Texas Instruments TMS3320C5515 User Manual

TMS3320C5515 DSP System
User's Guide
Literature Number: SPRUFX5A
October 2010–Revised November 2010
SPRUFX5A–October 2010–Revised November 2010
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Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Preface ....................................................................................................................................... 9
1 System Control ................................................................................................................. 13
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 13
1.1.1 Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 13
1.1.2 CPU Core .......................................................................................................... 14
1.1.3 FFT Hardware Accelerator ...................................................................................... 14
1.1.4 Power Management .............................................................................................. 15
1.1.5 Peripherals ........................................................................................................ 15
1.2 System Memory ........................................................................................................... 16
1.2.1 Program/Data Memory Map ..................................................................................... 16
1.2.2 I/O Memory Map .................................................................................................. 20
1.3 Device Clocking ............................................................................................................ 20
1.3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 20
1.3.2 Clock Domains .................................................................................................... 23
1.4 System Clock Generator ................................................................................................. 23
1.4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 23
1.4.2 Functional Description ........................................................................................... 24
1.4.3 Configuration ...................................................................................................... 26
1.4.4 Clock Generator Registers ...................................................................................... 29
1.5 Power Management ....................................................................................................... 33
1.5.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 33
1.5.2 Power Domains ................................................................................................... 33
1.5.3 Clock Management ............................................................................................... 34
1.5.4 Static Power Management ...................................................................................... 46
1.5.5 Power Configurations ............................................................................................ 50
1.6 Interrupts .................................................................................................................... 53
1.6.1 IFR and IER Registers ........................................................................................... 54
1.6.2 Interrupt Timing ................................................................................................... 55
1.6.3 Timer Interrupt Aggregation Flag Register (TIAFR) [1C14h] ............................................... 56
1.6.4 GPIO Interrupt Enable and Aggregation Flag Registers .................................................... 56
1.6.5 DMA Interrupt Enable and Aggregation Flag Registers ..................................................... 56
1.7 System Configuration and Control ...................................................................................... 57
1.7.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 57
1.7.2 Device Identification .............................................................................................. 57
1.7.3 Device Configuration ............................................................................................. 61
1.7.4 DMA Controller Configuration ................................................................................... 70
1.7.5 Peripheral Reset .................................................................................................. 73
1.7.6 EMIF and USB Byte Access .................................................................................... 75
1.7.7 EMIF Clock Divider Register (ECDR) [1C26h] ............................................................... 77
SPRUFX5A–October 2010–Revised November 2010 Contents
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List of Figures
1-1. Functional Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 13
1-2. DSP Memory Map ........................................................................................................ 17
1-3. DSP Clocking Diagram .................................................................................................. 22
1-4. Clock Generator ........................................................................................................... 24
1-5. CLKOUT Control Source Select Register (CCSSR) [1C24h]........................................................ 25
1-6. Clock Generator Control Register 1 (CGCR1) [1C20h] .............................................................. 30
1-7. Clock Generator Control Register 2 (CGCR2) [1C21h] .............................................................. 30
1-8. Clock Generator Control Register 3 (CGCR3) [1C22h] .............................................................. 31
1-9. Clock Generator Control Register 4 (CGCR4) [1C23h] .............................................................. 31
1-10. Clock Configuration Register 1 (CCR1) [1C1Eh]...................................................................... 32
1-11. Clock Configuration Register 2 (CCR2) [1C1Fh]...................................................................... 32
1-12. Idle Configuration Register (ICR) [0001h].............................................................................. 36
1-13. Idle Status Register (ISTR) [0002h]..................................................................................... 37
1-14. Peripheral Clock Gating Configuration Register 1 (PCGCR1) [1C02h] ............................................ 39
1-15. Peripheral Clock Gating Configuration Register 2 (PCGCR2) [1C03h] ............................................ 41
1-16. Peripheral Clock Stop Request/Acknowledge Register (CLKSTOP) [1C3Ah] .................................... 42
1-17. USB System Control Register (USBSCR) [1C32h] ................................................................... 44
1-18. RTC Power Management Register (RTCPMGT) [1930h]............................................................ 46
1-19. RTC Interrupt Flag Register (RTCINTFL) [1920h] .................................................................... 47
1-20. RAM Sleep Mode Control Register1 [0x1C28] ........................................................................ 48
1-21. RAM Sleep Mode Control Register2 [0x1C2A]........................................................................ 49
1-22. RAM Sleep Mode Control Register3 [0x1C2B]........................................................................ 49
1-23. RAM Sleep Mode Control Register4 [0x1C2C]........................................................................ 49
1-24. RAM Sleep Mode Control Register5 [0x1C2D]........................................................................ 49
1-25. IFR0 and IER0 Bit Locations............................................................................................. 54
1-26. IFR1 and IER1 Bit Locations............................................................................................. 55
1-27. Die ID Register 0 (DIEIDR0) [1C40h]................................................................................... 58
1-28. Die ID Register 1 (DIEIDR1) [1C41h]................................................................................... 58
1-29. Die ID Register 2 (DIEIDR2) [1C42h]................................................................................... 58
1-30. Die ID Register 3 (DIEIDR3[15:0]) [1C43h] ............................................................................ 59
1-31. Die ID Register 4 (DIEIDR4) [1C44h]................................................................................... 59
1-32. Die ID Register 5 (DIEIDR5) [1C45h]................................................................................... 59
1-33. Die ID Register 6 (DIEIDR6) [1C46h]................................................................................... 60
1-34. Die ID Register 7 (DIEIDR7) [1C47h]................................................................................... 60
1-35. External Bus Selection Register (EBSR) [1C00h]..................................................................... 61
1-36. RTC Power Management Register (RTCPMGT) [1930h]............................................................ 63
1-37. LDO Control Register (LDOCNTL) [7004h] ............................................................................ 65
1-38. Output Slew Rate Control Register (OSRCR) [1C16h]............................................................... 66
1-39. Pull-Down Inhibit Register 1 (PDINHIBR1) [1C17h] .................................................................. 67
1-40. Pull-Down Inhibit Register 2 (PDINHIBR2) [1C18h] .................................................................. 68
1-41. Pull-Down Inhibit Register 3 (PDINHIBR3) [1C19h] .................................................................. 69
1-42. DMA Interrupt Flag Register (DMAIFR) [1C30h] ...................................................................... 72
