The LM5170EVM-BIDIR Evaluation Module (EVM) is designed to showcase the LM5170-Q1 high
performance dual-channel bidirectional controller suitable for, but not limited to, the automotive 48-V to 12V dual battery system applications.
The EVM can be configured to achieve a bidirectional power converter in the form of either the current
source or voltage source. The direction of power flow can be controlled either by an external command
signal or by the on-board jumper. Through the onboard interface headers, the EVM can be operated by a
DSP, an FPGA, an MCU, or other digital controllers. Two EVMs can be paralleled to make a 3 or 4
phases interleaved converter for higher power. More EVMs can be paralleled for greater number of
phases. Many convenient jumper headers are also included for versatile configurations of the EVM.
Refer to the LM5170-Q1 Multiphase Bidirectional Current Controller Datasheet (SNVSAQ6) for detailed
technical information of the LM5170-Q1 device.
1Features and Electrical Performance ..................................................................................... 3
The EVM supports the following features and performance capabilities:
•Input Operating Voltage Ranges
– The 48VDC-Port 6 V to 75 V, in the Buck Mode
– The 12VDC-Port 3 V to 48 V, in the Boost Mode
•Output Voltage Regulation (With the Onboard Outer Voltage Loop Control Activated)
– 14.5-V Output Voltage at the 12VDC-Port, in the Buck Mode
– 50.5-V Output Voltage at the 48VDC-Port, in the Boost Mode
•Operating Current
– 60-Adc Maximum from or into the 12VDC-Port
– Typical 1% Current Regulation Accuracy
– Typical 1% Current Monitor Accuracy
•Switching Frequency:
– Standalone Fsw = 100 kHz
– Able to Synchronize to an External Clock from 80 kHz to 120 kHz.
•Maximum Efficiency: >97%
•OVP Threshold
– 75 V at the 48VDC-Port
– 22 V at the 12VDC-Port
– Synchronous Rectifier Diode Emulation Function Preventing Negative Current
•Other Convenient Features
– Optional Onboard Wide-VIN™ LM5118-Q1 Buck-Boost Converter as the +10-V Supply
– Onboard Ultra Low IQ TPS709-Q1 LDOs for +3.3-V and +5.0-V Bias Voltages for Convenient EVM
Configurations and for Biasing the External MCU through Headers.
– Onboard LM26LV Temperature Sensors Monitoring Local Temperatures of Power MOSFETs, With
Optional Overtemperature Shutdown and LED Indicator.
– LED indicators of Buck and Boost Operating Modes.
– Optional Channel Current Shunt AC Filters for Accurate DVM Reading (Unpopulated).
The electrical performance of the EVM is show in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the simplified EVM schematic.
Master EVM enable (connect to the UVLO pin of the IC)
7CH1ICH-1 control (connect to the EN1 pin of the IC)
9DIRIDirection command
11ISETAIChannel current setting (analog voltage)
13ISETDIChannel current setting (PWM signal)
15SYNCINIInput of the external clock to be synchronized to
17SYNCOUTOClock output signal
19OPTIInterleave angle setting
21CH2ICH-2 control (connect to the EN2 pin of the IC)
23+3.3 VOOutput of onboard +3.3-V voltage
25+5 VOOutput of onboard +5-V voltage
27IOUT1OCH-1 monitor
29IOUT2OCH-2 current monitor
31IOUT1_SOSlave EVM CH-1 monitor in 3 or 4 phases
33IOUT2_SOSlave EVM CH-2 current monitor in 3 or 4 phases
35AGNDI/OReference GND for control signals
37PGNDOPower ground of the DC-DC converter
39DTIDead time adjustment pin
41DT_SISlave dead time adjustment pin
43+10 VI/OInput of +10-V bias supply, or output of onboard +10-V bias supply
45nFAULTI/OFault report flag, or external shutdown command pin
47ENABLE_SISlave EVM enable (connect to the UVLO pin of the slave IC)
49CH1_SISlave EVM CH-1 control (connect to the EN1 pin of the slave IC)
51CH2_SISlave EVM CH-2 control (connect to the EN2 pin of the slave IC)
53SYNCIN_SIInput of the external clock for the slave to be synchronized to
55SYNCOUT_SOSlave EVM clock output signal
57nFAULT_SI/OSlave EVM fault report flag, or external shut down command input pin
59KEY—No Connect
All even
number pins
J17 is the interface connector to MCU, or external digital controller, or to the master EVM’s J18 if the host EVM serves as a slave in the
multiphase configuration.
7CH1_SISlave EVM CH-1 control (connect to the EN1 pin of the IC)
9DIRIDirection command
11ISETAIChannel current setting (analog voltage)
13ISETDIChannel current setting (PWM signal)
15SYNCIN_SIThe external clock input for the slave
19OPTIInterleave angle setting
21CH2_SISlave EVM CH-2 control (connect to the EN1 pin of the IC)
23+3.3 VIOutput of onboard +3.3-V voltage
25+5 VIOutput of onboard +5-V voltage
27IOUT1_SOSlave EVM CH-1 monitor in 3 or 4 phases
29IOUT2_SOSlave EVM CH-2 current monitor in 3 or 4 phases
31IOUT1_X—Not used
33IOUT2_X—Not used
35AGNDI/OReference GND for control signals
37PGNDOPower ground of the DC-DC converter
39DT_SISlave EVM dead time adjustment pin
41DT_X—No Connect
43+10 VIInput of +10-V bias supply, or output of onboard +10-V bias supply
45nFAULT_XI/OSlave EVM fault report flag, or external shutdown command pin
47UVLO_X—No Connect
49CH1_X—No Connect
51CH2_X—No Connect
53SYNCIN_X—No Connect
55SYNCOUT_X—No Connect
57nFAULT_X—No Connect
59KEY—No Connect
All even
number pins
J18 is the interface connector to the slave EVM in the multiphase configuration if the host EVM serves as the master. All control
commands and control signals are sent through J18 to the slave EVM’s J17.
