Texas Instruments bq78350-R1 Technical Reference

Technical Reference
Literature Number: SLUUBD3D
September 2015–Revised September 2018
Preface ........................................................................................................................................ 9
1 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 10
2 Basic Measurement System................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Current and Coulomb Counting .......................................................................................... 11
2.3 Voltage....................................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Temperature ................................................................................................................ 12
2.4.1 FET Temperature Measurement ............................................................................... 12
2.4.2 Temperature Enable .............................................................................................. 12
2.4.3 Temperature Mode Configuration ............................................................................... 12
2.5 Temperature Ranges ...................................................................................................... 13
2.6 Basic Configuration Options .............................................................................................. 13
2.6.1 DA Configuration .................................................................................................. 13
2.6.2 FET Options........................................................................................................ 14
2.6.3 AFE Cell Map ...................................................................................................... 15
3 Protections........................................................................................................................ 17
3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 17
3.1.1 General Protections Configuration .............................................................................. 17
3.1.2 Enabled Protections .............................................................................................. 18
3.1.3 Enabled Removal Recovery ..................................................................................... 20
3.1.4 FET Action Options for Current Protections ................................................................... 21
3.2 Cell Undervoltage Protection ............................................................................................. 21
3.3 Cell Overvoltage Protection............................................................................................... 22
3.4 Overcurrent in Charge Protection........................................................................................ 22
3.5 Overcurrent in Discharge Protection..................................................................................... 23
3.6 Hardware-Based Protection............................................................................................... 24
3.6.1 Overload in Discharge Protection............................................................................... 24
3.6.2 Short Circuit in Discharge Protection........................................................................... 26
3.6.3 AFE ALERT OVRD Protection .................................................................................. 27
3.7 Temperature Protections .................................................................................................. 28
3.7.1 Overtemperature in Charge Protection......................................................................... 28
3.7.2 Overtemperature in Discharge Protection...................................................................... 29
3.7.3 Undertemperature in Charge Protection ....................................................................... 29
3.7.4 Undertemperature in Discharge Protection.................................................................... 29
3.7.5 Overtemperature FET Protection................................................................................ 30
3.8 Precharge Timeout Protection............................................................................................ 30
3.9 Fast Charge Timeout Protection ......................................................................................... 31
3.10 Overcharge Protection..................................................................................................... 31
4 Permanent Fail................................................................................................................... 32
4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 32
4.2 Permanent Failure Configuration......................................................................................... 32
4.3 Enabling Use of the SAFE Pin ........................................................................................... 34
4.4 Safety Cell Undervoltage Permanent Fail............................................................................... 36
4.5 Safety Cell Overvoltage Permanent Fail ................................................................................ 37
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4.6 Safety Overcurrent in Charge Permanent Fail ......................................................................... 37
4.7 Safety Overcurrent in Discharge Permanent Fail ...................................................................... 38
4.8 Safety Overtemperature Cell Permanent Fail .......................................................................... 38
4.9 Safety Overtemperature FET (SOTF) Permanent Fail ................................................................ 38
4.10 Voltage Imbalance at Rest Permanent Fail............................................................................. 39
4.11 Charge FET Permanent Fail.............................................................................................. 39
4.12 Discharge FET Permanent Fail........................................................................................... 39
4.13 External Override Permanent Fail........................................................................................ 40
4.14 AFE Register Permanent Fail............................................................................................. 40
4.15 AFE Communication Permanent Fail.................................................................................... 41
4.16 AFE XREADY Permanent Fail ........................................................................................... 41
4.17 Instruction Flash (IF) Checksum Permanent Fail ...................................................................... 41
4.18 Data Flash (DF) Permanent Fail ......................................................................................... 41
4.19 Open Thermistor Permanent Fail (TS1, TS2, TS3).................................................................... 42
4.20 PF Status Snapshot Data Flash.......................................................................................... 42
4.20.1 Device Status Data .............................................................................................. 42
4.20.2 Device Voltage Data............................................................................................. 43
4.20.3 Device Current Data............................................................................................. 44
4.20.4 Device Temperature Data....................................................................................... 44
4.20.5 AFE Regs ......................................................................................................... 44
4.21 Black Box Recorder........................................................................................................ 44
4.21.1 Black Box Recorded Data....................................................................................... 45
5 Charge Algorithm ............................................................................................................... 47
5.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 47
5.2 Fast and Pre-Charging .................................................................................................... 47
5.3 Valid Charge Termination ................................................................................................. 48
5.4 Charge and Discharge Alarms ........................................................................................... 48
5.5 Charge Disable ............................................................................................................. 51
5.6 Charge Inhibit............................................................................................................... 51
5.7 Charge Suspend ........................................................................................................... 52
6 System Present.................................................................................................................. 53
6.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 53
6.2 System Present Detection and Action................................................................................... 53
7 Cell Balancing.................................................................................................................... 54
7.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 54
7.1.1 Cell Balancing Configuration..................................................................................... 55
8 Power Modes ..................................................................................................................... 56
8.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 56
8.2 NORMAL Mode............................................................................................................. 56
8.3 SLEEP Mode................................................................................................................ 56
8.3.1 Device Sleep....................................................................................................... 56
8.3.2 ManufacturerAccess() MAC Sleep.............................................................................. 57
8.3.3 IN SYSTEM SLEEP Mode....................................................................................... 57
8.4 SHUTDOWN Mode ........................................................................................................ 57
8.4.1 Voltage Based Shutdown ........................................................................................ 57
8.4.2 Time Based Shutdown............................................................................................ 58
8.4.3 ManufacturerAccess() MAC Shutdown......................................................................... 58
8.5 Power Mode Indication (PWRM)......................................................................................... 58
9 CEDV Gas Gauging ............................................................................................................ 59
9.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 59
9.1.1 Main Fuel Gauge Registers...................................................................................... 59
9.1.2 Fuel Gauge Operating Modes................................................................................... 60
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9.1.3 Full Charge Capacity ............................................................................................. 61
9.1.4 Initial Battery Capacity at Device Reset........................................................................ 62
9.1.5 Capacity Learning (FCC Update) ............................................................................... 62
9.1.6 Qualified Discharge ............................................................................................... 63
9.1.7 End-of-Discharge Thresholds and Capacity Correction...................................................... 64
9.1.8 Reserve Capacity ................................................................................................. 65
9.1.9 EDV Discharge Rate and Temperature Compensation...................................................... 65
9.1.10 EDV Age Factor.................................................................................................. 66
9.1.11 Self Discharge .................................................................................................... 67
9.1.12 Battery Electronic Load Compensation ....................................................................... 67
9.2 Gauging Configuration Options........................................................................................... 67
10 Lifetime Data Collection ...................................................................................................... 70
10.1 Description .................................................................................................................. 70
10.2 Lifetimes..................................................................................................................... 71
10.2.1 LifetimeDataBlock1() 0x0060 ................................................................................... 71
10.2.2 LifetimeDataBlock2() 0x0061 ................................................................................... 71
10.2.3 LifetimeDataBlock3() 0x0062 ................................................................................... 71
10.2.4 LifetimeDataBlock4() 0x0063 ................................................................................... 72
10.2.5 LifetimeDataBlock5() 0x0064 ................................................................................... 73
10.2.6 LifetimeDataBlock6() 0x0065 ................................................................................... 73
10.2.7 LifetimeDataBlock7() 0x0066 ................................................................................... 73
11 Device Security .................................................................................................................. 75
11.1 Description .................................................................................................................. 75
11.2 SHA-1 Description.......................................................................................................... 75
11.3 HMAC Description.......................................................................................................... 75
11.4 Authentication............................................................................................................... 75
11.5 Security Modes ............................................................................................................. 76
11.5.1 FULL ACCESS or UNSEALED to SEALED .................................................................. 76
11.5.2 SEALED to UNSEALED......................................................................................... 76
11.5.3 UNSEALED to FULL ACCESS................................................................................. 76
12 Manufacture Production...................................................................................................... 77
12.1 Manufacture Testing ....................................................................................................... 77
12.1.1 Manufacturing Status Configuration ........................................................................... 77
12.2 Calibration................................................................................................................... 78
12.2.1 Cell Voltage Calibration ......................................................................................... 79
12.2.2 External Average Voltage Calibration ......................................................................... 79
12.2.3 VAUX Voltage Calibration....................................................................................... 80
12.2.4 Voltage Calibration Data Flash ................................................................................. 80
12.2.5 Current Calibration ............................................................................................... 80
12.2.6 Deadbands........................................................................................................ 81
12.2.7 Current Calibration Data Flash ................................................................................. 82
12.2.8 Temperature Calibration......................................................................................... 82
12.2.9 Temperature Calibration Data Flash........................................................................... 82
12.2.10 External Temp Model .......................................................................................... 83
13 Display Port....................................................................................................................... 84
13.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 84
13.1.1 Light Emitting Diode (LED) Display Operation ............................................................... 84
13.1.2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Operation....................................................................... 84
13.2 Display Activation .......................................................................................................... 84
13.2.1 LED Display Activation .......................................................................................... 84
13.2.2 LCD Display Activation.......................................................................................... 85
13.3 State-Of-Charge Display .................................................................................................. 85
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13.4 LED and LCD Display Configuration .................................................................................... 85
13.5 LCD Specific Display Configuration...................................................................................... 86
13.6 LED Configuration Register............................................................................................... 86
14 Host Controlled GPIO ......................................................................................................... 88
14.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 88
14.2 Configuring the GPIO...................................................................................................... 88
14.3 Using the GPIO............................................................................................................. 91
15 Key Input........................................................................................................................... 92
15.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 92
15.2 Input Configuration......................................................................................................... 92
15.3 Operation.................................................................................................................... 92
16 Communications ................................................................................................................ 93
16.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 93
16.2 SMBus On and Off State.................................................................................................. 93
16.3 Packet Error Checking..................................................................................................... 93
16.4 Slave Address .............................................................................................................. 93
16.5 Broadcasts to Smart Charger and Smart Battery Host................................................................ 94