1-43. DMA Interrupt Enable Register (DMAIER) [1C31h]................................................................... 72
1-44. DMAn Channel Event Source Register 1 (DMAnCESR1) [1C1Ah, 1C1Ch, 1C36h, and 1C38h] .............. 73
1-45. DMAn Channel Event Source Register 2 (DMAnCESR2) [1C1Bh, 1C1Dh, 1C37h, and 1C39h] .............. 73
1-46. Peripheral Software Reset Counter Register (PSRCR) [1C04h].................................................... 74
1-47. Peripheral Reset Control Register (PRCR) [1C05h].................................................................. 74
List of Figures SPRUFX5A–October 2010–Revised November 2010
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1-48. EMIF System Control Register (ESCR) [1C33h] ...................................................................... 76
1-49. EMIF Clock Divider Register (ECDR) [1C26h] ........................................................................ 77
SPRUFX5A–October 2010–Revised November 2010 List of Figures
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List of Tables
1-1. ............................................................................................................................... 14
1-2. DARAM Blocks ............................................................................................................ 17
1-3. SARAM Blocks............................................................................................................. 18
1-4. SAROM Blocks ............................................................................................................ 19
1-5. PLL Output Frequency Configuration................................................................................... 24
1-6. CLKOUT Control Source Select Register (CCSSR) Field Descriptions............................................ 25
1-7. Clock Generator Control Register Bits Used In BYPASS MODE................................................... 27
1-8. Output Frequency in Bypass Mode ..................................................................................... 27
1-9. Clock Generator Control Register Bits Used In PLL Mode .......................................................... 27
1-10. PLL Clock Frequency Ranges........................................................................................... 28
1-11. Examples of Selecting a PLL MODE Frequency, When CLK_SEL=L ............................................. 29
1-12. Clock Generator Registers ............................................................................................... 29
1-13. Clock Generator Control Register 1 (CGCR1) Field Descriptions .................................................. 30
1-14. Clock Generator Control Register 2 (CGCR2) Field Descriptions .................................................. 30
1-15. Clock Generator Control Register 3 (CGCR3) Field Descriptions .................................................. 31
1-16. Clock Generator Control Register 4 (CGCR4) Field Descriptions .................................................. 31
1-17. Clock Configuration Register 1 (CCR1) Field Descriptions.......................................................... 32
1-18. Clock Configuration Register 2 (CCR2) Field Descriptions.......................................................... 32
1-19. Power Management Features ........................................................................................... 33
1-20. DSP Power Domains...................................................................................................... 34
1-21. Idle Configuration Register (ICR) Field Descriptions ................................................................. 36
1-22. Idle Status Register (ISTR) Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 37
1-23. CPU Clock Domain Idle Requirements................................................................................. 37
1-24. Peripheral Clock Gating Configuration Register 1 (PCGCR1) Field Descriptions ................................ 39
1-25. Peripheral Clock Gating Configuration Register 2 (PCGCR2) Field Descriptions ................................ 41
1-26. Peripheral Clock Stop Request/Acknowledge Register (CLKSTOP) Field Descriptions......................... 42
1-27. USB System Control Register (USBSCR) Field Descriptions ....................................................... 44
1-28. RTC Power Management Register (RTCPMGT) Field Descriptions ............................................... 46
1-29. RTC Interrupt Flag Register (RTCINTFL) Field Descriptions........................................................ 47
1-30. On-Chip Memory Standby Modes....................................................................................... 48
1-31. Power Configurations ..................................................................................................... 50
1-32. Interrupt Table ............................................................................................................. 53
1-33. IFR0 and IER0 Bit Descriptions ......................................................................................... 54
1-34. IFR1 and IER1 Bit Descriptions ......................................................................................... 55
1-35. Die ID Registers ........................................................................................................... 57
1-36. Die ID Register 0 (DIEIDR0) Field Descriptions....................................................................... 58
1-37. Die ID Register 1 (DIEIDR1) Field Descriptions....................................................................... 58
1-38. Die ID Register 2 (DIEIDR2) Field Descriptions....................................................................... 58
1-39. Die ID Register 3 (DIEIDR3[15:0]) Field Descriptions................................................................ 59
1-40. Die ID Register 4 (DIEIDR4) Field Descriptions....................................................................... 59
1-41. Die ID Register 5 (DIEIDR5) Field Descriptions....................................................................... 59
1-42. Die ID Register 6 (DIEIDR6) Field Descriptions....................................................................... 60
1-43. Die ID Register 7 (DIEIDR7) Field Descriptions....................................................................... 60
1-44. EBSR Register Bit Descriptions Field Descriptions................................................................... 62
1-45. RTCPMGT Register Bit Descriptions Field Descriptions............................................................. 64
1-46. LDOCNTL Register Bit Descriptions Field Descriptions.............................................................. 65
1-47. LDO Controls Matrix ...................................................................................................... 65
List of Tables SPRUFX5A–October 2010–Revised November 2010
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1-48. Output Slew Rate Control Register (OSRCR) Field Descriptions................................................... 66
1-49. Pull-Down Inhibit Register 1 (PDINHIBR1) Field Descriptions ...................................................... 67
1-50. Pull-Down Inhibit Register 2 (PDINHIBR2) Field Descriptions ...................................................... 68
1-51. Pull-Down Inhibit Register 3 (PDINHIBR3) Field Descriptions ...................................................... 69
1-52. Channel Synchronization Events for DMA Controllers ............................................................... 71
1-53. System Registers Related to the DMA Controllers ................................................................... 71
1-54. DMA Interrupt Flag Register (DMAIFR) Field Descriptions.......................................................... 72
1-55. DMA Interrupt Enable Register (DMAIER) Field Descriptions....................................................... 72
1-56. DMAn Channel Event Source Register 1 (DMAnCESR1) Field Descriptions ..................................... 73
1-57. DMAn Channel Event Source Register 2 (DMAnCESR2) Field Descriptions ..................................... 73
1-58. Peripheral Software Reset Counter Register (PSRCR) Field Descriptions........................................ 74
1-59. Peripheral Reset Control Register (PRCR) Field Descriptions...................................................... 74
1-60. Effect of BYTEMODE Bits on EMIF Accesses ........................................................................ 76
1-61. Effect of USBSCR BYTEMODE Bits on USB Access ................................................................ 76
1-62. EMIF System Control Register (ESCR) Field Descriptions.......................................................... 76
1-63. EMIF Clock Divider Register (ECDR) Field Descriptions ............................................................ 77
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List of Tables SPRUFX5A–October 2010–Revised November 2010
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Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated
About This Manual
This document describes various aspects of the TMS320C5515 digital signal processor (DSP) including: system memory, device clocking options and operation of the DSP clock generator, power management features, interrupts, and system control.
Notational Conventions
This document uses the following conventions.
Hexadecimal numbers are shown with the suffix h. For example, the following number is 40 hexadecimal (decimal 64): 40h.
Registers in this document are shown in figures and described in tables. – Each register figure shows a rectangle divided into fields that represent the fields of the register.
Each field is labeled with its bit name, its beginning and ending bit numbers above, and its read/write properties below. A legend explains the notation used for the properties.
– Reserved bits in a register figure designate a bit that is used for future device expansion.


