed for future transportation of the instrument.
5.2.2 Checking delivery for completeness
Check the enclosed packing list against order. In case of any deviations, contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific representative or Thermo Fisher Scientific Oy.
Chapter 5: Installation
The instrument is supplied with both 8- and 12-way wash heads, four program cards, the user manual, the mains supply cable and an accessory pack. The content of the accessory pack is shown in Fig. 5.1 and Fig. 5.2. Store the accessories in their bags until you need them.
1. Combiplate
2. 4 spare fuses (see Section 7.1.10 Fuse replacement)
3. 2 Allen keys (see Section 5.3 Installation procedure, step 1)
4. 2 spanners (see Section 5.3.2 Wash head height)
5. De-clogging tool (see Section 7.1.9 Unclogging tips)
6. 6 spare O rings for the bottle caps
7. 4 spare O rings (see Section 5.3 Installation procedure, step 5)
Fig. 5.1 Accessories included with the instrument.
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 14
Chapter 5: Installation
1. Waste liquid spare tube
2. Reagent liquid spare tube
3. Pinch valve spare tubes (item 3 in Fig. 5.3) (see Section 7.1.8 Pinch valve)
4. Wash arm assembly spare tube (item 2 in Fig. 5.3)
5. Wash arm assembly spare tube (item 4 in Fig. 5.3)
6. Wash arm assembly spare tube (item 1 in Fig. 5.3)
Fig. 5.2 Spare tubing
Fig. 5.3 Wash arm assembly tubing
5.2.3 Checking for damage during transport
Visually inspect the transport package, the instrument and the accessories for any possible transport damage.
If the carton has been damaged in transit, it is particularly important that you retain it for inspection by the carrier in case there has also been damage to the instrument.
Neither the manufacturer nor its agents can be held responsible for any damage incurred in transit, but the manufacturer will make every effort to help obtain restitution from the carrier. Upon receipt of the carrier's inspection report, arrangements will be made for repair or replacement.
Visually check all interconnections in the basic instrument. Check that there are no loose parts inside the instrument.
If any parts are damaged, contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific representative or Thermo Fisher Scientific Oy.
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 15
5.2.4 Environmental requirements
When you set up your Wellwash 4 Mk 2, avoid sites of operation with excess dust, vibrations, strong magnetic fields, direct sunlight, draft, excessive moisture or large temperature fluctuations.
Make sure the working area is flat, dry, clean and vibration-proof and leave
additional room for accessories, cables, wash bottles, etc.
Leave sufficient space (at least 10 cm) on both sides and at the back of the
unit to allow adequate air circulation.
Make sure the ambient air is clean and free of corrosive vapors, smoke and
Make sure the ambient temperature range is between +5°C (41 F) and +40°C
(104 F), preferably between +15°C (59 F) and +25°C (77 F).
Make sure relative humidity is between 10% and 90% (non-condensing).
Note: The use of the instrument in strong, direct sunlight or next to radiators
The Wellwash 4 Mk 2 does not produce operating noise at a level that would be harmful. No sound level measurements are required after installation.
and other heat sources may markedly increase the temperature prevailing at the instrument. This should be taken into account when deciding where the instrument should be located and operated.
Chapter 5: Installation
Warning: DO NOT operate the instrument in an environment where potentially
damaging liquids or gases are present.
5.2.5 Things to avoid
DO NOT smoke, eat or drink while using the Wellwash 4 Mk 2. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling test fluids. Observe normal laboratory procedures for handling potentially dangerous samples. Use proper protective clothing. Use disposable gloves. Be sure the working area is well ventilated.
Never spill fluids in or on the equipment.
Only use the instrument for its intended purpose. Refer to Section 3.1.
5.2.6 Technical prerequisites
The washer and pump units require no special site preparations. A normal laboratory bench close to a mains supply socket is quite suitable. The net weight of the instrument is 10 kg (22 lbs.).
Check that the voltage label on the rear panel of the pump unit conforms to the supply voltage used in the laboratory. The instrument operates at voltages of 100 – 120 Vac, 220 – 240 Vac and the frequency range 50/60 Hz (see Section 5.3, step
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 16
5.3 Installation procedure
Any suitably skilled person using standard tools may carry out the following procedure.
