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Copyright 2002, Texas Instruments Incorporated
About This Manual
This manual describes how to install an XDS510t emulator controller and the
XDS511t emulator board.
There are several XDS510 emulator controllers for use with different computers. These emulator controllers are the XDS510 and XDS510PP for use with
PCs, and the XDS510WSt for use with a SP ARCstation or an HP workstation.
This manual includes a chapter for each of the controllers and one chapter for
the XDS51 1.
Notational Conventions
Read This First
In this manual, program listings, program examples, and interactive displays
are shown in a special typeface similar to a typewriter’s. Examples use
a bold version of the special typeface for emphasis; interactive displays
use a bold version of the special typeface to distinguish commands that
you enter from items that the system displays (such as prompts, command
output, error messages, etc.).
Here is an example of a system prompt and a command that you might enter:
C: csr –a /user/ti/simuboard/utilities
Information About Cautions and Warnings
Information About Cautions and Warnings
This manual contains cautions and warnings.
This is an example of a caution statement.
A caution statement describes a situation that could potentially
damage your software or equipment.
This is an example of a warning statement.
A warning statement describes a situation that could potentially
cause harm to you
The information in a caution or a warning is provided for your protection.
Please read each caution and warning carefully.
Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
The following books describe the C source debugger for the TMS370C8,
TMS370C16, or TMS320C2xx devices and the JT AG cable. To obtain a copy
of any of these TI documents, call the T exas Instruments Literature Response
Center at (800) 477–8924. When ordering, please identify the book by its title
and literature number.
JT AG/MPSD Emulation Technical Reference (literature number SPDU079)
provides the design requirements of the XDS510 emulator controller,
discusses JTAG designs (based on the IEEE 1149.1 standard), and
modular port scan device (MPSD) designs.
TMS370C8 C Source Debugger User’s Guide (literature number SPNU063)
tells you how to invoke the TMS370C8 XDSt emulator, and simulator
versions of the C source debugger interface. This book discusses
various aspects of the debugger interface, including window
management, command entry , code execution, data management, and
breakpoints. It also includes a tutorial that introduces basic debugger
TMS370C16 C Source Debugger User’s Guide (literature number
SPNU065) tells you how to invoke the TMS370C16 XDSt emulator , and
simulator versions of the C source debugger interface. This book discusses various aspects of the debugger interface, including window
management, command entry , code execution, data management, and
breakpoints. It also includes a tutorial that introduces basic debugger
TMS320C2xx C Source Debugger User’s Guide (literature number
SPRU151) tells you how to invoke the TMS320C2xx emulator and simulator versions of the C source debugger interface. This book discusses
various aspects of the debugger interface, including window management, command entry, code execution, data management, and breakpoints. It also includes a tutorial that introduces basic debugger functionality.
v Read This First
FCC Warning / Trademarks
FCC Warning
This equipment is intended for use in a laboratory test environment only . It generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and has not been tested
for compliance with the limits of computing devices pursuant to subpart J of
part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection
against radio frequency interference. Operation of this equipment in other environments may cause interference with radio communications, in which case
the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may
be required to correct this interference.
320 Hotline On-line, TI&ME, XDS510, XDS510PP , XDS510WS, XDS51 1, and
XDS522 are trademarks of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
HP-UX, HP 9000 Series 700, and PA-RISC are trademarks of HewlettPackard Company.
IBM and PC are registered trademarks of International Business Machines
OpenWindows, SunOS, and SPARCstation are trademarks of Sun
Microsystems, Inc.
UNIX is a registered trademark of Unix System Laboratories, Inc.
Describes the systems and provides information for you to decide which system to use. Provides definitions and directs you to the next step after completing the installation.
This chapter provides background information to help you determine what information in this manual you need to use. The systems discussed in this manual are described so that you can decide which ones you want to use.
Additionally, this chapter contains definitions you will need to understand to
install the XDS51x emulator.
Certain terms are used throughout this book. A list of some of the most frequently used terms are defined here to eliminate confusion.
target systemThe system you want to debug. This can be your actual
JTAG cableThe cable that attaches the XDS510, XDS510WS, or
JT AG connectorA 14-pin connector on the target system that is used to
system, a test system you have created, or an XDS51 1
with an SE device attached to it.
XDS510PP to your target system.
connect the JTAG cable.
1.2Information About the Hardware
The installation of the hardware shown in T able 1–1 is described in this manual.
Table 1–1. Hardware Descriptions
XDS510PPEmulator controller for use with an IBM-type PC. The XDS510PP
XDS511Emulator used to emulate a target system. The XDS511 is con-
SE device
Emulator controller board for use in an IBMt-type PCt. The
XDS510 is a board installed in your PC. After installing the
XDS510, you connect it to your target system. The XDS510 enables your debugger to communicate with the target system.
is an external piece of hardware that is connected to your PC using
the parallel printer port. This configuration is ideal for portable
PCs. After installing the XDS510PP, you connect it to your target
system. The XDS510PP enables your debugger to communicate
with the target system.