16.6 SMB Configuration Options ............................................................................................... 95
17 SBS Commands ................................................................................................................. 96
17.1 Summary .................................................................................................................... 96
17.2 0x00 ManufacturerAccess() and 0x44 ManufacturerBlockAccess()................................................. 98
17.2.1 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0000 ManufacturerBlockAccess() or ManufacturerData()................... 100
17.2.2 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0001 Device Type ................................................................ 100
17.2.3 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0002 Firmware Version .......................................................... 100
17.2.4 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0003 Hardware Version.......................................................... 100
17.2.5 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0004 Instruction Flash Signature............................................... 100
17.2.6 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0005 Static DF Signature........................................................ 100
17.2.7 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0006 Chemical ID................................................................. 100
17.2.8 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0008 Static Chem DF Signature................................................ 101
17.2.9 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0009 All DF Signature............................................................ 101
17.2.10 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0010 SHUTDOWN Mode ...................................................... 101
17.2.11 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0011 SLEEP Mode.............................................................. 101
17.2.12 ManufacturerAccess() 0x001B Cell Balance Toggle ..................................................... 102
17.2.13 ManufacturerAccess() 0x001C AFE Delay Disable....................................................... 102
17.2.14 ManufacturerAccess() 0x001D SAFE Toggle ............................................................. 102
17.2.15 ManufacturerAccess() 0x001E PRE-CHG FET ........................................................... 102
17.2.16 ManufacturerAccess() 0x001F CHG FET.................................................................. 102
17.2.17 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0020 DSG FET .................................................................. 102
17.2.18 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0022 FET Control ............................................................... 102
17.2.19 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0023 Lifetime Data Collection ................................................. 103
17.2.20 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0024 Permanent Failure........................................................ 103
17.2.21 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0025 Black Box Recorder...................................................... 103
17.2.22 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0026 SAFE....................................................................... 103
17.2.23 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0027 LED Display Enable...................................................... 103
17.2.24 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0028 Lifetime Data Reset...................................................... 103
17.2.25 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0029 Permanent Fail Data Reset ............................................. 103
17.2.26 ManufacturerAccess() 0x002A Black Box Recorder Reset.............................................. 104
17.2.27 ManufacturerAccess() 0x002B LED TOGGLE ............................................................ 104
17.2.28 ManufacturerAccess() 0x002C LED Display Press....................................................... 104
17.2.29 ManufacturerAccess() 0x002D CALIBRATION Mode ................................................... 104
17.2.30 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0030 Seal Device ............................................................... 104
17.2.31 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0035 Security Keys ............................................................. 104
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17.2.32 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0037 Authentication Key ....................................................... 104
17.2.33 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0041 Device Reset.............................................................. 105
17.2.34 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0050 SafetyAlert................................................................. 105
17.2.35 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0051 SafetyStatus............................................................... 106
17.2.36 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0052 PFAlert..................................................................... 108
17.2.37 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0053 PFStatus................................................................... 109
17.2.38 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0054 OperationStatus .......................................................... 111
17.2.39 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0055 ChargingStatus........................................................... 113
17.2.40 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0056 GaugingStatus............................................................ 114
17.2.41 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0057 ManufacturingStatus..................................................... 115
17.2.42 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0058 AFEStatus................................................................. 117
17.2.43 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0059 AFEConfig ................................................................ 117
17.2.44 ManufacturerAccess() 0x005A AFEVCx .................................................................. 117
17.2.45 ManufacturerAccess() 0x005B AFEData................................................................... 117
17.2.46 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0060 Lifetime Data Block 1 .................................................... 117
17.2.47 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0061 Lifetime Data Block 2 .................................................... 118
17.2.48 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0062 Lifetime Data Block 3 .................................................... 118
17.2.49 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0063 Lifetime Data Block 4 .................................................... 118
17.2.50 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0064 Lifetime Data Block 5 .................................................... 118
17.2.51 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0065 Lifetime Data Block 6 .................................................... 118
17.2.52 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0066 Lifetime Data Block 7 .................................................... 118
17.2.53 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0070 ManufacturerInfo ......................................................... 119
17.2.54 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0071 DAStatus1................................................................. 119
17.2.55 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0072 DAStatus2................................................................. 119
17.2.56 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0080 CUV Snapshot ............................................................ 119
17.2.57 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0081 COV Snapshot............................................................ 120
17.2.58 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0F00 ROM Mode................................................................ 120
17.2.59 Data Flash Access() 0x4000–0x5FFF...................................................................... 120
17.2.60 ManufacturerAccess() 0xF080 Exit Calibration Output Mode........................................... 121
17.2.61 ManufacturerAccess() 0xF081 OutputCellVoltageforCalibration........................................ 121
17.2.62 ManufacturerAccess() 0xF082 OutputCellVoltageCCandTempforCalibration ........................ 122
17.3 0x01 RemainingCapacityAlarm() ....................................................................................... 123
17.4 0x02 RemainingTimeAlarm()............................................................................................ 123
17.5 0x03 BatteryMode()....................................................................................................... 123
17.6 0x04 AtRate().............................................................................................................. 124
17.7 0x05 AtRateTimeToFull() ................................................................................................ 125
17.8 0x06 AtRateTimeToEmpty()............................................................................................. 125
17.9 0x07 AtRateOK().......................................................................................................... 125
17.10 0x08 Temperature() ...................................................................................................... 125
17.11 0x09 Voltage() ............................................................................................................ 126
17.12 0x0A Current() ............................................................................................................ 126
17.13 0x0B AverageCurrent() .................................................................................................. 126
17.14 0x0C MaxError().......................................................................................................... 126
17.15 0x0D RelativeStateOfCharge() ......................................................................................... 127
17.16 0x0E AbsoluteStateOfCharge()......................................................................................... 127
17.17 0x0F RemainingCapacity().............................................................................................. 127
17.18 0x10 FullChargeCapacity().............................................................................................. 127
17.19 0x11 RunTimeToEmpty()................................................................................................ 128
17.20 0x12 AverageTimeToEmpty()........................................................................................... 128
17.21 0x13 AverageTimeToFull().............................................................................................. 128
17.22 0x14 ChargingCurrent().................................................................................................. 128
17.23 0x15 ChargingVoltage() ................................................................................................. 128
17.24 0x16 BatteryStatus() ..................................................................................................... 129
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17.25 0x17 CycleCount()........................................................................................................ 130
17.26 0x18 DesignCapacity()................................................................................................... 130
17.27 0x19 DesignVoltage().................................................................................................... 131
17.28 0x1A SpecificationInfo() ................................................................................................. 131
17.29 0x1B ManufacturerDate()................................................................................................ 132
17.30 0x1C SerialNumber()..................................................................................................... 132
17.31 0x20 ManufacturerName() .............................................................................................. 132
17.32 0x21 DeviceName() ...................................................................................................... 133
17.33 0x22 DeviceChemistry() ................................................................................................. 133
17.34 0x23 ManufacturerData()/CalibrationData()........................................................................... 133
17.35 0x2B HostFETControl.................................................................................................... 134
17.36 0x2C GPIOStatus ........................................................................................................ 134
17.37 0x2D GPIOControl ....................................................................................................... 135
17.38 0x2E VAUXVoltage()..................................................................................................... 136
17.39 0x2F Authenticate()/ManufacturerInput().............................................................................. 136
17.40 0x30..0x3E CellVoltage1..15() .......................................................................................... 136
17.41 0x4C DynamicPower() .................................................................................................. 137
17.42 0x4D ExtAveCellVoltage()............................................................................................... 137
17.43 0x4E PendingEDV()...................................................................................................... 137
17.44 0x4F StateOfHealth (SOH) ............................................................................................. 138
17.45 0x50 SafetyAlert .......................................................................................................... 138
17.46 0x51 SafetyStatus........................................................................................................ 138
17.47 0x52 PFAlert .............................................................................................................. 138
17.48 0x53 PFStatus ............................................................................................................ 138
17.49 0x54 OperationStatus.................................................................................................... 138
17.50 0x55 ChargingStatus..................................................................................................... 139
17.51 0x56 GaugingStatus ..................................................................................................... 139
17.52 0x57 ManufacturingStatus............................................................................................... 139
17.53 0x58 AFEStatus .......................................................................................................... 139
17.54 0x59 AFEConfig .......................................................................................................... 139
17.55 0x5A AFEVCx............................................................................................................. 139
17.56 0x5B AFEData ............................................................................................................ 140
17.57 0x60 Lifetime Data Block 1.............................................................................................. 140
17.58 0x61 Lifetime Data Block 2.............................................................................................. 140
17.59 0x62 Lifetime Data Block 3.............................................................................................. 140
17.60 0x63 Lifetime Data Block 4.............................................................................................. 140
17.61 0x64 Lifetime Data Block 5.............................................................................................. 140
17.62 0x65 Lifetime Data Block 6.............................................................................................. 141
17.63 0x66 Lifetime Data Block 7.............................................................................................. 141
17.64 0x70 ManufacturerInfo................................................................................................... 141
17.65 0x71 DAStatus1 .......................................................................................................... 141
17.66 0x72 DAStatus2 .......................................................................................................... 141
17.67 0x80 CUV Snapshot ..................................................................................................... 141
17.68 0x81 COV Snapshot ..................................................................................................... 142
18 Data Flash Access and Format........................................................................................... 143
18.1 Data Flash Access........................................................................................................ 143
18.1.1 Minimum Voltage ............................................................................................... 143
18.2 Data Formats.............................................................................................................. 143
18.2.1 Unsigned Integer (U)........................................................................................... 143
18.2.2 Integer (I) ........................................................................................................ 143
18.2.3 Floating Point (F) ............................................................................................... 144
18.2.4 Hex (H)........................................................................................................... 144
18.2.5 String (S)......................................................................................................... 144
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19 Data Flash Summary......................................................................................................... 145
Revision History ........................................................................................................................ 158
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Read this First
This manual discusses the modules and peripherals of the bq78350-R1 device, and how each is used to build a complete battery pack gas gauge and protection solution.
Notational Conventions
The following notational conventions are used if SBS commands and data flash values are mentioned within a text block:
SBS commands: italics with parentheses and no breaking spaces; for example, RemainingCapacity().
Data flash: italics, bold, and breaking spaces; for example, Design Capacity.
Register bits and flags: italics and brackets; for example, [TDA] Data
Flash bits: italics and bold; for example, [LED1]
Modes and states: ALL CAPITALS; for example, UNSEALED The reference format for SBS commands is: SBS:Command Name(Command No.): Manufacturer
Access(MA No.)[Flag], for example: SBS:Voltage(0x09), or SBS:ManufacturerAccess(0x00): Seal Device(0x0020)
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Chapter 1
SLUUBD3D–September 2015–Revised September 2018