SPRUFX5A–October 2010–Revised November 2010
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Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
The following documents describe the TMS320C5515/14/05/04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Digital Signal Processor (DSP). Copies of these documents are available on the internet at http://www.ti.com.
SWPU073 — TMS320C55x 3.0 CPU Reference Guide. This manual describes the architecture,
registers, and operation of the fixed-point TMS320C55x digital signal processor (DSP) CPU.
SPRU652 — TMS320C55x DSP CPU Programmer’s Reference Supplement. This document describes
functional exceptions to the CPU behavior.
SPRUFO1A — TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Inter-Integrated
Circuit (I2C) Peripheral User's Guide. This document describes the inter-integrated circuit (I2C)
peripheral in the TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) devices. The I2C peripheral provides an interface between the device and other devices compliant with Phillips Semiconductors Inter-IC bus (I2C-bus) specification version 2.1 and connected by way of an I2C-bus. This document assumes the reader is familiar with the I2C-bus specification.
SPRUFO2 — TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Timer/Watchdog
Timer User's Guide. This document provides an overview of the three 32-bit timers in the
TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) devices. The 32-bit timers of the device are software programmable timers that can be configured as general-purpose (GP) timers. Timer 2 can be configured as a GP, a Watchdog (WD), or both simultaneously.
SPRUFO3 — TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI) User's Guide. This document describes the serial peripheral interface (SPI) in the
TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) devices. The SPI is a high-speed synchronous serial input/output port that allows a serial bit stream of programmed length (1 to 32 bits) to be shifted into and out of the device at a programmed bit-transfer rate. The SPI supports multi-chip operation of up to four SPI slave devices. The SPI can operate as a master device only.
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Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
SPRUFO4 — TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) General-Purpose
Input/Output (GPIO) User's Guide. This document describes the general-purpose input/output
(GPIO) on the TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 digital signal processor (DSP) devices. The GPIO peripheral provides dedicated general-purpose pins that can be configured as either inputs or outputs. When configured as an input, you can detect the state of an internal register. When configured as an output you can write to an internal register to control the state driven on the output pin.
SPRUFO5 — TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Universal
Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) User's Guide. This document describes the
universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) peripheral in the TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) devices. The UART performs serial-to-parallel conversions on data received from a peripheral device and parallel-to-serial conversion on data received from the CPU.
SPRUFP1 — TMS320C5515/05/VC05 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Successive Approximation
(SAR) Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) User's Guide. This document provides an overview of
the Successive Approximation (SAR) Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) on the TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) devices. The SAR is a 10-bit ADC using a switched capacitor architecture which converts an analog input signal to a digital value.
SPRUFP3 — TMS320C5515/05/VC05 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Liquid Crystal Display
Controller (LCDC) User's Guide. This document describes the liquid crystal display controller
(LCDC) in the TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) devices. The LCD controller includes a LCD Interface Display Driver (LIDD) controller.
SPRUFT2— TMS320C5515/14/05/04 DSP Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller User's Guide This
document describes the features and operation of the DMA controller that is available on the TMS320C5515/14/05/04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) devices. The DMA controller is used to move data among internal memory, external memory, and peripherals without intervention from the CPU and in the background of CPU operation.
SPRUGU6— TMS320C5515/14/05/04 DSP External Memory Interface (EMIF) User's Guide. This
document describes the operation of the external memory interface (EMIF) in the TMS320C5515/14/05/04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) devices. The purpose of the EMIF is to provide a means to connect to a variety of external devices.
SPRUFO6— TMS320C5515/14/05/04/VC05/VC04 DSP Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD)
Card Controller This document describes the Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card
Controller on the TMS320C5515/14/05/04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) devices. The multimedia card (MMC)/secure digital (SD) card is used in a number of applications to provide removable data storage. The MMC/SD card controller provides an interface to external MMC and SD cards.
SPRUFX2— TMS320C5515/14/05/04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Real-Time Clock (RTC) User's
Guide.This document describes the operation of the Real-Time Clock (RTC) module in the
TMS320C5515/14/05/04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) devices. The RTC also has the capability to wake-up the power management and apply power to the rest of the device through an alarm, periodic interrupt, or external WAKEUP signal.
SPRUFX4— TMS320C5515/14/05/04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Inter-IC Sound (I2S) Bus User's
Guide. This document describes the features and operation of Inter-IC Sound (I2S) Bus in the
TMS320C5515/14/05/04 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) devices. This peripheral allows serial transfer of full duplex streaming data, usually streaming audio, between DSP and an external I2S peripheral device such as an audio codec.
SPRUFX5— TMS320C5515 DSP System User's Guide. This document describes various aspects of the
TMS320C5515 digital signal processor (DSP) including: system memory, device clocking options and operation of the DSP clock generator, power management features, interrupts, and system control.
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SPRUGH5— TMS320C5505 DSP System User's Guide. This document describes various aspects of
SPRUFX6— TMS320C5514 DSP System User's Guide. This document describes various aspects of the
SPRUGH6— TMS320C5504 DSP System User's Guide.This document describes various aspects of the
SPRUGH9— TMS320C5515 DSP Universal Serial Bus 2.0 (USB) Controller User's Guide This
SPRABB6— FFT Implementation on the TMS320VC5505, TMS320C5505, and TMS320C5515 DSPs
Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
the TMS320C5505 digital signal processor (DSP) including: system memory, device clocking options and operation of the DSP clock generator, power management features, interrupts, and system control.
TMS320C5514 digital signal processor (DSP) including: system memory, device clocking options and operation of the DSP clock generator, power management features, interrupts, and system control.
TMS320C5504 digital signal processor (DSP) including: system memory, device clocking options and operation of the DSP clock generator, power management features, interrupts, and system control.
document describes the universal serial bus 2.0 (USB) in the TMS320C5515 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) devices. The USB controller supports data throughput rates up to 480 Mbps. It provides a mechanism for data transfer between USB devices.
This document describes FFT computation on the TMS320VC5505 and TMS320C5505/15 DSPs devices.
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PLL/Clock Generator
JTAG Interface
128 KB ROM
Switched Central Resource (SCR)
FFT Hardware
DSP System
Serial Interfaces
Program/Data Storage
GP Timer
GP Timer
or WD

