Printed in U.S.A., March 1997
M414003-9741 revision B
TMS470R1x Code Generation Tools
Getting Started Guide
Release 1.20
Manufacturing Part Number: M414003-9741 revision B
Literature Number: SPNU1 17B
March 1997
Printed on Recycled Paper
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Copyright 1997, Texas Instruments Incorporated
About This Manual
Read This First
TMS470R1x Code Generation T ools Getting Started Guide
to install release 1.20 of the TMS470R1x code generation tools on your system. It also provides the following information:
Tells you how to set environment variables for parameters that you use
Gets you started using the compiler, linker, and assembler
Provides a list of the media contents for your tools set, so you will know
what information is associated with each file you have installed
Details enhancements in this release and tells you where to find further
tells you how
Notational Conventions
In this document, the following notational conventions are used:
Describes how you can resolve problems that you may encounter on a
PC running DOS (MS-DOS or PC-DOS)
Program listings, program examples, and interactive displays are shown
in a special typeface. Examples use a bold version of the spe-
cial typeface for emphasis. Interactive displays use bold to distinguish
commands that you enter from items that the system displays (such as
prompts, command output, error messages, etc.). Some interactive
displays use
to describe the type of information that should be
Notational Conventions / Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
Here is an example of a command that you might enter:
set PATH=c:\
T o change your path statement to use the tools, enter the command text as
shown in bold and replace
In syntax descriptions, the instruction, command, or directive is in a bold
typeface font and parameters are in an
that are in bold should be entered as shown; portions of a syntax that are
describe the type of information that should be entered.
Here is an example of a command that you might use:
with the name of your tools direc-
italic typeface
. Portions of a syntax
In this example, you would type mkdir, as shown, and replace
the name of your directory.
Square brackets ( [ and ] ) identify an optional parameter. If you use an optional parameter, you specify the information within the brackets; you don’t
enter the brackets themselves. Here’s an example of a command that has
optional parameters:
Setting the C_DIR environment variable allows you to specify one or more
pathnames for the C compiler to search.
Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
The following books describe the TMS470R1x and related support tools. To
obtain a copy of any of these TI documents, call the T exas Instruments Literature Response Center at (800) 477–8924. When ordering, please identify the
book by its title and literature number.
TMS470R1x Assembly Language Tools User’s Guide
SPNU118) describes the assembly language tools (assembler, linker,
and other tools used to develop assembly language code), assembler
directives, macros, common object file format, and symbolic debugging
directives for the TMS470R1x devices.
. . .]
(literature number
TMS470R1x Optimizing C Compiler User’s Guide
(literature number
SPNU119) describes the TMS470R1x C compiler. This C compiler
accepts ANSI standard C source code and produces assembly language
source code for the TMS470R1x devices.
Related Documentation From Texas Instruments / Trademarks
TMS470R1x C Source Debugger User’s Guide
(literature number
SPNU124) describes the TMS470R1x emulator and simulator versions
of the C source debugger interface. This book discusses various aspects
of the debugger interface, including window management, command
entry, code execution, data management, and breakpoints. It also
includes a tutorial that introduces basic debugger functionality.
TMS470R1x User’s Guide
(literature number SPNU134) describes the
TMS470R1x RISC microcontroller, its architecture (including registers),
ICEBreaker module, interfaces (memory, coprocessor, and debugger),
16-bit and 32-bit instruction sets, and electrical specifications.
DOS/4G is a trademark of Tenberry Software, Inc.
HP-UX, HP 9000 Series 700, and PA-RISC are trademarks of Hewlett-
Packard Company.
IBM, PC, and PC-DOS are trademarks of International Business Machines
MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft
OpenWindows, SunOS, and Solaris are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
SP ARCstation is trademark of SPARC International, Inc., but licensed exclu-
sively to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries,
licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
Read This First
If You Need Assistance
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TI Online
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Product Information Center (PIC)(972) 644-5580
TI Literature Response Center U.S.A.(800) 477-8924
Software Registration/Upgrades(214) 638-0333Fax: (214) 638-7742
U.S.A. Factory Repair/Hardware Upgrades(281) 274-2285
U.S. T echnical T raining Organization(972) 644-5580
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When making suggestions or reporting errors in documentation, please include the following information that is on the title
page: the full title of the book, the publication date, and the literature number.