The bq78350-R1 device provides a feature-rich battery management solution for 3-series cell to 15-series cell battery pack applications. The device has extended capabilities, including:
Companion Protection Controller to the bq76920, bq76930, and bq76940 AFE Devices for Li-Ion or LiFePO4 Battery Packs
Compensated End-of-Discharge Voltage (CEDV) Gas Gauging Algorithm Accurately Measures Available Charge and State-of-Health
Voltage Based Cell Balancing Control
Normal and Lower Power Modes – NORMAL – SLEEP – SHUTDOWN
Full Array of Programmable Protection Features – Voltage – Current – Temperature – Charge Timeout – CHG/DSG FETs
Precharge and Fast Charge Algorithm
Diagnostic Lifetime Data Monitor
Black Box Event Recorder
Supports Two-Wire SMBus v1.1 Interface
SHA-1 Authentication
Package: 30-Lead TSSOP
The bq78350-R1 is intended to be used with the bq769x0 Battery Monitor with a 2.5-V REGOUT configuration and I2C Address 0x08. However, the bq78350-R1 can use a bq769x0 with or without the communications CRC enabled (the bq78350-R1 automatically detects if CRC is enabled).
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2.1 Introduction

NOTE: For this section, refer to the bq769x0 3-Series to 15-Series Cell Battery Monitor Family for Li-
Ion and Phosphate Applications Data Manual (SLUSBK2) for further details.
The bq78350-R1 reads the bq769x0 companion AFE registers that contain recent values from the integrating analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for current measurement, and a second delta-sigma ADC for individual cell and temperature measurements. The bq78350-R1 also has the capability to measure the battery voltage through an externally translated voltage.

