The LMK05318EVM is an evaluation module for the LMK05318 Network Clock Generator and
Synchronizer. The EVM can be used for device evaluation, compliance testing, and system prototyping.
The LMK05318 integrates two Analog PLLs (APLL) and one Digital PLL (DPLL) with programmable loop
bandwidth. The EVM includes SMA connectors for clock inputs, oscillator inputs, and clock outputs to
interface the device with 50-Ω test equipment. The onboard XO allows the LMK05318 to be evaluated in
free-running, locked, or holdover mode of operation. The EVM can be configured through the onboard
USB microcontroller (MCU) interface using a PC with TI's TICS Pro software graphical user interface
(GUI). TICS Pro can be used to program the LMK05318 registers and on-chip EEPROM, which enables a
custom clock configuration on power up.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
•LMK05318 DUT:
– DPLL with programmable loop bandwidth for input jitter and wander attenuation
– Two Analog PLLs (APLLs) for flexible low-jitter clock generation
– Two clock inputs supporting hitless switching and holdover
– Eight differential clock outputs, or combination of differential and up to eight LVCMOS clocks
– On-chip EEPROM for custom start-up clocks
•SMA ports for clock input, oscillator inputs, and clock outputs
•Onboard oscillator options: 48.0048-MHz XO and LMK61E2 (I2C-programmable)
•USB MCU interface for I2C/SPI and GPIO pin control using TICS Pro GUI
•Status LEDs for power supplies and device status indicators
SNAU236A–June 2018–Revised December 2018
What is Included
•Mini-USB cable
What is Needed
•Windows PC with TICS Pro Software GUI
•Test Equipment
– DC power supply (5 V, 1 A)
– Real-time oscilloscope
– Source signal analyzer
– Precision frequency counter
– Signal generator / reference clock
This quick start guide can be followed to evaluate the LMK05318 DUT with the default EVM and device
configurations summarized in Section 1.2 and Table 3.
1. Verify the EVM default jumper and DIP switch settings shown in Figure 1 and Table 1:
DUT Control
DUT Loop Filter
User's Guide
SNAU236A–June 2018–Revised December 2018
LMK05318EVM User's Guide
Table 1. Default Jumper and DIP Switch Settings
JP1Tie pins 1-2DUT VDD = 3.3 V from LDO1
JP2Tie pins 1-2DUT VDDO = 1.8 V from LDO2
JP3Tie pins 1-2LDO3 IN powered from VIN1 external supply
JP4Tie pins 1-21.8 V selected as LDO2 output voltage
JP16Tie pins 1-2VDDGPIO = 3.3 V
JP17Tie pins 1-2XO VCC = 3.3 V from LDO3
JP21Tie pins 2-3LMK61E2 VCC = GND (Powered off)
JP22Tie pins 2-3
JP23Tie pins 2-3
S9S9[1:2] = OFFLMK61E2 I2C not connected to MCU
JP18Tie pins 2-3REFSEL = 0: PRIREF selected if using Manual Pin mode
JP19Tie pins 2-3HW_SW_CTRL = 0: EEPROM+I2C Start-up Mode selected
Tie pins 1-2, 3-4,
11-12, and 13-14
S2[1:3] = OFF
S2[4] = ON
S3[1:3] = OFF
S3[4] = ON
S5[1] = ON
S5[2:3] = OFF
S6[1] = OFF
S6[2:3] = ON
S7[1] = OFF
S7[2:3] = ON
S1[1] = ON
S1[2:4] = OFF
S10[1] = ON
S10[2] = OFF
DC-DC Regulator VIN = GND (Powered off)
DUT I2C connected to MCU
STATUS0 = Hi-Z: Output state shown on D7. Pin not connected to MCU.
STATUS1/FDEC = Hi-Z: Output state shown on D8. Pin not connected to
GPIO0/SYNCN = 1: SYNC deasserted. Pin not connected from MCU.
GPIO2/SDO/FINC = 0: Not used by default. Pin connected to MCU.
LF1 = 0.47 μF
LF2 = 0.1 μF
2. Connect +5 V from an external DC power supply (1-A limit) across the VIN1 and GND terminals of
header J1 (pins 1 and 4).