Emulator controller for use with a UNIXt-type workstation. The
XDS510WS is an external piece of hardware that is connected to
your workstation using a SCSI connection. After installing the
XDS510WS, you connect it to your target system. The
XDS510WS enables your debugger to communicate with the target system.
nected to an XDS510, XDS510PP , or XDS510WS. In turn, you can
connect the XDS51 1 to a target system.
Device that connects to the XDS511. An SE device is a specialized
device that performs the same functions as your target device but
includes features for gathering debugging information. There is an
SE device for each of the TMS370C8, TMS370C16, and
TMS320C2xx devices.
Information About the Hardware
1.2.1Selecting an XDS510
The XDS510 that you select depends on the computer you are using. Use the
following table to select the device you want to use:
If you are using . . .Then use the . . .
An IBM-type PCXDS510, which you install in your PC; or XDS510PP,
A UNIX workstationXDS510WS, which you attach to a SCSI port
which you attach to your PC’s parallel printer port
Where to Go From Here
1.3Where to Go From Here
After reading this chapter, turn to the chapter that describes how to install the
XDS510 that you have selected and follow the instructions in that chapter .
If you are going to
install the . . .
XDS510WS on a
XDS510WS on an
HP workstation
Turn to chapter . . .
2, Installing the XDS510 in a PC
3, Installing the XDS510PP on a PC
4, Installing the XDS510WS on a SPARCstation
5, Installing the XDS510WS on an HP Workstation
Chapter 2
Installing the XDS510 in a PC
This chapter explains how to install the XDS510 emulator controller in your PC.
It also describes how to use the JT AG cable to connect the XDS510 to a target
To install the XDS510, you will need the following hardware:
Minimizing Electrical Shock and Fire Hazard
T o minimize the risk of electric shock and fire hazard, be sure that
all major components that you interface with Texas Instruments
devices are limited in energy and certified by one or more of the
following agencies: UL, CSA, VDE, or TUV.
hostAn IBM PC/AT or 100% compatible ISA/
EISA-based PC
slotOne 16-bit slot
emulator controllerXDS510 emulator controller board
JTAG cableCable that connects the XDS510 to your
target system
target systemA system of your own design or an XDS51 1
JTAG connectorA 14-pin connector (two rows of seven
pins) on your target system
Minimizing Static Shock
Special handling methods and materials should be used to prevent
equipment damage. You should be familiar with identification and
handling of ESD sensitive devices before attempting to perform the
procedures described in this manual.
Step 1: Preparing the XDS510 for Installation
2.2Step 1: Preparing the XDS510 for Installation
The XDS510 uses 32 bytes of the PC I/O space. Before you install the
XDS510, set its switches to correctly identify the I/O space that the XDS510
can use. Figure 2–1 shows the location of the switches.
Figure 2–1. XDS510 I/O Switches
XDS510 emulator controller
default switch settings
The switches on the XDS510 are shipped in the default settings. All possible
switch settings are listed in Table 2–1.
In most cases, you can leave the switch settings in the default position.
However, you must ensure that the XDS510 emulator controller I/O space
does not conflict with other bus settings. For example, if you’ve installed a
sound card in your system, you might not be able to use the default switch settings for the I/O space—the sound card might use this space.
Refer to your PC technical reference manual and your other hardware-board
manuals to see if there are any I/O space conflicts. If you find a conflict, change
the switch settings to one of the alternative settings listed in Table 2–1.
After you’ve prepared the XDS510 for installation, follow these steps to place
it into your PC.
Minimizing Personal Injury
To minimize the risk of personal injury, always turn off the power
to your PC and unplug the power cord before installing the XDS510.
1) Turn off your PC’s power and unplug the power cord.
2) Remove the cover of your PC.
3) Remove the mounting bracket from an unused 16-bit slot.
4) Carefully but firmly push the XDS510 into a 16-bit slot (see Figure 2–2).
5) Return the mounting screw to the mounting bracket and tighten the screw
(see Figure 2–2). Note which slot contains the XDS510 for later use.
6) Replace the PC cover.
Figure 2–2. Placing the XDS510 Into Your PC
mounting screw
mounting bracket
rear of computer
16-bit slot
Step 3: Connecting the XDS510 to Your Target System
2.4Step 3: Connecting the XDS510 to Your Target System
Follow these steps to connect your XDS510 to your target system.
Minimizing Equipment Damage
To minimize the risk of damage, be careful with the JTAG cable
connectors. Connect them gently; forcing the connectors into
position can damage them.
1) Turn off your target system and unplug the power cord.
2) Plug the 25-pin connector side of the JTAG cable into the XDS510 (see
Figure 2–3).
Note: If You Are Using the XDS511
If you are using the XDS511 emulator with or instead of a target system of
your own design, stop here and turn to Chapter 6, Installing the XDS51 1.
3) Plug the 14-pin connector side of the JT AG cable into the JT AG connector
on your target system. For information about creating the connector on
your target system, see the JT AG/MPSD Emulation T echnical Reference.
4) Plug in the power cord for your PC and target system.
5) Turn on your PC and target system.