1. Rest the pump unit on its side and remove the transit screws (the Allen cap
head type is painted red) using the key supplied (Fig. 5.1, item 5). Relocate them in the retaining holes provided (Fig. 5.4).
Note: When relocating this instrument or returning it for repair, it is essential
2. Ensure that the pump mains switch is in the OFF position. After checking that
the electrical supply conforms to that specified on the voltage label on the rear panel of the unit, slide the frequency selector switch (in the pump model Cat. no. 5160771) to the 50 Hz or 60 Hz position depending on the mains supply voltage frequency (Fig. 5.4). (Other pump models do not include a frequency selector.)
Chapter 5: Installation
that the transit screws are refitted. Failure to do so could invalidate the
1. Location of the frequency selector switch
2. Retaining holes for the transit screws
3. Transit screws during transportation
Fig. 5.4 Location of the frequency selector switch and the transit screws
3. Turn the pump unit back to its normal position.
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 17
Chapter 5: Installation
Pinch valve holder
4. Lift the wash arm assembly (the stainless steel cover). Remove the pinch
valve holder (Fig. 5.5) before use. Store the wire holder for future use.
Fig. 5.5 Pinch valve holder
Note: The wash heads are packed separately. Install them before use.
5. Install first the four (4) small O-rings to the wash head holders, two (2) on
both sides (Fig. 5.6).
Fig. 5.6 Installing the O rings to the wash head holders
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 18
6. Slide the wash head between the holders (Fig. 5.7).
Note: The wash heads will only fit into the end slots when the raised flange on
the wash head is facing the front.
Fig. 5.7 Sliding the wash head between the holders
5.3.1 How to install the pump unit and washer unit connections
Chapter 5: Installation
Fig. 5.8 Pump unit with tubes installed
1. The wash bottle with the black connections is located on the right-hand side
of the pump unit and the waste bottle to the left. All the tubing and connections are color coded to ensure correct connection (Table 5.2).
Table 5.2 Silicon tubing color-codes
Thermo Scientific Wellwash® 4 Mk 2 User Manual Rev. 2.4, Cat. no. 1507340 19
Pressure feed from the pump to the wash bottle
Pressuring wash reagent from the wash bottle to the washer
Vacuum feed from the pump to the waste bottle
Waste feed from the washer unit to the waste bottle
Chapter 5: Installation
2. Connect the pressure feed from the pump on the right to the wash bottle
using the black-coded tube.
3. Connect the vacuum feed tube (red) from the pump to the waste bottle
(Fig. 5.9, item 2).
4. Connect the liquid level sensor cord from the liquid trap bottle to the waste
bottle. Make sure the black connector is firmly in place (Fig. 5.9, item 1).
Caution: The liquid level sensor does not function if the connector is not properly
inserted: the black connector has to be pushed down all the way. The waste bottle may otherwise overfill and cause the liquid trap bottle to start filling. If at that point the liquid trap bottle is not emptied, the overflowing waste liquid can enter the pump unit and damage it.
1. Liquid level sensor connector
2. Vacuum feed tube
3. Liquid trap bottle cover
Fig. 5.9 Liquid level sensor system
5. Check that the tubes are properly connected to the pinch valve under the
wash arm assembly on the washer unit (Fig. 4.1, item 14). The thin tube going through the valve should not be pinched by the edges of the valve.
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Chapter 5: Installation
6. Remove the three (3) black plastic caps from the hose connectors and the
pump control at the rear of the washer unit (Fig. 5.10).
Fig. 5.10 Removing the plastic caps
7. Slide the two units together until the locating dowel and electrical
connectors are firmly engaged (Fig. 5.11).
1. Silicone tube (waste, blue color code)
2. Manifold pipes (PRESSURE for reagent tube/yellow, VACUUM for waste tube/blue)
3. Locating pin (a) and friction bush (b)
4. Silicone tube (wash, yellow color code)
5. Signal connectors (with text PUMP CONTROL)
6. Silicone tube (pressure, black color code)
7. Pump pressure adjustment screw (do not touch –for authorized service personnel
Fig. 5.11 Connection of pump and washer units
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+ 49 hidden pages