• 6-Channel WLED Driver with Direct Dimming and
Phase-Shift Dimming Modes
• Gate Voltage Shaping
•Notebook PCs•Tablet PCs
The TPS65154 is a compact LCD bias solution primarily intended for use in Notebook and Tablet PCs.
The device comprises two boost converters to supply the LCD panel's source driver and gate driver; a
linear regulator to supply the system's logic voltage; a programmable V
a gate voltage shaping function; and a 6-channel WLED driver.
• Panel Reset Signal (XAO)
• T-CON Reset Signal (RST)
• On-Chip EEPROM with Write Protect
• I2C Interface
• Thermal Shutdown
• 48-Pin, 6 mm × 6 mm, 0.4 mm Pitch VQFN
with high-speed amplifier; and
Device Information
TPS65154VQFN (48)6.00 mm × 6.00 mm
(1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data manual.
1.4Simplified System Diagram
An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications,
intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA.
IFB1, IFB2, IFB3, IFB4, IFB5, IFB6, VGH, VGHM, RE, SW2–0.330V
Pin currentSW2TBDA
Ambient temperature, T
Junction temperature, T
Storage temperature, T
(1) Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings
only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating
conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
4.2ESD Ratings
Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001
Electrostatic discharge
Charged-device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-
(1) JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.
(2) JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.
4.3Recommended Operating Conditions
Input voltage range
dVIN/dtVINrise time0.4511ms
Input voltage range6.59.6V
Input voltage range4.524V
= 12 V, VCC= 2.5 V, AVDD= 8 V, VGL= –6.8 V, VGH= 20 V, TA= −40°C to 85°C. Typical values are at 25°C
FLK low input currentV
FLK high input currentV
Output voltageI
Leakage currentV
XAO Threshold voltage range
= 0 V–100100nA
= 1.8 V–100100nA
= 1 mA (sinking)0.160.5V
= 1.8 V1µA
Configuration parameters slave address74h
Programmable VCOM slave address28h
Low level input voltageSCL or SDA falling, standard and fast modes0.6V
High level input voltageSCL or SDA rising, standard and fast modes1.0V
The following sections describe the features of the TPS65154.
5.3.1Linear Regulator (VCC)
The linear regulator is supplied directly from the VIN pin, and its output voltage can be programmed to
1.0 V, 1.2 V, 1.89 V, or 2.5 V using the VCC register.
Figure 5-2. Linear Regulator Block Diagram
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The linear regulator starts t
threshold (VIN> V
). It does not have a soft-start function, and its output ramps up as fast as the
milliseconds after the supply voltage exceeds the undervoltage lockout
supply voltage slew rate and the linear regulator's output capacitance allow. (Linear Regulator)
The linear regulator is turned off as soon as the supply voltage falls below the undervoltage lockout
threshold (VIN< V
). VCCis actively discharged during power-down.
UVLO (Linear Regulator)
The linear regulator is protected against short-circuits and undervoltage conditions. An undervoltage
condition is detected if the linear regulator's output falls below 70% of its programmed voltage for longer
than 50 ms, in which case the IC is disabled. A short-circuit condition is detected if the linear regulator's
output falls below 30% of its programmed voltage, in which case the IC is disabled immediately (shortcircuit detection has no time delay associated with it). To recover normal operation following either an
undervoltage condition or short-circuit condition, the cause of the error must be removed and a POR
5.3.2Boost Converter 1 (AVDD)
Boost converter 1 is synchronous and uses a virtual current mode topology that:
•achieves high efficiencies;
•allows the converter to work in continuous conduction mode under all operating conditions, simplifying
compensation; and
•provides true input-output isolation when the boost converter is disabled.
Boost converter 1's switching frequency can be programmed to 400 kHz, 600 kHz, 800 kHz, or 1 MHz
using the FSW1 register. Its output voltage can be programmed from 6.5 V to 9.6 V in 100 mV steps using
the AVDD register.
Boost converter 1 uses an external compensation network connected to the COMP1 pin to stabilize its
feedback loop. A simple series R-C network connected between the COMP1 pin and ground is sufficient
to achieve good performance, that is, stable and with good transient response. Good starting values,
which will work for most applications, are 25 kΩ and 3.9 nF.
