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About This Manual
Read This First
Welcome to the TMS320C67x digital signal processor (DSP) Library or
DSPLIB, for short. The DSPLIB is a collection of 36 high-level optimized DSP
functions for the TMS320C67x device. This source code library includes Ccallable functions (ANSI-C language compatible) for general signal processing math and vector functions.
This document contains a reference for the DSPLIB functions and is organized
as follows:
- Overview - an introduction to the TI C67x DSPLIB
- Installation - information on how to install and rebuild DSPLIB
- DSPLIB Functions - a quick reference table listing of routines in the library
- DSPLIB Reference - a description of all DSPLIB functions complete with
- Information about performance, fractional Q format and customer support
How to Use This Manual
The information in this document describes the contents of the TMS320C67x
DSPLIB in several different ways.
- Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to the TI C67x DSPLIB, shows the
- Chapter 2 provides information on how to install, use, and rebuild the TI
- Chapter 3 provides a quick overview of all DSPLIB functions in table for-
calling convention, algorithm details, special requirements and implementation notes
organization of the routines contained in the library, and lists the features
and benefits of the DSPLIB.
mat for easy reference. The information shown for each function includes
the syntax, a brief description, and a page reference for obtaining more
detailed information.
iiiRead This First
Notational Conventions
- Appendix A describes performance considerations related to the C67x
- Appendix B provides information about software updates and customer
Notational Conventions
This document uses the following conventions:
- Program listings, program examples, and interactive displays are shown
- In syntax descriptions, the function or macro appears in a bold typeface
Chapter 4 provides a list of the routines within the DSPLIB organized into
functional categories. The functions within each category are listed in alphabetical order and include arguments, descriptions, algorithms, benchmarks, and special requirements.
DSPLIB and provides information about the Q format used by DSPLIB
in a special typeface.
and the parameters appear in plainface within parentheses. Portions of a
syntax that are in bold should be entered as shown; portions of syntax that
are within parentheses describe the type of information that should be entered.
- Macro names are written in uppercase text; function names are written in
- The TMS320C67x is also referred to in this reference guide as the C67x.
Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
The following books describe the TMS320C6x devices and related support
tools. To obtain a copy of any of these TI documents, call the Texas Instruments Literature Response Center at (800) 477-8924. When ordering, please
identify the book by its title and literature number. Many of these documents
can be found on the Internet at http://www.ti.com.
TMS320C62x/C67x Technical Brief (literature number SPRU197) gives an
introduction to the ’C62x/C67x digital signal processors, development tools,
and third-party support.
TMS320C6000 CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide (literature number SPRU189) describes the C6000 CPU architecture, instruction set, pipeline, and interrupts for these digital signal processors.
TMS320C6000 Peripherals Reference Guide (literature number SPRU190)
describes common peripherals available on the TMS320C6000 digital signal
processors. This book includes information on the internal data and program
memories, the external memory interface (EMIF), the host port interface (HPI),
multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSPs), direct memory access (DMA),
enhanced DMA (EDMA), expansion bus, clocking and phase-locked loop
(PLL), and the power-down modes.
TMS320C6000 Programmer’s Guide (literature number SPRU198) describes ways to optimize C and assembly code for the TMS320C6000 DSPs
and includes application program examples.
TMS320C6000 Assembly Language Tools User’s Guide (literature number
SPRU186) describes the assembly language tools (assembler, linker, and other tools used to develop assembly language code), assembler directives,
macros, common object file format, and symbolic debugging directives for the
C6000 generation of devices.
TMS320C6000 Optimizing C Compiler User’s Guide (literature number
SPRU187) describes the C6000 C compiler and the assembly optimizer. Th is
C compiler accepts ANSI standard C source code and produces assembly language source code for the C6000 generation of devices. The assembly optimizer helps you optimize your assembly code.
TMS320C6000 Chip Support Library (literature number SPRU401) de-
scribes the application programming interfaces (APIs) used to configure and
control all on-chip peripherals.
TMS320C62x Image/Video Processing Library (literature number
SPRU400) describes the optimized image/video processing functions including many C-callable, assembly-optimized, general-purpose image/video
processing routines.
TMS320C6000, TMS320C62x, TMS320C67x, and Code Composer Studio
are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Provides a brief introduction to the TI C67x DSPLIB, shows the organization of the routines contained in the library, and lists the features and benefits of the DSPLIB.
This chapter provides a brief introduction to the TI C67x DSP Library
(DSPLIB), shows the organization of the routines contained in the library, and
lists the features and benefits of the DSPLIB.
The TI C67x DSPLIB is an optimized DSP Function Library for C programmers
using TMS320C67x devices. It includes C-callable, assembly-optimized general-purpose signal-processing routines. These routines are typically used in
computationally intensive real-time applications where optimal execution
speed is critical. By using these routines, you can achieve execution speeds
considerably faster than equivalent code written in standard ANSI C language.