This chapter helps you install release 1.20 of the TMS470R1x code generation
tools and set up your code-development environment on a 32-bit x86-based
or Pentium PC running MS-DOS, PC-DOS, or Windows 3.1x. These tools
include an optimizing C compiler and a full set of assembly language tools for
developing and manipulating assembly language and object (executable)
The C compiler tools are composed of the following components:
Code generator
Interlist utility
Library-build utility
The assembly language tools are composed of the following components:
1.5Where Do We Go From Here1-8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Requirements
1.1System Requirements
To install and use the code generation tools, you need the items listed in the
following hardware and software checklists.
Hardware checklist
Host32-bit x86-based or Pentium based PC with an ISA/EISA bus
Memory4M–16M bytes of RAM plus 32M bytes of hard-disk space for
DisplayMonochrome or color monitor (color recommended)
Required hardwareCD-ROM drive
Optional hardwareMicrosoft compatible mouse
Software checklist
Operating systemOne of these operating systems:
temporary files and 4M bytes of hard-disk space for the code
generation tools
Windows 3.1x
TMS470R1x Code Generation Tools
Note: Memory Needed
The code generation tools, when installed on a PC, require at least 4M bytes
of memory , but you can expect some performance problems when using only
4M bytes. (16M bytes is recommended.) You may want to free as much
memory as possible before running the tools, especially if you have less than
16M bytes.
1.2Installing the Code Generation Tools
This section helps you install the code generation tools on your hard-disk
system. The code generation tools package is shipped on CD-ROM. The
installation instructions vary according to your operating system.
Installing the tools on DOS systems
To install the tools on a DOS system, follow these steps:
Installing the Code Generation Tools
1) Insert the
CD-ROM drive.
2) Change to the CD-ROM drive (where d: is the name of your CD-ROM
3) Enter the following command:
4) Follow the on-screen instructions.
If you choose not to have he environment variables set up automatically , you
can set yp the environment variables in your autoexec.bat file. See Section 1.3,
TMS470R1x Code Generation Tools
Setting Up the Code Generation Environment
Installing the tools on Windows 3.1x systems
To install the tools on a Windows 3.1x system, follow these steps:
1) Insert the
CD-ROM drive.
2) Start Windows 3.1x.
3) From the File menu, select Run.
TMS470R1x Code Generation Tools
CD-ROM into your
, on page 1-4, for more informa-
CD-ROM into your
4) In a dialog box, enter the following command (where d: is the name of your
CD-ROM drive):
5) Click on OK.
6) Follow the on-screen instructions.
If you choose not to have the environment variables set up automatically , you
can set up the environment variables in your autoexec.bat file. See Section 1.3,
Setting Up the Code Generation Environment
Setting Up the Code Generation Tools With DOS or Windows 3.1x
, on page 1-4, for more informa-
Setting Up the Code Generation Environment
1.3Setting Up the Code Generation Environment
Before or after you install the code generation tools, you can define environment variables that set certain software tool parameters you normally use. An
environment variable
to a string. A program uses this symbol to find or obtain certain types of
When you use environment variables, default values are set, making each
individual invocation of the tools simpler because these parameters are automatically specified. When you invoke a tool, you can use command-line
options to override many of the defaults that are set with environment variables.
The code generation tools use the following environment variables:
By default, the installation program modifies your autoexec.bat file and sets
up these environment variables:
is a special system symbol that you define and associate
set PATH=c:\
set A_DIR=c:\
set C_DIR=c:\
If you choose not to have the environment variables set up automatically , you
can modify your autoexec.bat file to include the set commands above.
In addition to setting up environment variables, you must modify your path
statement. The following subsections describe how to modify your path statement and how to define the environment variables that the code generation
tools use.
Setting Up the Code Generation Environment
Identifying the directory that contains the executable files (PATH statement)
Y ou must include the
directory in your P ATH statement so that you can
specify the assembler and compiler tools without specifying the name of the
directory that contains the executable files.
If you modify your autoexec.bat file to change the path information, add
the following to the end of the PATH statement:
If you set the P A TH statement from the command line, enter the following:
set PATH=c:\
The addition of ;%PATH% ensures that this PATH statement does not
undo the PATH statements in any other batch files (including the
autoexec.bat file).
Identifying alternate directories for the assembler to search (A_DIR)
The assembler uses the A_DIR environment variable to name alternative
directories for the assembler to search. To set the A_DIR environment variable, use this syntax:
set A_DIR=
libraries. You can separate the pathnames with a semicolon or with a blank.
Once you set A_DIR, you can use the .copy, .include, or.mlib directive in
assembly source without specifying path information.
. . .]
are directories that contain copy/include files or macro
If the assembler does not find the file in the directory that contains the current
source file or in directories named by the –ioption (which names alternate
directories), it searches the paths named by the A_DIR enviroment variable.
