This user guide describes how to set up and operate the LMK00308 evaluation module (EVM). The
LMK00308 is a 3-GHz, 8-output differential clock buffer intended for high frequency, low additive jitter clock
distribution and level translation. The EVM allows the user to verify the functionality and performance
specifications of the device. Refer to the LMK00308 datasheet for the functional description and
2. Features
Low-noise clock fan-out via two banks of four differential outputs and one LVCMOS output
Selectable differential output type (LVPECL, LVDS, HCSL, or Hi-Z)
3:1 input multiplexer with two universal input buffers and one crystal oscillator interface
DIP switch control of device configuration
3.3 V core and 3 independent 3.3 V/2.5 V output supplies (one per output bank) using external supply
inputs or optional LP3878-ADJ LDO or LMZ10500 switching regulator on board
AC- or DC-coupled input & output interface with low-skew, controlled-impedance traces and edge SMA
Figure 1: LMK00308EVM Board Photo
March 2012 SNAU117 LMK00308EVM User’s Guide 1
1. General Description ................................................................................................... 1
2. Features ...................................................................................................................... 1
1. Verify the output mode control switches, S1[1:5], match the states shown in Table 1 to reflect the default
output clock interfaces configured on the EVM.
Table 1: Default Clock Output Modes
2. Connect a 4 – 6 V power supply to VCC_EXT and GND terminals of the power block labeled J2. This powers
the on-board LDO regulator to supply 3.3 V to the VCC and VCCO rails of the IC. Both VCC & VCCO status
LEDs should be lit green when ON.
3. Set the desired clock input using the input selection control switches, S1[6:7], per Table 2. The onboard 25
MHz crystal (Y1) can be selected, so an external clock source is not required. A differential clock source can
be connected to SMAs labeled CLKin0/0* or CLKin1/1*. By default, these differential inputs are AC coupled
and terminated near the device with 100 ohms differential. To configure the EVM for a single-ended input,
refer to the Clock Inputs section.
4 LMK00308EVM User’s Guide March 2012
Selected Input
Default Input Mode
S1[6] CLKin_Sel1 State
S1[7] CLKin_Sel0 State
Differential clock
Differential clock
25 MHz XTAL onboard
Don’t care
Bank A Output Mode
S1[3] CLKoutA_Type1 State
S1[4] CLKoutA_Type0 State
Bank B Output Mode
S1[1] CLKoutB_Type1 State
S1[2] CLKoutB_Type0 State
REFout Enable Mode
S1[5] REFout_EN State
Table 2: Input Selection
4. Connect and measure any clock output SMA labeled CLKoutA#/A#*, CLKoutB#/B#*, or REFout to an
oscilloscope or other test instrument using SMA cable(s). The output clock will be a level-translated/buffered
copy of the selected clock input or crystal oscillator. Note: All output clocks are AC-coupled to the SMA
connectors to ensure safe use with RF instruments.
Note: Any active output trace(s) without proper load termination can cause signal reflections on the board,
which can couple onto nearby outputs and degrade signal quality and measurement accuracy. To minimize
these effects, be sure to properly terminate any unused output trace with a 50-ohm SMA load, or else
disconnect any unused output trace from the device output pin by removing the series 0-ohm resistor. An
unused output or output bank may also be disabled using the output mode control switch.
4. Signal Path and Control Switches
The LMK00308 supports single-ended or differential clocks on CLKin0 and CLKin1. A third input, OSCin, has
an integrated crystal oscillator interface that supports a fundamental mode, AT-cut crystal or an external
single-ended clock. To achieve the maximum operating frequency and lowest additive jitter, it is
recommended to use a differential input clock with high slew rate (>3 V/ns) on either CLKin0 or CLKin1 port.
The device provides up to 8 differential outputs with pin-selectable output mode (LVPECL, LVDS, HCSL, or
Hi-Z). An additional output, REFout, has a fixed LVCMOS buffer with output enable input.
All control pins are configured with the control DIP switch, S1. The input selection logic is shown in Table 2.
The output mode selection logic for Bank A and Bank B are shown in Table 3 and Table 4. The REFout
enable logic is shown in Table 5.
Table 3: Bank A Output Mode Selection
Table 4: Bank B Output Mode Selection
Table 5: REFout Enable Selection
March 2012 LMK00308EVM User’s Guide 5
LP3878 LDO
Regulator (U3)
Switcher (U2)
3.3 V
Direct Supply
3.3 V
Direct Supplies
3.3 V & 2.5 V
VCC_EXT port
(J2 or SMA)
Apply 4 V – 6 V
Apply 4 V – 5.5 V
Apply 3.3 V ± 5%
Apply 3.3 V ± 5%
Not used
Not used
Not used
Apply 2.5 V ± 5%
U2 Vout
Not used
3.3 V (VCC & VCCO)
Not used
Not used
U3 Vout
3.3 V (VCC & VCCO)
Not used
Not used
Not used
R132 0 0 0 0
OPEN 0 0
5. Power Supplies
The power supply section on the EVM provides flexibility to power the device using the onboard regulator(s)
or direct supply input(s). A combination of 0-ohm resistor options allows the user to modify the EVM power
supply configuration, if desired.
By default, 3.3 V is supplied to both VCC and VCCO rails by the onboard LDO regulator, U3. To power the
regulator, connect a 4 V – 6 V input voltage and ground from an external power source to the terminal block,
J2, or SMA input labeled VCC_EXT.
To modify the EVM with a different power supply configuration, populate the resistor options as shown in
Table 6. Then, apply the appropriate voltage(s) to the EVM power input(s).
