Texas Instruments S251B User Manual

April ’00 Preface
FCC ID: A92S251B
Series 2000 Reader System
Reader S251B RI-STU-251B
Reference Guide
11-06-21-054 April 2000
Edition One - April 2000
This is the first edition of this manual, it describes the following equipment:
TIRIS Reader S251B
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About This Guide
Read This First
This manual describes t he TIRIS S251B Reader, its goal is to describe the reader , how it works, how to install it and how to use it.
Regulatory, safety and warranty notices that must be followed are given in Chapter 5.
If You Need Assistance
Application Centers are located in Europe, North and S outh Amer ica, the Far E ast and Australia to provide direct su pport. For more information, please contact your nearest TIRIS Sales and Application Center. The contact addresses can be found on our home page:
This indicates information on conditions which must be met, or a procedure which must be followed, which if not heeded could cause permanent damage to the equipment or software.
Indicates conditions which must be met, or procedures which must be followed, to ensure proper functioning of the equipment or software.
Indicates information which makes usage of the equipment or soft­ware easier
Document Overview
Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.1 General............................................................................................... 7
1.2 System Description ............................................................................ 7
1.3 Product Description....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........... 7
Chapter 2: Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1 General............................................................................................. 10
2.2 Product Description....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ......... 10
2.3 Mechanical Information.................................................................... 22
Chapter 3: Synchronization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.1 Introduction....................................................................................... 24
3.2 Types of Synchronization................................................................. 24
Chapter 4: Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.1 Introduction....................................................................................... 30
4.2 General............................................................................................. 30
4.3 Mechanical Mounting ....................................................................... 30
4.4 Communication ................................................................................ 31
4.5 Synchronization................................................................................ 34
4.6 General Purpose Input/Outputs........................................................ 38
4.7 LED Outputs........... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ................ 39
4.8 Reset................................................................................................ 39
4.9 Antenna............................................................................................ 40
4.10 RF Power Output Adjustment........................................................... 40
Chapter 5: Warnings, Cautions and Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
List of Figures
Figure 1: S251B Reader ................................................................................ 7
Figure 2: S251B Front Panel (with connector covers removed) .................. 10
Figure 3: S251B Connector Locations ......................................................... 11
Figure 4: CTL Setup Switches ..................................................................... 20
Figure 5: RS422/RS485/DAT Switches ....................................................... 21
Figure 6: Synchronization DIP Switches...................................................... 21
Figure 7: Distance between Antennas (top view)......................................... 28
Figure 8: Switch Settings for RS422 ............................................................ 33
Figure 9: Switch Settings for RS485 ............................................................ 33
Figure 10: Wired & Combined Wireless/Wired Sync. Interface Connection 34
Figure 11: Master/Slave Sync. Interface Connection (without Ack.)............ 35
Figure 12: Master/Slave Synchronization Interface Connection .................. 36
Figure 13: Carrier Phase Synchronisation Interface Connection................. 37
Figure 14: Connecting the LED Outputs ...................................................... 39
Figure 15: RESET Push-button Wiring ........................................................ 39
April ’00 Preface
List of Tables
Table 1: List of Connectors .......................................................................... 11
Table 2: Power Range Settings ................................................................... 12
Table 3: Supply Connector........................................................................... 12
Table 4: Supply Connector - Specifications ................................................. 13
Table 5: General Purpose Inputs/Outputs.................................................... 13
Table 6: General Purpose Inputs/Outputs - Specifications .......................... 14
Table 7: Synchronization Interface............................................................... 14
Table 8: Synchronization Interface - Specifications ..................................... 14
Table 9: Carrier Phase Synchronization Interface ....................................... 15
Table 10: CPS Interface - Specifications ..................................................... 15
Table 11: Open Collector & I/Os .................................................................. 16
Table 12: Open Collector & I/Os - Specifications......................................... 16
Table 13: RS232 SUB-D Connector ............................................................ 17
Table 14: RS232 WECO Connector ............................................................ 17
Table 15: RS422/RS485 Connector............................................................. 18
Table 16: RS422/RS485 Communications Interface - Specifications.......... 18
Table 17: Indicator Outputs.......................................................................... 19
Table 18: Indicator Outputs - Specifications ................................................ 19
Table 19: Antenna........................................................................................ 19
Table 20: Antenna - Specifications .............................................................. 19
Table 21: CTL Setup DIP Switches.............................................................. 20
Table 22: I/O Setting Switches (6 & 7)......................................................... 20
Table 23: RS422/RS485/DAT Settings DIP Switches.................................. 21
Table 24: Synchronization DIP Switches ..................................................... 21
Table 25: Indicators...................................................................................... 22
Table 26: Mechanical Information................................................................ 22
Table 27: Distances Between Antennas ...................................................... 28
Table 28: RS232 9-pin Connector................................................................ 31
Table 29: RS232 WECO Connector ............................................................ 32
Table 30: RS422/RS485 Connector............................................................. 33
Table 31: Wired and Combined Wireless/Wired Synchronization................ 34
Table 32: Master/Slave Synchronization Without Acknowledgement .......... 35
Table 33: Triggered Synchronization ........................................................... 35
Table 34: Master/Slave Synchronization With Acknowledgement............... 36
Table 35: General Purpose Inputs/Outputs.................................................. 38
Table 36: Antenna Specifications................................................................. 40
Chapter 1: Introduction
This introduces you to the S251B Reader, what it is and what it does.