1.1 Introduction

The TMS320C5515 digital signal processor (DSP) contains a high-performance, low-power DSP to efficiently handle tasks required by portable audio, wireless audio devices, industrial controls, software defined radio, fingerprint biometrics, and medical applications. The C5515 DSP consists of the following primary components:
A C55x CPU and associated memory
FFT hardware accelerator
Four DMA controllers and external memory interface
Power management module
A set of I/O peripherals that includes I2S, I2C, SPI, UART, Timers, EMIF, 10-bit SAR ADC, LCD Controller, USB 2.0
For more information on these components see the following documents:
TMS320C55x 3.0 CPU Reference Guide (SWPU073).
TMS320C55x DSP Peripherals Overview Reference Guide (SPRU317).
Chapter 1
SPRUFX5A–October 2010–Revised November 2010

System Control

1.1.1 Block Diagram

The C5515 DSP block diagram is shown in Figure 1-1 .
Figure 1-1. Functional Block Diagram
SPRUFX5A–October 2010–Revised November 2010 System Control
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1.1.2 CPU Core

The C55x CPU is responsible for performing the digital signal processing tasks required by the application. In addition, the CPU acts as the overall system controller, responsible for handling many system functions such as system-level initialization, configuration, user interface, user command execution, connectivity functions, and overall system control.
Tightly coupled to the CPU are the following components:
DSP internal memories – Dual-access RAM (DARAM)
– Single-access RAM (SARAM) – Read-only memory (ROM)
FFT hardware accelerator
Ports and buses
The CPU also manages/controls all peripherals on the device. Refer to the device-specific data manual for the full list of peripherals.
Figure 1-1 shows the functional block diagram of the DSP and how it connects to the rest of the device.
The DSP architecture uses the switched central resource (SCR) to transfer data within the system.

1.1.3 FFT Hardware Accelerator

The C55x CPU includes a tightly-coupled FFT hardware accelerator that communicates with the C55x CPU through the use coprocessor instructions. For ease of use, the ROM has a set of C-callable routines that use these coprocessor instructions to perform 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256-point FFTs. The main features of the FFT hardware accelerator are:
Support for 8 to 1024-point (in powers of 2) real and complex-valued FFTs and IFFTs.
An internal twiddle factor generator for optimal use of memory bandwidth and more efficient programming.
Basic and software-driven auto-scaling feature provides good precision vs cycle count trade-off.
Single-stage and double-stage modes enabling computation of one or two stages in one pass, thus handling odd power of two FFT widths.
www.ti.com Using FFT Accelerator ROM routines
The C5505 includes C-callable routines in ROM to execute FFT and IFFT using the tightly coupled FFT accelerator. The routines reside in the following address:
Table 1-1.
Address Name Description Calling Convention
0x00ff6cd6 hwafft br Vector bit-reversal void hwafft_br( Int32 *data, Int32 *data_br, Uint16
0x00ff6cea hwafft 8pts 8-pt FFT/IFFT Uint16 hwafft_8pts( Int32 *data,Int32 *scratch, Uint16
0x00ff6dd9 hwafft 16pts 16-pt FFT/IFFT Uint16 hwafft_16pts( Int32 *data,Int32 *scratch, Uint16
0x00ff6f2f hwafft 32pts 32-pt FFT/IFFT Uint16 hwafft_32pts( Int32 *data,Int32 *scratch, Uint16
0x00ff7238 hwafft 64pts 64-pt FFT/iFFT Uint16 hwafft_64pts( Int32 *data,Int32 *scratch, Uint16
0x00ff73cd hwafft 128pts 128-pt FFT/IFFT Uint16 hwafft_128pts( Int32 *data,Int32 *scratch,
0x00ff75de hwafft 256pts 256-pt FFT/IFFT Uint16 hwafft_256pts( Int32 *data,Int32 *scratch,
0x00ff77dc hwafft 512pts 512-pt FFT/iFFT Uint16 hwafft_512pts( Int32 *data,Int32 *scratch,
0x00ff7a56 hwafft 1024pts 1024-pt FFT/IFFT Uint16 hwafft_1024pts( Int32 *data,Int32 *scratch,
System Control SPRUFX5A–October 2010–Revised November 2010
Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated
data_len );
fft_flag, Uint16 scale_flag);
fft_flag, Uint16 scale_flag);
fft_flag, Uint16 scale_flag);
fft_flag, Uint16 scale_flag);
Uint16 fft_flag, Uint16 scale_flag);
Uint16 fft_flag, Uint16 scale_flag);
Uint16 fft_flag, Uint16 scale_flag);
Uint16 fft_flag, Uint16 scale_flag);
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Note that for the FFT routines, output data is dependent on the return value (T0). If return = 0 output data is in-place, meaning the result will overwrite the input buffer. If return =1, output data is placed in the scratch buffer. The 32-bit input and output data consist of 16-bit real and 16-bit imaginary data. If only real data is used, the imaginary part can be zeroed. The Scale flag determines if the butterfly output is divided by 2 to prevent overflow at the expense of resolution. For further information on how to use these routines, see FFT Implementation on the TMS320VC5505, TMS320C5505, and TMS320C5515 DSPs (SPRABB6).

