CBL Programs/Applications
To Accompany
Real World Math with the CBL™ System:
25 Activities Using the CBL and TI-82
1. What’s New?
2. How to Install the Application Using the Flash Installer
3. How to Install the Application Using TI-GRAPH LINK™
3. How to Start the Application
4. How to Run the Programs
a. Error Messages
b. How the Applications differ from the previous stand-alone programs
5. How to Delete an Application
6. How to Contact TI Technical Support
What’s New?
In the past, each activity in Real World Math with the CBL System had one (or in a few cases, two) TI Basic
programs. Most activities also had one sample data set, also in the form of TI Basic programs. These files
were stand-alone files with .83p file extensions. When performing an activity, you would download all the
files you needed into your calculator from the PC using the TI-GRAPH LINK™ program. To use the
programs, you would make a selection from the calculator EXEC menu. In order to use the
programs, all the programs and data sets had to be in memory at the same time.
The same TI Basic programs have now been modified to work with the TI-83 Plus. Similar stand-alone TI
Basic files are still available, but these now have .8xp extensions. The functions that the programs perform
are essentially unchanged from the TI-83, but cosmetic changes have been made where necessary.
In addition, for the TI-83 Plus we have provided versions of these programs in the form of applications.
Application files have .app file extensions on the PC. You can download applications to the calculator using
TI-GRAPH LINK or the Flash Installer provided by TI. (The Flash Installer currently is not available for
the Macintosh, so Macintosh users will need to install the standalone programs using TI-GRAPH LINK.)
When you load an application into the calculator, it is put in the Flash ROM, so it does not take up space in
RAM. To use an application, press 9 and select the application name from the APPLICATIONS menu.
How to Install the Application Using the Flash Installer
The Flash Installer is currently available only for the Microsoft® Windows® platforms (Windows® 3.1,
Windows® 95, and Windows NT®).
1. Close all desktop applications that may have been started after you downloaded the flash software.
(Another running application could interfere while the flash software is updating your TI-83 Plus.)
2. Make sure the TI-GRAPH LINK cable is firmly connected to the calculator and the computer.
3. Start the flash software installation by double-clicking on the flash software file (cblmath1.exe, for
example) on your computer and following the instructions.
© 1999 Texas Instruments Incorporated 1
The TI-83 Plus may briefly display a "Defragmenting" message. This simply means the calculator is
preparing for downloading. While the application is downloading, the TI-83 Plus will display the message
“Receiving *CBLMath1 APP.”
When the installation is complete, the Flash Installer screen will display a message that the installation was
successful. The calculator will remain on.
Important: DO NOT interrupt the installation process. If you encounter any errors during the installation,
follow the instructions. Error Recovery instructions are also described below.
Real World Math with the CBL System activities are grouped into six separate applications in order to limit
the size of each to two application pages. The activities in each application are:
Application Activities
CBLMath1 1 - 4
CBLMath2 5 - 9
CBLMath3 10 - 14
CBLMath4 15 - 18
CBLMath5 19 - 22
CBLMath6 23 - 25
How to Install the Application Using TI-GRAPH LINK™
1. Connect the TI-83 or TI-83 Plus and your computer with the TI-GRAPH LINK cable.
2. Turn on the TI-83 and leave it at the Home screen.
3. Start the TI-GRAPH LINK software.
4. Click on the Link menu, then click on Send.
5. Select the directory into which you downloaded the application files, and then select the file you want
to load on the TI-83.
6. Click OK to transmit the file.
How to Start the Application
To use an application, press 9 and select the application name from the APPLICATIONS menu.
When you run an application, the first screen tells you what activities are included in the application. To
remove the title screen, press Í. To exit the application at any time, press 2 K.
How to Run the Programs
When you start any application, after you press Í to remove the title screen, you will see a main menu
listing the names of the original TI Basic programs available in that application. These names correspond to
the names given in Real World Math with the CBL System. In order to run a program mentioned in the
activity book, you must run the application containing the activity, and then select the program name.
To run the program:
• Press the number in front of the program name
— or —
• Use † to highlight the program name and press Í.
To move around the main menu:
• Use } and † to move one line at a time.
— or —
• ƒ } or ƒ † to move one screen at a time.
© 1999 Texas Instruments Incorporated 2