The bq51020EVM-520 (PWR520-002) wireless power receiver evaluation kit (EVM) from TI is a high
performance, easy-to-use development kit for the design of wireless power solutions. It helps designers to
evaluate the operation and performance of the bq51020 IC, a secondary-side receiver device for wireless
power transfer in portable applications. The bq51020 device is a fully-contained, wireless power receiver
capable of operating in WPC v1.1 protocol which allows a wireless power system to deliver up to 5 W to
the system when used with a Qi inductive transmitter. The bq51020 device provides a single device power
conversion (rectification and regulation) as well as the digital control and communication for WPC
specification. The kit enables designers to speed up the development of their end-applications.
3bq51020EVM-520 Bill of Materials ...................................................................................... 20
The bq51020 is an advanced, flexible, secondary-side device for wireless power transfer in portable
applications. The bq51020 device integrates an ultra-low-impedance synchronous rectifier, a very-highefficiency post regulator, digital control, and accurate voltage and current loops. The bq51020 devices
provide the AC/DC power conversion while integrating the digital control required. The IC complies with
the WPC v1.1 communication protocol.
Together with the bq500xxx primary-side controller transmitter, the bq51020 enables a complete
contactless power transfer system for a wireless power supply solution. By utilizing near-field inductive
power transfer, the secondary coil embedded in the mobile device can pick up the power transmitted by
the primary coil. The voltage from the secondary coil is then rectified and regulated to be used as a power
supply for down-system electronics. Global feedback is established from the secondary to the primary in
order to control the power transfer process.
A WPC system communication is digital -– packets are transferred from the secondary to the primary.
Differential bi-phase encoding is used for the packets. The bit rate is 2Kbps. Various types of
communication packets have been defined. These include identification and authentication packets, error
packets, control packets, power usage packets and efficiency packets, among others.
List of Tables
2Considerations with this EVM
The bq51020EVM-520 evaluation module (PWR520-002) demonstrates the receiver portion of the
wireless power system. This receiver EVM is a complete receiver-side solution that produces 5-W output
power at up to 1-A load with adjustable output voltage.
•The receiver can be used in any number of low-power battery portable devices as a power supply for a
battery charger. With contact-free charging capability, no connections to the device are needed.
•Highly-integrated wireless power receiver solution
– Ultra-efficient synchronous rectifier
– Very-high efficiency post regulator
– WPC v1.1-compliant communication and control
– Only one IC required between RX coil and DC output
•Programmable output voltage to optimize performance for application
•Adaptive Communication current limit (CM_ ILIM) for robust communication.
•Room above coil for testing with battery, key for Foreign Object Detection (FOD) tuning
•Options to adjust the input current limit and output voltage using resistors
•Flexibility for Foreign Object Detection (FOD) tuning
•Adjustable resistor that can be used to set RFOD
•Temperature sensing can be adjusted using external resistors
•Micro-USB connector for adapter testing configuration
•WPG LED indicator (turns on as V
•PD_DET LED indicator --turns on as the RX is on TX pad
See the data sheet (SLUSBX1) when changing components. To aid in such customization of the EVM, the
board was designed with devices having 0402 and 0603 or larger footprints. A real implementation likely
occupies less total board space.
Note that changing components can improve or degrade EVM performance.
4Recommended Operation Condition
Table 1 provides a summary of the bq51020EVM-520 performance specifications. All specifications are
The output voltage can be adjusted using V
operation of the EVM.
RECT input voltage range4.010.0V
Sink current1mA
Input current range1.5A
Output current rangeCurrent limit programming range1.5A
Programmable output voltage
Switching frequencyWPC110205kHz
Junction temperature125°C
= 5 W4.58V
resistors. Also the coil needs to change for different voltage for optimal
SLUUB03–April 2014bq51020EVM (5-W WPC) Integrated Wireless Receiver Power Supply
bq51020EVM (5-W WPC) Integrated Wireless Receiver Power SupplySLUUB03–April 2014
5.2Connector Descriptions
The connections points are described in the following paragraphs.
5.2.1J1 – AD External Adapter Input
Power can be provided to simulate an external adapter applied to the receiver in this bq51020EVM-520
5.2.2J2 – Programming Connector
This connector is populated and is for factory use only
5.2.3J3 – Output Voltage
Output voltage in wireless power mode up to 1 A; the adapter option is also supported in this PWR520-
5.2.4J4 –GND
Ground return
5.2.5J5 – TS/CTRL and Return Connector
External connection for temperature sense resistor, see data sheet for additional information. Not
populated in this spin.
Equipment and EVM Setup
5.3Jumpers and Switches
The control jumpers are described in the following paragraphs.
5.3.1JP1– ILIM (FIX or ADJ)
Maximum output current is set by the ILIM pin. In the FIX position, the current is set to a fixed value of R4
plus RFOD. In the ADJ position, current is set by R5. Note that R5 is not populated in this EVM.
5.3.2JP2 – CM_ILIM
Enables CM_ILIM feature when pulled low and disable when pulled up.
5.3.3JP3 – EN1 (Low and High)
EN1 pin, set High using external power supply connected to TP6 .