If the EVM is configured for dual direct supplies, connect the 3.3 V supply and ground to VCC_EXT and the
2.5 V supply and ground to the SMA input labeled VCCO_EXT.
Decoupling capacitors and 0-ohm resistor footprints, which can accommodate ferrite beads, can be used to
isolate the EVM power input(s) from the device power pins.
Table 6: EVM Power Supply Configuration Options
5.1. Independent Output Supply Voltages
On the bottom side of the EVM, resistor options provide flexibility to power each of the three individual output
supply pins (VCCOA, VCCOB, and VCCOC) from either VCC or VCCO rail. This is useful when 3.3 V and
2.5 V are both needed for separate output supplies.
For example, if Bank A outputs require 3.3 V LVPECL levels, Bank B outputs require 2.5 V LVPECL levels,
and REFout requires 2.5 V LVCMOS, then VCCOA can be connected to VCC (3.3 V) and VCCOB and
VCCOC can be connected to VCCO (2.5 V).
The EVM power supply needs to be modified to get 2.5 V on the VCCO rail, either using the VCCO_EXT
input or LMZ10500 switcher, per Table 6. To configure LMZ10500 with 2.5 V output, set R138 to 150k and
R139 to 118k.
Note: When the LMZ10500 switcher is used to power the DUT and an ultra-low-noise clock source is used,
the higher output noise voltage of the switcher (compared to the LP3878-ADJ) can cause an slight increase
6 LMK00308EVM User’s Guide March 2012
in the output phase noise floor at low offset frequencies as well as low-level spurs. The high PSRR of the
device helps to minimize supply-induced jitter.
6. Clock Inputs
The SMA inputs labeled CLKin0 & CLKin0* and CLKin1 & CLKin1* can be configured to receive a differential
clock or single-ended clock. Best performance is achieved with a differential input clock, which is the default
configuration for both CLKin ports.
Both CLKin0 and CLKin1 paths include footprint options to provide the user with flexibility in configuring the
termination, biasing, and coupling for the device inputs.
6.1. Configuring CLKinX+ for a Single Ended Input
To configure an AC-coupled or DC-coupled single-ended clock input on CLKin0, follow the steps below.
CLKin1 can be modified similarly.
1. Remove R24 (100 ohm differential termination).
2. Terminate CLKin0 (driven input) by installing 51 ohms on R30.
3. Install 0.1 uF on C10 as a bypass capacitor.
4. Modify for AC or DC coupled input:
a. AC-coupled input:
i. Install 0 ohms on R23, so CLKin0* input pin is AC coupled to ground via C17.
b. DC-coupled input:
i. Replace R22 and R28 with 0 ohms to DC couple the input path.
ii. Bias CLKin0*(non-driven input) with a reference voltage near the common-mode voltage of
the DC-coupled input signal (on CLKin0) using R21 and R23 to form a voltage divider from
For example, if CLKin0 will be driven by a single-ended, DC-coupled LVCMOS signal with a common-mode
voltage of 1.65 V, then 1 kohm resistors can be installed on R21 and R23 to bias CLKin0* to VCC/2.
7. Crystal Oscillator Interface
The LMK00308 has an integrated crystal oscillator interface (OSCin/OSCout) that supports a fundamental
mode, AT-cut crystal. If the crystal input is selected, the onboard XTAL on either footprint Y1 or Y2 will startup and the oscillator clock can be measured on any enabled output.
By default, a 25.000 MHz XTAL is populated on Y1, which uses a HC49 footprint on the bottom side of the
PCB. Alternatively, a 3.2 x 2.5 mm XTAL or 3.3 V XO (3.3 V CMOS or clipped sinewave) can be populated
on Y2, located on the top side. Only one XTAL footprint should be used at a time.
When using a XTAL, the external load capacitor values of C18 and C22 (C
capacitance (C
PCB stray capacitance (C
equal external load capacitor values for optimum symmetry, C
) for the crystal, as well as the device’s OSCin input capacitance (C
~ 1 pF). The selected 25 MHz crystal is specified for CL of 18 pF. Assuming
can be calculated as follows:
) depend on the specified load
= 1 pF typical) and the
= (CL – CIN – C
= (18 pF – 1 pF – 1 pF) * 2
~ 33 pF (nearest standard value)
) * 2
To limit crystal power dissipation, a 1 kohm resistor is placed between the OSCout pin and the crystal.
7.1. Configuring OSCin for a Single Ended Input
To configure a single-ended clock input on OSCin, remove R34 and R37 to disconnect the crystal. Install 0.1
uF on C24 to provide an AC-coupled path from the SMA input labeled OSCin to the device input, which has
internal biasing. Note that the OSCin path includes a 51-ohm termination on R42.
March 2012 LMK00308EVM User’s Guide 7
8. Clock Outputs
By default, Bank A outputs are configured for LVPECL mode, source-terminated with 160 ohm resistors, and
AC coupled to the SMA connectors labeled CLKoutA#+ / CLKoutA#-. Bank B outputs are configured for
LVDS and AC coupled to SMA connectors labeled CLKoutB#+ / CLKoutB#-. To modify the output interface
for a different output mode, refer to the modifications noted in the Schematics section.
REFout is a LVCMOS output and is AC coupled to its SMA connector.
As noted before, active output traces should be properly terminated; otherwise any unused output pin can be
disconnected from the output trace by removing the 0-ohm series resistor.
8.1. LVPECL and LVCMOS with 2.5 V Vcco
The LVPECL and LVCMOS output levels depend on the output driver’s respective Vcco supply as specified
in the datasheet.
When an output bank is configured for LVPECL and its Vcco supply is 2.5 V, it is suggested to replace the
160-ohm -termination resistor to ground with a lower value, such as 91 ohms, to maintain proper DC
bias current on each output.
8 LMK00308EVM User’s Guide March 2012
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