3. Toggle switch S4 (PDN/RESET) to reinitialize the DUT registers from on-chip EEPROM, if needed.
4. Check that the LEDs D7 and D8 are both ON if there is no valid clock input on PRIREF or SECREF.
This indicates that the DPLL is not locked and that the DPLL holdover is active.
a. When the DPLL is not locked, the clock outputs will free-run and track the frequency stability and
accuracy of the XO (Y1).
5. Connect an external 25-MHz single-ended clock input to either the PRIREF or SECREF SMA port to
6. Check that the LEDs D7 and D8 are both OFF after a valid clock input is detected. This indicates the
that DPLL is locked and that the DPLL holdover is not active.
a. When the DPLL is locked, the output clocks should track the frequency accuracy of the clock input.
7. Check for any clock outputs on the OUT[0:7] SMA ports. TI recommends the following best practices
when making noise-sensitive performance measurements:
a. Use an appropriate balun to interface a differential output clock to the single-ended input of an RF
b. Properly terminate any active output clock trace by placing a 0-Ω load on the SMA port to minimize
NOTE: OUT7_P/N traces are DC-coupled to its SMA ports to allow evaluation of low-frequency
8. Connect the USB cable from connector J35 to the PC and configure the device through the TICS Pro
software to program the LMK05318 through the USB interface.
a. See Appendix A for TICS Pro installation and usage.
TICS Pro uses the "USB2ANY" API software driver to control the USB MCU interfaces (I2C/SPI and Logic
pins) on the EVM. TICS Pro can be used to access the device registers and program the device EEPROM
for a different start-up configuration.
test equipment (phase noise or spectrum analyzer).
noise due to reflections. Otherwise, disable any unused outputs by register programming.
outputs (like 1 PPS) as well as LVCMOS or HCSL output types. Add an external DC blocking
cap between the OUT7 port and the input of any test equipment that cannot tolerate DC
1.1Device Revision Identification
Pre-production devices may have been distributed to customers as engineering sample parts or mounted
on pre-release EVMs. If a pre-production device or EVM is detected, TI recommends that the user replace
the pre-production device with a production device or EVM when available. Production samples and EVMs
can be ordered from product folder or requested through your local TI Field Sales representative.
The user can read the Device Revision ID (REVID) Register R3 to find the device revision in the TICS Pro
GUI or other serial host interface. See Table 2.
0x00Pre-production device
0x11Production deviceOkay to use.
1.2Default EVM Configuration
•Power Supplies:
– VIN1: 5 V (External supply to onboard LDO regulators)
– DUT VDD: 3.3 V from LDO1 (U3)
– DUT VDDO: 1.8 V from LDO2 (U3)
– XO: 3.3 V from LDO3 (U4)
– VDDGPIO: 3.3 V from VDD
•LMK05318 DUT (U5):
– Clock Inputs:
•PRIREF and SECREF: DC-coupled from SMA ports
– Clock Outputs:
•OUT[0:6]: AC-coupled to SMA ports
•OUT7: DC-coupled to SMA ports
Table 2. Device Revision IDs
TI recommends to replace with a production device or EVM,
or contact TI Field Sales for technical support.
The evaluation module is shipped with the LMK05318 DUT (U5) soldered down. The pin 1 position of the
48-pin QFN package is indicated by a dot symbol in top silkscreen. Alternatively, the U5 can be
unmounted and a test socket (XU1) can be populated. See for the socket part number. TI recommends
populating the socket with the hinge on the left-hand side (towards OUT[0:3] ports) and the latch on the
right-hand side.
2.1Device Start-Up Modes
The LMK05318 can start-up in one of three modes depending on the 3-level input level sampled on the
HW_SW_CTRL pin upon power-on reset (POR). The start-up modes are listed in Table 4 and determine
the following:
1. The memory bank (EEPROM or ROM) used to initialize the registers upon start-up.
2. The serial interface (I2C or SPI) used for register access.
3. The logic pin definitions.
The I2C or SPI interface allows for register access to configure the device after start-up and monitor its
status. The register map configurations are the same for I2C and SPI.