In some applications (for example, those using electrolytic output capacitors), it may be necessary to
include a second compensation capacitor between the COMP1 pin and ground. This has the effect of
adding an additional pole in the feedback loop's frequency response, which cancels the zero introduced by
the output capacitor's ESR.
The synchronous topology of boost converter 1 ensures that AVDDis fully isolated from VINwhen the
converter is disabled. (Boost Converter 1)
Boost converter 1 starts t
milliseconds after RST goes high. Delay time t
0 ms to 75 ms using the DLY2 register.
To minimize inrush current during start-up, boost converter 1 ramps its output voltage in t
Start-up time t
can be programmed from 0.5 ms to 75 ms using the SS2 register. Longer soft-start
times generate lower inrush currents. (Boost Converter 1)
can be programmed from
Boost converter 1 is disabled when VIN<V
AVDDby turning on Q2.
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. When disabled, boost converter 2 actively discharges
Boost converter 1 is protected against short-circuits and undervoltage conditions. An undervoltage
condition is detected if the boost converter's output falls below 70% of its programmed voltage for longer
than 50 ms, in which case the IC is disabled. A short-circuit condition is detected if the boost converter's
output falls below 30% of its programmed voltage, in which case the IC is disabled immediately (shortcircuit detection has no time delay associated with it). To recover normal operation following either an
undervoltage condition or short-circuit condition, the cause of the error must be removed and a POR
5.3.3Boost Converter 2 (VGH)
Boost converter 2 is non-synchronous and uses a constant off-time topology. The converter's switching
frequency is not constant but adapts itself to VINand VGH. Boost converter 2 uses peak current control and
is designed to operate permanently in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), thereby allowing the
internal compensation circuit to achieve stable operation over a wide range of output voltages and
currents. Boost converter 2's output voltage can be programmed from 18 V to 25.5 V using the VGH
Figure 5-4. Boost Converter 2 Block Diagram (Boost Converter 2)
Boost converter 2 is enabled as soon as VGLhas finished ramping down. To minimize inrush current
during start-up, boost converter 2 ramps VGHlinearly to its programmed value in t
time t
is non-synchronous, its output is already equal to AVDD(minus the voltage drop across its rectifier diode)
before it starts switching, which means that the time during which VGHis actually ramping during start-up
is less than the actual programmed soft-start time (see Figure 5-5).
can be programmed from 0.256 ms to 35 ms using the SS4 register. Because boost converter 2
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seconds. Soft-start
t+ t
Figure 5-5. Boost Converter 2 Soft-Start (Boost Converter 2)
Boost converter 2 is disabled when VIN<V
converter is disabled. (Boost Converter 2)
Boost converter 2 is protected against short-circuits and undervoltage conditions. An undervoltage
condition is detected if the boost converter's output falls below 70% of its programmed voltage for longer
than 50 ms, in which case the IC is disabled. A short-circuit condition is detected if the boost converter's
output falls below 30% of its programmed voltage, in which case the IC is disabled immediately (shortcircuit detection has no time delay associated with it). To recover normal operation following either an
undervoltage condition or short-circuit condition, the cause of the error must be removed and a POR
5.3.4Negative Charge Pump (VGL)
The negative charge pump inverts AVDDand regulates its output to the voltage set by the VGL register.
VGLcan be programmed from –5 V to –8 V in 0.2 V steps using the VGL register, however, since the
negative charge pump inverts AVDDto generate its output, the most negative voltage that can be
generated is approximately –AVDD+1 V. Thus, if AVDD= 8.0 V, the usable range of VGLis approximately –5
V to –7 V. If VGLis programmed to a more negative voltage than this the charge pump may not be able to
regulate its output. This will not damage the IC, but performance may be impaired.
The negative charge pump in the TPS65154 is fully integrated and requires only two external capacitors to
operate (a flying capacitor connected between the C1A and C1B pins, and an output capacitor connected
between the VGL pin and ground).