For more information on the –i option, see the
Language Tools User’s Guide
or the
TMS470R1x Optimizing C Compiler
TMS470R1x Assembly
User’s Guide.
Identifying alternate directories for the compiler to search (C_DIR)
The compiler uses the C_DIR environment variable to name alternative directories for the compiler to search. To set the C_DIR environment variable, use
this syntax:
set C_DIR=
(such as stdio.h). You can separate the pathnames with a semicolon or with
a blank. In C source, you can use the #include directive without specifying path
information. Instead, you can specify the path information with C_DIR.
Setting Up the Code Generation Tools With DOS or Windows 3.1x
. . .]
are directories that contain #include files or function libraries
Setting Up the Code Generation Environment
Setting default shell options (C_OPTION)
Y ou might find it useful to set the compiler, assembler, and linker shell default
options using the C_OPTION environment variable. If you do this, the shell
uses the default options and/or input filenames that you name with C_OPTION
every time you run the shell.
Setting the default options with the C_OPTION environment variable is useful
when you want to run the shell consecutive times with the same set of options
and/or input files. After the shell reads the command line and the input filenames, it reads the C_OPTION environment variable and processes it.
To set the C_OPTION environment variable, use this syntax:
. . .]
Environment variable options are specified in the same way and have the
same meaning as they do on the command line. For example, if you want to
always run quietly (the –q option), enable C source interlisting (the –s option),
and link (the –z option), set up the C_OPTION environment variable as follows:
set C_OPTION=–qs –z
In the following examples, each time you run the compiler shell, it runs the
linker. Any options following –z on the command line or in C_OPTION are
passed to the linker. This enables you to use the C_OPTION environment variable to specify default compiler and linker options and then specify additional
compiler and linker options on the shell command line. If you have set –z in
the environment variable and want to compile only, use the –c option of the
shell. These additional examples assume C_OPTION is set as shown above:
cl470 *c; compiles and links
cl470 –c *.c; only compiles
cl470 *.c –z lnk.cmd; compiles and links using a
; command file
cl470 –c *.c –z lnk.cmd; only compiles (–c overrides –z)
For more information about shell options, see the
Compiler User’s Guide
. For more information about linker options, see the
TMS470R1x Optimizing C
TMS470R1x Assembly Language Tools User’s Guide .
Specifying a temporary file directory (TMP)
The compiler shell program creates intermediate files as it processes your
program. By default, the shell puts intermediate files in the current directory.
However, you can name a specific directory for temporary files by using the
TMP environment variable.
Using the TMP environment variable allows use of a RAM disk or other file
systems. It also allows source files to be compiled from a remote directory
without writing any files into the directory where the source resides. This is
useful for protected directories.
To set the TMP environment variable, use this syntax:
Setting Up the Code Generation Environment
set TMP=
For example, to set up a directory named temp for intermediate files on your
hard drive, enter:
set TMP=c:\temp
Resetting defined environment variables
The environment variables that you define remain set until you reboot the
system. If you want to clear an environment variable, use this command:
variable name
For example, to reset the A_DIR environment variable, enter:
set A_DIR
Verifying that the environment variables are set
To verify that the environment variables are set, open a DOS box and enter:
This command lists the path and environment variables and their current
Setting Up the Code Generation Tools With DOS or Windows 3.1x
Performance Considerations
Performance Considerations / Where to Go From Here
1.4Performance Considerations
Y ou may notice a speed degradation when you use the code generation tools
with DOS or Windows 3.1x. This speed degradation may occur when you use
DOS with the tools to get appropriate host memory support.
If you encounter error messages when you use the tools on a PC with DOS,
run PMINFO to determine your system configuration before you contact technical support. For more information about PMINFO, see Appendix A,
shooting DOS systems.
1.5Where to Go From Here
Your code generation tools are now installed on your DOS or Windows 3.1x
system. Now you should do each of the following tasks:
T rouble-
Go to Chapter 5,
Getting Started With the Code Generation Tools
chapter provides you with an overview of how to invoke and use the
assembler, linker, and compiler.
Read Chapter 6,
Release Notes
. This chapter explains the new features
included in release 1.20 of the code generation tools.
Use Appendix A,
Troubleshooting DOS Systems
, as necessary. This
appendix lists kernel and DOS/4G error messages and explains how
you can resolve the messages.
. This
Chapter 2
Setting Up the Code Generation Tools
With Windows 95 and Windows NT
This chapter helps you install release 1.20 of the TMS470R1x code generation
tools and set up your code-development environment on a 32-bit x86-based
or Pentium PC running Windows 95 or Windows NT. These tools include an
optimizing C compiler and a full set of assembly language tools for developing
and manipulating assembly language and object (executable) code.