2.2 Current and Coulomb Counting

The integrating delta-sigma ADC in the companion bq769x0 AFE measures the charge/discharge flow of the battery by measuring the voltage drop across a small-value sense resistor between the SRP and SRN pins. The 15-bit integrating ADC measures bipolar signals from –0.20 V to 0.20 V with 15-µV resolution. The AFE reports charge activity when VSR = V V
– V
digital signal from the AFE over time using an internal counter. To support large battery configurations, the current data can be scaled to ensure accurate reporting
through the SMBus. The data reported is scaled based on the setting of the SpecificationInfo() command. The data reported through the Current() can also have a deadband applied to it. This removes any noise
or offset that has not been calibrated out from being reported as real current. This value is programmed in Deadband with a default configured for mA scaling in SpecificationInfo(). If the SpecificationInfo() IPSCALE is set to 10 mA or 100 mA, then it is strongly recommended to set Deadband to 1.
is negative. The bq78350-R1 continuously monitors the measured current and integrates the
Chapter 2
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Basic Measurement System

– V
is positive, and discharge activity when VSR =

2.3 Voltage

The bq78350-R1 updates the individual series cell voltages through the bq769x0 at 250-ms intervals. The bq78350-R1 configures the bq769x0 to connect to the selected cells in sequence and uses this information for cell balancing and individual cell fault functions. The internal 14-bit ADC of the bq769x0 measures each cell voltage value, which is then communicated digitally to the bq78350-R1 where it is scaled and translated into unit millivolts. The maximum supported input range of the ADC is 6.075 V.
The bq78350-R1 also separately measures the average cell voltage through an external translation circuit at the BAT pin. This value is specifically used for the gas gauge algorithm. The external translation circuit is controlled via the VEN pin so that the translation circuit is only enabled when required to reduce overall power consumption. VEN requires an external pullup to VCC, typically 100 k, to operate correctly.
In addition to the voltage measurements used by the bq78350-R1 algorithms, there is an optional auxiliary voltage measurement capability via the VAUX pin. This feature measures the input on a 250-ms update rate and provides the programmable scaled value through the VAUXVoltage() SMBus command. The data can be enabled to influence selected fault recovery features. See General Protections Configuration, [VAUXR], for further details.
The VEN pin will go high 2 ms prior to the BAT being measured if DA Configuration [ExtAveEN] = 1, and then return low unless DA Configuration [VAUXEN] = 1, which will cause VEN to remain high for a further 2 ms prior to making the VAUX measurement. This results in VEN possibly being high for up to 40 ms per second in NORMAL mode.
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Basic Measurement System
To support large battery configurations where the battery voltage can exceed 32767 mV, the data should be scaled as the gauge's internal data processing is done in a signed integer range (–32768 to 32767) to ensure accurate reporting through the SMBus. The data reported is scaled based on the setting of the SpecificationInfo() command. The cell voltages are not scaled.

2.4 Temperature

The bq78350-R1 receives temperature information from external or internal temperature sensors in the bq769x0 AFE. Depending on the number of series cells supported, the AFE will provide one, two, or three external thermistor measurements. The value of temperature is reported through Temperature() and can be configured in DA Configuration.

2.4.1 FET Temperature Measurement

The bq78350-R1 can be configured to report FET temperature, which can be available through DAStatus2(). If multiple temperature sensors are selected for FET temperature, then either the average or highest is used based on the setting of [FTEMP] in [DA Configuration].
The selection of temperature sensor as cell temperature protection or FET temperature protection can be made through the Temperature Mode register.

2.4.2 Temperature Enable

This register enables/disables the available temperature sensor options.
Class Subclass Name Format
Settings Configuration
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
hex 1 0x00 0xFF 0x09
Size in
Min Max Default Unit
RSVD (Bits 7–4): Reserved SOURCE (Bit 3): Configure the use of Internal or External temperature sensors for all AFE ports
0 = Use internal temperature sensor(s) 1 = Use external temperature sensor(s)
TS3 (Bit 2): Enable/disable companion AFE temperature sensor TS3, if available
0 = Disable TS3 temperature sensor 1 = Enable TS3 temperature sensor
TS2 (Bit 1): Enable/disable companion AFE temperature sensor TS2, if available
0 = Disable TS2 temperature sensor 1 = Enable TS2 temperature sensor
TS1 (Bit 0): Enable/disable companion AFE temperature sensor TS1
0 = Disable TS1 temperature sensor 1 = Enable TS1 temperature sensor

2.4.3 Temperature Mode Configuration

Each available external temperature sensor can be configured to be used for the cell temperature or FET temperature features.
Basic Measurement System
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Under Temp
TempRange() [UT]=1
Low Temp
TempRange() [LT]=1
Standard Temp
TempRange() [ST]=1
High Temp
TempRange() [HT]=1
Over Temp
TempRange() [OT]=1
T3 T4
Temperature() > Charge
Inhibit / Suspend Low Temp
+ Hysteresis Temp
Temperature() < Charge
Inhibit / Suspend Low Temp
Temperature() > Pre Charge
Temp + Hysteresis Temp
Temperature() < Pre Charge
Temperature() > Charge
Inhibit High Temp+
Hysteresis Temp
Temperature() > Charge
Suspend High Temp+
Hysteresis Temp
Temperature() < Charge
Inhibit High Temp
Temperature() < Charge
Suspend High Temp
Temperature Ranges
Figure 2-1. Temperature Mode
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RSVD (Bits 7–3): Reserved TSMode3 (Bit 2): Select TS3 sensor for Cell or FET Temperature Protection
0 = Use for Cell (default) 1 = Use for FETTemperature()
TSMode2 (Bit 1): Select TS2 sensor for Cell or FET Temperature Protection
0 = Use for Cell (default) 1 = Use for FETTemperature()
TSMode1 (Bit 0): Select TS1 sensor for Cell or FET Temperature Protection
0 = Use for Cell (default) 1 = Use for FETTemperature()

2.5 Temperature Ranges

The measured temperature is segmented into several temperature ranges. The bq78350-R1 uses these as indication, and, for Lifetime Data Logging, the time spent in each range. The temperature ranges set in data flash should adhere to the following format:
T1 T2 T3 T4

2.6 Basic Configuration Options

2.6.1 DA Configuration

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Figure 2-2. Data Flash Temperature Range Format
See the Temperature Ranges data flash subclass for details on the specific data flash variables.
There are a variety of options available in the bq78350-R1 and the companion AFE that influence the startup conditions, system configuration, and the data measurement system.
This register is used to configure the setup of various measurement features of the bq78350-R1.
Class Subclass Name Format
Settings Configuration
Copyright © 2015–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
hex 1 0x00 0xFF 0x11
Size in
Min Max Default Unit
Basic Measurement System
Basic Configuration Options
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
FTEMP (Bit 7): FET Temperature Protection Source
0 = Maximum of external available sources (default) 1 = Average of external available sources
CTEMP (Bit 6): Cell Temperature Protection Source
0 = Maximum of external available sources (default) 1 = Average of external available sources
RSVD (Bit 5): Reserved ExtAveEN (Bit 4): Enables the bq78350-R1 to measure the BAT input
0 = BAT input is not measured. 1 = BAT input is measured and made available via ExtAveCellVoltage() (default).
VAUXEN (Bit 3): Enables the bq78350-R1 to measure the VAUX input
0 = VAUX input is not measured (default). 1 = VAUX input is measured and made available via VAUXVoltage().
VAUX_SCALE (Bit 2): Enables the bq78350-R1 to scale the VAUXVoltage() data by 10. For example: Units are 10 mV rather than 1 mV.
0 = VAUXVoltage() is not scaled (resolution is 1 mV) (default). 1 = VAUXVoltage() is scaled (resolution is 10 mV).
1 = Enable 0 = Disable (default)
SLEEP (Bit 0): Enables the bq78350-R1 to enter SLEEP mode.
0 = The bq78350-R1 never enters SLEEP mode. 1 = The bq78350-R1 enters SLEEP mode under normal sleep entry criteria (default).