In addition, by providing ready-to-use DSP functions, TI DSPLIB can significantly shorten your DSP application development time.
The TI DSPLIB includes commonly used DSP routines. Source code is provided that allows you to modify functions to match your specific needs.
The routines contained in the library are organized into the following seven different functional categories:
Directory containing the following document files:
PDF document of API - this document
2.2How to Install the DSP Library
To install the DSP libary, follow these steps:
Step 1: Open the file, C67xDSPLIB.exe.
Step 2: Click Yes to install the library.
Step 3: Click Next to continue with the Install Shield Wizard.
Step 4: Read the Software Licenses, and choose either “I accept” or “I don’t
Step 5: Click Next to continue.
If you selected “I accept,” the installation will continue.
If you selected “I don’t accept,” the installation cancels.
Step 6: Choose the location where you would like to install the library. The
wizard will install the library into the c6700 sub-directory of the directory you choose.
The default location is c:\ti.
How to Install the DSP Library
Step 7: Click Next.
Step 8: If the library has already been installed, you will be prompted to de-
cide whether to replace the files or not. Click Yes to update the library .
Step 9: The Install Shield will complete the installation. When the installation
is complete, click Finish.
2-3Installing and Using DSPLIB
2.3Using DSPLIB
2.3.1DSPLIB Arguments and Data Types
Table 2-1 shows the data types handled by the DSPLIB.
Unless specifically noted, DSPLIB operates on single-precision IEEE float
data type elements.
DSPLIB Arguments
TI DSPLIB functions typically operate over vector operands for greater efficiency. Even though these routines can be used to process smaller arrays, or
even scalars (unless a minimum size requirement is noted), they will be slower
for these cases.
- Vector stride is always equal to 1: Vector operands are composed of vector
elements held in consecutive memory locations (vector stride equal to 1).
- Complex elements are assumed to be stored in consecutive memory loca-
tions with Real data followed by Imaginary data.
- In-place computation is not allowed, unless specifically noted: Source and
destination arrays should not overlap.
2.3.2Calling a DSPLIB Function From C
In addition to correctly installing the DSPLIB software, you must follow these
steps to include a DSPLIB function in your code:
- Include the function header file corresponding to the DSPLIB function
- Link your code with dsp67x.lib
- Use a correct linker command file for the platform you use. Remember
most functions in dsp67x.lib are written assuming little-endian mode of operation.
For example, if you want to call the Autocorrelation DSPLIB function, you
would add:
Assuming your C_DIR environment is correctly set up (as mentioned in
section 2.2), you would have to add DSPLIB under the Code Composer Studio
environment by choosing dsp67x.lib from the menu Project → Add Files toProject. Also, you should make sure that you link with the run-time support library, rts6700.lib.
2.3.3Calling a DSP Function From Assembly
The C67x DSPLIB functions were written to be used from C. Calling the functions from assembly language source code is possible as long as the calling
function conforms to the Texas Instruments C6x C compiler calling conventions. Here, the corresponding .h67 header files located in the ‘include’ directory must be included using the ‘.include’ directive. For more information, refer to
section 8 (Runtime Environment) of the TMS320C6000 Optimizing C Compil-er User’s Guide (SPRU187).
2.3.4How DSPLIB is Tested - Allowable Error
DSPLIB is tested under the Code Composer Studio environment against a reference C implementation. Because of floating point calculation order change
for these two implementations, they differ in the results with an allowable tolerance for that particular kernel. Thus every kernel’s test routine (in the driver
file) has error tolerance variable defined that gives the maximum value that is
acceptable as the error difference.
2-5Installing and Using DSPLIB
How to Rebuild DSPLIB
For example:
#define R_TOL (1e-05)
Here, the maximum difference allowed between the output reference array
from the C implementation and all other implementations (linear asm, hand
asm) is 1e-05 (0.00001).
The error tolerance is therefore different for different functions.
2.3.5How DSPLIB Deals With Overflow and Scaling Issues
The DSPLIB functions implement the same functionality of the reference C
code. The user is expected to conform to the range requirements specified in
the API function, and in addition, take care to restrict the input range in such a
way that the outputs do not overflow.
2.3.6Interrupt Behavior of DSPLIB Functions
Most DSPLIB functions are interrupt-tolerant but not interruptible. The cycle
count formula provided for each function can be used to estimate the number
of cycles during which interrupts cannot be taken.
2.4How to Rebuild DSPLIB
If you would like to rebuild DSPLIB (for example, because you modified the
source file contained in the archive), you will have to use the mk6x utility as
mk6x dsp67x.src -mv6700 -l dsp67x.lib
Chapter 3
DSPLIB Function Tables
This chapter provides tables containing all DSPLIB functions, a brief description of each, and a page reference for more detailed information.
