TEXAS INSTRUMENTS LM20125 Technical data

LM20125,LM26480,LM3743,LM3880,LMZ10504, LMZ14203
Literature Number: ZHCA410
POWER designer
Expert tips, tricks, and techniques for powerful designs
No. 121
Power Supply Design Considerations for Modern FPGAs
— By Dennis Hudgins, Low Voltage Applications Manages, Tucson Design Center
Today’s FPGAs tend to operate at lower voltages and higher currents than their predecessors. Consequently, power supply requirements may be more demanding, requiring special attention to features deemed less important in past generations. Failure to consider the output voltage, sequencing, power-on, and soft-start requirements can result in unreliable power-up or potential damage to FPGAs.
Output Voltage Requirements
 e fi rst criteria to consider when designing power supplies for FPGAs are the voltage requirements for the diff erent supply rails. Most FPGAs have specifi cations for the CORE and IO voltage rails and many require additional auxiliary rails that may power internal clocks, phase-lock loops or transceivers. Table 1 provides the voltage levels and tolerances for some of the newest FPGAs.
FPGA Core Core Tolerance Auxiliary Power Auxiliary Tolerance IO Voltage* IO Tolerance*
Spartan-6 1.2 5% 2.5 or 3.3 5% 1.2 to 3.3 1.1 to 3.45
Spartan-6 (-1L) 1.0 5% 2.5 or 3.3 5% 1.2 to 3.3 1.1 to 3.45
Virtex-6 1.0 5% 2.5 5% 1.2 to 2.5 1.14 to 2.625
Virtex-6 (-1L) 0.9 30 mV 2.5 5% 1.2 to 2.5 1.14 to 2.625
Stratix-IV (GX and E) 0.9 30 mV 2.5 (VCCA_PLL) 5% 1.2 to 3.0 5%
Stratix-IV (GT) 0.95 30 mV 2.5 (VCCA_PLL) 5% 1.2 to 3.0 5%
Cyclone-IV (GX) 1.2 40 mV 2.5 5% 1.2 to 3.3 5%
Cyclone-IV (E) 1.0 * 2.5 5% 1.2 to 3.3 5%
Arria-II 0.9 30 mV 2.5 (VCCA_PLL) 5% 1.2 to 3.3 5%
Table 1. Voltage Requirements for Common Modern FPGAs
0.90 (VCCD_PLL) 30 mV
0.95 (VCCD_PLL) 30 mV
0.90 (VCCD_PLL) 30 mV
* Some values may differ slightly from those listed. Please consult your FPGA’s associated documentation for details.
POWER designer
Power Supply Design Considerations for Modern FPGAs
Since FPGAs generally specify several permissible voltage levels for the IO, the voltage selected is dictated by the external digital circuitry. To provide fl exibility, FPGAs will generally provide multiple IO banks that can be powered separately, allowing FPGAs to interface with various logic families. For simplicity, the solutions illustrated in this article will assume all IO banks are powered off of a single power supply rail.  e core voltage supplies the internal logic confi guration blocks of FPGAs and is where many of the internal digital path processes occur. As such, the current demanded by the core will vary greatly depending on the percent utilization of FPGAs. Vendors of the FPGAs described herein provide design tools that estimate core current requirements based on the internal blocks utilized.
Over time, the voltages used to power the core have steadily dropped. Modern cores utilize 65 nm, 45 nm or even 40 nm geometry silicon processes and may operate from voltages as low as 0.9V.  ese lower voltages are valuable to reduce power dissipation in FPGAs.  e trade off , however, is that keeping within the voltage tolerance requirements becomes more challenging for the power supply designer.
Output Capacitance and Transient Considerations
A good power supply design will keep the core voltage within tolerance at all times. Most of the power supply transient concerns can be managed by properly selecting the bypass and bulk capacitances for the power supply. In general, every core ball or pin connection should be bypassed directly under FPGAs with high-quality X5R or X7R ceramic capacitors.  e values recommended for each of these capacitors range from 1 μF to 10 μF and will generally be specifi ed by FPGA manufacturers.  ese capacitors provide a charge when FPGAs need to rapidly draw large spikes of current during high speed operations. Likewise, the bulk capacitance should be selected to provide charge during large steps of current, which tend to occur during power-on, application-start, or a change in application state. Before increasing the amount of output capacitance to solve transient droop issues, changes to the power supply should be made that do not involve an increase in PCB area or component count.
 e response to a load transient is dictated by the large signal response time that consists of ramping the inductor current to the correct operating level and the small signal response of the control loop.
Transient Response Optimizations
To optimize the transient response, ensure the supply is switching at the highest possible frequency.  is will allow use of a small inductor and reduce the large signal response time. Typical high performance power supply solutions can be designed to have crossover frequencies as high as one-tenth to one-fi fth the switching frequency. Pushing the crossover frequency too high may result in ringing at the output during a load transient indicating poor phase margin. Any ringing in the output should be avoided as this may result in instability with external component variation or when operating at temperature extremes.
AUX Voltage Considerations
Many FPGAs require a third power supply commonly referred to as the auxiliary rail or AUX. Since the AUX rail may power internal clocks, phase-lock loops, or transceivers, the amount of output voltage ripple on this rail should be minimized. In some cases, additional ferrite beads and capacitors fi ltering may be needed to meet the application or FPGA noise requirements. In applications where noise is extremely important, a low noise, high PSRR LDO, like the LP3878, should be considered instead of a switching converter.
Sequencing Requirements
 e sequencing requirements vary depending on the particular FPGA being used and many newer FPGAs specify that no sequencing is required. While this is technically true for the FPGA, it is not the optimal way to design a power solution. National Semiconductor off ers several devices to address sequencing requirements.  e LM3880 is designed to address sequential sequencing of multiple supply rails.  is device is available in a small SOT-23 package and can sequence up to three supply rails. Many options are available to control the up and down, three-fl ag outputs sequencing timing. National also provides devices to support customized fl ag order and timing.
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