5.3.4JP4 – EN2 (Low and High)
EN2 pin, set High using external power supply connected to TP6.
5.4Test Point Descriptions
The test points are described in the following paragraphs.
5.4.1TP1 and TP2 – AC1 and AC2 Inputs
This are not populated, they can be used for measuring AC voltage applied to the EVM from the receiver
5.4.2TP3– Rectified Voltage
The input AC voltage is rectified into unregulated DC voltage (V
); additional capacitance is used to
filter the voltage before the regulator.
SLUUB03–April 2014bq51020EVM (5-W WPC) Integrated Wireless Receiver Power Supply
VXXX :External voltage supply name (VADP, VTS, V
LOADW:External load name (LOADR, LOADI)
V(TPyy):Voltage at internal test point TPyy. For example, V(TP02) means the voltage at TP02.
V(Jxx):Voltage at header Jxx
V(TP(XXX)):Voltage at test point XXX. For example, V(ACDET) means the voltage at the test
point which is marked as ACDET.
V(XXX, YYY):Voltage across point XXX and YYY.
I(JXX(YYY)):Current going out from the YYY terminal of header XX.
Jxx(BBB):Terminal or pin BBB of header xx.
JPx ON :Internal jumper Jxx terminals are shorted.
JPx OFF:Internal jumper Jxx terminals are open.
JPx (-YY-) ON:Internal jumper Jxx adjacent terminals marked as YY are shorted.
Assembly drawings have locations for jumpers, test points, and individual components.
6.2Recommended Test Equipment
The following equipment is needed to complete this test procedure:
Power Supplies
•Power Supply #1 (PS #1) capable of supplying 19 V at 1 A is required
•Power Supply #2 (PS #2) capable of supplying 5 V at 1 A is required
•Power Supply #3 (PS #3) capable of supplying 5 V at 1 A is required
•A resistive load or electronic load that can be set to 5 Ω/1000 mA, 10 Ω/500 mA, and 5 kΩ/1 mA. The
power rating should be 5 W.
•Two DC voltmeters and two DC ammeters
•Not required
bqTesla Transmitter
•The HPA689 transmitter or equivalent is used for the final test.
Recommended Wire Gauge
•For proper operation, TI recommends 22-AWG wire.
6.3Equipment Setup
The following items ensure proper equipment setup:
Test Set Up
•The final assembly will be tested using a bqTesla transmitter – provided (HPA689). Input voltage to the
transmitter is set to 19 VDC ±200 mV, with a current limit of 1.0 A.
•Connect power supply to J1 and J2 of the transmitter, HPA689
•Set power supply to OFF
•Place unit under test (UUT) on the transmitter coil
•UUT will be placed in the center of the HPA689 TX coil. Other bqTesla transmitter base units are also
acceptable for this test (ensure the correct input voltage is applied).
•The load is connected between J3-OUT and J4-GND of the UUT
SLUUB03–April 2014bq51020EVM (5-W WPC) Integrated Wireless Receiver Power Supply
•Connect the ammeter to measure 19-V input current to the transmitter. Connect the voltmeter to
monitor the input voltage at J1 and J2 of TX unit. On UUT a voltmeter is used to measure output
voltage at J3 with ground at J4. Connect the ammeter to measure load current.
RFOD: R6 Set Up
•Connect the ohmmeter between JP5 (FOD) and J4 (GND). Adjust R6 to a 495 Ω reading on the
•NOTE: Sometimes the multimeter cannot read the more than 430 Ω from the FOD resistor due to
charged up capacitors in the board. If that happens, use a twizer and short C15 for few seconds, then
measure again.
The following operating procedures are provided at a variety of operating loads:
Turn ON Operation and Operation at 1000-mA Load
•Turn ON transmitter power supply (19 V)
•Transmitter – Verify LED D2 is ON
•UUT – Adjust load current to 1000 mA ±50 mA
•Put the receiver EVM on the transmitter coil and align them correctly
•After 5 seconds verify that:
– Transmitter – Status LED D5 should be green, flashing approximately every 1 second
– The transmitter should beep
– Transmitter – LED D2 still ON
– Receiver – LED D1 is ON
– UUT – Verify that V
– UUT – Verify that the rectified voltage is 5 V to 5.4 V (between TP3 and GND) NOTE: a modulation
signal is present on this voltage every 250 ms and may cause fluctuation in the reading: use lower
value or baseline.
Efficiency Test (1000-mA Load)
•Verify that input current to the TX is less than 500 mA with input voltage at 19 VDC
•Turn OFF the transmitter power supply (19 V)
Turn ON Operation and Operation at 500-mA Load
•Turn ON the transmitter power supply (19 V)
•Transmitter – Verify LED D2 is ON
•UUT – Adjust load current to 500 mA ±50 mA
•Put the receiver EVM on the transmitter coil and align them correctly
•After 5 seconds verify that:
– Transmitter – Status LED D5 should be green, flashing approximately every 1 second.
– The transmitter should beep
– Transmitter – LED D2 still ON
is 4.9 V to 5.15 V (between J3 and J4)
bq51020EVM (5-W WPC) Integrated Wireless Receiver Power SupplySLUUB03–April 2014