Texas Instruments bq76925EVM User Manual

User's Guide
SLUU514–July 2011

bq76925EVM Evaluation Module

This user's guide for the bq76925EVM evaluation module can assist designers in their evaluation of the bq76925, Analog Front End for 3- to 6-Series Lithium-Ion Cells. This guide discusses setup and operation of the module and contains schematics, bill of materials, and printed-circuit board layout.
Before designing a battery management system with the bq76925, designers are advised to read the bq76925 data sheet (SLUSAM9).
1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Features ............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Kit Contents ......................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Equipment Requirements ......................................................................................... 4
2 Circuit Details and Configuration .......................................................................................... 6
2.1 Connections ........................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Configuration Jumpers and Switches (J1 – J6, S2, S4) ...................................................... 8
2.3 Pushbuttons (S1, S3) ............................................................................................ 10
2.4 Test Points ........................................................................................................ 10
2.5 bq76925 ........................................................................................................... 11
2.6 MSP430F2122 .................................................................................................... 11
3 Quick-Start Demonstration ............................................................................................... 11
3.1 Evaluation Software and USB-TO-GPIO Adapter ............................................................ 11
3.2 Configuration Switches and Jumpers .......................................................................... 12
3.3 Power to the bq76925EVM ...................................................................................... 12
3.4 Connect USB-TO-GPIO Adapter ............................................................................... 12
3.5 bq76925 Evaluation Software ................................................................................... 13
4 Control Register Demonstration ......................................................................................... 16
4.1 View Control Registers .......................................................................................... 16
4.2 Control Registers Introduction .................................................................................. 18
4.3 Modifying Control Registers ..................................................................................... 19
4.4 Sleep Mode and Wake Up ...................................................................................... 19
5 Control Panel Demonstration ............................................................................................ 21
5.1 Access to the Control Panel .................................................................................... 21
5.2 Measurement Tab ................................................................................................ 22
5.3 Analog Output Section ........................................................................................... 22
5.4 VCOUT Readings ................................................................................................ 23
5.5 VIOUT Readings .................................................................................................. 23
5.6 Auto Control ....................................................................................................... 23
5.7 EEPROM Correction Registers ................................................................................. 24
5.8 Startup Config Tab ............................................................................................... 24
5.9 Configuration Control ............................................................................................ 24
5.10 Power Control ..................................................................................................... 25
5.11 Logging Tab ....................................................................................................... 25
5.12 Log File ............................................................................................................ 26
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5.13 Log File Options .................................................................................................. 26
5.14 Enable/Disable Logging ......................................................................................... 26
5.15 Log File Example ................................................................................................. 26
5.16 Communications Tab ............................................................................................ 27
5.17 Monitor Window ................................................................................................... 27
5.18 Transactions During a Connect to Device Command ....................................................... 28
5.19 I2C .................................................................................................................. 29
5.20 I2C Register Read ................................................................................................ 29
5.21 I2C Register Write ................................................................................................ 29
5.22 I2C Communications With MSP430F2122 .................................................................... 29
5.23 Example of I2C Communications from MSP430F2122 ..................................................... 30
6 3-, 4-, and 5-Cell Operation .............................................................................................. 31
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 31
6.2 Using Onboard Cell Simulator .................................................................................. 31
6.3 Five-Cell Operation ............................................................................................... 31
6.4 Four-Cell Operation .............................................................................................. 32
6.5 Three-Cell Operation ............................................................................................. 32
7 Operation With Cells ...................................................................................................... 32
7.1 Preparing Circuit for Operation ................................................................................. 32
7.2 Battery Connection Sequence .................................................................................. 33
7.3 Six-Cell Operation ................................................................................................ 33
7.4 Five-Cell Operation ............................................................................................... 33
