Texas Instruments CC2533 RF4CE Hardware User's Manual

CC2533 RF4CE Basic
Development Kit
Hardware User’s Guide
1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 4
2 ABOUT THIS MANUAL...................................................................................................... 4
3 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS............................................................................... 5
4 GETTING STARTED........................................................................................................... 6
4.1 DEVELOPMENT KIT CONT ENT .................................................................................................. 6
4.2 THE CC2533 REMOTE CONTROL .............................................................................................. 7
4.3 THE TARGET MODULE ............................................................................................................. 8
4.4 INSTALLING REMOTI SOFTWARE AND WINDOW S DRIVERS ......................................................... 9
4.5 REMOTI SOFTWARE................................................................................................................. 9
4.6 INSTALLING THE T ARGET MODULE WINDOW S DRIVERS ............................................................ 10
4.7 TESTING THE REMOTE CONTROL APPLICATION........................................................................ 13
5 PROGRAMMING AND DEBUGGING............................................................................. 14
5.1 USING THE SMARTRF FLASH PROGRAMMER PC SOFTWARE .................................................... 14
5.2 PROGRAMMING AND D EBUGGING THE REMOT E CONTROL ......................................................... 14
5.3 PROGRAMMING AND D EBUGGING THE TARG ET MODULE........................................................... 15
6 THE TARGET MODULE .................................................................................................. 17
6.1 TARGET MODULE HARD WARE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................ 17
6.1.1 CC2533EM interface ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
6.1.2 USB............................................................................................................................................................................................18
6.1.3 Power supply ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18
6.1.4 Interface connectors................................................................................................................................................................. 18
6.1.5 Debug interface ........................................................................................................................................................................19
6.1.6 Dataflash................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.1.7 IR Interface ............................................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.1.8 Buttons and LEDs..................................................................................................................................................................... 20
7 APPENDIX A: OPENING THE REMOTE CONTROL ................................................... 21
9 SCHEMATIC AND LAYOUT............................................................................................ 24
10 DOCUMENT HISTORY .................................................................................................... 25
List of Figures
Figure 1: Remote Control Key layout ..................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: Target module layout .............................................................................................. 9
Figure 3: Assembled target module ..................................................................................... 10
Figure 4: Connecting the target module for the first time (Windows XP) ............................... 11
Figure 5: Select automatic installation of software (Windows XP)......................................... 11
Figure 6: The driver installation is completed (Windows XP) ................................................ 12
Figure 7: Correct target module setup (Windows XP)........................................................... 12
Figure 8: SmartRF flash programmer interface .................................................................... 14
Figure 9: Connecting the remote control to the CC Debugger .............................................. 15
Figure 10: Connecting the target module to the CC Debugger ............................................. 16
Figure 11: USB interface selection with 0-ohm resistor ........................................................ 18
Figure 12: Serial flash interface details ................................................................................ 19
Figure 13: Changing polarity of IR control signal to active high............................................. 20
Figure 13: Opening the remote control, step one ................................................................. 21
Figure 14: Opening the remote control, step two.................................................................. 21
Figure 15: Short pin 1(GND) and pin11 (SDA) ..................................................................... 22
Figure 16: Installing the EEPROM burner driver................................................................... 22
Figure 17: Using the EEPROM burner software ................................................................... 23
List of Tables
Table 1: EM module interface.............................................................................................. 17
Table 2: Interface header pinout .......................................................................................... 19
Table 3: Debug Header pinout............................................................................................. 19
1 Introduction
The CC2533 RF4CE Basic development kit (part # CC2533DK-RF4CE-BA) allows you to evaluate RF4CE remote controls and develop applications based on the RF4CE standard. The main components of the development kit are a complete RF remote control and a target module that can be connected to A/V equipments or TV’s.
The development kit also includes the RemoTI software, this software package includes software and tools required to develop your own remote controls. The CC Debugger is used for programming and debugging all Chipcon products from Texas Instruments.
2 About this manual
This manual covers the hardware of the CC2533 RF4CE Basic development kit. To use the development kit the RemoTI software must be downloaded from http://www.ti.com/remoTI. Separate manuals cover the RemoTI target emulator PC software and the software development suite.