1.1.4 Power Management

Integrated into the C5515/14 DSP are the following power management features:
One low dropout LDO for analog portions of the device, DSP PLL (V management circuits (V
One LDO for DSP core (CVDD): DSP_LDO
One LDO for USB core and PHY (USB_V
Idle controller with several clock domains: – CPU domain
– Clock generator domain – Peripheral domain – USB domain – Real-time clock (RTC) domain
Independent voltage and power domains
LDOI (LDOs and Bandgap Power Supply)
Analog POR, SAR, and PLL (V
Real-time clock core (CV
Digital core (CVDD)
USB core (USB_ V
Rest of the I/O (DV
and USB_V
and V
, and USB_V
), SAR, and power

1.1.5 Peripherals

The DSP includes the following peripherals:
Four direct memory access (DMA) controllers, each with four independent channels.
One external memory interface (EMIF) with 21-bit address and 16-bit data. The EMIF has support for mobile SDRAM and non-mobile SDRAM single-level cell (SCL) NAND with 1-bit ECC, and multi-level cell (MLC) NAND with 4-bit ECC.
NOTE: The C5515 can support non-mobile SDRAM under certain circumstances. The C5515
always uses mobile SDRAM initialization but it is able to support SDRAM memories that ignore the BA0 and BA1 pins for the 'load mode register' command. During the mobile SDRAM initialization, the device issues the 'load mode register' initialization command to two different addresses that differ in only the BA0 and BA1 address bits. These registers are the Extended Mode register and the Mode register. The Extended mode register exists only in mSDRAM and not in non-mSDRAM. If a non-mobile SDRAM memory ignores bits BA0 and BA1, the second loaded register value overwrites the first, leaving the desired value in the Mode register and the non-mobile SDRAM will work with C5515.
Two serial busses each configurable to support one Multimedia Card (MMC) / Secure Digital (SD/SDIO) controller, one inter-IC sound bus (I2S) interface with GPIO, or a full GPIO interface.
One parallel bus configurable to support a 16-bit LCD bridge or a combination of an 8-bit LCD bridge, a serial peripheral interface (SPI), an I2S, a universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART), and GPIO.
One inter-integrated circuit (I2C) multi-master and slave interface with 7-bit and 10-bit addressing
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Three 32-bit timers with 16-bit prescaler; one timer supports watchdog functionality.
A USB 2.0 slave.
A 10-bit successive approximation (SAR) analog-to-digital converter with touchscreen conversion capability.
One real-time clock (RTC) with associated low power mode.

1.2 System Memory

The DSP supports a unified memory map (program code sections and data sections can be mixed and interleaved within the entire memory space) composed of both on-chip and external memory. The on-chip memory consists of 320KB of RAM and 128KB of ROM.
The external memory interface (EMIF) port provides the means for the DSP to access external memory and devices including: mobile and non-mobile single data rate (SDR) SDRAM, (for limitations, see note in
Section 1.1.5), NOR Flash, NAND Flash and SRAM.
Separate from the program and data space, the DSP also includes a 64K-byte I/O space for peripheral registers.

