Texas Instruments CC1110, CC2510 User Manual

CC1110 & CC2510
Mini Development Kit
User’s Guide
2 ABOUT THIS MANUAL ..............................................................................................................4
3 ACRONYMS...................................................................................................................................5
4 MINI DEVELOPMENT KIT CONTENT...................................................................................6
5 GETTING STARTED....................................................................................................................8
5.1 SETUP........................................................................................................................................8
6 USING THE HARDWARE.........................................................................................................10
6.1 POWER SOURCES.....................................................................................................................10
6.1.1 Battery Power.................................................................................................................10
6.1.2 External Power Supply...................................................................................................11
6.2 BUTTONS.................................................................................................................................11
6.3 LEDS ......................................................................................................................................11
6.4 DEBUG CONNECTOR (DEBUG) ............................................................................................11
6.5 I/O PIN CONNECTORS (INTIO)................................................................................................12
6.6 ANTENNA OPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 12
6.7 HARDWARE DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................................................13
7.1 TESTING TX PARAMETERS......................................................................................................17
7.2 TESTING RX PARAMETERS......................................................................................................17
7.3 LINK AND RANGE TESTING ......................................................................................................17
9 SOFTWARE APPLICATION EXAMPLES.............................................................................21
9.1 RUNNING AND DEVELOPING SOFTWARE APPLICATION EXAMPLES .........................................21
10 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.................................................................................. 22
11 REFERENCES.........................................................................................................................23
12 DOCUMENT HISTORY.........................................................................................................24
A SMARTRF CC1110 TARGET BOARD.....................................................................................25
B SMARTRF CC2510 TARGET BOARD.....................................................................................26
1 Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the CC1110 Mini Development Kit 868-915 MHz or the CC2510 Mini Development Kit.
The CC1110 and CC2510 are System-on-Chip (SoC) devices from Texas Instruments designed for low power wireless applications. CC1110 operates in the sub-1 GHz unlicensed ISM bands while the CC2510 operates in the 2.4 GHz unlicensed ISM bands. The CC1110 and CC2510 combine the excellent performance of the state-of-the-art CC1101 and CC2500 RF transceivers respectively with an industry-standard enhanced 8051 MCU, up to 32 kB of in-system programmable flash memory and up to 4 kB of RAM, and many other powerful features.
The CC1110 and CC2510 are highly suited for systems where very low power consumption is required. This is ensured by several advanced low-power operating modes. The small 6x6 mm package further makes it suited for applications with size limitations.
The CC1110 and CC2510 mini development kits include all the necessary hardware in order to evaluate, demonstrate, prototype and develop software targeting proprietary applications requiring a sub-1 GHz or 2.4 GHz radio.
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2 About this Manual

This manual contains both tutorial and reference information regarding the hardware components of both the CC1110 Mini Development Kit and the CC2510 Mini Development Kit.
Chapter 4 briefly describes the content of this development kit and chapter 5 and 6 gives a quick introduction to how to set-up and use the hardware. Chapter 7 describes how to use the kit with SmartRF capture devices with the SmartRF Packet sniffer [8]. Chapter 9 mentions other software that is available for the mini development kits. A troubleshooting guide can be found in chapter 10. Chapter 11 provides a list of relevant documents and links. Appendix A and B contain the schematics for the SmartRF CC1110 and SmartRF CC2510 target boards respectively. The complete reference design for both the target boards are further available on the mini development kit web pages on the TI web site, see [4] and [5].
The CC1110 Mini Development Kit 868-915 MHz Quick Start Guide [1] and the CC2510 Mini Development Kit Quick Start Guide [2] are short tutorials on how to quickly and easy get started with the two mini development kits and how to use the preprogrammed link test on the kits. The CC1110 & CC2510 Mini DK Software Example User's Guide [3] describes the source code and has more detailed documentation on the preprogrammed link test that comes with the kit.
The CC Debugger User’s Guide [6] covers all the details regarding the CC Debugger tool that comes with this kit. The user’s guides for the PC tools SmartRF Studio [7] and SmartRF Flash Programmer [9] give details on the use of these PC tools. Relevant design notes and application notes for the CC1110 and CC2510 mini development kits, and the CC1110 and CC2510 datasheet and errata note can be in the device product folders ([14] and [15]). Also visit the kit web pages [4] and [5] for additional information.
Studio [7] and chapter 8 briefly shows how to use the kit hardware as
3 Acronyms
DK Development Kit IC Integrated Circuit ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical I/O Input/ Output kB Kilo Byte (1024 byte) LED Light Emitting Diode LPRF Low Power RF MCU Micro Controller PCB Printed Circuit Board RAM Random Access Memory RF Radio Frequency RX Receive SoC System on Chip SPI Serial Peripheral Interface SRD Short Range Device TI Texas Instruments TX Transmit UART Universal Asynchronous Receive Transmit USB Universal Serial Bus PCB Printed Circuit Board