The complete schematics and layout files for the remote control and the target module is available from http://www.ti.com/remoTI. The CC2533EM module reference design files is available at http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/folders/print/cc2533emk.html
3 Acronyms and Abbreviations
DK Development Kit
EM Evaluation Module
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit (communication bus)
IC Integrated Circuit
IR Infra Red
kB Kilo Byte (1024 byte)
LED Light Emitting Diode
LPW Low Power Wireless
MCU Micro Controller
RF Radio Frequency
RF4CE Radio Frequency for Consumer Electronic
SoC System on Chip
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
TI Texas Instruments
TX Transmit
UART Universal Asynchronous Receive Transmit
USB Universal Serial Bus
4 Getting Started
4.1 Development Kit Content
The development kit includes the following main components:
RF remote control
A complet
e cost optimized RF4CE remote
control reference design with integrated PCB
antenna. The remote control can be
programmed using the debug interface.
Target Module
Interface board for connecting I/O signals to typical remote applications. The following interfaces are accessible:
- UART over USB virtual serial port
- UART, CMOS signal level
- I2C
- IR receiver/transmitter
This is the CC2533 Evaluation Module (EM)
with the RF IC reference design. Use the EM
as reference design for antenna and RF
out. To be plugged into the Receiver
module. The CC2533EM module includes
both a no-
cost PCB antenna and an SMA
connector with external antenna. The
antenna can be selected with a 0-
The PCB antenna is used by
CC Debugger
USB Debug
Interface for programming and
debugging applications running on the
remote control and target board.
For programming the CC Debugger is used
with the SmartRF flash programmer SW
For In-
Circuit Emulator the CC Debugger is
used with the IAR embedded workbench
USB dongle
The USB dongle can be programmed to
replace the functions of the Target Module. It
supports virtual serial port interface and HID
(Human Interface Device) USB profiles. It
can also be programmed to be used as
packet sniffer of RF activity.
In addition the kit includes the following accessories:
2 AA batteries 2 Mini-USB cables, one for the target module and one for the CC Debugger 1 USB extension cable for the USB dongle 1 10-pin flat cable with 2x5 2.54mm connector 1 10-pin flat cable with 2x5 1.27mm connector 1 Converter board 2.54mm-1.27mm connector
The CC2533 RF4CE Basic development kit includes the following software:
Application Description Download link and reference RemoTI stack
library and sample applications
The embedded software included with the remote control and target board. Allows the development kit to be used out-of-the-box as an RF remote control.
SWRC131 http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/fold ers/print/remoti.html
RemoTI emulator PC tool
A PC tool that can be connected to the USB interface of the target module to test
Included in the RemoTI SW package
SmartRF Packet Sniffer
A PC tools that can be used to display all RF4CE packets on the network. Requires a packet sniffer hardware adapter to be used with RF4CE.
http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/fold ers/print/packet-sniffer.html
SmartRF Flash Programmer
Programming tool for programming hex files.
http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/fold ers/print/flash-programmer.html
IAR EW8051 C­compiler
Additional CC Debugger and packet sniffer hardware adapters can be purchased from the TI eStore on www.ti.com
4.2 The CC2533 Remote Control
The remote control is powered by 2xAA batteries included with the development kit.
Figure 1 shows the key layout of the remote control with some of the important keys.
- Pairing key, pair the remote control with the target
- Packet error rate key, used to start the packet error rate mode. Use this mode to test range and RF quality. See the RemoTI Sample Application Users Guide (SWRU201)
for instructions to run the PER and latency test, and the RemoTI Latency and Packet Error Rate Application Note (SWRA262) for sample measurements.
- On/Off, switches power on the target. Note that most applications can still receive remote control commands when powered off, but the latency is longer
Figure 1: Remote Control Key layout
4.3 The Target Module
The target module includes the following features and interfaces:
- Virtual serial port USB interface to allow using a COM port on a PC
- I2C/SPI/UART interface for connection to A/V equipment
- Flash memory for storage of Over the air (OAD) images and IR codes
- 1 channel IR drivers and LED for IR repeater function
- IR sensor input
o Learning IR code functionality o Direct translation of IR codes to RF commands
- Buttons for reset and pairing
- Status LEDs
The target module is powered from the USB interface connected to a PC or a power adapter with USB interface.
Pairing key
Packet Error Rate
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