7.5 Four-Cell Operation .............................................................................................. 33
7.6 Three-Cell Operation ............................................................................................. 34
7.7 Battery Removal Sequence ..................................................................................... 34
8 Schematic and Bill of Materials .......................................................................................... 34
8.1 Schematics ........................................................................................................ 35
8.2 Bill of Materials .................................................................................................... 37
9 Printed-Circuit Board ...................................................................................................... 38
List of Figures
1 Home Screen of the Evaluation Software.............................................................................. 13
2 Poll Button in the Evaluation Software.................................................................................. 13
3 Poll Button in the Evaluation Software.................................................................................. 14
4 Demo With Two Power Supplies........................................................................................ 15
5 Voltage, Temperature, and Current Measurement in the Evaluation Software ................................... 15
6 Select Cell Count Set to Three Cells ................................................................................... 16
7 Volatile Control Registers Checkbox.................................................................................... 16
8 Volatile Control Registers Access....................................................................................... 17
9 Volatile Control Registers Bit Legend................................................................................... 18
10 Sleep Mode Showing 3.3-V Status...................................................................................... 20
11 Wake Up From Sleep Mode ............................................................................................. 20
12 Open Control Panel ....................................................................................................... 21
13 Control Panel Details ..................................................................................................... 21
14 Measurement Tab in the Control Panel ................................................................................ 22
15 Startup Config Tab in the Control Panel................................................................................ 24
16 Change to the Current Comparator Threshold to 175 mV at Start-Up............................................. 25
17 The Logging Tab .......................................................................................................... 26
18 Communications Tab ..................................................................................................... 27
19 Schematic – Page 1 of 4 ................................................................................................. 35
20 Schematic – Page 2 of 4 ................................................................................................. 36
21 Schematic – Page 3 of 4 ................................................................................................. 36
22 Schematic – Page 4 of 4 ................................................................................................. 37
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23 Top Silkscreen Layer ..................................................................................................... 38
24 Top Copper Layer......................................................................................................... 39
25 Inner Copper Layer........................................................................................................ 39
26 Inner Copper Layer........................................................................................................ 40
27 Bottom Copper Layer ..................................................................................................... 40
28 Drill Drawing................................................................................................................ 41
1 Cell Voltage Connections.................................................................................................. 7
2 USB Interface Connection ................................................................................................. 7
3 JTAG Interface Connection................................................................................................ 8
4 Pack Status Connection.................................................................................................... 8
5 J1, BAT Pin Circuit Configuration......................................................................................... 8
6 J2, VCTL Pin Circuit Configuration ...................................................................................... 8
7 J3, V3P3 Pin Circuit Configuration ....................................................................................... 9
8 J4, V3P3 Pin Capacitor Circuit Configuration........................................................................... 9
9 J5, SENSEP Pin Circuit Configuration................................................................................... 9
10 J6, DVCC Pin Circuit Configuration ...................................................................................... 9
11 DIP Switch, S4 .............................................................................................................. 9
12 DIP Switch, S2............................................................................................................. 10
13 Test Points ................................................................................................................. 10
14 Circuit Configuration ...................................................................................................... 12
15 Default Register Values .................................................................................................. 18
16 Formulas to Convert VCOUT to either °C or mV...................................................................... 23
17 Example Log File.......................................................................................................... 26
18 Example of a Device Connect Command.............................................................................. 28
19 Data From MSP430F2122 ............................................................................................... 29
20 Example of a Device Connect Command.............................................................................. 30
21 Bill of Materials............................................................................................................. 37
List of Tables
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1 Overview

