The Texas Instruments LMR36015FSCEVM and LMR36015AEVM evaluation modules (EVM) help
designers evaluate the operation and performance of the LMR36015-Q1 wide-input buck regulators. The
LMR36015-Q1 is an easy-to-use synchronous step-down DC/DC converter capable of driving up to 1.5 A
of load current from an input voltage of up to 60 V. The LMR36015FSCEVM features a selectable output
voltage of 3.3 V or 5 V and a switching frequency of 2.1 MHz. The LMR36015AEVM features a selectable
output voltage of 3.3 V or 5 V and a switching frequency of 400 kHz. See the LMR36015-Q1 data sheets
for additional features, detailed descriptions, and available options.
The EVM options are found in Table 1.
Table 1. Device and Package Configurations
LMR36015AEVMLMR36015-Q1400 kHzDisabledDisabled1.5 A
LMR36015FSCEVMLMR36015-Q12.1 MHzEnabledEnabled1.5 A
1Posts, Probes, and Jumpers ............................................................................................... 3
10LMR36015AEVM 5 V
11LMR36015AEVM 3.3 V
12LMR36015AEVM 5 V
13LMR36015AEVM 3.3 V
14LMR36015AEVM 5 V
15LMR36015AEVM 3.3 V
16LMR36015AEVM 5 V
17LMR36015AEVM 3.3 V
18LMR36015A Low Frequency Conducted EMI Results for 5 V
19LMR36015AEVM High Frequency Conducted EMI Results for 5 V
,1.5 A Load .................................................... 15
,1.5 A Load.................................................. 15
(Blue-Average and Yellow-Peak) ........... 16
= 1 µs.............................. 15
= 1 µs............................ 15
(Blue-Average and Yellow-Peak)...... 16
LMR36015xxxEVM User’s Guide
20LMR36015FSCEVM 5 V
21LMR36015FSCEVM 3.3 V
22LMR36015FSCEVM 5 V
23LMR36015FSCEVM 3.3 V
24LMR36015FSCEVM 5 V
25LMR36015FSCEVM 3.3 V
26LMR36015FSCEVM 5 V
27LMR36015FSCEVM 3.3 V
28LMR36015FSCEVM Low Frequency Conducted EMI Results for 3.3 V
29LMR36015FSCEVM High Frequency Conducted EMI Results for 3.3 V
1Device and Package Configurations ...................................................................................... 1
2Bill of Materials ............................................................................................................. 13
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This section describes the test points and connectors on the EVM and how to properly connect, set up,
and use the LMR36015AEVM and the LMR36015FSCEVM.
1.1Screw Terminal Connectors
The screw terminals on the top of the board can be used for connecting to the input and output of the
EVM. See Figure 1 for the screw terminal connections. The functions of the screw terminal connections
•VIN - Input supply to EVM. Connect to a suitable input supply. See LMR36015-Q1 data sheet for input
supply requirements.
•GND - System ground.
•IN+ - Input supply to EVM including an EMI filter. Connect to a suitable input supply. See LMR36015-
•EN - This jumper allows the ENABLE input to be connected to either GND (OFF) or VIN (ON). The 2to-3 position enables the device; while the 1-to-2 position disables the device. Remove this jumper to
allow an external logic signal to control the EN function.
•VOUT - Use this jumper to select one of the two pre-defined output voltages. The 2-to-3 position
provides a 3.3-V output; while the 1-to-2 position provides a 5-V output.
•PGOOD - Use this jumper to select the PGOOD pullup configuration. PGOOD can be connected to
either VOUT or VCC. The 2-to-3 position connects PGOOD to VOUT, while the 1-to-2 position
connects PGOOD to VCC.
1.3Test Points
•VOUTS - Output voltage sense connection; connect to DMM. Also, use for frequency response
analyzer connection.
•VINS - Input voltage sense connection; connect to DMM.
•GNDS1 and GNDS2 - Ground sense point for analog measurements; connect to DMM.
•VCC - Test point to measure internal VCC of device; approximately 5 V.
•EN - Connection for external EN logic input. Remove EN jumper and connect controlling logic to EN
test point for external enable control.
•PGOOD - Power-good flag output. This test point is connected to VCC or VOUT through a 100-kΩ
resistor. The power-good function can be monitored at this test point.
1. Connect the voltage supply between VIN and GND screw terminal connectors using short and thick
2. Connect the load between VOUT and GND screw terminal connectors using short and thick wires.
3. Set the supply voltage at an appropriate level between 4.2 V to 60 V. Set the current limit of the supply
to an appropriate level.
4. Turn on the power supply. With the default configuration, the EVM powers up and provides V
5. Monitor the output voltage. The maximum load current must be 1.5 A with the LMR36015-Q1 device.
2.2Efficiency Measurement
1. Connect power supply to VIN and GND screw terminal connectors and make sure the power supply
provides sufficient current.
NOTE: There is no reverse polarity protection or fuse on the evaluation board.
2. Connect electronic load to VOUT and GND screw terminal connectors. For all power wires it is
preferable to use twisted lab wires. If the power supply wires are very long > 50 cm, solder an
additional 470-µF, 100-V bulk capacitor to posts VIN and GND. Use sufficient power wires to avoid
voltage drops, and use short sense probe connection for the measurement.
= 5 V.
NOTE:These sense lines are not designed to carry power.
3. To accurately sense input and output voltage use the test points VINS, VOUTS, and GNDS.
Alternatively, sense wires can be soldered directly over input capacitors C
capacitors CO1or CO2.
4. Make sure the IC is enabled by having jumper J5 set to [EN-VIN] and check that test point EN is driven
high. While measuring IQ(unloaded input current) remove all the input and output voltage probes that
are most likely causing additional current draw.
2.3Measure Load Transient
1. Connect power supply to VIN and GND screw terminal connectors, and make sure the power supply
can provide sufficient peak current.
NOTE: There is no reverse polarity protection or fuse on the evaluation board.
2. Connect transient load to VOUT and GND screw terminal connectors. For all power wires use
preferable twisted lab wires. If the power supply wires are very long > 50 cm, solder an additional 470µF, 100-V bulk capacitor to posts VIN and GND. Use short sense probe connection for the
3. To accurately sense the output voltage, place the scope probe directly over the output capacitors C
or CO2. Make sure to connect scope probe GND ring directly to the output capacitor GND pad for
minimal ground loop. Ground loops can introduce ringing in observed waveforms, which is an artifact
and not present on the PCB. Alternatively, use differential probe over output capacitors CO1or CO2. Do
not use wires to differential probe and always probe directly with shortest possible pins. Make sure the
IC is enabled by having jumper J5 set to [EN-VIN] and check test point EN is driven high and not
drooping during the load transient.