1.2.1 Program/Data Memory Map

The device provides 16MB of total address space composed of on-chip RAM, on-chip ROM, and external memory space supporting a variety of memory types. The on-chip, dual-access RAM allows two accesses to a given block during the same cycle. The device has 8 blocks of 8K-bytes of dual-access RAM. The on-chip, single-access RAM allows one access to a given block per cycle. The device has 32 blocks of 8K-bytes of single-access RAM. Attempts to perform two accesses in a cycle to single-access memory will cause one access to stall until the next cycle. An access is defined as either a read or write operation. For the most efficient use of DSP processing power (MIPS), it is important to pay attention to the memory blocks that are being simultaneously accessed by the code and data operations.
The external memory space is divided into five spaces. Each space has a chip select decode signal (called CS) that indicates an access to the selected space. The external memory interface (EMIF) supports access to asynchronous memories such as SRAM Flash, mobile SDRAM and SDRAM.
The DSP memory is accessible by different master modules within the DSP, including the device CPU, the four DMA controllers, and the USB. The DSP memory map as seen by these modules is illustrated in
Figure 1-2.
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0001 0000h
64K Minus 192 Bytes
0009 0000h
256K Bytes
External-CS2 Space
0200 0000h
0300 0000h
0400 0000h
0500 0000h
050E 0000h
128K Bytes Asynchronous (if MPNMC=1) 128K Bytes ROM (if MPNMC=0)
External-CS3 Space
External-CS4 Space
External-CS5 Space
(if MPNMC=0)
f MPNMC=1)
1M Minus 128K Bytes Asynchronous
1M Bytes Asynchronous
2M Bytes Asynchronous
4M Bytes Asynchronous
0001 00C0h
MMR (Reserved)
0100 0000h
External-CS0 Space
8M Minus 320K Bytes SDRAM/mSDRAM
050F FFFFh
System Memory
Figure 1-2. DSP Memory Map
A Address shown represents the first byte address in each block. B The first 192 bytes are reserved for memory-mapped registers (MMRs). C Out of the four DMA controllers, only DMA controller 3 has access to the external memory space. D The USB controller does not have access to DARAM. E The CS0 space can be accessed by CS0 only or by CS0 and CS1. On-Chip Dual-Access RAM (DARAM)
The DARAM is located in the CPU byte address range 00 00C0h - 00 FFFFh and is composed of eight blocks of 4K words each (see Table 1-2). Each DARAM block can perform two accesses per cycle (two reads, two writes, or a read and a write). DARAM can be accessed by the internal program, data, and DMA buses.
As shown in Table 1-2, the DMA controllers access DARAM at an address offset 0x0001_0000 from the CPU memory byte address space.
First 192 bytes are reserved for memory-mapped registers (MMRs).
Memory Block CPU Byte Address Range DMA/USB Controller Byte Address Range
DARAM 1 00 2000h - 00 3FFFh 0001 2000h - 0001 3FFFh
DARAM 2 00 4000h - 00 5FFFh 0001 4000h - 0001 5FFFh DARAM 3 00 6000h - 00 7FFFh 0001 6000h - 0001 7FFFh DARAM 4 00 8000h - 00 9FFFh 0001 8000h - 0001 9FFFh DARAM 5 00 A000h - 00 BFFFh 0001 A000h - 0001 BFFFh
Table 1-2. DARAM Blocks
00 00C0h - 00 1FFFh 0001 00C0h - 0001 1FFFh
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Table 1-2. DARAM Blocks (continued)
Memory Block CPU Byte Address Range DMA/USB Controller Byte Address Range
DARAM 6 00 C000h - 00 DFFFh 0001 C000h - 0001 DFFFh DARAM 7 00 E000h - 00 FFFFh 0001 E000h - 0001 FFFFh On-Chip Single-Access RAM (SARAM)
The SARAM is located at the CPU byte address range 01 0000h - 04FFFFh and is composed of 32 blocks of 4K words each (see Table 1-3). Each SARAM block can perform one access per cycle (one read or one write). SARAM can be accessed by the internal program, data, and DMA buses.
As shown in Table 1-3, the DMA controllers access SARAM at an address offset 0x0008_0000 from the CPU memory byte address space.
Table 1-3. SARAM Blocks
Memory Block CPU Byte Address Range Range
SARAM 0 01 0000h - 01 1FFFh 0009 0000h - 0009 1FFFh SARAM 1 01 2000h - 01 3FFFh 0009 2000h - 0009 3FFFh SARAM 2 01 4000h - 01 5FFFh 0009 4000h - 0009 5FFFh SARAM 3 01 6000h - 01 7FFFh 0009 6000h - 0009 7FFFh SARAM 4 01 8000h - 01 9FFFh 0009 8000h - 0009 9FFFh SARAM 5 01 A000h - 01 BFFFh 0009 A000h - 0009 BFFFh SARAM 6 01 C000h - 01 DFFFh 0009 C000h - 0009 DFFFh SARAM 7 01 E000h - 01 FFFFh 0009 E000h - 0009 FFFFh SARAM 8 02 0000h - 02 1FFFh 000A 0000h - 000A 1FFFh
SARAM 9 02 2000h - 02 3FFFh 000A 2000h - 000A 3FFFh SARAM 10 02 4000h - 02 5FFFh 000A 4000h - 000A 5FFFh SARAM 11 02 6000h - 02 7FFFh 000A 6000h - 000A 7FFFh SARAM 12 02 8000h - 02 9FFFh 000A 8000h - 000A 9FFFh SARAM 13 02 A000h - 02 BFFFh 000A A000h - 000A BFFFh SARAM 14 02 C000h - 02 DFFFh 000A C000h - 000A DFFFh SARAM 15 02 E000h - 02 FFFFh 000A E000h - 000A FFFFh SARAM 16 03 0000h - 03 1FFFh 000B 0000h - 000B 1FFFh SARAM 17 03 2000h - 03 3FFFh 000B 2000h - 000B 3FFFh SARAM 18 03 4000h - 03 5FFFh 000B 4000h - 000B 5FFFh SARAM 19 03 6000h - 03 7FFFh 000B 6000h - 000B 7FFFh SARAM 20 03 8000h - 03 9FFFh 000B 8000h - 000B 9FFFh SARAM 21 03 A000h - 03 BFFFh 000B A000h - 000B BFFFh SARAM 22 03 C000h - 03 DFFFh 000B C000h - 000B DFFFh SARAM 23 03 E000h - 03 FFFFh 000B E000h - 000B FFFFh SARAM 24 04 0000h - 04 1FFFh 000C 0000h - 000C 1FFFh SARAM 25 04 2000h - 04 3FFFh 000C 2000h - 000C 3FFFh SARAM 26 04 4000h - 04 5FFFh 000C 4000h - 000C 5FFFh SARAM 27 04 6000h - 04 7FFFh 000C 6000h - 000C 7FFFh SARAM 28 04 8000h - 04 9FFFh 000C 8000h - 000C 9FFFh SARAM 29 04 A000h - 04 BFFFh 000C A000h - 000C BFFFh SARAM 30 04 C000h - 04 DFFFh 000C C000h - 000C DFFFh SARAM 31 04 E000h - 04 FFFFh 000C E000h - 000C FFFFh
DMA/USB Controller Byte Address
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www.ti.com On-Chip Single-Access Read-Only Memory (SAROM)
The zero-wait-state ROM is located at the CPU byte address range FE 0000h - FF FFFFh. The ROM is composed of four 16K-word blocks, for a total of 128K-bytes of ROM. Each ROM block can perform one access per cycle (one read or one write). ROM can be accessed by the internal program or data buses, but not the DMA buses. The ROM address space can be mapped by software to the external memory or to the internal ROM via the MPNMC bit in the ST3 status register.
The standard device includes a Bootloader program resident in the ROM and the bootloader code is executed immediately after hardware reset. When the MPNMC bit field of the ST3 status register is set through software, the on-chip ROM is disabled and not present in the memory map, and byte address range FE 0000h - FF FFFFh is directed to external memory space (extends CS5 address reach). A hardware reset always clears the MPNMC bit, so it is not possible to disable the ROM at hardware reset. However, the software reset instruction does not affect the MPNMC bit. The ROM can be accessed by the program and data buses. Each SAROM block can perform one word read access per cycle.
Table 1-4. SAROM Blocks
Memory Block CPU Byte Address Range CPU Word Address Range
SAROM0 FE 0000h - FE 7FFFh 7F 0000h - 7F 3FFFh SAROM1 FE 8000h - FE FFFFh 7F 4000h - 7F 7FFFh SAROM2 FF 0000h - FF 7FFFh 7F 8000h - 7F BFFFh SAROM3 FF 8000h - FF FFFFh 7F C000h - 7F FFFFh External Memory
The external memory space of the device is located at the byte address range 05 0000h - FF FFFFh. The external memory space is divided into five chip select spaces. The synchronous space is activated by one chip select pin (EM_CS0) or by a pair of chip selects pins (EM_CS0 and EM_CS1). Each asynchronous chip select space has a corresponding chip select pin (called EMIF_CS[2:5]) that is activated during an access to the chip select space.
The external memory interface (EMIF) provides the means for the DSP to access external memories and other devices including: NOR Flash, NAND Flash, SRAM, mSDRAM, and SDRAM (see section 1.5 for limitations). Before accessing external memory, you must configure the EMIF through its registers. For more detail on the EMIF, see the TMS320C5515/14/05/04 DSP External Memory Interface (EMIF) User’s Guide (SPRUGU6).
As described in Section, when the MPNMC bit field of the ST3 status register is cleared (default), the byte address range FE 0000h - FF FFFFh is reserved for the on-chip ROM, which decreases the addressable size for EM_CS5.
The EMIF provides a configurable 16-bit (synchronous or asynchronous) or 8-bit (asynchronous only) data bus, an address bus width of up to 21-bits, and five dedicated chip selects, along with memory control signals. To maximize power savings, the I/O pins of the EMIF can be operated at lower voltage independently of other I/O pins on the DSP. Further power savings may be achieved by setting the EMIF I/O pins to have slow slew rate, as described in Section
System Memory Asynchronous EMIF Interface
The EMIF provides a configurable 16- or 8-bit data bus with address bus width of up to 21-bits, and six dedicated chip selects, along with memory control signals. The cycle timings of the asynchronous interface are fully programmable, allowing for access to a wide range of devices including NAND flash, NOR flash, and SRAM as well as other asynchronous devices such as a TI DSP HPI interface. In NAND mode, the asynchronous interface supports 1-bit ECC for 8- and 16-bit NAND flash and 4-bit ECC for 8-bit NAND flash. Synchronous EMIF Interface
The EMIF provides a 16-bit data bus with one or two dedicated chip selects for mSDRAM. Non-mobile SDRAM can be supported under certain circumstances. The C5515 always uses a mobile SDRAM initialization command sequence, but it is able to support SDRAM memories that ignore the BA0 and BA1
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Device Clocking
pins for the load mode register command. During the mobile SDRAM initialization, the device issues the load mode register initialization command to two different addresses that differ in only the BA0 and BA1 address bits. These registers are the Extended Mode register and the Mode register. The extended mode register exists only in mSDRAM, and not in non-mSDRAM. If a non-mobile SDRAM memory ignores bits BA0 and BA1, the second loaded register value overwrites the first, leaving the desired value in the mode register and the non-mobile SDRAM works with the device.
Some timing parameters are programmable such as the refresh rate and CAS latencies. The EMIF supports up to 100 MHz SDCLK and has the ability to run the SDCLK at half the system clock to meet the EMIF I/O timing requirements and/or at lower power if a slower SDCLK can be used. Detailed information is available in the Clock Control section of the TMS320C5515/14/05/04 DSP External Memory Interface (EMIF) User's Guide (SPRUGU6).