This section describes the features of the bq76925EVM and the equipment that is typically required to demonstrate and use the EVM.

1.1 Features

A summary of the features of the bq76925EVM follows.
One bq76925 and one MSP430F2122 device with associated support circuitry
Support for 3-to 6-series connected cellsPluggable terminal block for cell connections, or
Onboard simulation of cells for operation from a power supply
bq76925 circuit is jumper configurable for internal or external 3.3-V source
MSP430 application circuit includesJTAG connector
Reset and SOC buttonsFour, controllable LEDsI2Cinterface to bq76925 and to USB-to-GPIOPack status connector
Supports nominal 4.2-V to 26.4-V pack voltages, 30 V maximum
20-A continuous charge/discharge current rating0.001-Ω (equivalent) shunt resistor
High-current, stud-type connections for battery power and pack power
Onboard thermistor for temperature measurement
Transient voltage protection of PACK± terminals
Connector for USB-TO-GPIO Adapter
Test points for monitoring of cell voltages and other important circuit nets
EVM design files in Mentor GraphicsPADs2009 format available on request
Gerber files available on request

1.2 Kit Contents

The bq76925EVM includes the PWR008 printed-circuit board (PCB). Evaluation software is downloadable from the Texas Instruments Web site (www.ti.com).

1.3 Equipment Requirements

The bq76925EVM includes one PCB containing a bq76925 application circuit. The following equipment and software are typically needed for operation. Some items depend on the usage case.
1.3.1 bq76925 Evaluation Software
The bq76925 Evaluation Software is the MicrosoftWindowsapplication that controls and interfaces with the bq76925. Installation of this software on a compatible personal computer (PC) is required. The installation file can be found on the product page for the bq76925 on the Texas Instruments Web site.
1.3.2 Microsoft Windows-Compatible Computer
The minimum requirement for the PC and operating system are as follows:
PentiumIII class or better processor at 1.6 GHz
Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, or later (32-bit OS)
512 MB or more RAM
15 MB of free hard-disk space
CD-ROM drive
AdobeReader5.0 or later
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A color monitor with 1024 × 768 or better resolution
1.3.3 USB-TO-GPIO Adapter
The USB-TO-GPIO Adapter is actually an EVM available from Texas Instruments. It is used to provide the I2C connection between the bq76925 and the PC.
The USB-TO-GPIO Adapter original firmware is 1.0.10. Firmware version
2.0.19 or later must be installed using the USB-TO-GPIO Firmware Updater software available (free) on the TI Web site at
1.3.4 Power Supply for Onboard Cell Simulator
A resistor divider network is provided on the bq76925EVM to simulate cells. This allows basic evaluation of the bq76925 without the use of cells. In this case, a power supply connected between BATT+ and BATT– is required to power the resistor network. A 24-V power supply with a current capability of 100 mA is required to power the circuit .
1.3.5 Power Supply for Simulation of Current
A second power supply is used to simulate battery current. The bq76925 expects a sense resistor value of
0.001 Ω and 1 mV is equal to 1 A. A jumper (J5) allows the sense resistor to be disconnected from the
current input of the bq76925 and be replaced with a millivolt source. A power supply that can accurately provide up to 100 mV can allow for simulated testing of up to 100 A without actually running this dangerously high current.
1.3.6 Battery
Lithium-ion, rechargeable-type cells can be used with this EVM. Typical cell voltage rating is 3.3 V to 3.7 V nominal and the pack consists of 3- to 6-series connected cells. Almost all Lithium-ion chemistries can be used with the bq76925.
This EVM has no battery current control devices (MOSFETs) that can stop the flow of charge or discharge current in the event that a dangerous condition is induced through discharging or charging of a battery. Exercise extreme caution when using a battery with this EVM.
1.3.7 Power Supply to Charge Battery
A power supply can be connected to the PACK± terminals to provide charge current if a battery is connected to the BATT± inputs.
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Circuit Details and Configuration
Use caution when mating batteries with a charger power supply. Some power supplies cannot tolerate current being fed into their output terminals. A battery connected to a power supply can easily cause this to happen. A properly sized blocking diode connected to the positive output voltage of the power supply can provide adequate protection against backfeed from the battery and into the power supply electronics.
1.3.8 Electronic Load
An electronic load is often needed to sink current or power from the battery and through the EVM. A constant-current load provides a good means of evaluating the performance of the bq76925 when a battery is used. Equipment rating depends on the application. Typical criteria for electronic load selection are a voltage rating of up to 4.5 V/cell and up to 20-A discharge capability with 10-mA resolution.
1.3.9 Digital Multimeter
One or two digital multimeters (DMM) capable of voltage, current, and temperature measurement equal to or greater than the accuracy ratings of the bq76925 are needed for adequate evaluation. Numerous test clips on the PCB can accept a DMM.
1.3.10 Oscilloscope
An oscilloscope may be needed if evaluation of waveforms or timing measurements is required. Typical waveforms that a user may be interested in are the I2C signals (100 kHz), cell-balancing waveforms or capture of the activation time of the ALERT signal after an overcurrent event may be of interest. These signals can happen down to the 10s of microseconds time base.

2 Circuit Details and Configuration

This section highlights the important features of the EVM circuit, gives some operating instructions, and also provides a description of the connector pin assignments. Read through this section before using the EVM for the first time.
Do not connect the battery, power supplies, or interface at this time. Wait until the next section.