I = input pin
O = output pin
AGNDI/OAll signals’ return
Slave EVM enable (connect to the UVLO pin of the slave IC)
Figure 3 shows the typical bench setup to operate the EVM in the bidirectional power system environment.
The combination of the Electronic Load (E-Load) and bench Power Supply (PS) emulates a battery
capable of both sourcing and sinking current. A relatively Higher Voltage Power Supply (HV-PS) and ELoad (HV-E-Load) should be used for the 48VDC-port, and a Lower Voltage Power Supply (LV-PS) and
E-Load (LV-E-Load) for the 12VDC-port. The external control signals shown as dashed lines can also be
created with the onboard headers.
To operate the EVM to full power, the initial setup should follow the guidelines below:
•Set the LV-E-Load to Constant Current (CC) of 62 A
•Set the LV-PS voltage at 12 V, and the current limit at 63 A
•Set the HV-E-Load to CC of 14 A
•Set the HV-PS voltage at 48 V, and the current limit at 15 A
Note that in Buck Mode operation, the HV-E-load can be turned off, and in Boost Mode operation, the LV-
E-load can be turned off. If the output voltage loop is closed, the LV-PS can be disconnected in Buck
Mode operation. In Boost Mode operation, the HV-PS is required for Boost start-up, which is limited by the
onboard circuit breaker function. If the circuit breaker MOSFETS are shorted and J3 is closed, the HV-PS
is not needed for Boost Mode operation.
2.3Test Equipment
Power Supplies: HV-PS should be capable of 80V/20A, and LV-PS 40V/80A. To operate 2 EVMs in 4
phase configuration, the HV-PS and LV-PS capabilities should be doubled. Bench power supplies to
generate UVLO, ISETA, DIR, and EN1 and EN2 signals should be capable of 5V/0.1A.
Electronic Loads: The HV-E-Load should be capable of 80V/20A, and LV-E-Load 40V/80A. To operate 2
EVMs in 4 phase configuration, the E-Loads’ capabilities should be doubled.
Meters: Because most current meters are rated only to 10 A, shunts are recommended to measure the
current using a DVM.
Oscilloscope: An oscilloscope and 10x probes with at least 20-MHz bandwidth is required. Current probe
capable of 50 A is required to monitor the inductor current via a wire loop inserted to the non-switching
side of the inductor.
Please read the LM5170-Q1 datasheet (SNVSAQ6) and this user guide before using the EVM. A typical
EVM test bench setup is shown in Figure 2. The power supplies and loads should be capable of handling
the input and output voltage and current rating of the board.
The EVM operation requires the four external control signals, which are UVLO, DIR, EN1/2, and ISETA or
ISETD (refer to Figure 3).
•UVLO: The master enable command. Apply a voltage > 2.5 V and < 6 V between J17-pins 5 and 6 to
enable the EVM. Pulling the voltage at J17-pin 5 low will keep the EVM in shutdown mode.
•DIR: the current direction command. Apply a voltage > 2 V at J17-pin 9 or J18-pin 9 to operate the
EVM in Buck Mode. Apply a voltage < 1 V at the same pin to operate the EVM in Boost Mode. DIR
command can also be programmed using J28. Note that DIR must be either active high or low to
operate the EVM. If the DIR signal is floating, the EVM will not run.
•EN1 and EN2: The channel switching enable commands. Apply a voltage > 2 V at J17-pin 7 will turn
on CH-1 converter, and at J17-pin 21 will turn on CH-2 converter. Removing the voltage at the EN1
and EN2 pins to disable each channel. The channel enable can also be controlled by J29, J30 and
•ISETA or ISETD: The Channel current regulation setting. Applying an analog voltage across J17-pins
11 and 12, or J18-pins 11 and 12, or a PWM signal across J17-pins 13 and 14, or J18-pins 13 and 14,
the EVM will regulate the channel DC current, which is also the power inductor dc current, to a level
proportional the ISETA voltage or ISETD PWM duty ratio. ISETA is controlled by the onboard analog
outer voltage control loop when it is closed. Note that, ISETA=1.5 V, or ISETD PWM duty ratio of 48%,
will command the EVM to produce 60 A into or out of the 12VDC-port, depending on the operation
For initial test, TI recommends using the onboard 10-V bias supply by closing the J4 and J21-pins 2 and
3. The user can also apply an external 10-V bias supply between J17-Pins 43 and 44, but remember to
open J4 and J21 in order to disable the onboard 10-V bias supply.
3.1Buck Mode Power-Up and Power-Down Sequence
1. Refer to Table 2 through Table 5 for proper jumper settings
2. Turn on the HV-PS power supply.
3. Turn on the LV-PS power supply and LV-E-Load.
4. Apply a voltage > 2.5 V and < 6 V at J17-pin 5 (Master Enable).
5. Apply an analog voltage gradually rising from 0V to 1.5V at J17-pin 11 or J18-pin 11 (ISETA), or a
PWM signal of duty ratio of 0 to 48% at J17-pin 13 or J18-pin 13.
6. Perform the test.
7. After the tests are done, turn off the ISETA or ISETD signal, remove the voltage at J17-pin 5, and turn
off the E-Load, LV-PS and HV-PS.