Texas Instruments Connect-to-Class Guidebook


Important Information

Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an "as-is" basis. In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the purchase price of this product. Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party.


Please see the complete license installed in C:\Program Files\TI Education\Connect-to-Class.
© 2008 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Microsoft® and Windows® are trademarks of their owner.
Important Information................................................................... ii
License............................................................................................. ii
Sample Hardware Setups ......................................................1
Connect-to-Class™ Configuration Requirements......................... 1
Sample Configuration diagrams ................................................... 2
Getting started .......................................................................5
Starting Connect-to-Class™ software .......................................... 6
The Connect-to-Class™ software computer home screen .......... 7
Current Class .................................................................................. 8
Class Record .................................................................................... 8
Classroom tab .............................................................................. 10
Creating and managing your teacher account .......................... 11
Managing classes..................................................................15
Creating classes............................................................................. 15
Selecting a class ............................................................................ 18
Beginning and ending class sessions........................................... 19
Logging in to Connect-to-Class™ (student instruction)............. 20
Changing the class view .............................................................. 23
Arranging the seating chart ........................................................ 24
Removing items from the Class Record....................................... 25
Removing classes ......................................................................... 27
Managing student accounts.................................................29
Adding students to classes........................................................... 29
Checking student login status ..................................................... 31
Sorting student information........................................................ 31
Resetting student passwords....................................................... 32
Changing student classes............................................................. 35
Changing student names and identifiers.................................... 37
Moving a student to another class.............................................. 38
Copying a student to another class............................................. 39
Removing a student from a class................................................. 39
Exchanging files with students ...........................................41
Sending files ................................................................................. 41
Connecting handhelds for file transfers ..................................... 41
Sending files (student instruction) ............................................. 47
Collecting files .............................................................................. 49
Receiving files (student instruction) ........................................... 53
Redistributing files from a collect action....................................55
Deleting files from TI-Nspire™ handhelds .................................56
Checking the status of file transfers............................................58
Canceling file transfers.................................................................58
Finding transferred files...............................................................59
Changing the unprompted file location .....................................59
Viewing file properties.................................................................61
The Transfer Tool................................................................... 63
Opening the Transfer Tool ...........................................................63
Adding files to the transfer list....................................................64
Removing files from the transfer list...........................................66
Changing the destination folder ................................................67
Viewing transfer status ................................................................67
Deleting device folders and files before transferring files ........68
Stopping file transfers..................................................................69
Closing the Transfer tool..............................................................69
Glossary ................................................................................ 71
Terms .............................................................................................71
File types........................................................................................72
Troubleshooting ................................................................... 73
System requirements ....................................................................73
Error messages ..............................................................................73
Connectivity Issues........................................................................75
Texas Instruments Support and Service.............................. 77

Sample Hardware Setups

Two four-port hubs and two USB extension cables are included with your product. The extension cables allow you to set up the hubs away from your computer. Using these cables is recommended but not necessary. However, be sure to use only the two four-port hubs provided.
This section shows some sample hardware setups and how you can use the cables to configure your system. The section also describes the minimum configuration requirements for operating Connect-to-Class™ with the TI-Nspire

Connect-to-Class™ Configuration Requirements

TI-Nspire™ family handhelds (with OS version 1.3 or higher)
A computer with the minimum system requirements
Compatible USB cables (Standard A to Mini B) of appropriate length, used in combination with the two USB extension cables provided with the product
USB cable length between the computer and USB hub or
between the TI-Nspire™ handheld and USB hub should not exceed 16 feet.
USB cables between the TI-Nspire™ handheld and USB hub
should consist of Standard A and Mini B connectors. You can use the USB cable that came with the handheld or any Standard A to Mini B USB cable.
The two four-port USB hubs supplied with the product, connected to a personal computer
Warning: Use only the supplied hubs with Connect-to-Class™. In addition, do not connect any other product or non-TI-Nspire™ device into these hubs.
Please contact TI by e-mail at ti-cares@ti.com for additional hub details.
Sample Hardware Setups 1
Sample Configuration diagrams

4-port, direct connect

USB Extension Cable
Warning: Use only the supplied hubs with Connect-to-Class™. In addition, do not connect any other product or non-TI-Nspire™ device into these hubs.