2.1 Connections

Pin 1 on all multisignal-pin headers is indicated by a square solder pad.
2.1.1 BATT+, BATT– (CN1, CN2)
These connections connect the battery terminals to the circuit. The positive, current-carrying connection of the battery connects to the BATT+ terminal (CN1). The negative, current-carrying connection of the battery connects to the BATT– terminal (CN2). The BATT± connections are single, heavy-duty screw terminals that feature a 6-32 × 1/4-in.-long screw.
This connector is rated to 30 A, maximum. Actual current is limited to a lower value (20 A) by other circuit board components.
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2.1.2 Cells (CN6)
The cell-sensing wires of the battery pack provide the connection for cell voltage measurement and resistive cell balancing. If the cell count is N, the number of cell wires is N+1.
Header Name Terminal Label Purpose
CN6 4 Cell 3 Cell 3 positive terminal.
2.1.3 PACK+, PACK– (CN3, CN4)
The positive, current-carrying connection of the load or charger connects to the PACK+ terminal (CN3). The negative, current-carrying connection of the load or charger connects to the PACK- terminal (CN4). The PACK± connections are single, heavy-duty screw terminals that feature a 6-32 × 1/4-in. screw. This
connector is rated to 30 A, maximum. Actual current is limited to a lower value (20 A) by other circuit board components.
Circuit Details and Configuration
Table 1. Cell Voltage Connections
1 Cell 6 Cell 6 positive terminal. 2 Cell 5 Cell 5 positive terminal. 3 Cell 4 Cell 4 positive terminal.
5 Cell 2 Cell 2 positive terminal. 6 Cell 1 Cell 1 positive terminal. 7 Cell 0 Cell 1 negative terminal.
2.1.4 USB Interface (CN8)
The USB interface connector (CN8) is for connection to the USB-TO-GPIO Adapter. The pin assignment is as follows:
Header Name Terminal Label Purpose
CN8 1 V3P3 Monitor and Input
2.1.5 JTAG Interface (CN7)
The JTAG Interface connector (CN7) is for connection to an MSP430 programmer, such as the MSP-FET430UIF. Use of this connector is not required for evaluation of the bq76925. This header is for those users who wish to write code for the MSP430F2122 resident on the EVM. The pin assignment is as follows:
Table 2. USB Interface Connection
2 ALERT Output 3 None 4 None 5 +3.3V Output 6 Ground 7 None 8 None 9 I2C Clock (SCL)
10 I2C Data (SDA)
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Circuit Details and Configuration
Header Name Terminal Label Purpose
2.1.6 Pack Status (CN5)
The Pack Status header is provided as a convenience for those users desiring to develop firmware for the MSP430. The default firmware does not use these pins. This connector can be used for GPIO or for an SPI interface. Total current sourcing from these pins must be limited such that the current rating of the
3.3-V source of the bq76925 circuit is not exceeded. Consult the data sheet for details.
Table 3. JTAG Interface Connection
Table 4. Pack Status Connection
Header Name Terminal Label Purpose
Silkscreen on the board incorrectly reads RXD