Topic Page
1.1 General..........................................................................................................7
1.2 System Description............ ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .........7
1.3 Product Description.....................................................................................7
1.3.1 Interfaces ...............................................................................................8
1.3.2 Communications Protocols ....................................................................8
April ’00 Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 General
This document provides information about the S251B Reader. It describes the reader and how to install it.
1.2 System De scription
A TIRIS system co mprises a reader connected to a control device (us ually a host computer) via an RS2 32, or an RS422/RS485 interface, an antenna and a trans­ponder. It is used for wireless identification of TIRIS LF transponders.
The reader sends a 134.2 kHz power pulse to a transponder, the energy of the gen­erated magnetic field is stored in the capacitor in the transponder and when the pow­er pulse has finished the transponder immediately sends its data back to the reader.
1.3 Product Description
The Reader is an integral part of a TIRIS system, it provides all of the RF and control functions required to communicate with TIRIS LF transponders.
The main task of the Reader is to send a power pulse via the antenna to initialize the transponder, to demodulate the received identification signal and then send the data to a control device. It is also used to send programming data to Read/Write and Mul­tipage transponders.
The Reader is housed in an IP20 Polycarbonate box as shown Figure 1.
Figure 1: S251B Reader
If connected via an RS232 or an RS422 /RS485 inter face the comp uter send s com­mands to the reader using one of the two protocols used by the system (ASCII or TI­RIS Bus Protocol), and the reader then communicates via its antenna with any transponders within tha t antenna’s range . The antenna can be mou nted up to 5 m (depending on the antenna) away from the reader.
1.3.1 Interfaces
The reader has the following connections/interfaces:
• Communications interface: RS232, RS422 or RS485 (F & G)
• 8 general purpose I/O lines (B)
• 2 Open Collector outputs (E)
• Synchronization bus (C)
• Carrier Phase Synchronization bus (D)
• Power connector (A)
• Indicator outputs connector (H)
• Antenna connector (I)
1.3.2 Communications Protocols
There are two protocols that can be used with the S251B Reader, they are:
ASCII Protocol.
TIRIS Bus Protocol.
If you are using on e r ea der p er c ontr ol ling dev i ce yo u m ay ch oose the protocol that best suits your requirements. However, if you have more than one reader connected to a bus running under a contr ol ling dev i ce then yo u mus t us e the T IRIS Bus Pr oto­col.
For details regarding th ese communicatio ns protocols, please refer to the relevant manual (11-06-21-037 for the ASCII Proto col, 11-06-21- 053 for the TBP) , available at the TIRIS home page:
This is a simple protocol that you can use to send ASCII charac­ter commands to the reader. It is possible to use a standard termi­nal emulator program to send ASCII commands. The ASCII protocol can only be used with RS232 or RS422.
This is a bina ry protocol suitable for c ommunication be­tween a controllin g device (for example: a PC) a nd one or mor e readers. For exampl e with a sing le reader u sing an RS23 2 inter­face or up to 31 readers using RS422/485. The TIRIS Bus protocol can be used with RS232 or RS422/485.
Chapter 2:Hardware
This chapter describes the hardware of the S251B Reader. It tells you which modules together comprise the reader. It also describes the front panel (switches connections etc.) and specifies the electrical inputs and outputs.
Topic Page
2.1 General........................................................................................................10
2.2 Product Description...................................................................................10
2.3 Mechanical Information.............................................................................22
2.2.1 Connectors...........................................................................................11 A - Supply Connector..................................................................12 B - General Purpose Inputs/Outputs...........................................13 C - Synchronization Interface .....................................................14 D - Carrier Phase Synchronization Interface ..............................15 E - Open Collector & I/Os...........................................................16 F1 & F2 - RS232 Communication Interface................................17 G - RS422/RS485 Communications Interface............................18 H - Indicator Outputs...................................................................19 I - Antenna Connector.................................................................19
2.2.2 Switches...............................................................................................20
2.2.3 Indicators..............................................................................................22
2.2.4 Potentiometers.....................................................................................22 RF Power Adjustment.................................................................22 EMI / Sync. Level Adjustment.....................................................22
2.1 General
This chapter describes the hardware comprising the S251B Reader and provides the electrical specifications.
2.2 Product Description
The S251B Reader is contained in a IP20 polycarbonate box that enables easy inte­gration into standard racks and cabinets.
The reader is shown in Figure 1 and the front panel is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: S251B Front Panel (with connector covers removed)
The reader comprises two mod ules assemb led toget her in a hou sing. The modules are:
Control Module
Radio Frequency Module
which contains all th e cir cu itry requi r ed to co mmu ni cat e v ia th e interface to the computer and external de vices, to provide syn­chronization, and to control the RFM. It includes a
RIS reading unit that a re nee ded to initia lize a TIRIS transpon der and to detect its return signal.