(2) 4-port, daisy-chained

USB Extension Cables
Warning: Use only the supplied hubs with Connect-to-Class™. In addition, do not connect any other product or non-TI-Nspire™ device into these hubs.
2 Sample Hardware Setups
(2) 4-port, direct connect
USB Extension Cable
USB Extension
Warning: Use only the supplied hubs with Connect-to-Class™. In addition, do not connect any other product or non-TI-Nspire™ device into these hubs.
Sample Hardware Setups 3
4 Sample Hardware Setups

Getting started

Use Connect-to-Class™ software to transfer files to and from your students:
Transfer documents between your computer or TI-Nspire™ handheld and your students’ TI-Nspire™ handhelds while a class is in session.
Transfer files to connected TI-Nspire™ handhelds outside of a classroom session.
Manage files (arrange collected files by class, delete files from student TI-Nspire™ handhelds)
This section provides basic information about Connect-to-Class™ software and using the software with the student’s TI-Nspire™ handheld.
Getting started 5
Starting Connect-to-Class™ software
Start the software from your computer’s Start menu or from a desktop shortcut.

To start Connect-to-Class™ software

f Click
Start > Programs > TI Tools > Connect-to-Class >
Note: If you have not used Connect-to-Class™ software before, a
prompt asks if you want to set up your classroom. You can set up your classroom or continue on to the Connect-to-Class™ software home screen.
6 Getting started
The Connect-to-Class™ software computer home screen
The home screen provides the tools and options you need to run the software. Here are the main areas of the home screen, followed by explanations of each labeled part.
Ê Current Class
Ë Class Record
Classroom tab
Í View Selector
Getting started 7
Current Class
This area lets you select classes you have created, as well as begin and end class sessions for the selected class. Below you can see an example of the Current Class area with its main parts labeled.
Class list. A drop-down list where you can select a class from the ones
you have created. The Class list is disabled when you have a class session running.
Begin/End Class button. Lets you begin or end a class session.

Class Record

The Class Record contains both the current and historical activity for the selected class. The following example shows a Class Record with its main parts labeled.
Unprompted from Class folder. A folder that contains the files
students have sent to you that were not part of a collect action.
8 Getting started
Á File transfer. The transfer of files between your computer and your
students’ TI-Nspire™ handhelds. Arrow icons under the Actions column and beside files indicate file transfers.
Files that have been sent to your class’s TI-Nspire™ handhelds
Files you have received from your class’s TI-Nspire™ handhelds
File transfers remain current until all students receive the file, you stop the transfer, or you end the class session.
Status. The progress of an action. For example, “23 of 25” indicates
that 23 out of 25 students have received a file.
File deletion. A file that has been deleted from your students’
TI-Nspire™ handhelds is indicated by the symbol under the Actions column.
Current action. An action (for example, send) that is still active.
Historic action. An action (for example, send) that is inactive.
Remove From Record button. Lets you remove selected historic or
active actions from the Class Record. You can remove a single action or multiple actions.
Getting started 9
Classroom tab
From the Classroom tab, you can view the students in the selected class and add, remove, or edit students. The Classroom tab has two views, the Seating Chart and Student List views. In the Seating Chart view, you can view your students by their display name and an icon. In the Student List view, you can view your students listed in a table with some of their account information. Below you can see an example of the Classroom tab with its main parts labeled.
Note: The example below shows the Classroom tab in Student List view.
Classroom toolbar. Lets you add, edit, and remove students.
Student roster. 1) Seating Chart view - Shows students listed with
display names and student icons. In this view, you can arrange your students in the Classroom tab as they are seated in your classroom.
2) Student List view - Shows students listed in a table with some of their account information. In this view, you can sort students by display name, first name, last name, user name, and student ID.
View selector. Lets you toggle between the Seating Chart and Student
10 Getting started
Creating and managing your teacher account
You can create your teacher account in Teacher Preferences. Your teacher account lets you log in to the Connect-to-Class™ software network from your TI-Nspire™ handheld. After you create your teacher account, you can change your password or your user name at any time.