2.6.2 FET Options

This register configures the various FET control options.
Class Subclass Name Format
Settings Configuration FET Options hex 2 0x0000 0xFFFF 0x0021
RSVD (Bits 7–2): Reserved KEY_POL: This bit configures the KEYIN input detection polarity.
0 = KEYIN detection is active low (default). 1 = KEYIN detection is active high.
PCHG_POL: Configures the bq78350-R1 PRECHG pin output polarity. If PCHG_EN = 0, then this bit has no influence.
Basic Measurement System
Size in
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
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Min Max Default Unit
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Basic Configuration Options
0 = The bq78350-R1 configures the PRECHG as active low (default). 1 = The bq78350-R1 configures the PRECHG as active high, requiring an external pullup.
SLEEPCHG: CHG FET is enabled during SLEEP.
0 = CHG FET off during SLEEP (default). 1 = CHG FET remains on during SLEEP.
CHGFET: FET action on valid charge termination
0 = FET active 1 = Charging and Precharging disabled, FET off (default)
0 = FET active (default) 1 = Charging and Precharging disabled, FETs off
0 = FET active (default) 1 = Charging and Precharging disabled, FETs off
0 = No FET action for overtemperature condition (default) 1 = CHG and DSG FETs will be turned off for overtemperature conditions.
KEY_EN: Enables the bq78350-R1 to use the KEYIN pin function
0 = The bq78350-R1 never uses KEYIN (default). 1 = The bq78350-R1 KEYIN is used to control the DSG FET.
PCHG_EN: Enables the bq78350-R1 to use the PRECHG pin during PRECHARGE mode
0 = The bq78350-R1 never uses PRECHG. 1 = The bq78350-R1 controls PRECHG under normal charge control algorithm (default).

2.6.3 AFE Cell Map

This register maps the cells connected to the companion AFE so that the bq78350-R1 knows cells are present at the indicated VCx channel.
Class Subclass Name Format
Configuration AFE
High Byte RSVD VC15 VC14 VC13 VC12 VC11 VC10 VC9
Low Byte VC8 VC7 VC6 VC5 VC4 VC3 VC2 VC1
RSVD (Bit 7): Reserved VCx: Cell connected to this node
1 = A cell is connected to this node and valid measurements are expected. 0 = A cell is NOT connected to this node.
Size in
AFE Cell
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
hex 2 0x0000 0xFFFF 0x0013
Min Max Default Unit
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Basic Measurement System
Basic Configuration Options
The bq78350-R1 determines which companion AFE is connected by the total number of cells connected.
When Series Cells = 3 to 5, the bq76920 companion AFE is used.
When Series Cells = 6 to 10, the bq76930 companion AFE is used.
When Series Cells = 9 to 15, the bq76940 companion AFE is used.
Basic Measurement System
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3.1 Introduction

The bq78350-R1 supports a wide range of battery and system protection features that are easily configured or enabled via the integrated data flash. All of the protection items can be enabled or disabled under Settings:Enable Protections A, Settings:Enable Protections B, and Settings:Enable Protections C.
If the CHG FET is off and the gauge detects discharge current Dsg Current Threshold, then the CHG FET is turned on to protect CHG FET body diode. The CHG FET is turned back off once discharge current is removed. If the DSG FET is off and the gauge detects charge current Chg Current Threshold, then the DSG FET is turned on to protect the DSG FET body diode. The DSG FET is turned back off once charge current is removed. Body diode protection is always active.

3.1.1 General Protections Configuration

Chapter 3
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Class Subclass Name Format
Settings Protection
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Hex 1 0x00 0xFF 0x00
Size in
Min Max Default Unit
RSVD (Bits 7–6): Reserved CC_DSG_OFF (Bit 5): Turns DSG FET OFF in current-based charge faults
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
DC_CHG_OFF (Bit 4): Turns CHG FET OFF in current-based discharge faults
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
LPEN (Bit 3): Protection recovery uses the LOAD_PRESENT flag in the AFE to determine discharge fault recovery. LOAD_PRESENT should only be used in a low-side protection FET configuration.
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
VAUXR (Bit 2): Protection recovery uses the VAUX input as charger present detection.
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
CUV_RECOV_CHG (Bit 1): Requires charge to recover SafetyStatus()[CUV]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
RSVD (Bit 0): Reserved
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3.1.2 Enabled Protections

Class Subclass Name Format
Settings Protection
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Hex 1 0x00 0xFF 0xFF
Size in
Min Max Default Unit
ASCDL (Bit 7): Short Circuit in Discharge Latch
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
ASCD (Bit 6): Short Circuit in Discharge recovery. Detection of an ASCD fault cannot be disabled.
0 = Bypassed, auto recovers within 250 ms 1 = Enabled
AOLDL (Bit 5): Overload in Discharge Latch
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
AOLD (Bit 4): Overload in Discharge recovery. Detection of an AOLD fault cannot be disabled.
0 = Bypassed, auto recovers within 250 ms 1 = Enabled
OCD (Bit 3): Overcurrent in Discharge
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
OCC (Bit 2): Overcurrent in Charge
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
COV (Bit 1): Cell Overvoltage
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
CUV (Bit 0): Cell Undervoltage
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Class Subclass Name Format
Settings Protection
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Size in
Hex 1 0x00 0xFF 0x0F
Min Max Default Unit
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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RSVD (Bit 7): Reserved OCDL (Bit 6): Overcurrent in Discharge Latch
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
OTF (Bit 5): Overtemperature Fault
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
UTD (Bit 3): Undertemperature in Discharge
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
UTC (Bit 2): Undertemperature in Charge
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
OTD (Bit 1): Overtemperature in Discharge
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
OTC (Bit 0): Overtemperature in Charge
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Class Subclass Name Format
Settings Protection
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Hex 1 0x00 0xFF 0x15
Size in
Min Max Default Unit
RSVD (Bits 7–5): Reserved. Do not use. OC (Bit 4): Overcharge
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
CTOS (Bit 3): Charging Timeout Suspended
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
CTO (Bit 2): Charging Timeout
0 = Disabled
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1 = Enabled
PTOS (Bit 1): Precharging Timeout Suspend
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
PTO (Bit 0): Precharging Timeout
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled

3.1.3 Enabled Removal Recovery

The bq78350-R1 offers the option to recover current-based protection by detecting the PRES pin transition from high to low; for example, the pack is removed and re-inserted into the system.
To enable the replacement recovery, the appropriate bit in Enable Removable Recovery A and Enable Removable Recovery B should be set. When the bit is set, then the high to low transition of PRES becomes the only recovery method.
Table 3-1. Enabled Removal Recovery A
Class Subclass Name Format
Settings Protection
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Enable Removable Recovery A
Hex 1 0x00 0xff 0x00
Size in
Min Max Default Unit
ASCDL (Bit 7): ASCDL Protection Removal recovery
0 = Standard recovery only enabled (default) 1 = Removal recovery only enabled
ASCD (Bit 6): ASCD Protection Removal recovery
0 = Standard recovery only enabled (default) 1 = Removal recovery only enabled
AOLDL (Bit 5): AOLDL Protection Removal recovery
0 = Standard recovery only enabled (default) 1 = Removal recovery only enabled
AOLD (Bit 4): AOLD Protection Removal recovery
0 = Standard recovery only enabled (default) 1 = Removal recovery only enabled
OCD (Bit 3): Precharging Timeout
0 = Standard recovery only enabled (default) 1 = Removal recovery only enabled
OCC (Bit 2): OCC Protection Removal recovery
0 = Standard recovery only enabled (default) 1 = Removal recovery only enabled
RSVD (Bits 1–0): Reserved. Do not use.
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Table 3-2. Enabled Removal Recovery B
Class Subclass Name Format Size in Bytes Min Max Default Unit
Settings Protection
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Recovery B
Hex 1 0x00 0xff 0x00
RSVD (Bit 7): Reserved. Do not use. OCDL (Bit 6): OCDL Protection Removal recovery
0 = Standard recovery only enabled (default) 1 = Removal recovery only enabled
RSVD (Bits 5–0): Reserved. Do not use.

3.1.4 FET Action Options for Current Protections

The bq78350-R1 offers the option to turn off the CHG FET during an overcurrent in discharge (OCD), overcurrent in discharge latch (OCDL), overload (AOLD), overload latch (AOLDL) or short circuit in discharge (ASCD), short circuit in discharge latch (ASCDL) faults, or the DSG FET in overcurrent in charge (OCC) faults.
The CHG FET will turn off for the OCD, OCDL, AOLD, AOLDL, ASCD, and ASCDL faults when [DC_CHG_OFF] in Protection Configuration is set.
The DSG FET will turn off for the OCC faults when [CC_DSG_OFF] in Protection Configuration is set.