. The converter's output is not actively discharged when the
milliseconds after boost converter 1 (AVDD) starts ramping and
ramps its output linearly from zero to its programmed output voltage in t
programmed from 0 ms to 35 ms using the DLY3 register. Soft-start time t
0 ms to 35 ms using the SS3 register. (Negative Charge Pump)
The negative charge pump is disabled when the supply voltage falls below the undervoltage lockout
threshold (VIN<V
). During power-down the charge pump's output is actively discharge to GND.
UVLO (Negative Charge Pump)
The negative charge pump is protected against short-circuits and undervoltage conditions. An
undervoltage condition is detected if the charge pump's output falls below 70% of its programmed voltage
for longer than 50 ms, in which case the IC is disabled. A short-circuit condition is detected if the charge
pump's output falls below 30% of its programmed voltage, in which case the IC is disabled immediately
(short-circuit detection has no time delay associated with it). To recover normal operation following either
an undervoltage condition or short-circuit condition, the cause of the error must be removed and a POR
5.3.5Gate Voltage Shaping
The gate voltage shaping function can be used to reduce image sticking in LCD panels by modulating the
LCD panel's gate ON voltage (VGH). Figure 5-7 shows a block diagram of the gate voltage shaping
function and Figure 5-8 shows the typical waveforms during operation.
Gate voltage shaping is controlled by the FLK input. When FLK is high, Q1 is on, Q2, Q3 and Q4 are off,
and V
is equal to VGH. On the falling edge of FLK, Q1 is turned off, Q2 and Q3 are turned on, and the
LCD panel load connected to the VGHM pin discharges through the external resistor connected to the RE
During power-up, Q1, Q2 and Q3 are held off and Q4 is turned on, pulling the VGHM pin pulled to GND,
regardless of the state of the FLK signal, until t
ramping. The value of t
During power-down Q1 is held permanently on and Q2, Q3 and Q4 permanently off, regardless of the
state of the FLK signal.
5.3.6Panel Discharge (XAO)
The TPS65154 provides an output signal via its XAO pin that can be used to drive the outputs of the
display panel's gate driver IC high during power-down. The XAO pin is pulled low whenever VIN<V
The XAO output is an open-drain type and requires an external pull-up, typically in the range 10 kΩ to
100 kΩ.
threshold voltage can be configured using the VDET register.
milliseconds after boost converter 2 (VGH) has finished
can be programmed from 0 ms to 35 ms using the DLY4 register.
The RST pin generates an active-low reset signal for the rest of the system. During power-up, the reset
timer starts when VCChas finished ramping. The reset pulse duration t
to 15 ms using the RESET register. The RST signal is latched when it goes high and will not be taken low
again until the device is powered down (even if VCCtemporarily falls out of regulation). The active powerdown threshold (V
or V
) can be selected using the RMODE bit in the CONFIG register.
The RST output is an open-drain type that requires an external pull-up resistor. Pull-up resistor values in
the range 10 kΩ to 100 kΩ are recommended for most applications.
5.3.8Programmable VCOM
can be programmed from 0 ms
The programmable VCOM uses three digital-to-analog converters (DACs) to generate a V
is subsequently buffered by a high-speed op-amp. The maximum value of V
is set by the 4-bit VMAX
register, and can be programmed in the range 2.5/8×AVDDto 4/8×AVDD. The minimum value of V
voltage that
set by the 4-bit VMIN register, and can be programmed in the range 2/8 × AVDDto 3.5/8 × AVDD. Note, for
proper operation, V
can adjust the V
must be greater than V
. By programming the 7-bit VCOM parameter, users
voltage appearing at the OUT pin between V
and V
as follows:
where VCOM is the value stored in the Wiper Register (see Figure 5-9).
Figure 5-9. Programmable VCOM Block Diagram
The programmable VCOM function has three registers. The volatile Wiper Register (WR) contains the
value currently output by the programmable VCOM DAC; this value is lost when power to the device is
removed. The non-volatile Initial Value Register (IVR) contains the value loaded into the DAC every time
the device is powered up. The Control Register (CR) determines whether data is written to or read from
the WR, the IVR, or both. If the CR contains 00h, during write operations data is stored in the WR and the
IVR, and during read operations data is read from the IVR. If the CR contains 80h, data is written to and
read from the WR register only. 00h and 80h are the only valid values for the CR. Table 5-1 shows the
programmable VCOM's register address map.