See Section 3.2 for detailed descriptions of the logic pins for each start-up mode.
The input levels on these pins are sampled only during POR.
FINC and FDEC pin controls are only available when DCO mode and GPIO pin control are enabled by registers.
(Soft pin mode)
(Soft pin mode)
(Hard pin mode)
Table 4. Device Start-Up Modes
Registers are initialized from EEPROM, and I2C interface is enabled with slave
address 11001xxb. Logic pins:
• SDA/SDI, SCL/SCK: I2C Data, I2C Clock
• GPIO0/SYNCN: Output Sync (active low)
Registers are initialized from EEPROM, and SPI interface is enabled. Logic pins:
• SDA/SDI, SCL/SCK: SPI Data In (SDI), SPI Clock (SCK)
• GPIO0/SYNCN: Output Sync (active low)
• GPIO1/SCS: SPI Chip Select (SCS)
Registers are initialized from the ROM page selected by GPIO pins, and I2C interface
is enabled with the 7-bit slave address of 0x64. Logic pins:
• SDA/SDI, SCL/SCK: I2C Data, I2C Clock
• GPIO[2:0]
• After POR, GPIO2/SDO/FINC and STATUS1/FDEC pins can function the same
as for HW_SW_CTRL = 0 if enabled by registers.
: DPLL DCO Frequency Decrement (active high), or Status
: ROM page select at POR
TI suggests to use the EEPROM mode when either of the following is true:
•A single custom start-up frequency configuration is required from a single OPN.
•A host device is able to program the registers (and EEPROM, if needed) with a new configuration after
power-up through I2C or SPI. SPI is not supported by ROM mode.
NOTE: To ensure proper start-up into EEPROM + SPI Mode, the HW_SW_CTRL, STATUS0, and
STATUS1/FDEC pins must all be floating or biased to VIM(0.8-V typical) before the PDN pin
is pulled high. These three pins momentarily operate as 3-level inputs and get sampled at
the low-to-high transition of PDN to determine the device start-up mode during POR. If any of
these pins are connected to a host device (MCU or FPGA), TI recommends using external
biasing resistors on each pin (10-kΩ pullup to 3.3 V with 3.3-kΩ pulldown to GND) to set the
inputs to VIM during POR. After power-up, the STATUS pins can operate as LVCMOS
outputs and overdrive the external resistor bias for normal status operation.
3EVM Configuration
The LMK05318 is a highly configurable clock chip with multiple power domains, PLL domains, and clock
input and output domains. To support a wide range of LMK05318 use cases, the EVM was designed with
more flexibility and functionality than needed to implement the chip in a customer system application.
This section describes the power, logic, and clock input and output interfaces on the EVM, as well as how
to connect, set up, and operate the EVM.
An overview of some key components are shown in Table 5, Figure 2, and Figure 3.
1U5LMK05318 DUT
AVIN1 (terminal) or
AY1 orY1: 48.0048-MHz XO (Default). Located on bottom side.
BJ4/J5 or
4J6/J7 and J8/J9SMA Ports for DUT Clock Inputs (PRIREF_P/N and SECREF_P/N)
6S4Toggle Switch for DUT Power-Down/Reset (PDN pin)
7JP18Jumper for DUT Clock Input Selection (REFSEL)
8D7, D8Status LEDs for DUT STATUS[0:1] pins
9JP20Jumpers Header for I2C/SPI interface (MCU to DUT)
10J35USB Port for MCU
J12/J13, J14/J15,
J18/J19, J20/J21,
J24/25, J26/J27,
J30/J31, J32/J33
EVM Configuration
Table 5. Key EVM Components
External Supply Input (+5 V using default configuration)
J4/J5: SMA Ports for External XO_P/N input clock.
Requires minor rework before first use (see Section 3.3.1).
U10: LMK61E2 Programmable OSC.
Requires minor rework before first use (see Section 3.3.3).
SMA Ports for DUT Clock Outputs (OUT0_P/N to OUT7_P/N)
2B: Terminal Main Supply Input
3A: 48.0048-MHz XO
4: Reference Clock Inputs
EVM Configuration
3.1Power Supply
The LMK05318 has five core VDD supply pins that operate from 3.3 V ± 5% and six output VDDO supply
pins that operate from 1.8 V, 2.5 V, or 3.3 V ± 5%.