1.2.2 I/O Memory Map

The C5x DSP has a separate memory map for peripheral and system registers, called I/O space. This space is 64K-words in length and is accessed via word read and write instructions dedicated for I/O space.
Separate documentation for I/O space registers related to each peripheral exists and is listed in the preface of this guide. System registers, which provide system-level control and status, are described in detail in other sections throughout this guide. Unused addresses in I/O space should be treated as reserved and should not be accessed. Accessing unused I/O space addresses may stall or hang the DSP.
Each of the four DMA controllers has access to a different set of peripherals and their I/O space registers. This is shown in Section 1.7.4.
NOTE: Writting to I/O space registers incurs in at least 2 CPU cycle latency. Thus, when
configuring peripheral devices, wait at least two cycles before accessing data from the peripheral. When more than one peripheral register is updated in a sequence, the CPU only needs to wait following the final register write. For example, if the EMIF is being reconfigured, the CPU must wait until the very last EMIF register update takes effect before trying to access the external memory. The users should consult the respective peripheral user's guide to determine if a peripheral requires additional initialization time.
Before accessing any peripheral register, make sure the peripheral is not held in reset and its internal clock is enabled. The peripheral reset control register (Section and the peripheral clock gating control registers (Section control these functions. Accessing a peripheral whose clocks are gated will either return the value of the last address read from the peripheral (when the clocks were last ON) or it may possibly hang the DSP -- depending on the peripheral.

1.3 Device Clocking

1.3.1 Overview

The DSP requires two primary reference clocks: a system reference clock and a USB reference clock. The system clock, which is used by the CPU and most of the DSP peripherals, is controlled by the system clock generator. The system clock generator features a software-programmable PLL multiplier and several dividers. The system clock generator accepts an input reference clock from the CLKIN pin or the output clock of the 32.768-KHz real-time clock (RTC) oscillator. The selection of the input reference clock is based on the state of the CLK_SEL pin. The CLK_SEL pin is required to be statically tied high or low and cannot change dynamically after reset. The system clock generator can be used to modify the system reference clock signal according to software-programmable multiplier and dividers. The resulting clock output, the DSP system clock, is passed to the CPU, peripherals, and other modules inside the DSP. Alternatively, the system clock generator can be fully bypassed and the input reference clock can be passed directly to the DSP system clock. The USB reference clock is generated using a dedicated on-chip oscillator with a 12 MHz external crystal connected to the USB_MXI and USB_MXO pins. This crystal is not required if the USB peripheral is not being used. The USB oscillator cannot be used to provide the system reference clock.
The RTC oscillator generates a clock when a 32.768-KHz crystal is connected to the RTC_XI and
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RTC_XO pins. RTC core (CV
) must be powered all the time but the 32.768-KHz crystal can be
disabled if CLKIN is used as the clock source for the DSP. However, when the RTC oscillator is disabled, the RTC peripheral will not operate and the RTC registers (I/O address range 1900h - 197Fh) will not be accessible. This includes the RTC power management register (RTCPMGT) which controls the RTCLKOUT and WAKEUP pins. To disable the RTC oscillator, connect the RTC_XI pin to CV
the RTC_XO pin to ground. The USB oscillator is powered down at hardware reset. It must be enabled (by the NNN register) and
must be allowed to settle for an amount of time specified by USB Oscillator Startup Time parameter in the device specific manual before using the USB peripheral.
Figure 1-3 shows the overall DSP clock structure. For detailed specifications on clock frequency, voltage
requirements, and oscillator/crystal requirements, see the device-specific data manual.
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System Clock
FFT Hardware
CPU Clock
12 MHz
LCD Controller
RTC Clock
32.768 KHz
(1) (1)
60 MHz
12 MHz
Device Clocking
Figure 1-3. DSP Clocking Diagram
(1) LS = Level Shifter (2) The CLKOUT pin's output driver is enabled/disabled through the CLKOFF bit of the CPU ST3_55 register. At
the beginning of the boot sequence, the on-chip Bootloader sets CLKOFF = 1 and CLKOUT pin is disabled (high-impedance). For more information on the ST3_55 register, see the TMS320C55x 3.0 CPU Reference
Guide (SWPU073).
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1.3.2 Clock Domains