3.2 Cell Undervoltage Protection

The device can detect undervoltage in batteries and protect cells from damage by preventing further discharge.
Upon CUV detection, a snapshot of the measured cell voltages are made available in CUVSnapshot(). This snapshot is available until the next instance of a CUV fault, as this causes the data to be updated to the latest set of measurements.
Status Condition Action
Normal All Cell voltages in CellVoltage1..15() > CUV:Threshold
Any Cell voltages in CellVoltage1..15()
Any Cell voltages in CellVoltage1..15() CUV:Threshold for CUV:Delay duration
SafetyStatus()[CUV] = 1 AND All Cell voltages in CellVoltage1..15() CUV:Recovery AND
Protection Configuration[CUV_RECOV_CHG] = 0 OR [CUV_RECOV_CHG] = 1
AND Charging detected (that is, BatteryStatus[DSG] = 0)
SafetyAlert()[CUV] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 0
SafetyAlert()[CUV] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 1
SafetyAlert()[CUV] = 0 SafetyStatus()[CUV] = 1 BatteryStatus()[FD] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1
Discharging is not allowed.
SafetyStatus()[CUV] = 0 BatteryStatus()[FD] = 0, [TDA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0
Discharging is allowed.
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Cell Overvoltage Protection
Class Subclass Name Type Min Max Default Unit
Protections CUV Threshold I2 0 5000 2500 mV Protections CUV Delay U1 0 255 2 s Protections CUV Recovery I2 0 5000 3000 mV

3.3 Cell Overvoltage Protection

The device can detect cell overvoltage in batteries and protect cells from damage by preventing further charging.
Upon COV detection, a snapshot of the measured cell voltages are made available in COVSnapshot(). This snapshot is available until the next instance of a COV fault, as this causes the data to be updated to the latest set of measurements.
Status Condition Action
Normal All voltages in CellVoltage1..15() < COV:Threshold SafetyAlert()[COV] = 0
Alert Any voltage in CellVoltage1..15() COV:Threshold
Any voltage in CellVoltage1..15() COV:Threshold continuous COV:Threshold for COV:Delay duration
SafetyStatus()[COV] = 1 AND Protection Configuration:VAUXR = 0
all voltages in CellVoltage1..15() COV:Recovery SafetyStatus()[COV] = 1 AND Protection
Configuration:VAUXR = 1 all voltages in CellVoltage1..15() COV:Recovery AND VAUXVoltage() < Power:Charger Present Threshold
SafetyAlert()[COV] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 1
SafetyAlert()[COV] = 0 SafetyStatus()[COV] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0
SafetyStatus()[COV] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0
SafetyStatus()[COV] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0
Class Subclass Name Type Min Max Default Unit
Protections COV Threshold I2 0 32767 4300 mV Protections COV Delay U1 0 255 2 s Protections COV Recovery I2 0 32767 4100 mV

3.4 Overcurrent in Charge Protection

The device has overcurrent in charge protection that can be configured to specific current and delay thresholds to accommodate charging behaviors. See Section 3.1.4 for additional FET action options.
Status Condition Action
Normal Current() < OCC:Threshold SafetyAlert()[OCC] = 0
Alert Current() OCC:Threshold
Current() continuous ≥ OCC:Threshold for OCC:Delay duration
[SafetyStatus()[OCC] = 1 AND Current() continuous OCC:Recovery Threshold
for OCC:Recovery Delay time
SafetyAlert()[OCC] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 1
SafetyAlert()[OCC] = 0 SafetyStatus()[OCC] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1
Charging is not allowed.
SafetyStatus()[OCC] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 0
Charging is allowed.
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Class Subclass Name Type Min Max Default Unit Description
Protections OCC Threshold I2 –32768 32767 6000 mA
Protections OCC Delay U1 0 255 6 s
Protections OCC
Protections OCC
Recovery Threshold
I2 –32768 32767 –200 mA
U1 0 255 5 s

3.5 Overcurrent in Discharge Protection

The device has two independent overcurrent in discharge protections that can be set to different current and delay thresholds to accommodate different load behaviors. See Section 3.1.4 for additional FET action options.
Status Condition Action
Normal Current() > OCD:Threshold SafetyAlert()[OCDL] = 0, if OCDL counter = 0
Alert OCDL counter > 0
Latch OCDL counter OCD:Latch Limit
Latch Reset SafetyStatus()[OCDL] = 1 for OCD: Reset Time
Current() continuous ≤ OCD:Threshold for OCD:Delay duration
[SafetyStatus()[OCD] = 1 AND Protection Configuration:VAUXR = 0 Current() continuous ≥ OCD:Recovery Threshold for OCD:Recovery Delay time
[SafetyStatus()[OCD] = 1 AND Protection Configuration:VAUXR = 1
Current() continuous OCD:Recovery Threshold for OCD:Recovery Delay time OR VAUXVoltage()
Power:Charger Present Threshold
Overcurrent in Discharge Protection
Overcurrent in Charge trip threshold
Overcurrent in Charge trip delay
Overcurrent in Charge recovery threshold
Overcurrent in Charge recovery delay
SafetyAlert()[OCDL] = 1, Decrement OCDL counter by one after each OCD:Counter Dec Delay period
SafetyAlert()[OCD] = 0 SafetyStatus()[OCD] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1
DSG FET is disabled. Increment OCDL counter.
SafetyAlert()[OCDL] = 0 SafetyStatus()[OCDL] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1
DSG FET is disabled.
SafetyStatus()[OCD] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0
Discharging is allowed.
SafetyStatus()[OCD] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0
Discharging is allowed.
SafetyStatus()[OCDL] = 0 Reset OCDL counter OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0 DSG FET returns to normal if SafetyStatus()[OCD] = 0.
Class Subclass Name Type Min Max Default Unit Description
Protections OCD Threshold I2 –32768 32767 –6000 mA Overcurrent in Discharge trip threshold Protections OCD Delay U1 0 255 6 s Overcurrent in Discharge trip delay
Protections OCD
Protections OCD Protections OCDL Latch Limit U1 0 255 0 counts Overcurrent in Discharge latch limit Protections OCDL Protections OCDL Reset U1 0 255 15 s Overcurrent in Discharge latch reset delay
Counter Dec
I2 –32768 32767 200 mA Overcurrent in Discharge recovery threshold
U1 0 255 5 s Overcurrent in Discharge recovery delay
U1 0 255 10 s
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Overcurrent in Discharge counter decrement delay
Hardware-Based Protection

3.6 Hardware-Based Protection

The bq78350-R1 device has two main hardware-based protections, AOLD and ASCD, with adjustable current and delay time. Setting ASCD Threshold and Delay [RSNS] doubles the threshold value. It is located in bit 8 of the ASCD Threshold Delay register. The Threshold settings are in mV; therefore, the actual current that triggers the protection is based on the R
For details on how to configure the AFE hardware protection, refer to the tables in the companion data manual, bq769x0 3-Series to 15-Series Cell Battery Monitor Family for Li-Ion and Phosphate Applications (SLUSBK2).
All of the hardware-based protections provide a short term Trip/Alert/Recovery protection to account for a current spike as well as a Trip/Alert/Latch protection for persistent faulty condition. The latch feature also stops the FETs from toggling on and off continuously, preventing damage to the FETs.
In general, when a fault is detected after the Delay time, the DSG FET will be disabled. However, if Protection Configuration [LPEN] is set, then both FETs are turned off (Trip stage), and an internal fault counter will be incremented (Alert stage). As the DSG FET is turned off, the current will drop to 0 mA. After Recovery time, the CHG and DSG FETs will be turned on again (Recovery stage) unless additional recovery conditions are enabled.
If the alert is caused by a current spike, the fault count will be decremented after Counter Dec Delay time. If this is a persistent faulty condition, the device will enter the Trip stage after Delay time, and repeat the Trip/Alert/Recovery cycle. The internal fault counter is incremented every time the device goes through the Trip/Alert/Recovery cycle. Once the internal fault counter hits the Latch Limit, the protection enters a Latch stage and the fault will only be cleared through the Latch Reset condition. If Latch Limit is set to 0, it will latch after the first detection.
The Trip/Alert/Recovery/Latch stages are documented in each of the following hardware-based protection sections.
used in the schematic design.