J1 is the main power terminal to the external power supply. Power SMA port VIN1 (J2) provides an
alternative connector style to apply power through coax cable.
On the EVM, the default power configuration uses the onboard LDO regulators to power all VDD and
VDDO pins from an external 5-V supply input VIN1 to J1 (or J2). A Dual LDO regulator (U3) is used to
power the VDD and VDDO rails of the DUT and its peripheral circuitry. A separate LDO regulator (U4),
also supplied from VIN1, is used to power the onboard XO circuits.
NOTE: Not every power connection is used or required to operate the EVM. Other power
Figure 4 shows the default power jumper locations and settings.
configurations are possible. See the power schematics in Figure 9, Figure 10, and Figure 11.
Figure 4. Default Power Jumper Configuration
Table 6 shows the suggested power configurations for the DUT.
Table 6. Suggested DUT Power Configurations
The SMA ports J2 or J3 can be used to power VIN1 or VIN2, respectively, through a coaxial cable instead of using power cables
to J1.
NOTE: Disconnect the power and signal paths from any XO circuit that is not used for a given
configuration to avoid unwanted noise coupling.
3.2Logic Inputs and Outputs
The logic I/O pins of the DUT support different functions depending on the device start-up mode chosen
by the HW_SW_CTRL input level upon POR. The STATUS[0:1] pins are programmable and can be used
to monitor a variety of different device statuses.
The default logic input pin states are determined by onboard pullup or pulldown resistors, but some input
pins can be driven to high or low state by the MCU output or DIP switch control. The MCU can be
controlled from a PC running TICS Pro software to program the device registers through I2C or SPI and
also drive the DUT logic inputs.
See Table 8 for the logic pin mapping tables for the device start-up modes.
LDO3 = 3.3 V (VIN3)VCCXO or VCCLMK6 = 3.3 V
Pin 1 (LDO3): Open
Pin 2 (VCCXO): Connect to external 3.3-V
Pin 3 (GND): Connect to external supply ground
Pin 1 (LDO3): Open
Pin 2 (VCCLMK6): Connect to external 3.3-V
Pin 3 (GND): Connect to external supply ground
(Tie pins 2-3)
(Tie pins 2-4)
(Tie pins 1-2)
Logic pins not listed in Table 10 or Table 11 are the same as described in Table 9.
When PDN rises to 1, the digital control block triggers the internal POR sequence, initializes all the registers
and logic pins for the start-up mode selected by the HW_SW_CTRL input level, restores all the internal
circuits including the serial interface to their initial state, and begins normal operation.
This pin is pulled high through an external pullup resistor, but can be pulled down by pushing toggle switch
0PushedPower-down/reset state: Serial interface disabled
1 (Default)ReleasedNormal operation
I2C Data (SDA)
The I2C interface between the DUT and MCU connects through two jumpers on JP20.
Tie JP20 pins 1-2 (SDA) and pins 3-4 (SCL) to connect the MCU and DUT to allow register programming
through I2C. Remove jumpers from JP20 pins 7-8 and pins 9-10 so the MCU SPI SCK and SDI pins are not
connected simultaneously.
Also, it is possible to use the EVM to program an off-board LMK05318 DUT by removing the I2C jumpers
from JP20, and connecting the MCU side (JP20 pins 1, 3, and 5) to the SDA, SCL, and GND lines of the
DUT on the target board. The MCU side of JP20 has external I2C pullup resistors to 3.3 V, which is derived
a dedicated regulator powered off the USB port 5-V supply.
I2C Clock (SCL)
See SDA/SDI pin description above. Red LED (D12) will turn ON during I2C activity.
Output Synchronization (active low)
GPIO0 (SYNCN) can be used to mute the output clocks and trigger output divider synchronization (SYNC) if
the divider SYNC bits are enabled by registers. Alternatively, SYNC can be triggered through register
programming instead of using this pin.