(DAT) function to autom aticall y tune th e antenn a to reso-
(RFM) which contains all the analog functions of a TI-
Dynamic Auto
April ’00 Chapter 2. Hardware
2.2.1 Connectors
There are 10 connectors on the S251B, 7 WECO connectors, the antenna connector, a 9-pin sub-D RS232 connector, a 6-pin connector for the indicator outputs and a 2­pin connector for the anten na. The function of e ach pin on each con nector (except the RS232 sub-D connector) is described in the following paragraphs. Their location is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
+ -
Power Fuse
Reader S251B
O.C. - I/O
E F1 H
In order to gain access to the fuse and co nnec to r J you mu st fi rst re mov e the upper two screws holding the front panel on, remove the plastic cover strip and then replace the two screws. To gain access to the connectors H and I you must first remove the lower two screws holding the front panel on, remove the plastic cover strip and then replace the two screws.
S251B Connector Locations
General Purpose Inpu t / Ou tp u t
Power Range Setting
CTL Setup
On On
1 1
EMI TX Active Read O.K.
RF Power Output Adj.
EMI / Sync. Level Adj.
RS422 / 485
Antenna Tuning
RS422 RS485
The pins are not individually numbered on the connectors themselves (just on Figure 3 for your convenience).
The connectors are all marked on Figure 3 with a letter (from A to I) and are listed in Table 1 which also shows the section that describes them
Table 1: List of Connectors
Identifying Letter Function Section
A Supply Connector B General Purpose Inputs/Outputs
C Synchronization Interface
Carrier Phase Synchronization
E Open Collector Inputs/Output s
F1 RS232 Connector (9-pin SEB-D)
Table 1: List of Connectors
Identifying Letter Function Section
F2 RS232 Connector
G RS422/RS485 Connector H Indicator Outputs
I Antenna Connector A - Supply Connector
The Reader requires a single DC supply voltage (10 to 24 V) through a 2-pin connec­tor marked with + for positive and – for negative
The Power Range Setting wired jumpers (marked J in Figure 3) and the actual power supply have a dir ect consequence on the operating temperature of the reader as shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Power Range Settings
Setting Input Power Operating Temperature Range
Pins 1 + 2 connected 10 - 15 V -20º to +70º C
15 - 24 V
Pins 2 + 3 connected 18 - 24 V -20º to +70º C
(max. I_VSP = 0.9 A
-20º to +70º C see caution 1).
1. In order to operate the reader over t he full temperature range with pins 1 + 2 connected (15 to 24 V), the maximum current consumption must not exceed 0.9 A
. Exceeding this
value could result in unreliable functio ning of the dynamic auto tuning, or sharp limitation of the transmitter output power because of internal protection. If either of these should occur, switch the device off and allow it time to recover; and then when it is switched on again it will revert t o normal oper­ation. Note that if either of these occur it is an indication that the reader is not being operated within its specifications.
2. The reader itself generates heat, t herefore if it is incor porated into a housing you must ensure (by proper design and/or cooling) that the temperature immediately surrounding the reader does not exceed the operating temperature range.
Table 3: Supply Connector
Pin Signal Description Direction
1 + Positive supply input 2 - Ground input
April ’00 Chapter 2. Hardware
Table 4: Supply Connector - Specifications
Parameter Minimum Maximum
Logic Supply Voltage VSL 10 V 24 V
Logic Supply current ISL - 2.5 A B - General Purpose Inputs/Outputs
The Reader has ei ght general purpose TTL-Level Inputs/O utputs. By m eans of th e configuration set-up, they can be set in groups of four to be Input or Output. Further­more, there is a reset connection and a 5 V regulated output.
The pin assignment is given in Table 5 and their specifications are given in Table 6.
Table 5: General Purpose Inputs/Outputs
Pin Signal Description Direction
1 GP IO 7 General Purpose I/O 7 Input/Output 2 GP IO 6 General Purpose I/O 6 Input/Output 3 GP IO 5 General Purpose I/O 5 Input/Output 4 GP IO 4 General Purpose I/O 4 Input/Output 5 GP IO 3 General Purpose I/O 3 Input/Output 6 GP IO 2 General Purpose I/O 2 Input/Output 7 GP IO 1 General Purpose I/O 1 Input/Output 8 GP IO 0 General Purpose I/O 0 Input/Output
9 - not connected ­10 IN1 Input 1 Input 11 IN0 Input 0 Input 12 RESET- Reset Input
13 VCC
14 GND Signal Ground ­15 GND Signal Ground -
Regulated 5 Volt dc Supply
(see note)
Do not connect any power supply to pin 13 as it would damage the reader .
The total consumption of the two VCC outputs (General Purpose Inputs/Outputs pin 13 together with Open Collec­tor & I/Os - pin 1) must not exceed 500 mA.
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