00hInitial Value Register (IVR)Wiper Register (WR)
02hNot UsedControl Register (CR) Amplifier Performance
Like most op-amps, the V
op-amp in the TPS65154 is not designed to drive purely capacitive loads, so
it is not recommended to connect a capacitor directly to its output in an attempt to increase performance;
however, the op-amp is capable of delivering high peak currents that make such capacitors unnecessary
in most applications.
High-speed op amps such as the one in the TPS65154 require care when using them. The most common
problem is when parasitic capacitance at the inverting input creates a pole with the feedback resistor,
reducing amplifier stability. Two things can be done to minimize the likelihood of this happening. Both of
these work by shifting the pole (which can never be completely eliminated) to a frequency outside the op
amp's bandwidth, where it has no effect.
•Reduce the value of the feedback resistor. In applications where no feedback from the panel is used,
the feedback resistor can be made zero. In applications where a non-zero feedback resistor has to be
used, a small capacitor (between 10 pF and 100 pF) across the feedback resistor will minimize ringing.
•Minimize the parasitic capacitance at the op amp's inverting input. This is achieved by using short PCB
traces between the feedback resistor and the inverting input, and by removing ground planes and other
copper areas above and below this PCB trace. (Programmable VCOM)
The programmable V
is enabled when AVDD> V
COM (Programmable VCOM)
During power-down, the programmable VCOM continues to operate until AVDD< V
5.3.9WLED Driver
UVLO2 Boost Converter
The WLED boost converter boosts a 4.5 V to 24 V supply V
strings connected to the WLED driver. It uses a fixed-frequency, current-mode topology. The converter's
output voltage is automatically adjusted to maintain the lowest feedback voltage (IFB1 to IFB6) between
450 mV and 750 mV, thus ensuring sufficient headroom for the output current sinks, but without
dissipating excessive power in the IC. This approach automatically compensates for changes in the LED
string voltage, for example, because of temperature effects. The WLED boost converter's switching
frequency can be programmed to 400 kHz, 600 kHz, 800 kHz, and 1 MHz using the FSW3 register.
The WLED boost converter features a soft-start circuit to limit inrush current when the converter starts.
The duration of the soft-start ramp depends on the value of the capacitor connected to the COMP3 pin.
Note, that because the converter is a non-synchronous type, its output voltage before it starts switching is
equal to V
(minus the voltage drop across its rectifier).
BAT Sinks
The brightness of the LED strings is determined by the average current flowing through each string, which
is the product of the output duty cycle and the current sink's output current. The output current of all
current sinks is the same and is set by the external resistor connected between the ISET pin and ground:
When the TPS65154 measures zero current flowing in one of the IFB pins it determines that the string is
open and automatically disables that output. The WLED boost converter's output voltage is subsequently
regulated according to the remaining operational strings. If an application uses fewer than six LED strings,
it is recommended to connected the unused outputs to ground; this ensures the most rapid detection of
the unused strings. Once open strings have been detected, they remain disabled until a POR occurs or
EN is toggled.
The WLED boost converter and dimming circuits feature a variety of protection schemes to ensure reliable
operation when subjected to various failure modes. These protection schemes are listed in Table 5-2.
WLED boost converter output
voltage too high
WLED boost converter switch
current too high
All LED strings open-circuitI
Individual LED string(s) open-
Individual LED string(s) shorted-
circuited to ground
Table 5-2. WLED Driver Protection
exceeds programmed
(30 V, 33 V, 36 V or 39 V)
= 0 mA and V
= 0 mA and V
= 0 mA for longer than 4 ms
= V
= V
WLED boost converter output
regulated to programmed
Switch turned off
Disable all output channels and
boost converter
Disable affected output
Functional output channels
continue operating.
None required
Switch automatically re-enabled
at start of next switching cycle
Output channels re-enabled
following power cycle
Affected output channel(s) re-
enabled following power cycle and Start-Up
The WLED driver is enabled and disabled by EN, however, this signal has no effect until the LCD bias
functions have completed their start-up sequence. Following a POR, EN has no effect until t
complete; after that the WLED driver can be enabled and disabled at any time using EN (providing nothing
happens to cause the LCD bias functions to re-start) and applying a PWM signal. In applications that do
not generate an EN signal, the EN pin can be tied to VIN, in which case the WLED driver will start
automatically at the end of t
boost converter 3 from starting-up.