This pin is set through a 3-position DIP switch (S5). When S5[2] = ON (default), the pin is connected to the
MCU and can be driven 0 or 1 by software control. When S5[2] = OFF, the pullup or pulldown resistor switch
determines the GPIO0 state.
0S5[1:3] = 001
1 (Default)S5[1:3] = 100SYNC deasserted: Normal output operation
I2C Slave Address LSB Select
GPIO1 is sampled on POR to configure the lower 2 bits of the 7-bit I2C address after start-up. The upper 5
bits of the I2C address are initialized from EEPROM (SLAVEADR[7:3] = 11001b).
This pin is set through a 3-position DIP switch (S6). When S6[2] = ON (default), the pin is connected to the
MCU and can be driven 0 or 1 by software control. When S6[2] = OFF, the pullup or pulldown resistor switch
determines the GPIO1 state.
0 (Default)S6[1:3] = 0011100100b (0x64h)
FloatS6[1:3] = 0001100101b (0x65h)
1S6[1:3] = 1001100111b (0x66h)
DPLL DCO Mode Frequency Increment (FINC)
When DCO mode and GPIO pin control are enabled by registers, a high pulse on the FINC input will
increment the DCO numerator by the programmable frequency deviation (FDEV) step size to adjust its
This pin is set through a 3-position DIP switch (S7). When S7[2] = ON (default), the pin is connected to the
MCU and can be pulsed by software control. Alternatively, FINC can be triggered through register
programming without using this pin. When S7[2] = OFF, the pullup or pulldown switch determines the state.
1 (Pulsed by MCU pin)Incremented
S7[1:3] = X1X
(MCU driven)
SYNC asserted: Outputs muted and output dividers held
The REFSEL pin selects the DPLL reference clock input when Manual Input Select mode and HW Pin
Control mode are selected by register configuration. This pin is ignored when Auto Input Select mode or SW
Register Control mode is selected.
This pin is set through a 3-way jumper (J18). When JP18 pins 2-4 are tied, the REFSEL pin is connected to
(2-level inputs)
(Logic outputs)
the MCU and can be driven 0 or 1 by software control. Otherwise, the REFSEL state is determined by the
other JP18 options below.
0 (Default)Tie pins 2-3PRIREF
FloatOpen pin 2Auto Select
1Tie pins 1-2SECREF
Status Outputs
Each STATUS pin is a programmable status output that supports NMOS open-drain or 3.3-V LVCMOS
driver type. When S2[4] and S3[4] = ON, the output states of STATUS0 and STATUS1 are shown on activehigh LEDs D7 and D8, respectively. If STATUS0 or STATUS1 is configured as an open-drain driver, a 10-kΩ
pullup to VDDGPIO can be connected by setting S2[1] or S3[1] = ON.
DPLL DCO Mode Frequency Decrement (FDEC)
When DCO mode and GPIO pin control are enabled by registers, a high pulse on the FDEC input will
decrement the DCO numerator by the programmable frequency deviation (FDEV) step size to adjust its
This pin is set through a 4-position DIP switch (S3). When S3[2] = ON, the pin is connected to the MCU and
can be pulsed by software control. Alternatively, FDEC can be triggered through register programming
without using this pin. When S3[2] = OFF, the pullup or pulldown switch determines the state.
The SPI interface between the DUT and MCU can be connected using four jumpers on JP20.
(2-level input)
Tie JP20 pins 7-8 (SCL), pins 9-10 (SCL), pins 11-12 (SDO), and pins 13-14 (SCS) to connect the MCU and
DUT to allow register programming through SPI. Remove jumpers from JP20 pins 1-2 and pins 3-4, so the
MCU I2C pins are not connected simultaneously.
Also, it is possible to use the EVM to program an off-board LMK05318 DUT by removing the SPI jumpers
from JP20, and connecting the MCU side (JP20 pins 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13) to the GND, SCL, SDI, SDO, and
SCS lines of the DUT on the target board.
(2-level input)
(2-level input)
(2-level input)
SPI Clock (SCK)
See SDA/SDI pin description above. Red LED (D12) will turn ON during SPI activity.
SPI Chip Select (SCS)
See SDA/SDI pin description above.