3.6.1 Overload in Discharge Protection

The device has a hardware-based overload in discharge protection with adjustable current and delay. See
Section 3.1.4 for additional FET action options.
Status Condition Action
Alert AOLDL counter > 0
Latch AOLDL counter AOLD:Latch Limit
Latch Reset
Current() > (AOLD Threshold and Delay[3:0]/R
Current() continuous (AOLD Threshold and Delay[3:0]/R and Delay[6:4] duration
SafetyStatus()[AOLD] = 1 for
AOLD:Recovery time OR If Protection Configuration [LPEN] = 1 AND AFEStatus()[LOAD_PRESENT]= 0
SafetyStatus()[AOLDL] = 1 for AOLD:Reset time
) for AOLD Threshold
SafetyAlert()[AOLDL] = 0, if AOLDL counter = 0 SafetyAlert()[AOLDL] = 1
Decrement AOLDL counter by one after each AOLD:Counter Dec Delay period
SafetyStatus()[AOLD] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1
DSG FET is disabled. Increment AOLDL counter
SafetyAlert()[AOLDL] = 0 SafetyStatus()[AOLDL] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1
DSG FET is disabled.
SafetyStatus()[AOLD] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0 DSG FET returns to normal if SafetyStatus[AOLDL] = 0.
SafetyStatus()[AOLDL] = 0
Reset AOLDL counter OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0 DSG FET returns to normal if SafetyStatus()[AOLD] = 0.
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This register is representative of the bq769x0 PROTECT 2 register.
Hardware-Based Protection
Class Subclass Name Type Min Max Default Unit
Protections AOLD Threshold and Delay H1 0x00 0xFF 0x00 — Protections AOLD Latch Limit U1 0 255 0 counts Protections AOLD Counter Dec Delay U1 0 255 10 s Protections AOLD Recovery U1 0 255 5 s Protections AOLD Reset U1 0 255 15 s
Class Subclass Name Format
Settings AOLD
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Threshold and
Hex 1 0x00 0xFF 0x00
Size in
Min Max Default Unit
RSVD (Bit 7): Reserved. Do not use. OCD_D2:0 (Bits 6–4): OCD Thresholds Delay Time
000 = 8 ms 001 = 20 ms 010 = 40 ms 011 = 80 ms 100 = 160 ms 101 = 320 ms 110 = 640 ms 111 = 1280 ms
OCD_T3:0 (Bits 3–0): OCD Thresholds with RSNS = 1
0000 = 17 mv 0001 = 22 mv 0010 = 28 mv 0011 = 33 mv 0100 = 39 mv 0101 = 44 mv 0110 = 50 mv 0111 = 56 mv 1000 = 61 mv 1001 = 67 mv 1010 = 72 mv 1011 = 78 mv 1100 = 83 mv 1101 = 89 mv 1110 = 94 mv 1111 = 100 mv
OCD_T3:0 (Bits 3–0): OCD Thresholds with RSNS = 0
0000 = 8 mv 0001 = 11 mv
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Hardware-Based Protection
0010 = 14 mv 0011 = 17 mv 0100 = 19 mv 0101 = 25 mv 0110 = 28 mv 0111 = 31 mv 1000 = 31 mv 1001 = 33 mv 1010 = 36 mv 1011 = 39 mv 1100 = 42 mv 1101 = 44 mv 1110 = 47 mv 1111 = 50 mv

3.6.2 Short Circuit in Discharge Protection

The device has a hardware-based short circuit in discharge protection with adjustable current and delay. See Section 3.1.4 for additional FET action options.
Status Condition Action
Alert ASCDL counter > 0
Latch ASCD counter ASCD:Latch Limit
Latch Reset
Current() > (ASCD Threshold and Delay[2:0]/R
Current() continuous (ASCD Threshold and Delay[2:0]/R and Delay[7:4] duration
SafetyStatus()[ASCD] = 1 for
ASCD:Recovery time OR If Protection Configuration [LPEN] = 1 AND AFEStatus()[LOAD_PRESENT] = 0
SafetyStatus()[ASCDL] = 1 for ASCD:Reset time
) for ASCD Threshold
SafetyAlert()[ASCDL] = 0, if ASCDL counter = 0 SafetyAlert()[ASCDL] = 1
Decrement ASCDL counter by one after each SCD:Counter Dec Delay period
SafetyStatus()[ASCD] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1
DSG FET is disabled. Increment ASCDL counter
SafetyStatus()[ASCD] = 0 SafetyStatus()[ASCDL] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1
DSG FET is disabled.
SafetyStatus()[ASCD] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0 DSG FET returns to normal if SafetyStatus()[ASCDL] = 0.
SafetyStatus()[ASCDL] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0
DSG FET returns to normal if SafetyStatus()[ASCD] = 0.
Class Subclass Name Type Min Max Default Unit
Protections ASCD Threshold and Delay H1 0x00 0xFF 0x00 — Protections ASCD Latch Limit U1 0 255 0 counts Protections ASCD Counter Dec Delay U1 0 255 10 s Protections ASCD Recovery U1 0 255 5 s Protections ASCD Reset U1 0 255 15 s
This register is representative of the bq769x0 PROTECT 1 register.
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Hardware-Based Protection
Class Subclass Name Format
Settings ASCD
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
LEGEND: RSVD = Reserved Location
Threshold and
Hex 1 0x00 0xFF 0x00
Size in
Min Max Default Unit
RSNS (Bit 7): AOLD and ASCD Thresholds Divisor
0 = 0.5 × AFE Protection Thresholds (default) 1 = Normal AFE Protection Thresholds
RSVD (Bits 6–5): Reserved. Do not use. SCD_D1:0 (Bits 4–3): ASCD Delay Time
00 = 70 µs 01 = 100 µs 10 = 200 µs 11 = 400 µs
SCD_T2:0 (Bits 2–0): ASCD Thresholds with RSNS = 1
000 = 44 mv 001 = 67 mv 010 = 89 mv 011 = 111 mv 100 = 133 mv 101 = 155 mv 110 = 178 mv 111 = 200 mv
SCD_T2:0 (Bits 2–0): ASCD Thresholds with RSNS = 0
000 = 22 mv 001 = 33 mv 010 = 44 mv 011 = 56 mv 100 = 67 mv 101 = 78 mv 110 = 89 mv 111 = 100 mv

3.6.3 AFE ALERT OVRD Protection

The device can detect an external override signal sent to the companion bq769x0 AFE that can cause permanent failure of the battery. This new option provides a temporary fault detection that acts on the FETs. The permanent failure option is not affected by this change.
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Temperature Protections
Status Condition Action
Normal AFESysStat() [OVRD_ALERT] = 0 SafetyAlert()[AFE_OVRD] = 0
Alert AFESysStat() [OVRD_ALERT] = 1 SafetyAlert()[AFE_OVRD] = 1
AFESysStat() [OVRD_ALERT] = 1 for AFE External Override Delay duration
AFESysStat() [OVRD_ALERT] = 0 for AFE External Override Recovery duration