The following convention has been followed when describing the arguments
for each individual function:
Table 3-1. Argument Conventions
x,yArgument reflecting input data vector
rArgument reflecting output data vector
nx,ny,nrArguments reflecting the size of vectors x,y, and r, respectively. For
functions in the case nx = ny = nr, only nx has been used across.
hArgument reflecting filter coefficient vector (filter routines only)
nhArgument reflecting the size of vector h
float DSPF_sp_dotprod (float*x, float*y, int nx)Vector dot product4-53
void DSPF_sp_dotp_cplx (float *x, float *y, int n, float *re,
float *im)
float DSPF_sp_maxval (float *x, int nx)Maximum value of a vector4-56
int DSPF_sp_maxidx (float *x, int nx)Index of the maximum element of
float DSPF_sp_minval (float *x, int nx)Minimum value of a vector4-58
void DSPF_sp_vecrecip (float *x, float *r, int n)Vector reciprocal4-59
float DSPF_sp_vecsum_sq (float *x, int n)Sum of squares4-60
void DSPF_sp_w_vec (float *x, float *y, float m, float *r, int
void DSPF_sp_mat_mul (float *x, int r1, int c1, float *y, int
c2, float *r)
void DSPF_sp_mat_trans (float *x, int rows, int cols,
float *r)
void DSPF_sp_mat_mul_cplx (float *x, int r1, int c1, float
*y, int c2, float *r)
Matrix multiplication4-64
Matrix transpose4-65
Complex matrix multiplication4-66
DSPLIB Function Tables
Table 3-8. Miscellaneous
void DSPF_sp_blk_move (float*x, float*r, int nx)Move a block of memory4-69
void DSPF_blk_eswap16 (void *x, void *r, int nx)Endianswap a block of 16-bit
void DSPF_blk_eswap32 (void *x, void *r, int nx)Endian-swap a block of 32-bit
void DSPF_blk_eswap64 (void *x, void *r, int nx)Endian-swap a block of 64-bit
void DSPF_fltoq15 (float *x, short *r, int nx)Float to Q15 conversion4-75
float DSPF_sp_minerr (float *GSP0_TABLE,float
*errCoefs, int *max_index)
void DSPF_q15tofl (short *x, float *r, int nx)
Minimum energy error search4-76
Q15 to float conversion4-78
3-7DSPLIB Function Tables
Chapter 4
DSPLIB Reference
This chapter provides a list of the functions within the DSP library (DSPLIB)
organized into functional categories. The functions within each category are
listed in alphabetical order and include arguments, descriptions, algorithms,
benchmarks, and special requirements.
xPointer to input samples
hPointer to the coefficient array
desiredPointer to the desired output array
rPointer to filtered output array
adaptrateAdaptation rate
errorInitial error
nhNumber of coefficients
nrNumber of output samples
DescriptionThe DSPF_sp_lms implements an LMS adaptive filter. Given an actual input
signal and a desired input signal, the filter produces an output signal, the final
coefficient values, and returns the final output error signal.
AlgorithmThis is the C equivalent of the assembly code without restrictions. Note that
the assembly code is hand optimized and restrictions may apply.
- The inner loop counter must be a multiple of 6 and ≥6.
- Little endianness is assumed.
- Extraneous loads are allowed in the program.
- The coefficient array is assumed to be in reverse order; i.e., h(nh-1),
h(nh-2), ..., h(0) will hold coefficients h0, h1, ..., hnh-1, repectively.
- The inner loop is unrolled six times to allow update of six coefficients in the
- The outer loop has been unrolled twice to enable use of LDDW for loading
the input coefficients.
- LDDW instruction is used to load the coefficients.
- Register sharing is used to make optimal use of available registers.
- The outer loop instructions are scheduled in parallel with epilog and prolog
wherever possible.
- The error term needs to be computed in the outer loop before a new itera-
tion of the inner loop can start. As a result the prolog cannot be placed in
parallel with epilog (after the loop kernel).
- Pushing and popping variables from the stack does not really add any
overhead except increase stack size. This is because the pops and
pushes are done in the delay slots of the outer loop instructions.
- Endianess: This code is little endian.
- Interruptibility: This code is interrupt-tolerant but not interruptible.
Cycles(nh + 35) nr + 21
eg. for nh = 36 and nr = 64
cycles = 4565
Code size
(in bytes)
4-3 DSPLIB Reference
Single-precision autocorrelation
Function void DSPF_sp_autocor (float * restrict r, const float * restrict x, int nx, int nr)
rPointer to output array of autocorrelation of length nr
xPointer to input array of length nx+nr. Input data must be
padded with nr consecutive zeros at the beginning.
nxLength of autocorrelation vector
nrLength of lags
DescriptionThis routine performs the autocorrelation of the input array x. It is assumed that
the length of the input array, x, is a multiple of 2 and the length of the output
array, r, is a multiple of 4. The assembly routine computes 4 output samples
at a time. It is assumed that input vector x is padded with nr no of zeros in the
AlgorithmThis is the C equivalent of the assembly code. Note that the assembly code