2.2 Configuration Jumpers and Switches (J1 – J6, S2, S4)

Two- and three-terminal headers allow the user to configure the operation of the EVM by installing a shunt at the header. The description of each jumper header is shown in the following tables. Shunts are provided with the EVM in the default position.
Table 5. J1, BAT Pin Circuit Configuration
Header Name Position Purpose
1 - 2 Zener diode and series diode in BAT pin circuit
2 - 3 Only series resistor in BAT pin circuit.
Table 6. J2, VCTL Pin Circuit Configuration
Header Name Position Purpose
1 - 2 Internal V3P3 selected. Not recommended when
2 - 3 External V3P3 selected. (default)
SOC LEDs are being used.
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Table 7. J3, V3P3 Pin Circuit Configuration
Header Name Position Purpose
1 - 2 External V3P3 source in circuit (default). OFF External V3P3 source in circuit
Table 8. J4, V3P3 Pin Capacitor Circuit Configuration
Header Name Position Purpose
1 - 2 External V3P3 source in circuit 1-µF + 4.7-µF
OFF Internal V3P3 source in circuit and 1-µF capacitance
capacitance used (default).
Table 9. J5, SENSEP Pin Circuit Configuration
Header Name Position Purpose
1 - 2 SENSEP connected to sense resistor for normal operation
OFF SENSEP disconnected from sense resistor. This is a test mode
operation where a mV source is applied to J5:pin 1 for simulation of current.
Circuit Details and Configuration
Table 10. J6, DVCC Pin Circuit Configuration
Header Name Position Purpose
1 - 2 Power to MSP430 during programming is from VCC-Tool. (default) 2 - 3 Power to MSP430 during programming is from VCC-Target.
2.2.1 Cell Simulator DIP Switch (S4)
The eight-position DIP switch (S4) allows the user to simulate cell-voltage inputs to the bq76925 rather than supply actual cell voltages. See Table 11 for details of the operation of the DIP switch.
Use silkscreen labeling and square pin 1 pad to determine orientation and operation of the eight-position DIP switch. Ignore numbers actually printed on the switch.
All S4 dip switches must be opened when using a battery with the EVM.
Switch Terminal Label Purpose
S4 1 Battery Switch to connect power supply to resistor network. Closure
2 Cell 6 Applies simulated cell voltage to VC6. 3 Cell 5 Applies simulated cell voltage to VC5. 4 Cell 4 Applies simulated cell voltage to VC4. 5 Cell 3 Applies simulated cell voltage to VC3. 6 Cell 2 Applies simulated cell voltage to VC2. 7 Cell 1 Applies simulated cell voltage to VC1. 8 Cell 0 Applies simulated cell voltage to VC0.
Table 11. DIP Switch, S4
activates LED D13.
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Circuit Details and Configuration
2.2.2 Circuit Isolation DIP Switch (S2)
The eight-position DIP switch (S2) allows the user to isolate the MSP430 circuit from the bq76925 circuit. Circuit isolation may be needed to measure some performance characteristics of the bq76925 or during MSP430 programming.
Use silkscreen labeling and square pin 1 pad to determine orientation and operation of the eight-position DIP switch. Ignore numbers actually printed on the switch.
Switch Name Terminal Label Purpose
S2 1 V3P3 Controls application of V3P3 from bq76925 to MSP430
2 Therm Isolates the THERM circuit when opened. 3 VCOUT Isolates the VCOUT circuit when opened. 4 VIOUT Isolates the VIOUT circuit when opened. 5 SDA Isolates the SDA circuit when opened. 6 SCL Isolates the SCL circuit when opened. 7 ALERT Isolates the ALERT circuit when opened. 8 VRef Isolates the VREF circuit when opened.
Table 12. DIP Switch, S2

2.3 Pushbuttons (S1, S3)

The two pushbuttons on the EVM are normally open, momentary-style buttons. The pushbutton labeled RESET (S1) is the reset button for the MSP430. Pressing this button restarts the MSP430.
The pushbutton labeled LEDs (S3) is intended to be a display control for the state of charge (SOC) display formed by the four LEDs (D8 –D11). Pressing this button triggers an input on the MSP430 that incrementally lights the four LEDs – despite what the actual SOC of the battery may be that is connected to the EVM. This is the default functionality defined by the firmware. The user can choose to use the pushbutton in another way by creating new firmware for the MSP430.

2.4 Test Points

Twenty-nine test loops are located on the EVM. Table 13 names the circuit connected to each test point. The first 20 test points correspond one-to-one to the pin number on the bq76925.
Table 13. Test Points
Label Ground Reference Test Point
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Quick-Start Demonstration
Table 13. Test Points (continued)
Label Ground Reference Test Point
TP13 ALERT TP14 VIOUT TP15 VCOUT TP16 VTB TP17 VREF TP18 SDA TP19 SCL TP20 V3P3 TP21 BATT+ TP22 PACK– TP23 P2.5 ON MSP430 TP24 P3.7 ON MSP430 TP25 P3.5 ON MSP430 TP26 P3.4 ON MSP430 TP27 P3.0 ON MSP430 TP28 VSS TP29 VSS

2.5 bq76925

The bq76925 application circuit provided allows for complete evaluation of the device performance with 3-, 4-, 5-, or 6-cell battery packs. Cell voltages, battery current, and temperature can be monitored. Monitoring is possible with the firmware that is preloaded into the MSP430 microcontroller and with the bq76925 Evaluation Software provided. Alternatively, the user can develop a custom system if desired.