Figure 2–3. Connecting the XDS510 and Your Target System
25-pin keyed
installed in
JTAG cable
14-pin keyed
target system
JTAG connector
2-5Installing the XDS510 in a PC
Where to Go From Here
2.5Where to Go From Here
Your XDS510 is now installed. At this point, do one of the following:
- If you plan to install the XDS51 1, turn to Chapter 6, Installing the XDS51 1.
- If you are not planning to install the XDS51 1, install the C source debugger
for your device. The installation instructions are in the getting started guide
for your device’s C source debugger.
Only after installing and running the C source debugger for your device can
you determine if the XDS510 is installed properly.
Chapter 3
Installing the XDS510PP on a PC
This chapter explains how to install the XDS510PP emulator controller on your
This section describes the required and optional hardware you need to install
the XDS510PP.
3.1.1Required Hardware
To install the XDS510PP, you will need the following hardware:
hostAn IBM PC/AT or 100% compatible
parallel portOne parallel printer port (LPT1 or LPT2)
emulator controllerXDS510PP emulator controller
target systemA system of your own design or an XDS51 1
JTAG connectorA 14-pin connector (two rows of seven
pins) on your target system
printer cable25-pin D-connector printer cable
3.1.2Optional Hardware
T o install the XDS510PP, you might need the following hardware (see Section
3.4 on page 3-5):
Minimizing Electrical Shock and Fire Hazard
T o minimize the risk of electric shock and fire hazard, be sure that
all major components that you interface with Texas Instruments
devices are limited in energy and certified by one or more of the
following agencies: UL, CSA, VDE, or TUV.
power supply
power supply
adapter cable
5 volts @ 1 ampere
6-inch power supply adapter cable
Step 1: Connecting the XDS510PP to Your PC
3.2Step 1: Connecting the XDS510PP to Your PC
Follow these steps to connect the XDS510PP to your PC.
Minimizing Personal Injury
To minimize the risk of personal injury, always turn off the power
to your PC and unplug the power cord before installing the
Minimizing Equipment Damage
To minimize the risk of damage, be careful with the printer cable
connectors. Connect them gently; forcing the connectors into
position can damage them.
1) Turn off your PC’s power and unplug the power cord.
2) The printer port connections on the back of your PC are 25-pin female D
connectors. Connect one end of the printer cable to the printer port that
you intend to use—LPT1 or LPT2 (see Figure 3–1).
3) Connect the other end of the printer cable to the 25-pin connector on the
XDS510PP (see Figure 3–1).
Figure 3–1. Connecting the XDS510PP to Your PC
rear of PC
printer ports LPT1 and LPT2
printer cable
14-pin keyed connector
3-3Installing the XDS510PP on a PC
Step 2: Connecting the XDS510PP to Your Target System
3.3Step 2: Connecting the XDS510PP to Your Target System
Note: If You Are Using the XDS511
If you are using the XDS511 emulator with or instead of a target system of
your own design, stop here (that is, do not perform Step 2 or Step 3) and turn
to Chapter 6, Installing the XDS51 1.
1) Turn off your target system and unplug the power cord.
2) To connect the XDS510PP to your target system, plug the 14-pin connector on the XDS510PP cable into your target system (see Figure 3–2).
For information about creating the connector on your target system, see the
JTAG/MPSD Emulation Technical Reference.
Minimizing Equipment Damage
T o minimize the risk of damage, be careful with the XDS510PP cable
connectors. Connect them gently; forcing the connectors into
position can damage them.
Figure 3–2. Connecting the XDS510PP to Your Target System
14-pin keyed connector
JTAG connector
target system
3.4Step 3: Supplying Power to the XDS510PP
The XDS510PP requires a power supply of 5 volts. How you supply power depends upon what the XDS510PP connects to. The following table describes
the possibilities:
Connection ScenarioPower Supply Option
The XDS510PP is connected to
an XDS511.
Power is supplied by the XDS511. This is true
whether or not the XDS51 1 is connected to a target system. Y ou do not have to connect power directly to the XDS510PP. Connecting power directly to the XDS510PP when using the XDS51 1,
however, will not harm the XDS510PP or the
Step 3: Supplying Power to the XDS510PP
The XDS510PP is connected
directly to a 3-volt target system.
The XDS510PP is connected
directly to a 5-volt target system.
You must connect the provided power supply (5
volts @ 1 ampere) to the XDS510PP.
While you do not have to connect the provided
power supply to the XDS510PP, it is highly recommended. Connecting the power supply ensures that the XDS510PP receives enough power.
3-5Installing the XDS510PP on a PC
Step 3: Supplying Power to the XDS510PP
If you need to connect the power supply to the XDS510PP, follow these steps:
1) Connect the 2.1 mm barrel jack end of the power supply adapter cable to
the power jack on the XDS510PP (see Figure 3–3).
2) Connect the 5-pin circular connector end of the power supply adapter
cable to the power supply (at the circular connector of the DC power cord).
3) Plug in the power cord for your PC, XDS510PP , and target system. Turn
on your PC and target system.
Figure 3–3. Connecting the Power Supply Adapter Cable
power supply
5-pin circular
power supply
adapter cable
2.1-mm barrel jack
target system
JTAG connector
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