4 Mini Development Kit Content

The CC1110 and CC2510 mini Development Kits include the necessary hardware and software tools to allow quick testing of the CC1110 or CC2510 performance. They further offer a complete platform to develop prototype RF systems.
Evaluate the CC1110/CC2510 right out of the box. The kits can be used for range testing using the pre-programmed link test.
Prototype development. All I/Os from the CC1110 and CC2510 are available on pin connectors and/or through holes on the PCB, allowing easy interconnection to other devices or controllers and also easy debugging.
Together with the CC Debugger, the SmartRF CC1110/CC2510 target board can be configured through SmartRF Studio [7] or programmed using SmartRF Flash Programmer [9]. Debugging can be done using the IAR Embedded Workbench [10].
The CC1110 and CC2510 mini development kits contain:
2 x SmartRF CC1110 or SmartRF CC2510 target boards
1 x CC Debugger including the necessary cables and connector convertors
4 x AAA batteries
CD with Evaluation version of the IAR EW8051
Figure 4-1 – CC1110 Mini Development Kit 868-915 MHz Content
Figure 4-2 – CC2510 Mini Development Kit Content
SmartRF CC1110 Target Board
The SmartRF CC1110 target board contains the RF IC, necessary external components, battery holders, LEDs, and a PCB antenna. The module is pre-programmed with a link test for easy use. The board further includes user I/Os and access to CC1110 peripherals.
CC1110 DEBUG interface
CC1110 SPI
2 Buttons
2 LEDs
General purpose I/Os
SmartRF CC2510 Target Board
The SmartRF CC2510 target board contains the RF IC, necessary external components, battery holders, LEDs, and a PCB antenna. The module is pre-programmed with a link test for easy use. The board further includes user I/Os and access to CC2510 peripherals.
CC2510 DEBUG interface
CC2510 SPI
2 Buttons
2 LEDs
General purpose I/Os
CC Debugger
The CC Debugger enables programming and debugging the flash of the CC1110/ CC2510. It connects to the PC via USB and uses the DEBUG interface to communicate with the radio. The PC Tools available for these purposes are SmartRF Flash Programmer [9] from Texas Instruments and IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 [10] from IAR Systems. The CC Debugger also allows the user to control and run tests on the SmartRF CC1110/CC2510 target boards using SmartRF Studio [7].
5 Getting Started
5.1 Setup
The SmartRF CC1110/CC2510 target board is a complete standalone RF reference platform with user interfaces and connections needed for development with the CC1110/CC2510.
It can be used both standalone (powered from batteries) or together with the CC Debugger (for testing and debugging purposes) as shown in Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2 respectively.
Figure 5-1 – SmartRF CC2510 target board standalone
Figure 5-2 – SmartRF CC2510 target board connected to the CC Debugger
The two SmartRF CC1110/CC2510 target boards in the mini development kit are identical and come pre-programmed with a link test application. When running the out of the box link test, the boards can be used standalone. The boards can then be powered from either the 2 x
1.5V AAA batteries that are included in this kit or an external regulated power source (not included in this kit). The power source can be selected with the jumper on the power selection connector P1 on the boards. Read more about this in section 6.1.
When not using the out of the box link test (i.e. the preprogrammed application) e.g. for RF evaluation or software development, the SmartRF CC1110/CC2510 target board can be connected to the CC Debugger. The SmartRF CC1110/CC2510 target board includes interfaces for programming and debugging the CC1110/CC2510 via the small connector marked “Debug”.
The boards further provide access to all the I/O signals from the CC1110/CC2510, two LEDs and two push buttons.
After assembling the hardware, there are several options for working with the CC1110 and CC2510 devices:
Run the link test application that is preprogrammed on the CC1110’s/CC2510’s. The CC1110 Mini Development Kit 868-915 MHz Quick Start Guide [1] or the CC2510 Mini Development Kit Quick Start Guide [2] included in the kits describes the necessary steps to run this application.
Evaluate and explore the RF capabilities of the CC1110/CC2510 using SmartRF Studio [7]. Chapter 7 provides the details how to do so.
Develop your own software for the CC1110/CC2510. Install IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 [10] and set up your first software project. Section 9.1 explains how.
Develop your own hardware with the CC1110/CC2510. See section 6.7.
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