SPI Data Out (SDO / SOMI)
See SDA/SDI pin description above.
Status Outputs
Both STATUS pins must be allowed to float during POR to ensure proper start-up into EEPROM+SPI Mode.
This means S2[1:3] and S3[1:3] must all be switched OFF during POR.
(Logic outputs)
Each STATUS pin is a programmable status output that supports NMOS open-drain or 3.3-V LVCMOS
driver type. However, the 3.3-V LVCMOS driver type is recommended because external pullup resistors
must be avoided on the STATUS pins during POR when using EEPROM+SPI Mode. When S2[4] and S3[4]
= ON, the output states of STATUS0 and STATUS1 are shown on active-high LEDs D7 and D8,
Note that DCO pin control is not supported in EEPROM+SPI mode.
Logic pins not listed in Table 10 are the same as described in Table 9.
When HW_SW_CTRL = Float, STATUS[1:0] pins must not be pulled high or low externally during POR to ensure proper start-up
into EEPROM+SPI Mode.
GPIO[2:0] pins are sampled on POR to select the ROM page settings used to initialize the registers.
The GPIO[2:0] pins are controlled by S7, S6, and S5, respectively. To configure GPIO[2:0] pins through the
pullup or pulldown resistors only (disable MCU control), set S5[2], S6[2], and S7[2] to OFF. Then, GPIOx
can be pulled up by setting Sy[1] = ON and Sy[3] = OFF, or else pulled down by setting Sy[1] = OFF and
Sy[3] = ON.
GPIO2 Function after POR: DPLL DCO Mode Frequency Increment (FINC)
After POR, the GPIO2 pin can be operated as an FINC input in the same way described for EEPROM + I2C
mode (see the GPIO2/FINC description in Table 9).
000b (Default)ROM Page 0
001bROM Page 1
010bROM Page 2
110bROM Page 6
111bROM Page 7
Status Outputs
STATUS[1:0] pins are individually programmable status outputs that support NMOS open-drain (requires
external pullup resistor) or 3.3-V LVCMOS driver type. The state of these pins is shown by D7 and D8 when
S2[4] and S3[4] are ON, respectively.
DPLL DCO Mode Frequency Decrement (FDEC)
After POR, the STATUS1 pin can be operated as an FDEC input in the same way described for EEPROM +
I2C mode (see the STATUS1/FDEC description in Table 9).
3.3XO Input
The LMK05318 has an XO input (XO_P/N pins) to accept a reference clock for the Fractional-N APLLs.
The XO input determines the output frequency accuracy and stability in free-run or holdover modes. For
synchronization applications like SyncE or IEEE 1588, the XO input would typically be driven by a lowfrequency TCXO, OCXO, or external traceable clock that conforms to the frequency accuracy and
holdover stability requirements of the application. For DPLL mode, the XO frequency must have a non-integer frequency relationship with the VCO1 frequency so APLL1 operates in Fractional mode. For APLL
only mode (DPLL not used), the XO frequency can have an integer relationship with the VCO1 and/or
VCO2 frequencies to avoid fractional spurs.
The XO input of the LMK05318 has programmable on-chip input termination and AC-coupled input biasing
options to support any clock interface type.
For flexibility, the EVM provides the three XO input options (use one at a time). Oscillator (Default)
By default, the EVM is populated with a 48.0048-MHz, 3.3-V LVCMOS, low-jitter oscillator (Y1) to drive the
XO_P input of the DUT with the onboard termination and AC coupling. See Figure 5. Y1 can be used to
evaluate various frequency configurations. Y1 has multiple overlapped 4-pin SMD footprints (2.5×2.0,
3.2×2.5, 5×7, or 9×14-mm sizes) that allows the user to rework a different XO frequency/model after the
pre-installed component is carefully removed.
3.3.2External Clock Input
Another option is to feed an external clock to the SMA ports (J5/J4) to drive the XO_P/N inputs
(differential) or XO_P input (single-ended). See Figure 5. This path can be connected to the XO_P/N input
pins by placing 0.1-µF capacitors on C81 and C82 and opening C80, C137, and C138. Y1 and U10 should
be powered down when using the external XO input path.