When the WLED driver is enabled it first checks the status of IFB1 to IFB6 and shuts down any channels
that it detects are disabled/unused. These channels will be subsequently ignored until a POR occurs or
EN is toggled.
5.3.10 Undervoltage Lockout
An undervoltage lockout function disables the IC when the supply voltage is too low for proper operation.
5.4Device Functional Modes
5.4.1Dimming Modes
The TPS65154 support direct dimming and phase-shift dimming modes. The active dimming mode can be
selected using the DMODE bit in the CONFIG register.
. Note, that a permanently low PWM signal (0% duty cycle) will prevent
When direct dimming is selected, the output current sinks are controlled directly by the PWM signal. In this
mode, they are turned on and off together, at the same frequency and duty cycle as the PWM signal (see
Figure 5-10). Dimming
Figure 5-10. Direct Dimming
When phase-shift dimming mode is selected, the output dimming frequency does not depend on the
frequency of the PWM signal but can be independently programmed from 15 kHz to 22 kHz using the
FDIM register. In this mode, the duty cycle information contained in the PWM signal is extracted and reused to generate up to six outputs, at the output frequency set by the FDIM register, and phase-shifted
with respect to each other by 360°/N, where N is the number of outputs in use (see Figure 5-11). Using
phase-shifted outputs, the maximum load current step is reduced by the same factor N, resulting in
reduced voltage ripple on the boost converter's output and consequently lower audible noise.
Figure 5-12 shows the typical power-up/down characteristic of the TPS65154.
VCCstarts ramping t
RST is initially held low. t
AVDDstarts ramping t
VGLstarts ramping t
VGHstarts ramping as soon as VGLhas finished ramping.
is initially held low (connected to RE). t
shaping is enabled and V
XAO is initially held low. t
The WLED driver is enabled by the logical AND of AVDD(that is, AVDDhas finished ramping) and EN.
VCC, AVDD, VGHand VGLare disabled when VIN<V
XAO goes low when VINfalls below the threshold selected for it (V
RST goes low when VINfalls below the threshold selected for it (V
The WLED driver is turned off when EN = 0 or VIN< V
seconds after VIN> V
seconds after VCChas finished ramping RST goes high.
seconds after RST has gone high.
seconds after AVDDstarts ramping.
follows the state of FLK.
seconds after VIN>V
seconds after VGHhas finished ramping, gate voltage
The TPS65154 divides the configuration parameters into two categories:
•Configuration parameters
In typical applications, all configuration parameters except VCOM are programmed by the subcontractor
during PCB assembly, and VCOM is programmed by the display manufacturer during display calibration.
Configuration parameters can be changed by writing the desired values to the appropriate RAM
register(s). The RAM registers are volatile and their contents are lost when power is removed from the
device. By writing to the Control Register, it is possible to store the active configuration in non-volatile
EEPROM; during power-up, the contents of the EEPROM are copied into the RAM registers and used to
configure the device. I2C Interface
The TPS65154 features an industry-standard I2C interface that supports both Standard and Fast modes of
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The configuration parameters are all accessed using slave address 74h and the VCOM is accessed using
slave address 28h. Write Protect
An active-high Write Protect pin (WP) prevents the configuration parameters from being changed by
accident. This pin is internally pulled high and must be actively pulled low to access to the EEPROM or
RAM registers. Note that the WP pin disables all I2C traffic to the TPS65154, and must also be pulled low
during read operations. This is to ensure that noise present on the I2C lines does not erroneously
overwrite the active configuration stored in RAM (which would not be protected by a simple EEPROM
write-protect scheme). The write protect function can be enabled and disabled using the WPEN bit in the
CONFIG register. Note that once the write protect function is enabled it is not possible to disable again it
without pulling the WP pin low. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that applications include some
way to pull the WP pin low (for example, a test pad), even if it is not normally used.