The C compiler tools are composed of the following components:
Code generator
Interlist utility
Library-build utitlity
The assembly language tools are composed of the following components:
To install and use the code generation tools, you need the items listed in the
following hardware and software checklists.
Hardware checklist
Host32-bit x86-based or Pentium based PC with an ISA/EISA bus
MemoryMinimum of 16M bytes of RAM plus 32M bytes of hard-disk space
DisplayMonochrome or color monitor (color recommended)
Required hardwareCD-ROM drive
Optional hardwareMicrosoft compatible mouse
Software checklist
for temporary files and 4M bytes of hard-disk space for the code
generation tools
Operating systemOne of these operating systems:
Windows 95 version 4.0 (or higher)
Windows NT Workstation version 3.5.1 or 4.0
TMS470R1x Code Generation Tools
2.2Installing the Code Generation Tools
This section helps you install the code generation tools on your hard-disk system. The code generation tools package is shipped on CD-ROM. T o install the
tools on a PC running Windows 95 or Windows NT, follow these steps:
Installing the Code Generation Tools
1) Insert the
TMS470R1x Code Generation Tools
CD-ROM into your CD-
ROM drive.
2) Start Windows.
3) If you are running Windows 95, select Run from the Start menu.
If you are running Windows NT, select Run from the File menu.
4) In the dialog box, enter the following command (where d: is the name of
your CD-ROM drive):
5) Click on OK.
6) Follow the on-screen instructions.
If you choose not to have the environment variables set up automatically , you
can set them up yourself in one of the following ways:
If you are running Windows 95, you can set up the environment variables
in your autoexec.bat file.
If you are running Windows NT , you can set up the environment variables
in the System applet of the Control Panel.
See Section 2.3,
Setting Up the Code Generation Environment,
on page 2-4,
for more information.
Setting Up the Code Generation Tools With Windows 95 and Windows NT
Setting Up the Code Generation Environment
2.3Setting Up the Code Generation Environment
Before or after you install the code generation tools, you can define environment variables that set certain software tool parameters you normally use. An
environment variable
to a string. A program uses this symbol to find or obtain certain types of information.
When you use environment variables, default values are set, making each
individual invocation of the tools simpler because these parameters are automatically specified. When you invoke a tool, you can use command-line
options to override many of the defaults that are set with environment variables.
The code generation tools use the following environment variables:
By default, the installation program modifies your autoexec.bat file and sets
up these environment variables:
is a special system symbol that you define and assign
set PATH=c:\
set A_DIR=c:\
set C_DIR=c:\
These variables are set up in the registry under:
If you choose not to have the environment variables set up automatically , you
can set them up yourself in one of the following ways:
If you are running Windows 95, you can modify your autoexec.bat file to
include the set commands above.
If you are running Windows NT , you can set up the environment variables
in the System applet of the Control Panel. Enter the same commands that
you would enter on the command line in the System applet.
In addition to setting up environment variables, you must modify your path
statement. The following subsections describe how to modify your path statement and how to define the environment variables that the code generation
tools use.
Setting Up the Code Generation Environment
Identifying the directory that contains the executable files (PATH statement)
Y ou must include the
directory in your P ATH statement so that you can
specify the assembler and compiler tools without specifying the name of the
directory that contains the executable files.
You can change the path information in one of the following ways:
If you are running Windows 95, modify your autoexec.bat file to
change the path information by adding the following to the end of the
PA TH statement:
If you are running Windows NT , modify the System applet of the Control Panel to change the path information by adding the following to the
end of the PATH statement:
If you set the P A TH statement from the command line, enter the following:
set PATH=c:\
The addition of ;%PATH% ensures that this PATH statement does not
undo the PATH statements in any other batch files (including the
autoexec.bat file).
Identifying alternate directories for the assembler to search (A_DIR)
The assembler uses the A_DIR environment variable to name alternative
directories for the assembler to search. To set the A_DIR environment variable, use this syntax:
set A_DIR=
ies. You can separate the pathnames with a semicolon or with a blank. Once
you set A_DIR, you can use the .copy , .include, or .mlib directive in assembly
source without specifying path information.
If the assembler does not find the file in the directory that contains the current
source file or in directories named by the – i option (which names alternate
directories), it searches the paths named by the A_DIR environment variable.
For more information on the –i option, see the
Language Tools User’s Guide
User’s Guide
Setting Up the Code Generation Tools With Windows 95 and Windows NT
. . .]
are directories that contain copy/include files or macro librar-
TMS470R1x Assembly
or the
TMS470R1x Optimizing C Compiler
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