The bq51013AEVM-765 wireless power receiver evaluation kit from Texas Instruments is a highperformance, easy-to-use development kit for the design of wireless power solutions. Consisting of a 5-V
power supply receiver and associated magnetics, the kit enables designers to speed the development of
their end-applications.
2Bill of Materials.............................................................................................................. 6
The bq51013AEVM-765 evaluation module (EVM) demonstrates the receiver portion of the bqTESLA™
wireless power system. This receiver EVM is a complete receiver-side solution that produces 5 V out at up
to 1 A when coupled with the bqTESLA™ transmitter. The bq51013AEVM-765 device shown on this EVM
along with external components that support the device for a complete solution.
•The bqTESLA™ receiver can be used in any number of low-power battery portable devices as a power
source for charging. With contact-free charging capability, no connections to the device are needed.
•Output voltage of 5 V up to 1 A
•External adapter switchover and control circuit
•Low-profile, external pick-up coil
•Frame is configured to provide correct receiver to transmitter spacing.
•Room above coil for testing with battery, key for tuning
•Adjustable resistor R16 can be used to set max output current
Input VoltageTypical V-rectified voltage at TP1245.58V
Adapter Input Voltage4720V
Input OvervoltageVoltage at V-rectified15V
V J3 to J45V
I J31A
Switching Frequency110205kHz
See the data sheet (SLUSAY6) when changing components. To aid in such customization of the EVM, the
board was designed with devices having 0603 or larger footprints. A real implementation likely occupies
less total board space.
Note that changing components can improve or degrade EVM performance.
4Connector and Test Point Descriptions
4.1Input/Output Connections
The connections points are described in the following paragraphs.
Power can be provided to simulate an external adapter applied to the receiver. When this is done, an End
Power Transfer signal is sent to the transmitter which enters a low power state. External adapter voltage
must be a minimum of 4 V but not exceed 20V.
4.1.2J3 – Output Voltage, J4-GND
Output voltage is 5 V in wireless power mode up to 1 A or adapter voltage if adapter is used.
4.1.3J5 – TS and Return Connector
External connection for Temperature Sense Resistor, see data sheet for additional info.
4.1.4J6 – Programming Connector
This connector is only useful at factory level.
The control jumpers are described in the following paragraphs.
4.2.1JP1 – EN1 Enable 1
One of two Enable signals that controls the Adapter and Wireless power transfer. Low on EN1 enables the
wireless power transfer; High disables the wireless power transfer. The Default Shorting jumper setting is
Connector and Test Point Descriptions
4.2.2JP2 – EN2 Enable 2
One of two Enable signals that controls the Adapter and Wireless power transfer. Low on EN2 enables the
adapter power transfer also High disables Comm-I
4.2.3JP3 – TS Enable or Disable
This jumper enables the TS adjustment feature using R3. The Disable position sets voltage at the TS pin
to a safe value. The Default Shorting jumper setting is disabled
4.2.4JP4 – Pull-Up to Out or Vz
EN1 and EN2 pull-up along with LED D1 can be powered from OUT or RECT. Vz is derived from RECT
through a resistor and zener diode.
4.2.5JP5 – CS100 TS Enable or Disable
Only used for bq51014 device. This jumper along with R14 and R13 will enable the Charge Status 100%
feature. See data sheet for additional info. Open will disable.
4.2.6JP6 – ILIM Fix or ADJ
Max output current is set by I-lim pin. In the FIX position current is set to 1.2A max. In the ADJ position
current is set by R16.
4.3Test Point Descriptions
The test points are described in the following paragraphs.
. Default Shorting jumper setting is Low.
4.3.1TP1 – AD_EN
This push-pull driver for the external PFET connects the Adapter and the Output from the bq51013.
1R165kPotentiometer, 1/4 in. Cermet, 12-Turn,0.25x0.173266W-1-502LFBourns
1Coil, RX with AttractorIWAS-4832FF-50 orVishay or
190 milliOhm1x1.5mm
WR-483250-15M2-G orTDK or
6Test Setup
6.1.1bqTESLA™ Transmitter
Power for the bq51013AEVM-765 receiver EVM is supplied through a bqTESLA™ transmitter
(bq500210EVM-689) or WPC-certified transmitter. The input ac voltage is applied to the receiver through
the coil located in the receiver bottom.
6.1.2Voltage Source
Input power supply to the bqTESLA™ transmitter(bq500210EVM-689) is typically 19 Vdc ±200 mV at 500
mA maximum, but consult transmitter specification. To simulate an external adapter, an additional 5 V at
the 1-A power supply is used.
Output voltage can be monitored at TP7 with a voltmeter. Input current into the load must be monitored
with an appropriate ammeter. Transmitter input current and voltage can be monitored also but the meter
must use averaging function for reducing error due to communications packets.
A single load is required for 5 V with a maximum current of 1 A. The load can be resistive or electronic.
A multichannel oscilloscope with appropriate probes is used to observe the RECT voltage at TP12 and
other signals.
6.1.6Recommended Wire Gauge
For proper operation, 22 AWG wire is recommended when connecting the bq51013AEVM-765EVM to
6.2Equipment Setup
•With the power supply off, connect supply to the bqTESLA™ transmitter.
•Place the bqTESLA™ receiver on the transmitter.
•Connect load to J3 with return to J4, monitor current through load with ammeter, and monitor current to
load at TP7.
•Typical output voltage is 5 V, and the output current range is 0 mA to 1 A.
Test Setup
6.2.1Equipment Setup Diagram
The diagram of Figure 2 shows the equipment test setup.