To create your teacher account

1. If you have a class session running, end it.
2. Click
3. Type a user name.
4. Type a password.
5. Select or deselect the preference for the teacher icon to appear in
6. Click
Tools > Teacher Preferences or click Teacher Preferences .
The Teacher Preferences dialog opens.
the classroom view.
If you select this preference, the teacher icon will appear in the classroom view, and you will be included as a recipient in Send to Class, Collect from Class, and Delete from Class operations.
Getting started 11

To change the password of your teacher account

1. Make sure you are not logged in to the Connect-to-Class™ software network on your TI-Nspire™ handheld.
2. Click
Tools > Teacher Preferences or click Teacher Preferences .
The Teacher Preferences dialog opens.
3. Click
Connect-to-Class™ software clears the current password.
4. Type a new password.
5. Click
12 Getting started

To change the user name of your teacher account

1. Make sure you are not logged in to the Connect-to-Class™ software on your TI-Nspire™ handheld.
2. Click
Tools > Teacher Preferences or click Teacher Preferences .
The Teacher Preferences dialog opens.
3. Select the current user name, then type a new user name.
4. Click

Managing classes

To use Connect-to-Class™ software, you must create a class for each class period that you teach. This section contains the information you need to create and effectively manage your classes.

Creating classes

When you start using Connect-to-Class™ software, one of the first things you should do is create your classes. Make sure you create a class for each of the class periods you plan to teach with the software.

To create classes

1. If you have a class session running, end it.
2. Click
3. Enter a class name.
4. Select a class type.
5. Click
File > Add Class or click Add Class .
Create a Class dialog opens.
Add Class.
Note: Once you select a class type and add the class, the class created
will only work with the device type specified.
Managing classes 15
The new class appears in the Create a Class dialog.

Importing students into the class

You can import students into a class when you create it, using a comma­separated value (.csv) file or comma/tab delimited text (.txt) file.
Be sure that the fields in the file you import are structured to correspond with fields in existing class records. For example:
First Name,Last Name,User Name,Password,Display Name,Student ID
James,Jones,Jjones,123,Jjones,555-1212 Cindy,Albert,Cabert,456,Cabert,444-1212
Note: These instructions explain how to add students when you create a
class. You can add students individually to a class at any time after creating it. You can also add students when you create a class by importing them.
1. Click the class to select it.
2. Click
Import Students.
16 Managing classes
3. The Open dialog displays.
4. Select the file that contains the students you want to import.
Note: The file can be a CSV file or comma/tab delimited text (.txt)
5. Click Open.
Import Status dialog opens, telling you how many students
Connect-to-Class™ software successfully imported.
Managing classes 17
6. If some students did not import successfully, click View Details to determine the problem.
The details of the import open in the Import Status dialog.
7. Click
8. If you need to create another class, repeat steps 3 - 5.
9. Click

Selecting a class

You can create many classes in the Connect-to-Class™ software system. To view or start a class, you must select it from a list of the classes in the Current Class section of the Connect-to-Class™ software home screen.
18 Managing classes

To select a class

1. If you have a class session running, end it.
2. Click File > Select Class.
A list of classes opens.
3. Click the class you want.
Connect-to-Class™ software displays the information for the selected class.
Note: You can view and edit information in the selected class;
however, you cannot perform any communications functions with the class until you start the class session.

Beginning and ending class sessions

A class session is the period when the Connect-to-Class™ software network is active for a specific class. While a class session is running, you can perform communications functions with the selected class. You cannot use the software to interact with your class until you begin a class session, and you cannot begin another class in the software until you end the current one.

To begin class sessions

1. If you have a class session running, end it.
2. From the Current Class drop-down list, select the class you want to begin.
3. Click
File > Begin Class, click Begin Class on the tool line, or click
the button next to the class name.

To end class sessions

f Click File > End Class, click End Class on the tool line, or click
the button next to the class name.
Managing classes 19

Logging in to Connect-to-Class™ (student instruction)

Your computer and your students’ TI-Nspire™ handhelds communicate through the Connect-to-Class™ network. In order for you and your students to communicate using this software, your students must log in to the application from their TI-Nspire™ handhelds. Below you can find instructions you can use to tell your students how to log in to the Connect-to-Class™ network.

Before your students log in

Create your students’ accounts.
Provide your students with their user names and, if necessary, their passwords.
Begin the class session on your computer.
Student Point of View: The steps below are from the student’s
point of view.

To log in to Connect-to-Class™

1. From the My Documents screen of your TI-Nspire™ handheld, press
/c to access the Too ls menu. Choose option 7 to select
20 Managing classes
The Login screen displays.
3. Type your user name and password. (Press Password field.)
4. Select
5. Select
The Login Successful screen displays.
e to move to the
Managing classes 21
If your teacher has sent any documents to you or to the class, you will receive the document(s) when you log in.
6. When all documents have transferred, select
The documents display in the class folder on the My Documents screen.
22 Managing classes
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