The device has many clock domains defined by individually disabled portions of the clock tree structure. Understanding the clock domains and their clock enable/disable control registers is very important for managing power and for ensuring clocks are enabled for domains that are needed. By disabling the clocks and thus the switching current in portions of the chip that are not used, lower dynamic power consumption can be achieved and prolonging battery life.
Figure 1-3 shows the clock tree structure with the clock gating represented by the AND gates. Each AND
gate shows the controlling register that allows the downstream clock signal to be enabled/disabled. Once disabled most clock domains can be re-enabled, when the associated clock domain logic is needed, via software running on the CPU. But some domains actually stop the clocks to the CPU and therefore software running on the CPU cannot be responsible for re-enabling those clock domains. Other mechanism must exist for restarting those clocks, and the specific cases are listed below:
The System Clock Generator (PLL) can be powered-down by writing a 1 to PLL_PWRDN bit in the clock generator control register CGCR1. This stops the PLL from oscillating and shuts down its analog circuits. It is important to bypass the System Clock Generator by writing 0 to SYSCLKSEL bit in CCR2 (clock confguration register 2) prior to powering it down, else the CPU will loose its clock and not be able to recover without hardware reset.
NOTE: Failsafe logic exists to prevent selecting the PLL clock if it has been powered down but this
logic does not protect against powering down the PLL while it is selected as the system clock source. Therefore, software should always maintain responsibility for bypassing the PLL prior to and whenever it is powered down.
System Clock Generator
The SYSCLKDIS bit in PCGCR1 [clock gating control register 1) is the master clock gater. Asserting this bit causes the main system clock, SYSCLK, to stop and, therefore, the CPU and all peripherals no longer receive clocks. The WAKEUP pin, INT0 & INT1 pin, or RTC interrupt can be used to re-enable the clock from this condition.
The ICR bit in CPUI(clock gating control register) gates clocks to the CPU and uses the CPU’s idle instruction to initiate the clock off mode. Any non-masked interrupt can be used to re-enable the CPU clocks.

1.4 System Clock Generator

1.4.1 Overview

The system clock generator (Figure 1-4) features a software-programmable PLL multiplier and several dividers. The clock generator accepts an input clock from the CLKIN pin or the output clock of the real-time clock (RTC) oscillator. The clock generator offers flexibility and convenience by way of software-configurable multiplier and divider to modify the clock rate internally. The resulting clock output, SYSCLK, is passed to the CPU, peripherals, and other modules inside the DSP.
A set of registers are provided for controlling and monitoring the activity of the clock generator. You can write to the SYSCLKSEL bit in CCR2 register to toggle between the two main modes of operation:
In the BYPASS MODE (see Section, the entire clock generator is bypassed, and the frequency of SYSCLK is determined by CLKIN or the RTC oscillator output. Once the PLL is bypassed, the PLL can be powered down to save power.
In the PLL MODE (see Section, the input frequency can be both multiplied and divided to produce the desired SYSCLK frequency, and the SYSCLK signal is phase-locked to the input clock signal (CLKREF).
The clock generator bypass mux (controlled by SYSCLKSEL bit in CCR2 register) is a glitchfree mux, which means that clocks will be switched cleanly and not short cycle pulses when switching among the BYPASS MODE and PLL MODE.
For debug purposes, the CLKOUT pin can be used to see different clocks within the clock generator. For details, see Section
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Output Divider
RTC Clock
32.768 KHz
( )
M + 4
( )
M + 4
´ ´
M + 4
é ù
ë û
M + 4
´ ´
é ù
ë û
System Clock Generator

1.4.2 Functional Description

The following sections describe the multiplier and dividers of the clock generator. Multiplier and Dividers
The clock generator has a one multiplier and a two programmable dividers: one before the PLL input and one on the PLL output. The PLL can be programmed to multiply the PLL input clock, PLLIN, using a x4 to x4099 multiplier value. The reference clock divider can be programmed to divide the clock generator input clock from a /4 to /4099 divider ratio and may be bypassed. The Reference Divider and RDBYPASS mux must be programmed such that the PLLIN frequency range is 32.786 KHz to 170 KHz. At the output of the PLL, the output divider can be used to divide the PLL output clock, PLLOUT, from a /1 to a /128 divider ratio and may also be bypassed. The PLL output, PLLOUT, frequency must be programmed within the range of at least 60 MHz and no more than the maximum operating frequency defined by the datasheet, Fsysclk_max parameter. See Table 1-10 for allowed values of PLLIN, PLLOUT, and SYSCLK. Keep in mind that programming the output divider with an odd divisor value other than 1 will result in a non-50% duty cycle SYSCLK. This is not a problem for any of the on-chip logic, but the non-50% duty cycle will be visible on chip pins such as EM_SDCLK (in full-rate mode) and CLKOUT. See Table 1-10 for allowed values of PLLIN, PLLOUT, and SYSCLK.
Figure 1-4. Clock Generator
The multiplier and divider ratios are controlled through the PLL control registers. The M bits define the multiplier rate. The RDRATIO and ODRATIO bits define the divide ratio of the reference divider and programmable output divider, respectively. The RDBYPASS and OUTDIVEN bits are used to enable or bypass the dividers. Table 1-5 lists the formulas for the output frequency based on the setting of these bits.
The clock generator must be placed in BYPASS MODE when any PLL dividers or multipliers are changed. Then, it must remain in BYPASS MODE for at least 4 mS before switching to PLL MODE.
Table 1-5. PLL Output Frequency Configuration
0 0
0 1
1 0 1 1 Powering Down and Powering Up the System PLL
To save power, you can put the PLL in its power down mode. You can power down the PLL by setting the PLL_PWRDN = 1 in the clock generator control register CGCR1. However, before powering down the PLL, you must first place the clock generator in bypass mode.
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