2.6 MSP430F2122

The MSP430F2122 application circuit is provided to read the analog signals from the bq76925 and make them available for reading over the I2C bus by the bq76925 Evaluation Software. The MSP430 circuitry is designed to allow the user to create custom firmware if desired.

3 Quick-Start Demonstration

This section demonstrates the measurement system of the bq76925 using the onboard cell simulator. To quickly get the bq76925EVM up and running, follow the instructions in this section. The following
equipment and software are required:
bq76925EVM Evaluation Module
A 24-Vdc power supply
Power supply capable of up to 100 mV and at least 100 mA of drive capability.
PC with MS Windows operating system
bq76925 Evaluation Software

3.1 Evaluation Software and USB-TO-GPIO Adapter

The bq76925 Evaluation Software and the USB-TO-GPIO Adapter must be installed and set up. The USB-TO-GPIO Adapter is an EVM that is sold separately from the bq76925EVM. The firmware in it
must be changed to work with the bq76925 because this EVM was developed for generic applications. Go to the TI Web site to download the firmware loader.
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Quick-Start Demonstration
With the USB-TO-GPIO Adapter connected to the PC, follow the instructions included with the firmware loader software, and change the firmware version to 2.0.19. All necessary files are included with the USB-TO-GPIO Firmware Updater.
If the firmware download fails, do not disconnect the USB-TO-GPIO Adapter. Try to load the firmware again until it is successful. Removing power after a failed download can permanently damage the USB-TO-GPIO Adapter.
The bq76925 Evaluation Software is free to download from the product page for the bq76925 on the TI Web site. Follow the installation instructions in the install package.

3.2 Configuration Switches and Jumpers

Before applying any power to the board, ensure that all of the jumpers and switches are set up correctly for this demonstration. A summary of all of the jumper and switch positions appears in Table 14.
Table 14. Circuit Configuration
Header Shunt or Switch Notes
Name Position
J1 1 – 2 Zener and blocking diode on BAT Pin J2 2 – 3 External Pass Transistor enabled J3 ON External Pass Transistor enabled J4 ON 5.7- µF capacitance on V3P3 pin. J5 ON Normal mode
J6 1 – 2 VCC from Tool S2 ON All eight switches to the closed position. S4 ON All eight switches to the closed position.

3.3 Power to the bq76925EVM

Ensure that the configuration described in Table 14 has been verified. The bq76925EVM must be powered from a power supply for this demonstration. The power supply drives
an onboard cell simulator as well as powers the bq76925 and MSP430 circuitry. No battery is required at this point.
Connect a 24-V power supply with current drive of at least 100 mA between the BATT+ and BATT–. Turn on the output of the power supply.
On application of power, the red LED, D13, illuminates. A voltmeter can be used to verify that the 3.3-V output is working. Place the voltmeter between test points
TP20 and TP10.

3.4 Connect USB-TO-GPIO Adapter

Connect the USB cable provided with the USB-TO-GPIO Adapter between the PC with the Evaluation Software installed on it and the USB-TO-GPIO Adapter.
The green LED near the USB connector illuminates to indicate that the USB-TO-GPIO Adapter is properly connected. Because of the marginal mechanical design of the case, the USB connection can sometimes become intermittent. The green LED is a good indication if a connection problem exists.
Connect the ribbon cable provided with the USB-TO-GPIO Adapter from it to header CN8 on the bq76925EVM. The red LED, D12, illuminates.
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3.5 bq76925 Evaluation Software

3.5.1 Open the Application
Having followed the instructions in the previous sections, open the bq76925 Evaluation Software. The following screen appears (Figure 1). This main screen is often referred to as the home screen.
Quick-Start Demonstration
3.5.2 Start Polling Data
Data from the bq76925 can be polled and displayed in the application. To start polling, click on the Poll button.
With polling active, the cell voltages and temperatures update on a periodic basis. The poll indicator light next to the word POLL flashes between green and orange for each poll cycle.
Figure 1. Home Screen of the Evaluation Software
Figure 2. Poll Button in the Evaluation Software.
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Quick-Start Demonstration
Figure 3. Poll Button in the Evaluation Software
3.5.3 Add Second Power Supply to Simulate Current
One way to easily simulate battery current is to apply a millivolt source to the current-sense inputs of the bq76925. Tens of amperes can be simulated where each 10 mV is equal to 10 amperes.
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