3.7 Temperature Protections

The device provides overtemperature and undertemperature protections based on cell temperature measurements. The cell temperature based protections are further divided into a protection-in-charging direction and discharging directions. This section describes in detail each of the protection functions.
For temperature reporting, the device supports a maximum of either three external thermistors or three internal temperature sensors. The selection of Internal or External temperature sensors is set by Settings:Temperature Enable[SOURCE]. Unused temperature sensors should be disabled by clearing the corresponding flag in Settings:Temperature Enable[TS3][TS2][TS1].
The Temperature() command returns the cell temperature measurement. The MAC and extended command DAStatus2() also returns the temperature measurement from the enabled temperature sensors and the cell temperature.
The cell temperature based overtemperature and undertemperature safety provide protections in charge and discharge conditions. The battery pack is considered in CHARGE mode when Battery[DSG] = 0, where Current() > Chg Current Threshold. The overtemperature and undertemperature in charging protections are active in this mode. The Battery[DSG] is set to 1 in a NON-CHARGE mode condition, which includes RELAX and DISCHARGE modes. The overtemperature and undertemperature in discharge protections are active in these two modes.
SafetyAlert()[AFE_OVRD] = 0 SafetyStatus()[AFE_OVRD] = 1 OperationStatus()[XCHG, XDSG] = 1
All FETs turn OFF
SafetyAlert()[AFE_OVRD] = 0 SafetyStatus()[AFE_OVRD] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG, XDSG] = 0
CHG and DSG FETs allowed to turn ON

3.7.1 Overtemperature in Charge Protection

The device has an overtemperature protection for cells under charge.
Status Condition Action
Class Subclass Name Type Min Max Default Unit
Protections OTC Threshold I2 –400 1500 550 0.1°C Protections OTC Delay U1 0 255 2 s Protections OTC Recovery I2 –400 1500 500 0.1°C
Cell Temperature in Temperatures() < OTC:Threshold OR not charging
Cell Temperature in Temperatures() OTC:Threshold AND charging
Cell Temperature in Temperatures() OTC:Threshold AND charging for OTC:Delay duration
SafetyStatus()[OTC] AND Cell Temperature in Temperatures() OTC:Recovery
SafetyAlert()[OTC] = 0 SafetyAlert()[OTC] = 1
BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 1 SafetyAlert()[OTC] = 0
SafetyStatus()[OTC] = 1 BatteryStatus()[OTA] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1
Charging disabled if FET Options[OTFET] = 1
SafetyStatus()[OTC] = 0 BatteryStatus()[OTA] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 0
Charging is allowed if FET Options[OTFET] = 1.
SLUUBD3D–September 2015–Revised September 2018
Copyright © 2015–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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3.7.2 Overtemperature in Discharge Protection

The device has an overtemperature protection for cells in DISCHARGE state (that is, non-charging state with BatteryStatus[DSG] = 1).
Status Condition Action
Class Subclass Name Type Min Max Default Unit
Protections OTD Threshold I2 –400 1500 600 0.1°C Protections OTD Delay U1 0 255 2 s Protections OTD Recovery I2 –400 1500 550 0.1°C
Cell Temperature in Temperatures() < OTD:Threshold OR charging
Cell Temperature in Temperatures() OTD:Threshold AND not charging (that is, BatteryStatus[DSG] = 1)
Cell Temperature in Temperatures() OTD:Threshold AND not charging (that is, BatteryStatus[DSG] = 1) for OTD:Delay duration
SafetyStatus()[OTD] AND Cell Temperature in Temperatures() OTD:Recovery
Temperature Protections
SafetyAlert()[OTD] = 0
SafetyAlert()[OTD] = 1
SafetyAlert()[OTD] = 0 SafetyStatus()[OTD] = 1 BatteryStatus()[OTA] = 1
Discharging is disabled AND OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1 if FET Options[OTFET] = 1.
SafetyStatus()[OTD] = 0 BatteryStatus()[OTA] = 0
Discharging is allowed AND OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0 if FET Options[OTFET] = 1.

3.7.3 Undertemperature in Charge Protection

The device has an undertemperature protection for cells in charge direction (that is, with BatteryStatus[DSG] = 0).
Status Condition Action
Normal Temperature() > UTC:Threshold OR not charging SafetyAlert()[UTC] = 0
Alert Temperature() UTC:Threshold AND charging SafetyAlert()[UTC] = 1
Class Subclass Name Type Min Max Default Unit
Protections UTC Threshold I2 –400 1500 0 0.1°C Protections UTC Delay U1 0 255 2 s Protections UTC Recovery I2 –400 1500 50 0.1°C
Temperature() UTC:Threshold AND Charging for UTC:Delay duration
SafetyStatus()[UTC] AND Temperature() UTC:Recovery

3.7.4 Undertemperature in Discharge Protection

The device has an undertemperature protection for cells in DISCHARGE state (that is, non-charging state with BatteryStatus[DSG] = 1).
Status Condition Action
Normal Temperature() > UTD:Threshold OR charging SafetyAlert()[UTD] = 0
Temperature() UTD:Threshold AND Not charging (that is, BatteryStatus[DSG] = 1)
Temperature() UTD:Threshold AND Not charging (that is, BatteryStatus[DSG] = 1) for UTD:Delay duration
SafetyAlert()[UTC] = 0 SafetyStatus()[UTC] = 1 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 1
SafetyStatus()[UTC] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG] = 0
SafetyAlert()[UTD] = 1 SafetyAlert()[UTD] = 0
SafetyStatus()[UTD] = 1 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 1
SLUUBD3D–September 2015–Revised September 2018
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Copyright © 2015–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Temperature Protections
Status Condition Action
Class Subclass Name Type Min Max Default Unit
Protections UTD Threshold I2 –400 1500 0 0.1°C Protections UTD Delay U1 0 255 2 s Protections UTD Recovery I2 –400 1500 50 0.1°C
SafetyStatus()[UTD] AND Temperature() UTD:Recovery

3.7.5 Overtemperature FET Protection

The device has an overtemperature protection to limit the FET temperature.
NOTE: This feature is only available when using the bq76930x or bq76940x device: There is only
one external TS available in the bq76920 and this is used for cell temperature.
Status Condition Action
Normal FETTemperature() < OTF:Threshold SafetyAlert()[OTF] = 0
Alert FETTemperature() OTF:Threshold
FETTemperature() OTF:Threshold for OTF:Delay duration
SafetyStatus()[OTF] AND FETTemperature() OTF:Recovery
SafetyStatus()[UTD] = 0 OperationStatus()[XDSG] = 0
SafetyAlert()[OTF] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 1, [TCA] = 1
SafetyAlert()[OTF] = 0 SafetyStatus()[OTF] = 1 BatteryStatus()[OTA] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 0, [TCA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG][XDSG] = 1,1 if FET
Options[OTFET] = 1
SafetyStatus()[OTF] = 0 BatteryStatus()[OTA] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TDA] = 0, [TCA] = 0 OperationStatus()[XCHG][XDSG] = 0,0

3.8 Precharge Timeout Protection

The device can measure the precharge time and stop charging if it exceeds the adjustable period.
Status Condition Action
Suspend or Recovery Current() < PTO:Suspend Threshold
Trip PTO timer > PTO:Delay
Class Subclass Name Type Min Max Default Unit
Protections PTO Charge Threshold I2 –32768 32767 2000 mA Protections PTO Suspend Threshold I2 –32768 32767 1800 mA Protections PTO Delay U2 0 65535 1800 s Protections PTO Reset I2 –32768 32767 2 mAh
Current() > PTO:Charge Threshold AND ChargingStatus()[PCHG] = 1
SafetyStatus()[PTO] = 1 AND
(Discharge by an amount of PTO:Reset)
Start PTO timer SafetyAlert()[PTOS] = 0
Stop PTO timer SafetyAlert()[PTOS] = 1
Stop PTO timer
SafetyStatus()[PTO] = 1 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 1
Charging is not allowed. Stop and reset PTO timer
SafetyAlert()[PTOS] = 0 SafetyStatus()[PTO] = 0 BatteryStatus()[TCA] = 0
Charging is allowed.
SLUUBD3D–September 2015–Revised September 2018
Copyright © 2015–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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